The World I Wrote

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Beginning

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‘Weary yet sharp blue eyes observed the crowd. A golden mane scarfed his masculine neck. His hands behind his back, a straight commanding posture. His blue military uniform lined with gold seemed to bulge with every breath he took. Large, rugged and imposing were the words that would describe Stuart the Lion Heart. Standing atop the podium, he spoke in a loud booming voice.’


In unison you could hear the sound of thousands of foots stamp on the ground. The crowd of youths with experience and confidence stood at attention. Among them was myself, standing out like a sore thumb. Slightly slouched, my eyes could only look at the man standing on the podium in bewilderment. A single word escaped my mouth as I looked at my character come to life.


‘Stuart smiled with pride looking at the vigor filled faces of young men and women. “At ease,” his manner of speech was gentle, yet with his voice carried the weight of his stature. Another round of stamping foots, this time less aggressive, as the crowd took their positions. Stuart cleared his throat with a slight cough, “It seems five years of training has left a mark.”’

“Although some of you may need a lesson or two in discipline.”

Words that didn’t exist in the speech reached my ears. It seemed my lack of actions didn’t go unnoticed. Though everyone’s eyes were on the podium, I could feel a level of rage being directed towards me from my immediate proximity. It seems the ones I was next to were none too happy with my performance in front of 'The' Lion Heart. I could only scratch my neck with an awkward smile. Other than the small hiccup just now, Stuart’s speech continued as I had written.

“I can see it in your eyes, the pride from accomplishments of five years. From the age of 13 years to now, you who stand before me are the future of Viridis defense. You who are no longer children, yet who cannot be considered fully matured. Carry those five years with pride towards the final 3 years! Towards your baptism to adulthood!”

A resounding roar could be heard from the crowd, ”173 years has passed since the beginning of the Scourge. Years of war, years of unending suffering. I can see it in your eyes. You who stand before me, have lost something. Taken by the disgusting hands of that Filth.”

A deep silence permeated the densely packed hall, “Even now the Scourge spreads it plagues across the seas and continents. We stand at the frontlines. Lain across is the path where many who had trodden it before you clawed away at its obstacles. Defiled and decayed, we face our once comrades in battle. I will not varnish my words. You who tread this path will one day have your grave waiting for you at the very end, an unfulfilling death where you will face your comrades as a mere puppet.”

Pausing for a moment to take in the crowd, Stuart continued, “But know this, the sacrifices of yours and the many before you will never be in vain! Just as the Scourge grow stronger with every lost soldier, we gain even more with every Filth cleansed! There numbers dwindle even now! As we take their power for ourselves! We have fought them back to the outskirts of Pylea! And we will fight them back to further! To whence they came!

Stuart’s voice grew louder as he spoke, “For a better tomorrow, forget your ethnicity, clan and origin. Look to your right, and look to your left. Those are your brothers and sisters in arms. You carry the weight of their lives, as they carry yours. You fight for your brothers and sisters in arms. You fight for your loved ones! You fight for family! You fight for VIRIDI!”

Hearing the roars from around me as my character finished his speech, a shiver ran down my spine. To think the day would come that I would see the words I had written on screen come to life.

With his speech done, Stuart slowly made his way down the podium, taking his seat among the other high-ranking officers. A young woman in a grey uniform went up to take his place, “Thank you, Honorable Lion Heart. With this we can now conclude the opening ceremony for the 43rd year for The Legionnaire Academy. You are all free for the day. Theoretical classes will commence on Thursday at 0800. Schedules for meals and your chosen branch classes will be sent to your allocated chip cards. A reminder for cadets in their second year, the deadline for skirmish registration is this Tuesday. Submissions must be sent before 1800. Special exceptions for late submissions are given to only cadets from the 24th and 26th squadrons of your year. You may leave now.”

With those words, the slight tension of holding position was lifted. Sounds from stretching and shuffling could be heard, accompanied by conversations as the cadets made their way out. I however fell to my seat, looking straight up at the high ceiling with rails. A lot of emotion and turmoil was just experienced in a short amount of time. But it seemed this wasn’t the place for contemplating. I could feel a piercing gaze from my right.

‘The goddess Zhang Mingxia, a beauty that if this were a Chinese novel would be described as heaven toppling. Two dark horns 3 inches in width and diameter adorned her forehead. Her skin a rosy white. Pearl grey eyes and long black hair that if unraveled from her military bun would easily reach her waist. A small stature but her height could be only described as perfect. A face of complete indifference, towards everyone and everything. Both parents of military origin, her father a high-ranking imperialist and her mother an active front line soldier. Discipline was her bread and butter.’

A poker face yet not completely emotionless. Her eyes screaming dissatisfaction glared at me.

“… Do you need something?”

To my question a resounding “Tch” could be heard in the empty hall. I was stunned for a second. There she was a heroine I had made, looking at me, her creator and going “Tch”. I understand that she wouldn’t know that, but still, it is extremely rude even if I wasn’t the author. I being the mature and sensible one, did the most appropriate thing that could be done at that moment. Moving my eyes down to her chest before following with my own resounding “Tch”.


Her face was no longer the indifferent mask it once was. Now a bright red blush covered her face as her eyes became wide. An expression of complete fury and bewilderment, that I could never imagine on her face was now visible. Combat was strictly prohibited outside of the sparring arena, otherwise my face probably would’ve been greeting the concrete wall. Looking at the girl, and her utter loss of words, I couldn’t help but smile in amusement. My smiling face seemed to aggravate her even more. Like a broken record she could only repeat the words “Y-you” over and over again.

As much as I would’ve loved to stay and keep annoying the ‘goddess’ Mingxia, I had more pressing matters to attend to. Getting up from my seat I made my way out. Of course, not before patting the head of the beloved character Xiao (little) Mingxia as I made my way out.


