The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved

Chapter 14: 131-139

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Chapter 12: Open Heart


Sienna, who was about to fall over as she fell behind, was quickly taken by Ashiel.

Sienna murmured faintly as if she was about to die.

“I felt like I was using too much power…”

She had to save the emperor.

There was nothing she could see other than that, and she poured the limits of her power to the floor.

As evidence of that, Sienna’s hair had grown long enough to hang down the stairway.

It was evidence that her magical powers were depleted in an instant, and her time-axis was suddenly tilted.

Sienna groaned in pain and twisted her body.

Was she trying to ease her pain even a little? She felt pathetic as she instinctively dug her face into Ashiel’s arms. Ashiel felt as if his missing heart had sprouted and tightened.

‘How much… did you suffer.’

‘To the point you brought yourself into my arms, which you hate so much?’

But all he could do in this public place was to hug Sienna as if she had fallen down.

“Well done. It’s fine now.”

‘Because I’m your time.’

‘Because your time is here.’

Sienna eyes were half-lidded while in a cold sweat. Her eyes, which were dazed by her pain, traced the lines of Ashiel’s face.

Her lips, which had parted like a flower bud, were bitten weakly again, as if about to say something to him.

…Slowly, her eyes closed.

* * *

It was in the middle of the night that Sienna came to her senses, albeit faintly.


No, actually, she didn’t know it was night.

It’s just that the area was pitch black.

So she probably should have said she was just in the deep dark.


In the darkness where day and night could only be guessed, someone bit Sienna’s lips.

The touch was moist and mushy, and it was as if they had already rubbed their lips like this several times.

Sienna unconsciously parted her lips to her partner’s act of sucking her lower lip like a baby. Then the person’s tongue came in deeply, and the kiss became rich in an instant.

Ah, ah…

Even Sienna’s groaning was mixed and stirred between kisses.

Her toes were twitching and clenched. Her knees were brought together as if protecting something. But the other party didn’t seem to care, and with a gentle touch, he brushed the damp hair away from Sienna’s face.

“…Are you getting yourself together?”

A whisper floated over her moist lips.

Buried in the large pillow, neither sitting nor lying, Sienna answered a moan.



Ashiel answered briefly.

Sienna couldn’t get her act together.


His Majesty was poisoned in the banquet hall. While he was praising her.

‘And… So…’

“His Majesty is safe.”

Ashiel answered as if reading her thoughts.

Really? Sienna blinked. In the deep darkness, she could feel Ashiel nodding his head.

“Thanks to you.”

If so… It was reassuring.

Taking a deep breath, Sienna relaxed her tense body for a moment. As Ashiel’s hot hand was about to touch her shoulder, she felt it pause in mid-air.


“Can I… touch you?”

Why all of a sudden?

Sienna asked weakly in a dry voice.

“Weren’t we just… kissing?”


Was it because she had woken up, or was it because Ashiel’s lips fell off?

The distant pains began to narrow the distance bit by bit.

Her whole body was throbbing as if she had been beaten, and at the same time she was numb to the point of being unable to move. Her head hurts like having a concussion.

“I’m sorry, it’s because you’re not in a good condition.”

Ashiel seemed to be trying to make excuses for more, but it didn’t matter to Sienna now. She wasn’t the one to listen to her excuses in the first place.

“It was okay to touch.”

No, she actually wanted to be touched.

She was in so much pain.

Despite her permission, Ashiel hesitated a little. Sienna couldn’t stand the pain that had grown so much, so she urged him.


Ashiel’s stopped hand reached Sienna’s shoulder with difficulty.

As his stiff hand touched Sienna’s skin, she gently caressed her own arm as if it melted in an instant.

At the feeling she had been waiting for, at the feeling of the pain being released, Sienna exhaled, “Hah.”

“I think I’ll live…”

“Does it hurt a lot?”

‘Do I have to answer?’

Stupid man.

As Sienna’s green eyes glared with tearful resentment, Ashiel seemed to be at a loss for words for a moment.

Gently patting Sienna’s arm, Ashiel warned.

“I’m telling you because you may have forgotten, but the person in front of you is Ashiel Nacht.”

No… Sienna was stunned.

‘Who doesn’t know that now?’

Ashiel sighed and continued his warning.

“This is Ashiel Nacht…”

Sienna made their lips overlap for a brief moment. Only enough to clear her clouded head a little.

After easing the pain just a little bit, the lips moved away. He said,

“… I dared to love you seven more years on top of ten, and because of that, I made your first ten years hell, but I was an idiot who didn’t realize it.”

‘So please.’ Ashiel thought. ‘I hope Sienna comes to her senses quickly and realizes.’

The man in front of her was not her savior. He ruined her life, and he was an unscrupulous being who, knowing his sins, shamelessly confessed that he loved her.

‘So please.’

“Don’t allow me.”

There was a low breathing sound.

The sound seemed to sweep her back, and Sienna trembled at the shallow goosebumps.

Ashiel warned in a voice that was somehow rough and obscured.

“If you… if you allow me here once, I think that irreversible things will happen.”

Ashiel had to work tirelessly to keep himself within the acceptable line as a measure to save Sienna.

Her heart was dying, and she was in deathlike pain, so his instincts were demanding to do whatever it takes to save her.

And even deeper than that, the greed that came up and shuddered at the woman he loved…

Ashiel was even afraid that Sienna would be too disgusted with him, so that night, he laid Sienna on the bed and pulled down all the curtains.

…So that Sienna would not see him as much as possible when she wakes up.

In this way, Ashiel fastened his own leash.

He was nothing more than a filthy beast, not even a wolf, let alone a dog, but for Sienna’s sake, he willingly strangled himself as if he were a loyal dog.

But that was also a limitation.

—When Sienna had to come to her senses.

Sienna thought.

‘What is he saying now?’

If Sienna’s mind had been a little clearer, she would have been able to gauge the depth of his deep desires, which would leave her a little surprised… 

The problem was that Sienna couldn’t afford to be surprised by that now.


Sienna’s hand groped through the darkness and touched Ashiel’s neck. Sienna climbed up on him and his cheeks in her hands.

“I know who I allow.”


“It’s hard to wait, so if you don’t like it, get out of here right now…”

Sienna bit her dry mouth.

She tried not to be annoyed, but she was.

