The World Beyond Here

Chapter 1: Dawn (Part 1)

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I was floating in pitch darkness.

No People.

No Aliens.

No Animals.

No Yelling.

There was just nothing.

It was as if I was in a void. It felt unnerving and uncomfortable being in this darkness. So lonely floating here.

How did I get here?

Why am I alone?

Why do I feel like this?

I look around to find a way out. I see a light in the corner of my eyes. It was a bright yellow light, it felt as if I was staring straight at the sun.

As I turn my head to see the light more clearly, I hear a loud explosion. I turn my head towards the loud explosion. The dark void starts begins clear, to show a scene. I can see Earth getting under attack. Aliens and humans running for their lives. Seeing some humans and aliens working together to fight these unknown aliens.

The unknown aliens are attacking everyone; aliens and humans dying one by one. I am standing in the middle of the street. I tried grabbing some civilians but they went right through me.

'I can't grab them.'

I then turn to see my father running. I tried calling out to him, "Dad what's going on?" It seemed like he couldn't see or hear me. As he is running, an army of the unknown aliens came and tackled him down.

My eyes widen, seeing the scene. I tried to run to him but couldn't move. I try my hardest to move my body; my legs, arms, hips, I just need something to move. Looking up, I can also see two others next to my father. But I was not focusing on their face, I focused my attention towards my father being on the ground.

I see one of the unknown aliens with a mask pull out a gun, aiming it at my father's head. The others did the same to the other two. I then saw them pull the trigger and I screamed in fear, "DAD!"

His body falls to the ground, his blood oozing out of his head. I see my dad turn his bleeding head towards me and hear him say, "Dawn." I screamed trying to move towards the slowly dying man that was my father....

"Dawn," snapped Rose. I came back to reality, realizing it was just a little dream again. 'I must have fallen asleep while waiting for Rose.' I rub my temples, as I look up. I feel a slight pain in my shoulder. 'Why do I feel this pain on my shoulders?'

Then that's when I remembered, 'Right I ran into a guy this morning'. Sighing, I turned my attention to Rose. I muttered, "Hey Rose, how are you?" Rose sits in front of me, answering joyfully, "I am doing great, but guess who I talked to."

She is glowing from happiness. Literally, she was glowing yellow. It was extremely bright too, making my sensitive eyes squint. I always wonder why she hangs around me to be honest. Like she is gorgeous, creative, and every guy likes her, on top of that she is rich and popular. And let's not forget that she is an alien. Out of everyone she is my best friend, but why.

Like yeah I am grateful for it but it confuses me. It's like putting water and oil together, it just pushes away. I am more of the water as she is the oil, meaning she is always on top. Maybe she feels pity for me or because I was abnormally intelligent for a human.

But again, I am grateful that she is my friend. Let's just say I am not good at making friends because I am "different". Basically I am the second person in this school that is human. The other one is my aunt, who is also my music teacher.

The school was for alien's only, but my father is close friends with the math teacher. I guess Mr. Doom knew him from work or something, since my dad helps the alien army. I used to see him come to the house when I was younger so he was like an uncle to me. I smile at the thought of Mr. Doom having cookies for me.

Rose snapped her fingers, making me snap out of my thoughts. I look at her as she smiles, "Dawn, there is a new junior student today. I talked to him and he is extremely charming."

I smiled at her excitement. She is the type of girl who loves boys. Rose had guys on their knees for her. I bet the new guy will too. She replies joyfully, "He also has a best friend. I might arrange to talk with them today."

My eyes widened in anxiety, "For the both of us?" Then she frowned a little and softly said, "I'm sorry, it was just for me and the other girls because you know we have to give tours for the new students." She continued "So, I will not meet with you at lunch today," I look down at my book.

I felt a wave of calmness come pass me. Even though I did feel pathetic because I thought I was going to be there. I was still relieved, I am really bad at making conversations with others.

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I am not a boy crazy, like Rose. It's more like I'm making sure I do not do something stupid. I looked up and put on a fake smile. "It is okay I will be at the diner if you change your mind."

She smiles and hugs me, "Alright Dawn, see you later," she called out.

She gets up and walks out the library, "Yeah, see you later," I whispered. I ran my hands through my hair and fixed my glasses. 'Maybe I can go buy a new septum nose ring.' I ran to my first class and like always, I am the first student in class. I sit in the back of the class like I usually do. I take out my sketchbook and put on some music.

I start to draw out my dream, I try to remember how the other two guys and the unknown aliens looked like. I am drawing the helmet that I remembered. 'What is my dream trying to tell me,' I thought to myself. Looking up, I can hear everyone talking about the two new students when they hit the door. I sigh, I guess they are good looking or something. I shrug it off and look down so I can avoid eye contact with anyone.