Outside, I first checked my pockets for the chip card. Taking it out, I was immediately greeted by a picture and the general information of this body.

ID: PL45000450          

Name: Timothy Winters          Date of Birth: 22/06/1751       Blood Type: O+           Year: 6

Previous Year Rank: 1634       Current Year Rank: 1349         Credits: 1000   Squadron: NaN

Straight black hair and brown eyes that were slanted, with a pointy nose. The name, the face, all of it was me.

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Although looking at my clean-shaven face was a bit uncanny. Since this was a military academy, it was to be expected. Inspecting the card in my hand, it was different from my imagination.

‘The chip card or A.R.C (Artificial Reconnaissance Card) was a standard issue for every cadet and soldier. Its purpose was the same as any modern iPhone. But its main utility and purpose was described in its name. ‘Artificial’ describes the usage of samples from any monsters hunted from the field or even the cadet’s own blood to simulate a breakdown of their genes. Finding weaknesses or estimating their strength level. ‘Reconnaissance’ on the other hand has the card sending a constant signal to a satellite when out in the field. Which allows monitoring the agents location and in case of emergencies, sending support in moment’s notice.’

The card wasn’t as opaque and futuristic as I had thought. It was a solid dark blue with white colored text. Metal indents in each corner could be used to resize the card as you pleased. As curious as I was on how the card functioned, I couldn’t stand around gawking at it like a country bumpkin.

Finding my way to the dormitories wasn’t hard. The campus as large as it was had convenient signposts to guide me. The story world in my imagination and the world I was walking in was contrasted every step of the way. The most eye catching of sights were the two smaller suns in the almost purplish hued sky.

‘The 13th hour of the 13th day on the 13th month. Mother Infernum split herself in two to cleanse the encroaching scourge. Now above the heads of the denizens of Viridi floats the two givers of light. The daughters of Infernum, giving life with their soothing warmth.’

I wondered the effectiveness and environmental consequences of having two smaller suns in comparison to one large sun. At the time of writing, it sounded cool and I never really considered such a thing. The purple hued sky was due to the glass dome that covered the entirety of the city I was currently in.

‘Decipulum a standing monument to the brilliance and ingenuity of the union of dwarven and elven kind. As the great Albertus Maximus had said when building the city, “Even as the world decays and dies, the inhabitants of Decipulum will thrive forever more.”’

The city was located at the very edge of the current livable world. Infront was the encroaching scourge, and behind was the last vestiges of life. The inside was the same as a lush greenhouse. Trees soared higher than the large buildings touching the tops of the glass dome. Vines and bushes hanged from the walls of each building.  The paths were filled with vibrant greenery and foliage. You could see the occasional butterfly and bee taking nectar from flowers in the surroundings. In modern society such a place would be the perfect habitat for unruly insects. But here with proper regulation of moisture and air, as well periodic maintenance, only the essentials were kept alive.

Reaching my dorm was uneventful. I had seen multiple cadets of different years, as well as faculty members on my way. The uniforms were easy to move in military garbs. They were colored solid, instead of the camouflaged patterns. 1st years were white, 2nd years grey and 3rd years were black. Faculty members had a deep shaded red. The dormitory was a large building reaching around 30 stories high. Arriving at my room, I was impressed by the size and space available for just a single cadet. Though I never described the interior of rooms and buildings, I remember writing about the living conditions of the soldiers.

‘A young soldier who fights against the Filth knows not if he will live past the age of 25. For these warriors that protect the world, the people of Decipulum gave comfort and luxury inside the dome the highest priority.’

Sitting on the large bed in my dorm room, I looked at the information displayed on the standard issue chip card. Having already gone through Timothy’s belongings, I found only two items of interest. A letter asking leave from an orphanage ‘The Winter Home for Children’ which was located in a completely different prefecture, and a brick like phone with only local emergency dial numbers. The Timothy of this world was a mob. Which I expected the cliché, but it still irks me that I was right. No friends, no family. The perfect blank slate for any transmigrator.

“What a complicated feeling”

Unlike other protagonists of similar stories, I didn’t die before coming here. I could still vividly remember the final moments before that unnatural flash of light appeared. The touch of evening sun coming from a lone window. Sounds of vehicles and people, the world thriving beyond the interior of my small room.  The small note I had written on my table, the cool breeze from the AC above my head. The feeling of cold steel in my right hand. I sigh escaped my mouth as I looked at my empty right hand. Falling on the bed with a flump, I started sorting my thoughts.

But it seems the world didn’t want me to wallow in my thoughts just yet. A vibration could be felt from my pants pocket. I had received mail.


The Beautiful Little Miss <>

Dear Author <Idiot With A Spoon>,

You can activate your system by pressing the link below.

<Click ME>



The biggest cliché of them all, a system was being presented to me. At this moment it was unbelievable yet hysterical. My throat hurt from the laughter that echoed out. Sounds of banging from annoyed residents of adjacent rooms made me lower my voice. Yet it didn’t stop the almost maniacal laugh. My actions at this moment might be considered impulsive by many. With a smile on my face, I maneuvered the menu, before finally deleting the email and blocking the sender.


A small room lit only by the laptop screen on a small wooden desk. Posters of random anime and games littered the walls. A small AC was running above a purple fluffy bed filled with plushie animals. The ground was littered with books and CD disks. A shelf with figurines stood at the left corner of the room. No windows or doors of entry existed in this space.

Infront of the laptop sat a young girl.  Pale white skin, with blue eyes and dark eye bags. With a red nose from the cold, she was tussling her black hair in frustration looking at the message displayed on her screen.

<<You have been blocked by this user>>

“What the f-”

END @1

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