The World Of Zodiac

Chapter 16: Ch 6. The City of Beginnings

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After a bit of time, Glade’s turn to enter the city arrived. Two guards were in front of him to check him and take a toll fee. 

Every city or better to say every human city is ruled by some nobles. There are multiple kingdoms and the royalty of every kingdom obviously can’t pay attention every inch of it. So, the division of power comes here. 

The royalty gives some areas to nobles to rule as a territory. Important areas such as borders and places with ores and mines are mostly given to higher nobility while the rest is given to middle or lower nobility. 

To enter different city, a toll fee is charged if you are not a resident in the city. Glade who is someone who is out of this world literally, definitely has to pay for entering the city. 

A guard who seemed to literate was holding a register in his hands with a quill which is quite different from a normal one. 

“So, what’s your name?” 

“Glade Cluster.” 

“Touch on this crystal.” 

The guard wrote his name and then told him to touch the glass crystal next to him. 

‘Is everything here works in crystal?’ 

Glade who already attained status through the awakening crystal was thinking if most work was done with the use of crystals. 

Then he touched it. And as if some reaction has occurred, the crystal started to shine green. 

“Okay. Pay the toll and pass.” 

‘Green. It seems to be some kind of detector.’ 

Glade paid the money which he got from the fairy queen, as she knew the importance of money. After paying 10 bronze coins, he finally entered the city. 

The city in which the first adventurer Adam was born. The city which is for the adventures. The city of beginnings – Adamas City. The city of Adventurers. 


Adventurers. The person who goes on for daring and thrilling experience. The one who faces danger to explore foreign lands. But nowadays, adventurer is just a job to earn money. 

But still many people become adventurer with dreams but soon they realize the fact that this is job to survive. 

But to Glade, the adventurer job was very meaningful. Not because he was craving for an adventure. It was because, the adventurer card given to adventurer is too important for him. 

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Normally, if people want to travel places, they have to carry many sorts of documents and permissions to cross countries and kingdoms. But this card, allows adventurers free permit. Of course, there are conditions. But still the card’s benefits overshadowed card’s drawbacks. 

So, Glade’s first objective was to attain an adventurer card. But the thing is… he can’t get it now! The card is only available for B-ranked and above adventurers. 

Ranks are a form of classification of adventurers. First is SSS-ranked, then SS-ranked, then S-ranked, then A-ranked, etc. the lowest rank is E. And the starting point for all adventurers is E. 

The reason adventurer card was restricted because before many people used this card for vile purposes. And so, from that time, the distribution of these cards is very disciplined. 

Glade with no choice knew that he has to start with the lowest rank – E. but he wasn’t that disappointed. Because he didn’t knew fighting and with high rank obviously, he would fail the quests. 

“I am hungry. Better eat first.” 

He wandered and looked all around the city. All people were bustling all around. Small children running around and lining up in front of food stalls which gave out delicious smell in air. Many adventurers with swords and staffs are moving within their parties in ruckus. 

“Hello, excuse me.” 

Glade called a person walking down the streets. The man noticed him and waited him to ask him if he has something to say. 

“Can you tell me the best place to eat around here?” 

The man then noticed his dress which was very unusual then normal people. He guessed that Glade must be someone from outside of the city. 

“I guess… you must be foreigner, right?” 


“Hahahaha! I kinda guessed it from your clothes. My name is Dent.” 

The man named Dent putted out his hand and Glade shook his hands with him. 

“My name is Glade. Nice to meet you.” 

“Nice to meet you as well. Well, then as a resident of this city, I guess I should show you the city.” 

“I will be thankful to you if you do so.” 

“Don’t be so stiff! Just talk normally.” 

“Okay, Dent.” 

“Hmm. Then lets go!” 

And this way, Glade made his first friend in this new world who seemed to be more cheerful and more helpful having the name – Dent. 

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