The man who fell in love with her was pitiful and irritating at the same time…

If she found it kind of lovely, was she crazy?

Sienna ordered.

“If you’re going to save me, save me right now.”

A clenching sound was heard from Ashiel’s teeth.


Ashiel took in a breath slowly. And he responded.

“…Don’t regret it.”

Those were hot and humid words, like a dog that had reached the limit of waiting after a long time and was drooling, like it could swallow one’s entire earlobe in one mouthful.

As those words fell, and before Sienna could digest it, Ashiel moved swiftly in the darkness.


He grabbed Sienna’s ankle and pulled her closer. After which, dug in between her clenched knees at once. His thick arms were propped up like pillars by Sienna, who was lying down before she knew it.

The overwhelming heat emanating from the presence of a huge man covered her like a curtain.

Thump, thump, thump.

Her pressured heart was beating. She felt extremely sensitive, all the way to the tip of her head with a little goosebumps.

But it wasn’t out of fear.

No, to be honest, she couldn’t say she was not afraid… 

It would have been more accurate to say it was a tremor mixed with anticipation of what would happen in the future.

Then, an exclamation like a sob, like an urgent breath, burst out.

The life he gave his heart to was mixed in time. That time was a dizzying, chaotic, and deep mix that no one could tell apart.

It was the strongest desire of man, the longing to connect life.

* * *

That day was the most overwhelming time Sienna had ever experienced in her life.

She was not saying she was thrilled.

It literally meant that all the things that happened in Ashiel’s arms that day were too much for her to handle.

She wasn’t sick or in any pain. However, she seemed to have cried a little at a certain moment when he crossed the threshold because the sensations she felt were insanely strange, unfamiliar, and intense.

Sienna slowly opened her eyes. She had been softly patting her own body unconsciously, but she couldn’t help it because she had soreness and languid heat in muscles and joints that she had never moved in that way in her life.

It would be impossible to measure the time. All she had were memories that had been crushed and swayed.

It didn’t mean that Ashiel had his way with Sienna. The reins remained in Sienna’s hands all throughout.


Ashiel was no longer stupid, and he was no longer polite.

Yet, he showed amazing self-control to stop what he was doing even if she only showed a sign of pulling the reins… 

With her dazed head, Sienna recalled. The man’s heat overwhelmed her, the sweat dripping from his forehead and chest, his clenched teeth as he stopped his actions… 

…It was terribly very provocative and harmful to look at.

Sienna was quick to decide then, ‘I’d rather be swept away and distracted.’

As a result of her deep realization and letting Ashiel do what he did, now… 

‘What do I do?’

…She didn’t want to lift a finger.

Perhaps, if she caught a chicken, put it in boiling water, and opened the lid after about 36 hours, what she would see would be like her current state.

It was as if her body had lost its bones and completely melted.

‘I’d like to drink some water…’ 

It was when Sienna thought so.



Sienna, startled, looked behind to see Ashiel, who had his upper body raised up, gazing down at her calmly.

“…When did you wake up?”

“About the same time as you.”

The calm expression on Ashiel’s face as he answered was almost the same as usual, but… 

‘…Somehow this person…’

In Sienna’s eyes, Ashiel looked a bit nervous.


‘…I think he’s retreating again?’

Was it because their bodies were touching? Ashiel’s thoughts, which she had never known before, were vaguely guessed.


Sienna opened her mouth. Her voice was deeper and more huskier than usual.

Ashiel didn’t answer, but his eyes became clear. Something… like a military dog ready to carry out orders?

Sienna swallowed the parable that would be disrespectful, and she only said,

“I’m thirsty.”

“Hang on.”

As a soldier, Sienna knew it better than anyone. For overly thoughtful subordinates, the best prescription was to constantly command what could simply be done.

The mind followed the body. By order, by rule. If you move your body with a simple goal, useless or depressing thoughts tend to decrease.

Looking at Ashiel’s neat steps in a gown… 

‘…Why is he so fine?’

Unlike him, who looked overly normal, Sienna, who did not have the energy to move even a single finger, was briefly choked up.

It was because she thought it was unfair.

But soon after, she remembered Ashiel’s horse, who was difficult to handle even though it moved well, and how Ashiel usually commanded it…


Suddenly, she had a reasonable and rather scary guess that she didn’t die last night because the man in front of her looked after her a lot.

‘So that’s what he was looking at…’

‘Oh, my god.’ Sienna trembled slightly.


Holding a glass of water, Ashiel asked as he looked at Sienna with worry.

“Are you cold?”


Although he brought water as instructed, she did not take the glass, but only stared at him, and that made him a little embarrassed.

Of course, his expression didn’t change at all, but… Strangely, Sienna was able to read the man’s personal emotional changes little by little.


Thinking it was funny, Sienna opened her mouth.

“I can’t even move.”


Ashiel carefully helped Sienna up and lean back on a pillow. Sienna drank the water that Ashiel brought her little by little like a baby while she stretched her body like a piece of boiled spinach.

Greulg, greulg.

She seemed to live.

“A little slower…”

Was he meddling with her speed in drinking water?

Sienna became annoyed and placed her hand on Ashiel’s, which was holding the glass, and tilted the cup further, trying to drink as much water as possible.

And then… 

“Ugh, keuk!”


In the end, she choked and coughed.

Ashiel hurriedly removed the glass and patted Sienna, who was coughing, to calm her down.

Carefully wiping away the water that ran down her face and chest, Ashiel never once said ‘I told you so.’

No, rather…

He looked at her so closely that it was as if she was suffering from a lung disease and vomiting her blood. And somehow, he looked happy… Was her judgment too twisted?

“Can I bring you some more water?”

Instead of answering, Sienna only shook her head. The mess just now was enough. It wasn’t much, but all the energy that she had went away.

Ashiel closed his eyes and looked down at the Sienna in his arms.

In his heart, he wanted to take care of her, who was weakly stretched out, but he was still afraid…

Seeing Sienna, who laid in his arms with her eyes closed, his heart began to pound anew, knowing that she wouldn’t push him away to get away now.

‘It’s just to make things a little easier…’

With Sienna fully lying in his arms, Ashiel cautiously climbed back into the bed.

His ‘heart’ was breathing in his arms.

His heart trembled to the extent that he felt it for the first time in his life.

How could it be said that yesterday was too much for Sienna? All of those times were daunting for Ashiel as well.