Then I feel my earphones get snatched off. I look up to see a group of alien guys in front of my desk. Simon was one of the guys in the group. I frown at seeing him at my desk. Simon slams his hands on the table.

This guy hasn't left me alone since we broke up. He always taunts and flirts with me for fun. I swear I hate this guy, I always wonder why I even dated him. "Hey, nerd, where are our assignments."

I looked up at him. Right, I dated him because he was very "attractive". Rose hooked me up with him. It was good for a year, until he became abusive when I refused to fuck him. So I decided to end things with him. I never wanted to be with him, but Rose said that it would make me "popular" and I was forced.

Yeah right, instead it ended me getting annoyed by him after our break up. I look him in the eye, clearly very annoyed, "I said I'm not doing it okay, Simon."

Simon smirks, lifting my chin and touching my lips with his thumb, "Why not, I can pay you with something." He winks and I move my head away from him, as I give him a face of disgust.

"Leave me alone Simon, we are not dating and you don't own me at all." Simon smirks and looks at the others. He nods to them and they start to take my backpack, sketchbook and other stuff. I get up and try to run to Simon's goons, "Hey give it back!"

He smiles and grabs me. I push myself off, "Simon give me my stuff back!" He smirks and goes to my face, "Make me, Dawn." I tried getting my stuff back but they would not give it to me. "Simon I swear, if you don't give me my stuff back I will hit you." My comment got the group of boys laughing.

I move to try to get my things back, but Simon grabs me by the waist instead. He whispers in my ear, "You know, we can go out again. I don't know why you would ever break up with me. I know you still want me." I frown and try to get out of his grasp. At this point everyone is watching us. 'I'm getting really irritated with him' I tried to get out his grasp making him hold me tighter.

"I told you, leave me alone!" I manage to push Simon and he falls to the floor. He frowns. He looks at me and angrily says, "Did you just push me bitch." Simon stands up and grabs my wrist. He raises his hand, about to hit me. I ball up my fist about to hit him if he hit me.

Then I hear a deep voice behind me. "Leave the lady alone, will ya." I turned around and saw a tall, handsome guy standing behind me. He had white hair, little fangs and I can see a tattoo on his neck. He was wearing a regular black T-shirt and black jeans. He is holding Simon's wrist, stoping him from hitting me. I looked at him a bit more and realized that he was the guy I accidentally bumped into this morning.

He looks at Simon with a look of disgust. The guy grabs me by the waist.

He is looking at the group of boys and says, "Have you ever learned about respecting a young lady?" Simon looked at him and said seriously, "She is my girlfriend and I can do whatever I want. Who are you?"

I turn my attention back to Simon, saying in anger, "I said we are not dating any more you asshole, do you not listen." Simon frowns at me, clearly angry.

The guy smirks, "I will be your worst nightmare if you don't leave her alone. You heard what she said, you guys aren't dating so you should just move on and leave."

Simon laughed and said, "And what would you do if I don't? It's not like you are her boyfriend." The guy smiles at Simon and it seems as if he is talking to Simon in his head by Simon's reaction.

Simon scowls, staring at the guy as if he is going to kill him. Simon then summons his flames. "You bastard," Simon yells as he charges at the guy. The guy lets go of me and his eyes turn white and Simon's body froze. Everyone gasped, glanced our way. At this point the teacher was in the class and angrily commanded, "Unfreeze him."

"Sorry, sir, I can't do that." The teacher looked at him and said "Why not Daemon?" The teacher looked at Daemon. Daemon stares at the teacher. The teacher eyed Daemon up and down. He exhaled, "Don't ruin your first day, Daemon."

Daemon nods at the teacher grabbing my stuff, sitting next to me. Sitting in my seat, I glance at him in the corner of my eyes. 'Why did he help me?' I clearly could have handled it.' I always had to deal with Simon when we broke up.

At least I did not have to punch him, thanks to this guy. I would had gotten in trouble with the school and my dad, and I can't afford to have that happen.

But something was off. He just grabbed me by the waist, as if he was protecting me. Like thats fucking weird if I think about a bit more. I looked down and whispered, "Thank you." Daemon turns to me and smiles a little, "Don't worry about it."

I bite the inside of my cheek. My politeness is taking the better of me, I need to pay him somehow. I give a friendly smile and whisper, "I can buy you lunch, as a thank you." He looks at me in surprise and smirks, "Sure, why not at 5:00 meet me at the park, we can go to the diner at the park."

I smile , "Sure." He stares at me. "Okay then." He writes his number on a piece of paper and hands it to me. He smiles and he looks forward as class starts. 'So is he the type of guy that thinks he is a knight, shiny armor or a player or maybe thinks he is so charming. Was this the right thing to ask him to buy lunch for him. In other egoistic bastard.'

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