The World Beyond

Chapter 63: W1- 31: H; L: Disarray

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85D 17H 53M, Afternoon

Leafa wasn't really fit to deal with huge hordes of monsters like this, especially being in the front of the battlefield.

She saw things that are fucked up years ago. So she was used to how life ended. Especially humans, not that it mattered. Basically these things can infect any living being that comes in contact with their blood.

Which makes it that it's worth dying as yourself. Lest being controlled by those entities.

It doesn't matter if the said being is undead or not, it'll just adopt it's form instead. What she is seeing right now is....

Probably worse. Atleast she isn't really on the recieving end. Yet.

Every single human that got caught however, are the unfortunate.

"ARGHHHHFHHHH!!! H#&L.......M#&&£--#!!!!!!" Their screams brought fear to to everyone. As their bodies morphed into that of an entity they are currently fighting.

She could only look at it in a grim expression.

"Wind~.... [Projection]~"

She cast a spell, her arrow glimmered in green glow. It's colors feeling off in a bloody landscape. But it didn't matter, she knew they don't want to be like those thing.

So she'll end it. Gripping her bow, she aimed it through the person who is in it's terminal stage to become like them.

"Good night~." Releasing her nock, the spell was released. Like a speed of sound, it broke through it.

*Swoosh* That's just how it is right...? Everything was solved if she killed it immediately.

Life was precious, so precious that you have to take grear care of it. Or else it may be taken away from you, or worse be molded into something you don't like.

"...andddd~ dead~~" The infected human fell. The black sludge engulfing it was now gone, it's life ended as it's core was destroyed.

However, it wasn't taken lightly by those watching her. They couldn't blame it though

"Wh-what have you done!???" The first man spat at her, in shock.

"I ended his suffering~, isn't that~ obvious~?"

"" He pointed at her in rage. Yet couldn't anything to stop it. It was hypocritical, honestly. They saw it too, how they infect that is.

"....." He kept quiet. He doesn't have anything to say. To say that most of their allies fell through instant death was a joke.

"Well do you have~ any questions~....?" He doesn't like her. Not having enough spine to say something, he backed off.





85D 17H 43M, Afternoon

"Troops, fall back!!!" A knight screamed, they were outnumbered as more of them became infected. The injured were abandoned, they begged for help. But they couldn't do anything as their lives matter more than theirs.

"Please!!!! HELP ME, I HAVE A FAMILY THAT I HAVE TO TAKE CARE....!!!" Desperation.... They have lost their reasoning, isn't that normal? Perhaps it's just an excuse, for their petty skin to live. Perhaps it's true.

Maybe they are only one who have to take care for their children. Without them, where will they go?

"Get away from the infected! They are already over!!! Just please stay away from them!!" Disorder, disorder, DISORDER!!!

How horrifying, their cries, their wails begging for help. Is making her stomach hurt.

She hated it. So much.

Standing in between the chaos, she wondered. Where are they? She was lost...

And she only realised it. She looked for them, yet the screams distracts her so.

Annoyed, as she cannot stop this completely...

Suddenly, hand grabbed her shoulder tightly. Her eyes widened in alert. Looking for the culprit.

"" She stood there frozen. It was the same person who spat at her. Right now, looking at him. Pleading for help, for anyone. His vision long faded, enveloped in thick dark liquid, with it's blood trickled out of his face.

His entire body, twisted in directions it wasn't supposed to. Yet, it wasn't even over.

It was crushing him. Bones reaching it's limit, simply cracked. Sticking out like sore thumb on his left leg.

She immediately stood away from him. Her fear, that of a smile. No, almost every emotion was masked through smile.

She couldn't stop it. She wonders why.

She knows.... She won't be normal on the outside anymore. But... please at least have some ounce of sympathy....

"..." She forced herself. Restricting that nonchalant attitude of hers, she steeled herself. It was hard, really hard....

In a neutral face. She summoned another arrow. Aiming straight at his entire body.

"I'll free you......" Releasing the nock, the person's life burns no more.....




"More of them are coming!!!"

Panic arose, in bloody battlefield. Without cooperation, they will only lower their chances of surviving.

"Fuck....let's just run away! For fuck's sake!!!" A man in leather clothing spoke in frustration. They should've have ran with the others in the first place! Then why did he stay here? Nothing, he thought that they can be easily brought down. They have the strong people and all, so what could go wrong? Maybe he could steal some credit, while at it.