Everything was new to him too. He felt like his head would explode just from the sensations that Sienna gave him, but every time he suddenly realized he was really with her… 

Ashiel forgot to breathe.

He feared that if he took in one breath at the wrong moment, the moment would crumble.

He was terribly afraid.

However, the world he was experiencing for the first time, his body that had met his long-lost ‘heart’, only knew how to pulsate passionately.

Sienna allowed him, but she probably didn’t expect all of this.

Sienna was not rejecting him now, but when this moment passed and the next day came, she might hate him and throw him away; it terrified him to not know the extent.

It felt like his heart would break just by imagining it, but Ashiel thought.

‘It’s okay.’

It was because a sinner did not expect to receive such an undeserved moment as a gift in the first place.

Even if he had to live with only this moment for the rest of his life… 

‘It’s… It’s okay.’

Sienna wouldn’t know. Sweat wasn’t the only thing dripping from Ashiel’s face.

Ashiel thought so while at Sienna’s feet, when she had fallen asleep after all the storms had passed.

‘If you forgive me.’

Though it was beyond his means.

Ashiel laid his forehead painfully on the feet of his goddess, apologizing for excessive imagination.

However, the Sienna who woke up from her sleep was not as cruel as Ashiel had imagined.

The green-eyed lady stared at the worshiper, who was ready to be punished, and asked for a glass of water.

How relieved Ashiel was then… 

From what despair he was pulled out of, did Sienna know?

If it was like before, he would have thought that Sienna would never know, but… 

This woman, now lying in his arms, with her eyes closed without falling asleep, seemed to know.

Then, he noticed that she had suddenly opened her eyes a little.

As her narrowed green eyes looked at him, Ashiel felt a surge of greed that had been entangled in his stomach, one which he had not been able to resolve.

Sienna asked Ashiel, whose mouth was dry for an instant.

“Where are we?”

Fortunately, it was a question that could be answered.

“This is a house I personally bought. The location is not well-known.”

After he quietly said that there were only a couple of trusted employees here and explained that there would be no troublesome rumors, Sienna muttered, “Uhmmm.”

There must be complicated things waiting for them outside this house.

‘But if I must go out, Ashiel would have told me.’

She suddenly had that conviction.

Should she say that it was a feeling of deep acceptance of what she knew in her head?

‘This man can be trusted.’

This man would not betray her.

Sienna suddenly wanted to check her thoughts, so she fully opened her eyes.

Ashiel seemed a little shy and troubled. He was gazing down at her strangely, with the area around his eyes reddened.

Feeling the scorching heat from him and looking up at his trembling lips, Sienna smiled a little.

‘I guess he still wants to have me after all that drunkenness.’

She felt an inescapable sense of superiority.

It felt like someone was whispering in her heart.


You can believe it.

It was strange. Originally, Sienna was suspicious and fearful.

But this morning, she tried to roll her head coldly, yet it didn’t work.

It was as if that part had been paralyzed.

All she could feel was Ashiel.

Only Ashiel was understandable.

‘…Are all men and women like this after spending the night together?’

Not only guilt, but did Ashiel feel the same sudden intimacy with her now?

For a second, she thought.

‘…I hope so.’

It was then.

“Sienna!! Are you here?!”


Sienna’s eyes widened. Why is that voice here? … ?

…She quickly glanced at Ashiel and saw that he had a stunned expression. The two then silently shared their astonishment.

“Brother!! Sienna! Answer me!!”

…It was Michael’s voice.

Still in Ashiel’s arms, Sienna asked softly.

“Isn’t the location of this house not well known?”

Ashiel shook his head.

“It’s not easy to have a secret that Michael Nacht doesn’t know.”

“Ah, that’s true.”

Sienna knew just how terribly clever Michael could be if he made up his mind.

Meanwhile, Michael’s screams echoed throughout the house.

“Are they both dead?! Answer me!”

“Oh, it’s the Second Prince!”

Sienna was startled by the sound of a thud, and looked up at Ashiel. Ashiel sighed.

“Let’s move for now.”

Sienna quickly nodded. Fortunately, both of them were soldiers, so their pace at fixing their clothes was very fast.

Of course, the commotion outside was still ongoing.

“Second Master!”

“Second Master, please sit here for a moment!!”

Unfortunately, with only two employees in the house, it seemed insufficient to stop Michael Nacht.

“What’s wrong with you guys? Do you even know what the current situation is?!”

“But not now! Be patient!”

Still, thanks to the two employees’ loyalty, Ashiel and Sienna barely managed to clean themselves up and stand before Michael.

“Brother, and Sienna…”

Of course, it was not possible to avoid Michael Nacht’s keen eyes even with their right amount of clothing or proper dressing.


Michael, who was pointing his finger at them, exclaimed loudly.

“Go get married!”


It sounded crazy, but Michael was serious.

“Do you think she’ll always fall for you like this?! It’s only now! It’s a chance that will never come again in Brother’s life!!”

Michael’s words far exceeded Ashiel’s acceptance range.


…He and Sienna, getting married?

For a moment, Ashiel’s calm expression collapsed. He thought, a little flushed with embarrassment.

‘How could that… How could I be such an unscrupulous…’

Sienna, who noticed Ashiel’s embarrassment before his own brother, intervened quickly.

“Michael Nacht, I didn’t know you wanted to call me your sister-in-law.”

“What do you know, you’re going to be Sienna Nacht!!”

However, that much cold water could not stop Michael from being completely excited.

“Brother, honestly, I was giving up almost everything? Even if I had waited for a hundred years or a thousand years, there would be no way that you would be able to bring her into our family, so I was completely losing hope!!”

“Michael Nacht…”

Unfortunately, there was no one to tell Michael that using such words to put the facts as they were wouldn’t work.

Sienna glanced at Ashiel. His forehead was slightly narrowed, but he had a calm expression as usual… 


But to Sienna, somehow, it looked as dangerous as he was about to explode.

Strange. It wasn’t like this before, but now Sienna felt like she had some sort of hunch about the contents behind Ashiel’s hard exterior, which had been refined like an iron wall.

‘…Is it because we spent the night together?’

No, now was not the time to be immersed in such embarrassing thoughts. Hadn’t she experienced the explosive power of that seemingly indifferent man, both physically and mentally?

So, it was urgent to intervene before Ashiel, who was fuming in anger, strangled Michael.

