The world of Yetzirah

Chapter 2: Preparation

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I woke up  today when the sun had just had risen up , this was instilled into me when I started my training as the member's of the royal family  were expected to be some what competent in all areas including martial arts but in my case even more so since my maternal side had ties to the military  . Today was a special day as today  was the where I  will be tested on my abilities on swordsmen ship and sorcery  as every member were expected to showcase their abilities  before they come of age this was usually when they were 15 

Many nobles where gathered and this would allow us  to show case our  prowess and would let the prominent  nobles know of our capabilities  .  this was even more critical for my  mother who was from a military house hold so she  had increased  the harshness of my training 

  I was  trained from  the age 8 on how to wield a sword and I was told by my teacher's  that my progress had been good and she seemed satisfied with that ,  but the harshness of my training started to  increase more and more  as time moved forward  as my talents began to more and more apparent so that I could be an asset  .

Sometimes the  training could get so  harsh that I  would lose my ability to  move my body the next day but thanks to that I was able to   improve  my abilities even though I started hating my mother who put me through it even though she had my best interest  at heart ???

During this time I was able to  with new skills such as getting a basic understanding  of sword aura  and came up with spells that might help me play out a   strategy that might help out against the kings guard that I will be facing ,  though the  use of underhanded methods were frowned upon as the imperial family was expected to fight with honor and authority .

 after making making sure  my body was at perfect condition and finishing up my  meditating this is done so one  could  get a better  understanding of the flow of their  sword aura ,

my sword aura was one of my trump cards because people my age don't generally unlock it due to not having a body which can't properly manifest their sword auras  this one of trump cards because people my age don't have the body needed to manifest their aura but I was blessed with one that could manifest it despite my young age  …

As I was finishing up my training routine , I heard a voice behind me  ''You ready your highness''  I was greeted by my personal maid Linda who had  small mile on her face  .  Linda and I are  of  the same age and grew up together due to her family  serving my family for generation  We were close even though their was difference in  status 

she has aqua blue hair and  eyes and  smooth and fair skin with long  glossy hair she always has a stoic face which makes  her more mature  than she is  . she is a very  competent person  who doesn't express her emotion ,  but as we grew up together I have seen different sides of her other than her cold and distant one that she usually puts on 

'' As ready as I can be '' in a assertive tone , which made the smile grow with  small hint of blush started to form in her face 

she then told me that my mother had come to the training ground to meet me before the exhibition , so I was guided by Linda to where my mother was she was wearing a wearing  long gowns with sleeveless tunics and a  wimples to cover her hair.

''You are going to fight against a veteran warrior . who is  a lot more experience than you ,  The important thing is not your victory or defeat but rather what is more important is that  you do not put a unsightly display , so make sure that you don't embarrass yourself and become a laughing stock '' she told with a sorrow full face which had whenever she talked about high society 

Which made me want to exceed her expectation and make her happy so that I could giver her relief by proving my own worth to father and the other aristocrats   , and I replied that I will do so to which she replied with compassionate smile and she eventually left by kissing my forehead and   wishing me luck 

Then I gotten ready  for the exhibition that was a few hours away . I started to ear my armor and checked on my physical condition and  mana by a professional so that there were no complication  . as I started to walk into the arena  to meet my opponent 

he was the vice commander of the kings Guard he has a green hair and black eyes and is one of the youngest people to become vice captain at the age of 28 oberyn dakèn a former aristocrat who left his family to become a king guard , this was the person I will be facing 

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