And he was wrong.

*Thud* He felt a sudden force hit his face. He fell down, angered he looked at the perpretrator.

"You think we'll run away!?? Go ahead! And run then, you have no use anyway!" A demihuman with fiery hair and fox ears. His mouth growled in frustration.

"You've screaming that same thing. Over and OVER again!" He clenched his fist. Going to the battlefield once more.

"Wha....? Tch....that's not what I-"

"Then do something meaningful instead of complaining!!! You aren't doing much anyway!!!" Frustrated, he wanted to bash his head again. But restrained to do so.

 "Everyone slowly hold them back!!! We'll slowly retreat with the others!" They were doing not so good nor bad either. They killed a few, with the help of mages. But they kept coming back, what's the fighter's gonna do? They distract them til' the mage breaks the shell.

Simple and easy, yet costs high risk with low reward. That's the only way though.

"Mages!!! Fire again!" The knight commanded. Due to low morale however, they were not faring quite well. So to say, only a few follwed his instruction.

"You heard the boss! Fire now!!!"

"Y-yes sir!!!" They hastily responded casting their spell. Aiming at the entity as fighters are currently distracting them.

"Do what you have to do, backstanders! Support them!!!"

The people in the back nodded. They held their staff chanting a spell first.

"2nd Page of the Book of Rehistro El Magmeis..." A faint glow. Surrounded the very tip of the staff.

"Light [Greater Scale Strengthening]!" Rehistro is the second child of Adrean El Magmeis before his coronation. He knew the difference between the poor and the rich. In it's golden age, he studied ways on how he can support those who are in need. And to aid those in conflict, with his brilliant mind. He created 4 spells, that are basically an improved version from what his father created.

And this is the second one...

 "Debuffers!! Do you thing!" They quickly nodded. With only a very few of them, it was already enough as they cast their spell, albeit that of the opposite to what the supporters have created.

"5th Page of the Book of Adrean El Magmeis...-

"Dark [Weaken]."

Creating a rather dark aura surrounding their staff instead. True to it's name, it is debuff spell. Which relies on the user's mana output. To weaken it's enemies. Summons a black smoke instead, blocking those that are affected their vision and their overall strength. Which includes allies who are in the range of the blinding dark fog.

"Everyone! If you don't want to die, get the hell away!!" The demihuman warned them. Despite it's brash tone, beneath it shows deep worry for it's allies.

"You heard him! Get away now!!!" Another one follwed suit. Firing his available spare arrows to the enemies. Distracting them as best as he can.

"Tch! Let's go!" The light burned meters away from them. High level of mana density was felt through their skin as their spine shivered.

"This ain't good!" They slowly but surely stepped away from the carnage. A smoke of black fog has already reached the nearest ally. Gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Not good!" A man stepped in bulging in muscles went straight to the weakening smoke. The nearest casualities are still stuck in the black fog.

'That fucker helped them!??" In their mind, being caught in the fatigue-inducing smoke means suicide. They can clearly see the man, running in the opposite direction ahead of them, and is still going strong.

"You think he'll live?" Another fighter questioned the nameless man.

"Maybe. Can't decide on when he'll live or not. I mean look at those!" He pointed at the others following what the muscly man did.

"Ya think it's worth the risk? I care about my own life rather than save some unfortunate fucks." He shrugged, he was just an average person. Just a coward who cares about his life. It's normal right...?

He closed his eyes. Sighing as he finally made his decision.

" know what? Fuck it! I better get some compensation for this!!!" He ran into beyond the dark smog. As his silhouette finally disappeared, leaving the nameless man in mouths agape.

"....I think I'll pass...."

85D 17H 39M, Afternoon.

"Keep going everyone!" Looking back at the smoke, several silhouttes of each carrying an unconscious casualties. Their legs unable to move.

"Is that all of them?" Ordon said. As of now, looking at the battlefield. They are quickly dwindling in numbers, only making the very few making it out alive.

"Um... I think so sir...?" His scout examined the area. His vision bypassing the restriction of the blurry vision inside the smoke.

 "Seems like those debuffers are already doing a good job eh...?"

"...still we are slowly losing allies on our end." His assistant said with a low tone of voice.

"...*sigh*" Rubbing his eyes, he examined the place once more. Creatures of foreign nature slowly came, the effect of the fog weakens them slightly.