“Talking is fine, but I’m sorry, I like Hesaros more than Nacht.”

It meant ‘shut up immediately’, but it didn’t work on Michael, who was running rampant now.

“Then my brother can be Ashiel Hesaros! Count Ysent! That works! Good for you, Brother!”

Without hesitation, Michael sold the eldest son of Grand Duke Nacht, the heir of the underworld, and muttered in a genuinely mad voice, “Hesaros is good, yes, it can work.”

Where the hell did the person who said he would be in trouble if he had to become the heir if his older brother was gone? It was outrageous.

The problem was that Ashiel, who should have said something, didn’t say anything.

‘No way…’

Sienna looked up at Ashiel slightly. Sure enough, Ashiel was looking at her with moist eyes.

While Sienna’s own eyes were filled with resentment toward the younger brother, who was selling himself as the successor, Ashiel was wistfully eager.

Therefore, she just couldn’t get the words out of her mouth.

…Even as a joke for a moment, it would be a bad idea to say ‘Is that so? Ashiel Hesaros, shall we try it?’ 

Silently noticing Ashiel’s earnestness, she thought it seemed to be a really bad thing to lift and let go of that heart as a joke.

‘Besides, it doesn’t seem like it will help the excited Michael calm down.’

Sienna sighed and waved her hand.

“Stop, calm down. It’s not like you came here for this.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Michael nodded, biting his tongue.

Now, unfortunately, there was something more urgent than selling his unsold brother.

“Don’t be surprised to hear this. His Majesty the Emperor is still unconscious.”


Sienna’s heart pounded.

“The poison should have completely disappeared… Maybe I did something wrong.”

Ashiel instinctively grabbed Sienna’s shaking shoulders. Then Sienna, who seemed to be about to rush off immediately, calmed down a bit.


Michael did not miss the scene, but he did not dare to speak out.

“Don’t worry. It’s not that kind of problem. When I examined His Majesty, his poison problem was definitely solved.

“But why…”

“Because he is old.”

It was a problem of the passage of time and aging that no one could avoid.

Michael sighed and explained further.

“Even though he is strong on the outside, he is not young anymore.”

Yes. Even if the emperor was just an ordinary old man, it could be said that he lived a long life.

It was close to a miracle that he made it to his current age as an emperor.

Sienna had no experience of that.

“The poison has been detoxified and the internal wounds have been cured, but it is a matter of His Majesty’s vitality to overcome the shock of being poisoned.”

Sienna sat blankly, listening to the story.

[…Are you okay?]

She could not even answer Hesaros’ question. In her mind, the last image she had seen of the emperor was repeated over and over again.

The blood that was spit out onto the hem of his long robe.

The toast in his hand that made him vomit blood.

That toast… It was to her.

“You don’t think it’s weird, do you?”

The quick-witted Michael intervened and tried to get her attention, but to no avail. She was thinking of these words.

“Today is your day. I’ll make a toast to you. Master of spring.”

He wanted to make that day her day, so he toasted… 

Unable to overcome her misery, Sienna raised her hands and covered her face.

Then, Ashiel opened his mouth.


Sienna lifted her head involuntarily and looked at Ashiel whose hand tightly held her shoulder.

Ashiel’s unshaken, clean red eyes lit up the confused Sienna’s foggy green ones.

“It’s not your fault.”


“It was the magic of those people that attacked His Majesty. And…”

His articulate declaration woke Sienna.

“You did the best you could on the spot.”

Ashiel did not comfort her hastily. He simply conveyed the facts.

If he had tried to reassure her heart with some rhetoric, it wouldn’t have worked, but since his unshakable voice conveyed only the very facts… 

It calmed the storm in Sienna’s heart at once.


Sienna treated the emperor to the best of her ability.

She didn’t even give in to Loreina.

And more importantly… 

‘There are those who have committed this unforgivable thing.’

Loreina’s provocative expression as Sienna held the dying emperor on the podium, and the voices of the angry crowd asking Loreina to heal the emperor… 

…And the person behind her.

Light returned to Sienna’s eyes, which had been silently empty.

Ashiel nodded his head.

They had enemies.

Now was not the time to blame oneself for whether you were good at responding to the enemy or not.

‘Find them. And punish them.’

Sienna made a firm decision.

It was the moment when an armor was firmly worn on the wounds and memories of betrayal, which were bitter and frightening whenever she thought about Loreina and faced her.

“…I’ll have to go see the Emperor first.”

Ashiel nodded his head.

As if whatever Sienna said became the law.

Michael said, without showing any expression that he was looking at the two of them happily.

“Yes. I came because I thought so too.”

“His Majesty the Emperor?”

“When I saw him, he was in the bedroom, but…”

Michael answered.

“He’s probably sleeping in the ‘Confrontation Room’ right now.”

* * *

Once upon a time, Feyenoord was the name of this province.

When the beautiful and splendid era of prosperity collapsed, and outside forces rose across the continent.

There was a man who led the barely surviving humans around the Feyenoord region.

With the strong power of purification, he not only protected this land with his servants with weapons called ‘Named’, but also succeeded in expanding the human land against those heinous extraterrestrial beasts.

He was the first emperor of the empire, and the name of the land of Feyenoord that he ruled became the name of the empire.

Before the first emperor passed away, he gave up his name to the empire, which was originally Feyenoord, and then planted a permanent barrier on the first land that was simply called the capital.

So that even if humans were one day pushed out of the fight against the outside world, they would be protected in this first land he had defended.

The confrontation world.

It was an oath to protect humans until the very end, and it was also the heart of the legitimacy of the imperial family Kainosia.

“Count Ysent, as you know, the direct blood of Kainosia is born as powerful Terraformers from generation to generation.”

Arandier, after greeting Sienna and the others, explained.

“The imperial family has protected the confrontation world with that power from generation to generation.”

Sienna knew up to this point.

“The room where His Majesty is sleeping in now is the core of that barrier.”

The Emperor of Feyenoord always stayed synchronized with the confrontation system in order to activate the confrontation system at any time in case of emergency. The emperor of this time was no exception.

“The system is not just a magic circle for defense of the capital. It is the legitimacy of this imperial family’s dominance itself, so only the immediate imperial family can enter the barrier’s room.”

Sienna’s face darkened.

It was basically said that he was in a room that only the immediate imperial family members could enter, whether he died or woke up.

