The Women of SilverSpring 18+

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Millie Meets Vorad

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Millie wanted to talk to Vorad. Maybe if she talked to him, she would be more comfortable later. Though she doubted that. She was screaming inside. What if he doesn't fit me? What if I can't do it?

Vorad could see the anxiety in her eyes, "Please do not hear. We will go slow, I promise you." He took her hand in his, "We will prepare you first, but I have the feeling you want to get to know me more first."

Millie smiles, she was not expecting him to be so understanding, so calm. "I'm sorry, I've never done anything like this before and I know it was my idea and the village is depending on me but I also don't want you to think... I don't want you to think this is a chore for me. I want you to be happy."

Vorad smiled, "You do not have to worry about me." He never liked the raids his people went on in the past but they needed to find females to mate with but the way they went about it was all wrong and never worked. Millie knew of these raids. The entire town knew and that shamed lived in Vorad. "Millie, I am happy with this arrangement," he needed to tell her. He turned to her, as soon as he walked in the house he knew who she was. But telling her that she was his mate would freak her out more than she was already. He wanted her, he wanted her badly and could feel his cock growing just by sitting next to her. He shifted on the bed hoping she would not notice. "I never liked the raids, but we didn't have a choice. We went looking for mates, our mates, but more than that. We needed females to keep our race alive. But the guilt I felt from that, ate away at me."

His voice was soothing and relaxing, which was surprising to her. Millie thought she would be scared with him sitting next to her but the more she talked to him the more relaxed she became. "I never knew that. I mean I wouldn't know that. It must have been difficult for you, well and the women. Maybe if you talked to them first?" It was easy to talk to him. Am I really having a conversation with a minotaur?

He wanted to reach out and touch her hair, to pull her close and smell her hair. His erection grew as they spoke. He tried desperately to hide it but it became increasingly more difficult to do that. "They were afraid of me. As soon as we came to the village, they would scream and yell and it was chaotic. It was not meant to be that way." He knew Millie was the one who came up with this plan. His eyes met her and his heart raced. Can she hear my heart beating?

"I am sorry. I'm sorry that I am scared now, but not really of you. I don't understand why but I'm not scared of you." She laughed, "I'm afraid your cock will rip me open."

He laughed and finally moved his hand and gently moved a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. He just wanted to get closer to her, to touch her, feel her, smell her. "You will never have to fear me. I promise to be gentle and if it is too much for you, well there are other ways," she said with a wink.

Millie licked her lips feeling her face flush. "Other ways," she smiles. "But how do we..."

Start how do we start, that was what she wanted to say but before she could say that Vorad leaned over and kissed her. It was the strangest kiss she ever had as he didn't have the face of a man. He licked her lips carefully not wanting to smother her, then he placed his hand on her thigh and moved his hand up to her waist slowly as he felt her soft skin against his rough hands. "Oh you are so soft," he licked her neck and moaned softly.

Millie didn't think she would be as excited as she was by him. She was afraid she would be republished by him and the others who would come after him. She also knew that they had been treated like monsters for so long, and they deserved love. She arched her back as she touched her feeling a wetness in her that she did not think would be there. She wanted him and much more than she thought possible.

Vorad was only wearing a loin cloth covering his sex but Millie wore a long dress and he needed to talk it off. "My dear, let me pleasure you first," he slid off the bed and onto the floor so he could kneel beside her. He placed his hands at her waist and moved her skirt up.

Millie slid up on the bed, as she bit her lip. This is crazy, this is crazy. Why do I want him so badly? I don't want Aldric this way and he's human.

Vorad was on his knees on the floor in front of Millie holding her waist as the tip of his cock was now wet with precum. He knew Millie would not be ready for the amount of cum he would explore into her. His eyes met hers and she blushed. Oh god she is beautiful, and mine. "I want to taste you," he said in a quiet voice but the urgency was there. The drive was there. The need to have her legs spread apart before him was there as this ache in his core grew to have her. She is mine.

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"Now shouldn't I undress for you first," she said, teasing him and she unbuttoned the bodice and left it open exposing her breast to him.

Vorad grabbed the skirt and pulled it down to her ankles but kept looking at her breast. They were perfect, and larger than he had seen before. Though he could tell she was well endowed when he first walked into the room, it was her smell that hardened his cock and still the smell that drove him mad.

Millie tossed her shirt to the side and laid back on the bed now fully undressed and vulnerable to him. But she wanted to be his. She closed her eyes trying to calm herself. I can't believe I am doing this and I want this. I want him. Oh god I want him.

Vorad placed his hands on either side of her thighs and spread them so he could fit in between them. He knew he would have to work on her before his cock could fit. He tried to control his urges but her smell caught him off guard. As she laid before him with the folds of her sex wet and pusling before him, he could not control himself any longer.

Millie arched her back and Vorad licked the inner of her thighs. He was teasing her, by getting her more and more excited and more wet.

He smelled his mate and became more aroused as time went on and precum dripped on the floor before him.

Millie reached for him as she needed to hold him and explore him. She grabbed his horns to support herself as his tongue rubbed her clit and then moved in and out of her. She moaned at first and then called out. She yelled his name and his tongue moved along her walls. "Vorad! Oh my god!"

As she called his name out his cock twitched aching to be inside of her, ache to claim her. He knew she would have to work with others but she was his. She would be his and his alone.

She had a firm grip on his horns as she steady herself. What's happened? She felt a sudden loss of control as she twisted on the bed and called out to him again.

His tongue moved faster now in and out of her. Then almost as if he knew what would happen, he sucked on her and in the moment she exploded. Her organism rocked her to her core as she never felt one like that before. Her back arched and she screamed out sending her own cum down to him as she sucked and licked it all up.

"Oh god you taste amazing," he said, lapping up any remaining wetness he could find. He didn't want to frighten her but he couldn't hold back any more. "You are mine, you were made for me. I know you can feel it. You are my mate."

Millie came back to reality that moment letting go of his horn and trying to catch her breath. She sat up so they both were not looking at each other. She wasn't scared anymore but her heart still beat faster, faster than it had before. She got up on her knees and put her hand on his chest, "I know I am. I felt it almost as soon as you touched me. I am yours." 

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