" blasphemous beings..." He spat. He was already late, no. This was the most unexpected situation to ever happen.

As a higher knight deployed to protect it's citizen just in case something goes wrong. He failed, and now his hatred for himself for failing to protect them was now redirected at the ones standing before him.

"Initiate fire." With just one word-


The sounds of explosion echoed through the battlefield. Leaving nothing but dust. It's power purely made for short-term burst was enough to leave an extremely large crater.

In dust, revealing the core. Bristling with life, constantly glowing of different spectrum of colors. Beating hard in fear for it's life.

*Swooossh* An arrow came. Simultaneously destroying them all at the same time. Each exploded in such melody that an onlookerbwon't find it gross at all.

"I'm here~" A green hair... And enchanting yellow eyes. Suddenly appeared behind him.

"!!!" He did not recognized her presence. Looking at the soon-potential-to-be enemy at his back. He felt relieved.

Just by examinng the mana flow. He can understood that the girl was no easy enemy. If she however, stood in his way.

"Good afternoon sir~~" Leafa saluted at the fiery haired demihuman. Keeping her poker face intact.

She waved her hand toward him. Her hair breezing through the bloody wind. Ordon became uncomfortable.

"..." He squinted his eyes. Looking at the woman more cautiously. Looking at her appearance, a partial part of her clothes were covered in blood.

"You aren't~ gonna talk...?~ Well, no matter~" She shrugged. Walking beyond him without a care as she examined her situation.

Looking at her field of vision using magic. She can fijd traces of them supposedly alive. She felt relieved, she released a heartly chuckle.

"They're~ still kicking it~ huhhh~..." She looked at the sky. Everyone is almost gone to rest outside the battlefield, as to not get affected by the smoke.

Which is mostly gone by the sudden blast anyway.

"*Cough*" Her ears perked up. She looked at the fiery haired demihuman.


"I thank your support for ending their life as early as possible." Ordon bowed, their allies that were affected by the black entity now became the very thing they fear.

"No need~ to thank~ me~ anyway~." She looked at the remaining people. Some healing their injuries using magic, and some mourning the death of their loved one.


He looked at the remaining allies.

"Sir!" A knight suddenly appeared. Saluting to Ordon as soon as he saw him. He nodded in awknowledgement

"Still looking well as ever, Zacht?" He smiled at his former junior.

"Um...yes sir. Aside from that, I've requested a reinforcement from Magmeis, albeit very few as the place have shown frequent signs of irregular monsters near it's borders. A half of us are already worned out, I believe we are gonna lose soo-

"We are gonna lose if there is no reinforcement to carry us up again." He corrected him as he sighed. Rubbing his eyes, he felt like this was the end of the rope of what plan that he can think of.

"Is there an-"

"#S£%#&:"#?(!!!" A rising dread was felt from those worn out. Ordon was slightly intimadated. He spat, this is gonna suck ass.

"Shi- Hm~, they're here~ huh.~." Keeping her composure, she equipped her bow once more. This time using hardened and modified physical arrows as to save mana for emergencies.

She's only going to distract them.

"Tch, they always keep coming huh!!!" He unsheathed his sword out of frustration.


"I'll go first~" She imbued her physicals arrows. Now hardened even further, and spoofing the physical hit as a magic attack.

"Basic [Imbue]~" With the spell. A fitting glow based on her specialized spell, casted a small glow. Aiming at the target, she then waits as she accumalates energy.

"Those who are unable to fight, run away with the refugees. We'll handle this!" Zacht unsheathed his small sword, imbuing magic to himself.

"You know they aren't really affected to anything other than magic right...?"

"!!! Oh, then what should I do them...? Shocked, slowly sheathing his sword as he was in doubt.

"Just distract them enough for the mages to go for their skin, then we'll go for the kill! Simple as that..." Ordon stole a glance from the mages, preparing another spell.

"Green girl, I don't know what you're name is... But do your thing." She nodded, if it means she can finish them. Then they can cooperate.

"You who were once on the same kin as us. Now corrupted, losing the sight of who you once were. I pity you, may the Goddess have mercy on you as your flesh become purified at the slightest sight on her. May I call-" A fire in his eyes glowed, so as his hair.

His skin tone turning slightly brown. His body temperature exceeding a hundred celsius. As small vertical stripped cracks formed within his face.