No matter how much the emperor loved her, she was an orphan who did not even know her parents.

Of course, Sienna didn’t see her own origin as a weakness.

She couldn’t.

What’s wrong with being of an alternate origin? Now, she was one of the most powerful Terraformers in the Empire, and she was a person who could change the battlefield alone.

She was now very different from when she was a child. Would anyone question her origin?

It couldn’t have been done without that someone being pretty stupid.

‘But now…’

Neither Sienna’s prowess nor the emperor’s favor could allow her to cross the threshold of the room.

“But His Majesty is a patient in need of recovery.”

Michael objected.

“He can’t stay in the barrier room forever can he? That’s a little…”

“It’s dangerous. But it can’t be helped. His Majesty is losing consciousness more deeply than expected, so the moment he leaves the barrier room, the synchronization will be broken.”


Michael groaned. Arandier made a blunt declaration with an iron-walled face.

“Kainosia keeps the covenant. It doesn’t matter if you’re unconscious or your life is at stake. If you’re alive, it’s all about the covenant.”

An old promise passed down from the first emperor to protect humans in this first land.

“That’s why this imperial family exists.”

“With all due respect, Your Grace.”

Sienna objected.

“Your Majesty is the only blood relative of Kainosia, isn’t it?”


Michael’s face hardened and he tried to cut in, but Arandier raised her hand to stop him.

“It’s time you know. I’m a broken person. I once owned the same garden as you, but now my garden is ruined.”


“In other words.”

Arandier declared calmly.

“I cannot carry out the covenant.”


Sienna was shocked. Her garden was ruined. Did this mean that Terraformers may no longer be Terraformers?

Arandier smiled bitterly and took a cigarette out from the box and lit it.

“There are a lot of things in life.”


“I cannot fulfill my covenant, nor have I been able to keep a successor to take my place.”

Strong smoke obscured Arandier’s sharp golden eyes. But Sienna thought she wouldn’t cry.

Arandier was not someone she saw often or knew well, but for some reason, she didn’t seem like that kind of person.

“…But it is still too early to give up the lives of this Empire and countless people for that matter.”


As Sienna expected, Arandier rubbed off her cigarette though more than half was left in the ashtray with a ferocious look on her face.

“Count Ysent.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“You should know that the story you just heard is a state secret.”

“I see, Your Grace.”


Then, Ashiel opened his mouth.

“How far did you investigate those who harmed His Majesty?”

Arandier shook her head.

“No significant association was found.”

“You mean you didn’t find any tails?”


“People, traces of magic, and evidence that they have leaked?”

“There was nothing wrong with the process of preparing His Majesty’s food and beverages. There were no abnormalities in the process of making the last finishes, and there were no suspicions from the beginning.”

With that said, Arandier pulled out another cigarette.

Sienna was silent in thought. The reason they hadn’t been quick to pin Loreina and Euros so far was that it could be viewed as an attempt to provoke infighting without evidence.

‘And the reason we haven’t been able to catch anything so far is because they thoroughly settled in the Northern Euros land.’

But the emperor… 

“…Count Ysent.”

Then, Arandier suddenly asked.

“What do you think?”

“…I was thinking of what His Majesty said.”

In Sienna’s arms, the emperor said:

“I-I know what you are on guard of… D-Don’t let the child of Euros… come closer to me.”


Sienna thought. Perhaps the emperor didn’t think Euros was suspicious, but since his daughter and nephew thought so, he seemed to have tolerated it until now.

And at the moment of his death, he trusted the suspicions of his people despite it having no solid evidence.

Without any hesitation.

It felt like it hit her chest.

If she was thinking the same thing, Arandier murmured.

“…An old man who has a very deep heart.”

It was a voice that was very weak and complex to be called a curse. Sienna also felt the complication.

The emperor was showing great trust to them without anyone knowing while being in a position where he was supposed to be fair.

‘Fortunately, his Majesty’s life was saved, but he is still guarding the confrontation system.’

The emperor sacrificed his life to keep them, this system and the old covenant.

‘What sort of genius am I, Sienna Hesaros.’

Sienna was sad. There was nothing she could do.

Ashiel silently looked at Sienna’s shoulder, which seemed to have grown smaller.

Now he felt his heart pounding and aching all too well.

He wanted to comfort her.

But could Sienna afford his consolation now?

Could he be a comfort to Sienna?

“…Count Ysent.”

Just when Ashiel hesitated, Arandier suddenly called for Sienna.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Sienna answered clearly, as if she wasn’t sad. Ashiel had to put his almost lifted hand back on his lap.

Arandier said,

“I’m not a very kind person, but today I want to tell you a story.”


Sienna wanted to know what it was, and her body was already nodding her head and saying, “I’ll listen.”

Arandier smiled satisfactorily at the quick reply.

“Did you know? There are some strict rules for getting the ‘Honorable Title’ in this Empire.”


It was out of the blue.

“A title of honor is…”

“Let’s see. Shall we take your guardian, Grand Duke Nacht, as an example?”

The official names of Grand Nacht were as follows:

Grand Duke of Feyenoord, Minister of Military Affairs of Emperor Feyenoord. The Lord of the Underworld, the Marquis of E-dravalta, the Count of Pasinore. The adversary of Loraxar, the owner of the Named Firstborn Illus Getter, ‘Guardian with a spear’ Roderick Ilandroine Nacht.

“The Grand Duke, the Minister of Military Affairs, the Lord of the Underworld, the Marquis, and the Count. This is the list of positions and titles he holds, and the honorable titles come next.”

“Are you talking about the adversary of Loraxar, the owner of the Named Illus Getter, and the guardian with a spear?”

“Yes. Among them, ‘The adversary of Loraxar.'”

The emperor obviously said that the Archduke obtained this commemorative title by severing Epic Loraxar’s breath alone.

“If you win against a disaster like an Epic, you will be given a title depending on how big or small your contribution is.”

“I see.”

“For example, the title of the highest rank in this series would be ‘Annihilator’. ‘Adversary’ is a title below that.”

“Is that so?”


This raised questions.

‘Ashiel and Admiral Ferrato also received the title of Adversary.’

His Majesty the Grand Duke killed Loraxar almost alone, so why was he given ‘adversary’ and not ‘annihilator’?

Looking back, there was a subtle sense of incongruity that she had felt since the first time she heard the titles of the grand duke.

‘Yes, he stopped breathing, but ‘adversary’ isn’t right…’

Before Sienna could dig into the question, Arandier’s explanation continued.

“The fact that there are ranks in titles is a rule that is not well known because there are not many Epics enough to kill all the time, and there are not many talented people.”

Sienna nodded her head for a moment. Arandier continued.

“Anyway, considering that, it is true that Ashiel and Duke Ferrato here are a little short of even being called adversaries. In fact, you are the greatest contributor to this annihilation battle.”

“That is… it is an exaggeration.”

“Nevertheless, why do you think His Majesty gave these two undeserved titles?”

Sienna knew.

This question was not simple.


It’s a test.

She had no idea what it was testing for, or what it was intended for.

Arandier, the Princess of Feyenoord and the commander-in-chief, was now trying to test her.

Sienna thought for a moment. And she carefully opened her mouth.

“…Was it a springboard to give me something undeserved’?”

A smile was drawn on Arandier’s lips.

“That’s right, Master of Spring.”

Sienna realized that her heart was pounding and racing.

From the moment Sienna returned to the past, she was always a genius, and she had only received praise in the military academy.

It was only natural for Sienna to get the correct answers and pass the exam.

Of course, that was what it was supposed to be.


Just Arandier’s ‘test’ was different.

Sienna could have just failed the test.

‘And something changed just by passing this test…’

She had that intuition.

“Anyway, that’s all the stories for today. You guys just go back and do what you have to do.”

“Your Grace, may I ask how long His Majesty must remain in that barrier room?”

Arandier nodded at Sienna’s urgent question.

“I can’t keep him there forever.”

“If so…….”

In Sienna’s earnest eyes, Arandier discovered her deep affection and longing for the emperor.

‘Is she better than me, who is his child?’

Was it because years have passed? For Arandier, neither the respect for her father nor the feeling of absolute obedience had faded. But she now had a stronger sense of camaraderie and bond, as she shared the burden that was like a mountain between her and her emperor.

‘I’ll never know.’

Had her child been alive, she would have asked the same question with those eyes.

It was a rare sentimental idea for Arandier, and it made her particularly open.

“…Yes, Count Ysent. Since you have become a ‘secret-knower’, I will tell you in particular. His Majesty the Emperor will only be there until the ‘outside barrier’ is completed.”

* * *

The room was gorgeous and beautiful.

A merry-go-round music box that spun with a clear sound just at the touch of a finger, a dressing table with a mirror engraved with rose vines, and a balcony with beautiful curtains.

It was a room decorated like a dessert with all kinds of pretty things.

It was a lovely room that could make you smile just by stepping in, but unfortunately, now in this room, no one would be able to smile.

It was because there was a bloody scent and the unpleasant smell of rotting pus, which were not suitable for such a room.


The owner of this room, which smelled of horrifying death, was twisting her body on the bed and moaned.


A cry that could not bear the pain ascending from within.

The owner of the scream was Loreina Minangsi.

She was a lady who was once praised as a healing angel and saint in this empire.


But strangely, no one was taking care of this noble lady now.

Alone, Loreina groaned, twisting her body on the lavish bed in the gorgeous room.

Even her body was in a state that could not be said to be normal.


Each time she screamed, Loreina’s body melted like candle wax.

Her face, and also the skin underneath her clothes.

It looked so terrible that even a soldier who was used to all kinds of disastrous situations due to his thick bones in the battlefield avoided eye contact. It was as if the flesh had rotted rapidly and flowed down.

The part where the bones were exposed recovered after a while, but that, too, was for a while. It soon melted again, tormenting Loreina.

Her bed and clothes were soaked with rotten pus and blood; they came from her.

But it wasn’t just the physical pain that caused Loreina to suffer.

She roared with bloodshot eyes and clenched teeth.

“Healing power! Aaaah!”

‘That girl, that girl…’

She was so bitter and resentful that she cried. Every time she cried aloud, there was a gurgling sound from her throat that repeatedly rotted and recovered. 

In her hatred, Loreina exploded fraud so that she could somehow fix her body. But the more she tried, the more she suffered.

If it was like this…

She would die when all her powers were exhausted.

‘I can’t…!’

The scene was still clear in Loreina’s eyes.

The scene where Sienna saved the emperor on the podium and collapsed as if she was painted in Ashiel’s arms.

‘I can’t die yet…!!’

She couldn’t. Loreina broke her pride and cried out,

“Duke, please save me!”

That moment.

The atmosphere surrounding the deserted room burned, it swept around like the wind.

The curtains, which were loose and empty, swayed away, and in it… 

“…Have you reflected enough?”

A smiling, silver-haired man walked out.


Loreina couldn’t answer for a moment because she choked on the pus. Instead, she nodded her head frantically.

“Oh, you can’t even talk.”

The Duke of Euros snapped his fingers and flicked them. Then, Loreina’s condition was fixed in a semi-rotten state.

She still was in pain, but it was definitely more bearable than before. Loreina immediately exclaimed desperately.

“S-Sir, I was wrong. I-I repented!”


“Yes, yes! It really is!”

“But Loreina.”

The neat, beautiful, and noble Duke Euros approached Loreina. It was as if he could not smell the rotten stench of Loreina.

No, rather… 

“…You have a bad habit of disobeying my orders like this every time?”

You are reading story The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved at

…A red tongue came out between the man’s pink lips and licked his lips.

As if…

…This rotten body looked very sweet.

His blue eyes shone as if he was looking at a dessert that was so sweet that he wanted to eat it in one bite.

Loreina shook her head desperately.

“Hey, this time i-it’s different! I’m really sorry! A-And, it’s not my fault this time! That bitch, that bitch…”

Tears flowed from Loreina’s eyes, mixed with pus.

“That bitch had healing powers!!”

All her life, she believed that this was only her thing.

As much as that, she had never doubted that she couldn’t win against that bitch!

Loreina cried out of resentment and outrage. Although she cried, she struggled with pain. The Duke of Euros looked at Loreina with great interest.

His eyes seemed to say something like this.

Look at this.

Is the cut food on the plate still wriggling?

Oh my god. It’s disgusting…

…It was that kind of look, showing an appetite even though he said it was gross.

“Please, give me strength, give me medicine, please… I will be more loyal, Duke!!”