"Wow~ that's awesome~." Charging her bow, she looked at him in pure awe. She could tell that he was stronger than her, not that it matters anyway as she was just here to do her job.

*Crack* He carried his specialized longsword. Resistant to heat it was emitting, instead glowing intense heat itself. Continously burning at intense temperature. He was ready to go.

"Hap." He launched forward, his enchanced body going such insane speed. Aiming directly at the monsters, their arm, made of several living beings suddenly morphed into a drill. Squishing the life of the unfortunate in to meat paste.

"Let's see if this thing can cut an arm huh!!" His jumped at high altitude. Suddenly gripping his two hands into the sword as it unleashes a raging fire.


It felt like a tough rubber. Hitting the arm, nothing too sharp as the magic sword has been amplifed. Preventing it from being broken.

"Let's see if you can handle this!" With his enchanced strength the thick mud of black liqued became much more easier to dismember. Forcing it to slice even futher, cutting it's organs entirely.

 "#&&:£&#:&£%:"-((#&&!!!" Perhaps it was too much. He smirked, maybe he could even pierce the core with his strength! Now maintaining his force in caution looking for any possible attacks.

Not even noticing the shadow that coming behind him. His quick reflexes snapped him out of the moment as he quickly tries to dodge the attack but it was already too late.

The entity reforming it's teeth to a much more grosteque form. It's victims recently eaten shown in bare light, it's arms forming into a tentacle with it's end into that of a large hand.

'Oh no..!' He thought in regret. He's gonna get eaten because of his carelessness. With physics coming in effect, he even for the slightest of second couldn't make a move.

The tentacle already just a millimeter near his face, his eyes widened. Preparing for an unfortunate disaster to happen.

*Swoosh* An arrow, suddenly out of blue. Like a splash of a paint, it's hits came crushing like a truck. Crushing the eyeballs of the monster immediately, not even the time to react. It pierced it's head at insane speeds, that it recoiled at target itself splurting blood as if it was spilling a milk left opened.

"!" Shocked, he knew who that was. The green haired girl smugly looked at him with provoking eyes.

"..tch!" He admitted, to think that he was helped with a girl younger than him.

there~. " She waved at him in caution beneath her smile, she took 3
more arrows. Imbued them with magic again, her keen eyes observing the
battlefield. But just in case...

'I'll fire~ a signal flare~ first~.' Just in case something bad happens it's always better to have more backup.

Aiming her hand in the clouds, she fired a a flare of her specialized element.

"Up you~ go.~" With a pretending bang, the spell then slowly arose from the very top, where everyone can truly see it.

"I hope~ they'll~ find me soon...~" She frowned, looking at Ordon. Who was already showing minor signs of fatigue, she couldn't let this one die.

You are reading story The World Beyond at

She needs to regroup with Leight first, or Ildi even. He or she atleast knows what to do after this. Once he falls, she'll still survive anyway. Not that he wants him to die though.

She really isn't good at commanding people, but herself.

"You fucking bitch! Who do you think you are!? We can kill you if we wanted to! You want to live right?! Then obey us!!!"

"....tch....fucking pig...." An ugly frown formed across her face, she shooked her head. Now not the time for the past, she's already moved from that. Right?

She sighed, aiming her three arrows she now took once again. She'll do the best of her abilities, as long as Leight lives. Then everything is fine.

"Basic [Imbue]." Her concentration in full focus. As if the world revolved around, time suddenly stopped. Her senses amplified by a twenty-fold.

She truly couldn't pierce the core, as long as the entities are in a good state of health then she'll just be wasting mana.

"...." With a final hum, her nock was released, the arrows then rebounded in full force in response. She'll just resolve through killing it anyway.




85D 17H 44M, Afternoon.

*Swoosh* No one can truly underestimate the speed of sound. An average nobody wouldn't even notice, and then suddenly. Bam, they're dead. The enemies however, can circumvent that but with a higher difficulty due to their low intelligience.

He kept dodging for what felt like forever. Ordon's skill Overburn, has requirement. Like a fuel, the higher calories he took. The longer his ability stays, he can will it to increase it's consumption further in exchange for more strength.

Right now is, trying to deal with them while also taking note of his overall calorie is already a hard task. He doesn't know when the fuel will burn out, but atleast it won't leave him paralyzed.

The mages have killed another wave of those mangled monsters of different species. Basically, they have attracted another wave of corrupted monsters.