“…Yes, Loreina.”

The predator had finally made a decision.

“I’ll save you. You still have the talent to become the Goddess of Spring’s weakness.”


The words were so shocking that even Reina stopped screaming in her pain.

The Goddess of Spring, Sienna?

‘Do I have a knack for being that bitch’s weakness?’

Just that?

‘What… Then I… It’s not because I’m special…?’

To exist only to attack and shake Sienna…

Was that what he meant?

The Duke of Euros grinned. Loreina expected a sugar-like whisper from his lips that said no, he needed her, and that she would win.

So far, Duke Euros had done just that. Whenever Loreina couldn’t stand the stifling life, or she couldn’t stand the ‘transformation’, he sweetly comforted her.

Weren’t the items in this room also filled in that way, one by one?

‘Perhaps the Duke is angry now…’

But the words that came out of Duke Euros’ mouth shattered Loreina’s hopes.

“It’s good that you don’t scream loudly. It’s pleasant, so keep your mouth shut for a while.”

Having said that, Duke Euros clapped twice.

Then the people who were waiting outside the door dragged a bag in and took off.

“Oh, my!”

Two children rolled out of the sack.

Children around the age of ten with their mouths shut and their hands and feet tied.

Lorena was silent for a moment.


Duke Euros helped Loreina up with a friendly smile.

“Come on, Loreina. What are you doing?”


“I’ve brought ‘food’ here. Go ahead and eat.”

The children, who realized the purpose for which they were dragged here, began to struggle like crazy.

“Uh, huh!”

Loreina was equally dumbfounded.

Until now, Loreina had never eaten a living person. She just drank a magic potion from a pretty glass bottle, which Duke Euros had made for her by ‘processing’ these things.

It was tolerable.

Because it was just a magic potion.

She didn’t commit ‘murder’ or ‘cannibalism’ herself.

‘But this is…’

At Loreina’s trembling eyes, Duke Euros smiled and simply said,

“‘Raw’ works better.”


The strong nausea was intense.

Even in her rotting state, her whole body shivered.

‘Oh, no.’



If she doesn’t eat ‘these’, Loreina would at this very moment become prey for Duke Euros, no, not Duke Euros, this human-shelled monster.

Was it just her?

These children would not be safe in front of him either.

‘Well, yes, then…’

‘Shouldn’t I be the only one who survives?’

Duke Euros whispered to Loreina, who hesitated.

“If you take it ‘raw’, you will be able to acquire a level of power that you have not been able to obtain before. Just like the day you first absorbed the power of this staff.”


He was talking about getting Esperanza.

“Actually, it would have been more effective if you ate raw food back then.”

Whispering sweetly, Duke Euros gently stroked Loreina’s half-rotten face.

“Loreina, don’t you want to completely subjugate Esperanza? Like Sienna Hesaros.”


“Eat that. Then you will gain a new level of power, and you can… yes, you can become a queen.”

“…The queen… huh?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Seeing Loreina’s swaying eyes, Duke Euros happily nodded.

“You can be the queen in a new world I will create, a world with a new order.”


“Defeat Sienna Hesaros.”

As if possessed, Loreina’s eyes turned to the tied-up children.

Those beautiful green eyes… 

…They no longer trembled.

* * *

Offshore barrier.

Arandier did not explain in detail what it was.

‘I can’t.’

She couldn’t ask any more questions to the crown princess, who issued an order to leave.

“Come on.”

However, Sienna had someone to pry at.

In fact, two of them.

Ashiel and Michael were side by side, both avoiding Sienna’s gaze.

It didn’t seem like it would come out easily.


Sienna knew. These two were people who, once they decided to keep a secret, kept their mouths shut and resisted even if the emperor, the crown princess, or their father questioned them.

Even if there was a knife by their throats, Ashiel would remain calmly silent, while Michael would laugh at the opponent and spit on him.

But Sienna knew one more thing.

The fact that these two could not resist this one person in the world — Sienna Hesaros.


Sienna’s gaze rested on Ashiel’s stiff cheeks for a moment, one that had turned his head slightly and ignored her gaze.

Ashiel’s eyelashes, which were like pieces of ice just by itself, trembled slightly. It was a moment that only Sienna could capture.

Why? Every time she confirmed that she had an absolute advantage over that cold-looking man, she felt like her stomach was tightening.

However, Sienna dropped the thoughts for once. And she leisurely began to press the two of them.

“Who wants to talk first?”


It was super strong from the start, but it definitely worked. Because Michael, who felt defeated, spit out swear words.

“Hey, this is a military secret?”

Earlier, in the audience room, all defenses were put in place to prevent the story from leaking out, but the same was not possible here, thus, Michael made the final resistance.


Sienna responded as if she would accept the resistance. However…


Soon after, a passage appeared in the space that used to be a wall.

A short, soft grass sprouting from the depths covered the place where the three of them were standing.

At the end of the passage where branches and leaves were intertwined, a secret garden with golden sunlight could be seen. From there, a cool breeze swept up to the feet of the three, as if embracing the slightest warmth.

Petals were scattering.

“Shall we go?”

…It was the gateway to Sienna’s garden.

Never, not even once, had she ever allowed the Nachts to enter.

“Hey, this is…”

Michael looked at Sienna with trembling eyes. Sienna shrugged her shoulders and walked ahead.

Michael was confused for a moment.

‘Are you asking me to come in? Or you’re going to leave without talking to me, so you’re telling me to just shut up?’

That moment.


Ashiel began to follow Sienna.

“Damn it.” 

Michael cursed inwardly.

‘I don’t know if this is okay…!’

However, after he hesitated for a moment, he began to follow his older brother.

The road to the garden was not long.

On either side of the aisle ahead of Sienna, branches hung from each side like an arch. As Ashiel approached, the branches retreated to the side, like a lady folding a fan, to make way for the taller man.

Sienna’s garden was paving the way for him.

A small garden, where the sunlight breaks down on petals that have become transparent and soft like glass, in the pouring rain, finally appeared.

It was only after taking a step on the petals scattered at his feet that Ashiel thought about it belatedly.

‘…I’m here… Can I get close?’


From behind, Michael made a sound akin to a dying frog. It was because Sienna slapped him in the face with a branch as a joke.

“Ugh, I’m sorry. You wanted me to get out of here.”

Michael apologized even though he cradled the part of his face that was hit.