Leaving the mages to rest, he manages to hold them out further with the strange green girl's help. Only firing at the mistakes he messed up, he's thankful that she saved his mess-ups.

"Sir, they are alm-"

"You have stay away now!" He's running out fuel to sustain himself. Fortunately, their allies have already finished charging their ability. Luck's on his side, with the other was thanks to the green haired girl.

Zacht, barely able to keep up with their bullshit. He decided to go away first. Leaving Ordon to using everything he can to stall them.

'Just hitting them with a burning stick isn't enough!' Frustrated as he was, he knows his duty. Blunt force was extremely ineffecient, it isn't as effective as slicing it.

*Swoosh* Another wave of arrows once more obliterated their movements. He's gonna thank her for that.

Behind him, a glow suddenly shimmered within the very edge of his vision. He knew what that means...

"Green girl, it's time to go!" A black fog approaches them at high speed, as he carried Leafa away from the area.

"...." Leafa however, just stayed quiet. Glaring at the moasters chasing them at high velocity, she grinned. Firing final arrows in advanced.

"Here lies your ending...." She muttered. She closed her eyes, as explosion occured. Blinding her black vision with different spectrum of light, a sound so dominating. That it pierced through her eardrums, she'll get Ildi to fix this later.




85D 17H 39M, Afternoon

 "You okay there?"

"....yeah~, I'm good~."

The aftermath, which was the blinding dust. Remained seen in the eyes of no one, directly irritating their eyes.

"By the way, where are we?" It wasn't an explosion like last time. It was now a large impact, comparable to a tile of a grand mage.

"We ain't seeing a thing now huh..." He spat, the walk to the right direction was not yet lost. Once they focus on it, they will then be reunited with their comrades.

"Welp~, guess every~ spell has it's~ own flaw~." She sighed, her elven ears bled in response to the loud sound. If they get lost, then finding Leight will be even more troublesome than ever.

"We're still on the right path, Zacht has already evacuated in this direction and I'm sure of it." Sounding optmistic, he kept searching for nearby footprints going through the same direction.

"Also~, can~ you put~ me down now~."

"Oh, apologies for that."

She cleaned her dress with a huff. Activating her magic vision, she searched her surroundings. No signs of trails of magic. Like an infrared vision, a sudden spike of mana was felt within her body.

It wasn't over yet.

"No...!" She held herself to curse. Yet her tone of voice deceives it.

"What's wrong green girl!?" He knew it wasn't good, based from Leafa's reaction. He scouted his surroundings yet found nothing, but the blinding dust covering his vision. Yet through it's ears, a sound was felt. Crunching, rising.

" isn't over?" Clicking his mouth, they had just encountered a worst case scenario. They were supposed to be dead, just literally obliterated. By being hit with the Fire [Uy Scuyti], lest being casted together with other people too.

With Leafa finishing them afterwards. She missed a few, the both speculated. Their overall strength isn't enough to destroy it.

"I'm almost out of fuel! You should go first green girl!" He wasn't about to let a fellow comrade die right in front of him, especially if it's his temporary partner. He saw them being killed, yet he couldn't do anything.

Maybe he'll take over this part for once. With enough time, the green girl could escape. Unscathe.

Unfortunately, situations seem to go unexpectedly in his view.

"I won't though..~" She prepared her bow. This time casting magic, running out of specialized physical arrows. She does what she usually does in combat.

"Wait what!? You're crazy, you know this situation is already out of scope of what I can handle, and now you're getting in my way!?." Anger, frustration and confusion already invaded his adrenaline fused mind. His mind threading into piece as he cannot comprehend as to why the girl is helping him, when she herself is showing signs of running out.

"I'm not~ going away~." Five of the monsters, now ganged up against them. She grinned, as long as Leight's safe then everything is fine...

No need to panic, she'll live. For him.

"No you are going away! You know how dangerous this is right. Our rei-... no matter what we do, we're all just gonna die anyway! Taking you out of the board is enough to take out a ton of load off my shoulders!"

"....I'm not going away...~" Obliviousness is bliss, not knowing the full situation, her persistence is enough to piss him off.

The demihuman silently growled, gritting his teeth. The flame within him slowly has gone out.

"...fine..." With this moment, he'll slowly discourage her from this conflict, distracting the monster as far from her as possible. He's already dancing with death the moment he fought this anomalies, had his mind noticed. Things would probably be different.

"The same as always... Don't die.... alright...?" Holding his sword, the tip of the blade glowed once again. Flame surrounded his body, albeit weaker.

"I know~." Abnormal mana sensivity, rising abnormally made her shiver in response as someone who's sensitive to mana. With a focused form, green magic arrows formed around her, it wasn't really gonna do much anyway. Such as her specialized arrows, now burnt into a crisp leaving almost a dozen of them left. Thinking about it, why did she even waste it in the first place?

"&;"!"!"!"#;-#!!!" The dissonance through it's breathe it roars. Preparing her for an incoming wave of danger ahead of her.

She'll kill them for being weak, stop it... She'll make them rest in peace. They didn't obey enough... Stop it...

The infected souls deserved to be freed. Life is valued.

"....Rest...." She said...

Then hell came. Multitudes of monster, flying with just one wing. Now interecepted by her arrow.

Ordon. Keeping a hold of his stance, cautiously taking a hit when an opportunity came. His sword piercing even the toughest skin, now exterminating the damned being in front of his eyes.

They worked together, with different purposes.

Time was just a fleeting afterthought in their mind, wasting almost everything on their arsenal. As they provide time for the others to get out of this hellhole. Underestimating their speed is like courting death itself, the moment you're far away. In the eyes of an average person. Their dead before the moment their brain registered it.

It was only a matter of time, till....

It was also their turn...






85D 17H 32M, Afternoon.

Do you ever feel tired? So tired to the point of just giving it all up? In just a matter of minutes, fatigue catched up with them. Where are the casters, they were probably busy recovering themselves. But the both of them....

In minutes felt like tenfold of the time spent. Their lives fighting, in just a few seconds however. Is where their final point came.

The resistance to stand up they had, have given up on them.

"...tch...." In his frustration, Ordon kept dodging despite being battered. With no more support, his eyes are everywhere. In full caution, yet his tiredness wasn't enough to fully exert his strength. Hence leaving him extremely vulnerable to almost every nook of his vision.

For Leafa, she wasn't faring well either. By that, it meant her man was already reaching it's limit. Just carefully preserving itself as to not suffer from extreme exhaustion.

'...fuck, fuck....' She wallowed frustration, her mind going in overdrive yet her body stops her from doing so.

"What I've done just before was wrong green girl, I can't hold much any longer! Run away now!!!"

The scream echoed through her mind. Why would she give up? Leight taught her to not give up, yet she willingfuly wants secretly devote her life to him. Even kill herself for him.

But why would she go through the troubles of saving a stranger? Conflict arises, her mind stirred in confusion.


That's right, she felt worried that the stranger may die. Strange... She wasn't feeling this just a few moments ago.It ain't love. I'm being honest here.

"I said run NOW!!!" His pleas this time snapped the tranced girl. The tired knight barely holding his sword was hit by a sudden force.


"No...!" She stood up.

"I SAID GET AWAY NOW!!!" She froze, Ordon's form barely standing as he held the sword. The mages-

'Right... the mages! Where are they!?' Her compusre melting down as her true nature was shown. She looked around as the dust cleared up. Revealing there was no one, even with her enchanced eyes.

"Wait... what abou-"

"I've already gotten them out of this mess, that's why I've encourage you to go after them! It was a mistake on my part, I should have just forced you to just get away!"

"....what...?" She had been a fool. Her ignorance coming back to pull her.

''re useless.... without your body. I would've had feed you to the hounds right now...' In that moment she shooked in absolute fear, her mind already breaking internally as what can she express back was just a smile.

"GO!!! Now!" Her body froze. Now, what? Her lips quivering as it now slowly formed into a wide grin. She held herself, barely moving an inch.



In that moment, her eyes. Experience a scene, nostalgic and horrifying. A moment she want to forget. The scars she hid within her memory, with nothing to cope.

There laid the demihuman, a hundred meters from her. Through unconsciousness, she moved away with out notice.

They couldn't hear her. So as she as her ears, remain damaged.

Why was she so useless? If Leight saw her here, she would always remember that moment, etched within her mind until her passing. With only her left. What can she do?

The flesh of the demihuman, was now torned apart. Revealing it's flesh in daylight. It's intestine exploded. Squashed as the black entities feasts on it, the flesh gave them power comparable of the living being in it's prime.

"....." She held her breathe suffocated. In fear of moving, helding herself to puke as she hid in the nearby bushes.

*Swoosh* In the breeze of the bloody wind, the smell of iron and blood irritated her nose. Her eyes widened, her senses telling her to run away, but she can't. Still remained unmoved, as her location was given out by the bastardly wind.

"!!!!" A chill shook her spine. Finally them making eye contact with her, what was she supposed to do!?

"ha.....ha....ha~..." Tired, this is her fault isn't it. If only she listened to him, she wouldn't have gone into this situation. Just leaving the knight alone to die- No! This is wrong, wrong! WRONG!! She cried in silent awaiting for the dread that was now in front of her.

Why was she like this?

"??£:#&#:#@::£:#-" Their roars echoed, now spotting their next prey. Disheveled, she notices nothing, leaving her mind in a crumbled mess, how would it better if she just-

The ground shook, with each step slowly sending Leafa to her grave. Her ears, damaged due to excessive loud noise.

"........" She gave one last smile, this time directed at the ones who's about to turn her into chunks of meat, or possibly become like them...

*sigh* Full adrenalne came pumping out. Her vision and hearing temporarily enchanced. Pain was ignored as she did everything to survive.

She dodged...

*BOOOM!* Chunks of rocks flew across the wind in recoil to the shock the entities made.

Then, they opened their mouth. Producing another distorted roar.

"@&@&#:&*:#&#;£;;!!!!!!" As if in resonance, it brought disturbance to nature. The face of the dead knight carved into it's belly pieces by pieces.

"....." In her fever mind. Her vision started to lose it's color, now a black and white color scheme, as every part of her body screamed at her to stop...

"Not......y......." Proceeding to give atleast one last hum. She gave her bow one last arrow.

Pointing it the now-morphing monster. It's flesh, it's horn now shown. As blood was replace with the disrupting black fluid. Becoming one with the other, forming into a towering raging bull. It's features undefined by nature, made of pure flesh and it's blood.

She felt like her will faltered.... Everything seemed so lost, intimidated and tired. She knew it became much more poweful, she doesn't think that she can atleast hold it back.

"......3rd Page of the Book of Mona El Erkling..." She felt like she was her limits. To the point that it strains her instead.

The bull charged, her bow illuminated as she cast a spell.

"Wind [Vortex Imbue]" In that moment, air gathered within the magic arrow. Disrupting the environment near her, the atmosphere in the tip of her hands.


Released, the wind followed through. The energy accumalating within her flowed through the arrow itself.


A sudden sting occured within her body, which came with an unbearable pain.

"Aaargghhh!!!!!!!!" She shriek, her mana vein pulsed through her entire body, illumanating in blue spectrum as she held her breathe.

She kneeled, feeling intense pain. The cost of using too much mana outside her limit has finally taken effect.

Only watching as her magic clashed with the anomaly itself. As a spectacle unleashed before her very eyes. In it's glory every tiny projectiles flew away in recoil to the shockwave.

The dust covering the area, blinding her vision once again. But she was hoping something....



....a few seconds.....


A loud shockwave, the wind blew in response to it, propelling every small projectiles away from the explosion.

Leafa, hoped for something. Now, temporarily paralyzed. She could only pray that atleast done something to the monster.

Revealing the blowy dust. Now showed the entity itself.

"-!!!" Moments after revealing itself. She shook as her supposed strongest small did no damage whatsoever. Her spine cowered in fear, as the monster in front of her is a completely different breed.

"....Ghhkk!" She could only swallow her mouth, it was already decided. She would probably die here....

"-;#&;£-";£;£%()£;£(!!!!!" It prepares it's charged. It's fleshy nose fuming with black smoke, it's hoof testing the waters. As it prepares to charge once again.

Then, a second passes. The air surrounding the bull itself just disappeared. No it failed to catch up with the sudden speed, within that second it has already a few seconds away from her which was once a hundred when it was propelled away.

In her mind. It's as if the wires inside through her body are about to go off. Her eyes barely maintaining her vision, as darkness slowlu surrounded her.

"......good....night~." With a final close, everything completely went black.

As she waits for her dread.







"L....fa." Leight....? I saw him, his voice barely audible yet felt the same warm and familiar tone. He's alive!

"....she'" It doesn't matter anymore, if he's here. Then I'm safe, away from the dangers I faced. Feeling the warmth of his body as he comforted me....

Then everything turned dark....

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