“Don’t be angry, I’ll take myself out soon.”

“What are you saying now?”

Sienna burst into laughter, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ashiel looked at her blankly.

“I was just kidding. Come on, this way.”

Sienna suggested for them to move. Michael muttered shyly.

“…You don’t want us to get out?”

Ashiel and Michael stood quite awkwardly, and Sienna sat in the seat of authority.

Sienna went, ‘Hmm,’ then she laughed.

‘It’s working.’

She succeeded in bringing the two secret boxes to the home ground.

“Well then, shall we continue the story?”

Sienna’s words brought Ashiel to his senses.


‘A place to tell a secret… You think that your garden is suitable.’

It was as if cold ice water was pouring down his back, which was pounding and had goosebumps.

He was ashamed of himself, who had hoped that Sienna would allow him to this point.

Sienna still couldn’t tolerate him like that.

He shouldn’t be overjoyed just because he spent the night together with her. How ugly would it look like to Sienna?

Unaware of Ashiel’s thinking, Sienna said,

“Don’t worry. It’s very safe here.”

Okay. Ashiel thought. Sienna had allowed an unacceptable existence up to this point, so he would have no choice but to open his mouth to some extent in return for entering this garden.

“The offshore barrier was originally prepared by the Crown Princess, but now she is mostly staying in the capital, so my father and I are working on it.”


“Most of the time, my father is in charge of the preparations, and I’m just taking care of the things around…”


Sienna waited for the backstory. However, Ashiel only stared at her with embarrassed eyes.


Soft eyes that plead ‘I can’t tell you more than this’.

Sienna thought.

‘Don’t be fooled.’

That man was a man who wielded a bow that killed even the giant serpent that occupied the deep canyon.

A man who was never weak, no, he couldn’t be weak. Didn’t she learn enough from the physical experience last night?

Sienna calmly repeated it once more.


Ashiel’s eyes grew a little more desperate.



Suddenly, her heart fluttered.

A man who was never weak, who couldn’t be weak. His courteous and pitiful behavior was only his outer shell, and how terrifying things were inside him… 

She knew because she took it off for sure… 

“Hey, if it’s like that, just let it slide.”

Michael intervened in a tired voice. Suddenly, Sienna realized that this place was not a place where it was the two of them alone.

“I don’t want to see Brother doing things that don’t suit him anymore, and it’s ridiculous that you’re falling for it, isn’t it?”

“Michael Nacht.”

Ashiel gave a soft warning.

It was a cold voice that was different from when he called Sienna.

At that voice, Michael shuddered.

‘Sienna Hesaros is the sanctuary of Ashiel Nacht.’

In other words, if he touches her, he dies.


Michael was fed up and explained to Sienna.

“Ah, anyway, this is more troublesome. My father has ordered me not to explain it to you in detail.”

“…His Majesty the Grand Duke?”


Sienna frowned at him sullenly. Why was he trying to hide it from her?

‘Did he think I would betray or divulge the secret…’

“…Offshore barrier is the external barrier that protects the confrontation world.”

“Oh, Brother!”

Although Michael was terrified, Ashiel had no hesitation in unraveling the secret before Sienna misunderstood matters.

“I can’t tell you the details of the mechanism because it is a military secret. However, once this barrier is completed, even a small number of Terraformers can protect the confrontation world, and conversely, they can supply power to the confrontation world.”

Sienna was surprised. In the meantime, she had guessed that Grand Duke Nacht and Ashiel were not simply participating, but she did not know that they were preparing for such a thing.

“…Why did you hide that from me?”

“First of all, the Crown Princess ordered confidentiality…”

This meant that it was not a story to be unraveled at the discretion of Grand Duke Nacht.

“And… I was afraid that you would join in.”

Sienna couldn’t understand.

“…Can’t I join?”

Sienna Hesaros was a knight of the emperor. She could not be left out in the work for the emperor.

She decided to make her name known for Hesaros, and she swore that she loved the dear Emperor, and that she would not lose to Loreina.

She has reached this point with her talent as a genius and constant effort.

‘It was for power.’


Why shouldn’t I join?

Sienna’s eyes were filled with anger.

“Why did you stop me from doing what I was supposed to do?”


Ashiel met Sienna’s eyes.

Ashiel Nacht’s outer appearance was only in his mid-twenties, a young man who could be called young, but his eyes were not.

There were more years that Sienna didn’t know about in those deep red eyes.

…Those eyes remembered the world that had already lost the owner of spring and was destroyed.

“As you well know, we have things to do and things to keep.”

It was so precious that he sacrificed his heart to bring her back to life.

Just because he saved her wasn’t the end. Just because he turned time back didn’t mean he was successful.

He still had some work left to do.

“You are this world to us. And…”

Sienna wanted to counter it.

She wanted to say, even so, that she was not that weak on her own, that she could be with…

“…I don’t have a heart to rip out again.”

Ashiel’s eyes, while confessing that, were simply calm. It seemed to him that if he had another heart, he would give it to Sienna as well.

It was the same eyes one would have when saying it was perfectly natural to use an umbrella when it rains.

Maybe the world would call this insanity.

Even Sienna was stunned for a second and lost her words, but when she saw Michael, who was more startled than her like his jaw was about to fall off, she came to her senses. She was the only one who could rectify the situation now.

“…His Majesty cannot endure for long. When will the barrier be completed?”

“Now, soon.”

The idea of the offshore barrier was a project far beyond the general framework and capabilities from the beginning.

Moreover, progress was slow because it was not known how far outside power had penetrated.

But that too was now coming to an end.

Ashiel said that the Grand Duke was mainly responsible for designing the barrier, and he filled the void in power that was created by it.

“When I attended the victory banquet, my father told me. The next part will probably be the last.”

“Brother, that’s all…”

Michael rubbed his forehead. Anyway, this made it clear.

Ashiel Nacht cannot keep secrets from Sienna Hesaros.

In any case, Sienna’s anger subsided, thanks to Ashiel confiding everything to her like he was her dog.

It was only natural that he could never inform Sienna of the crown princess’ secret orders.

‘Besides, if the next part is the last, it won’t help if I come and intervene now.’

The emperor would soon wake up. If that’s the case then there was no problem.

…But there was one thing she needed to make clear.

Sienna raised her eyes and looked directly at Ashiel.

“I’ll tell you one thing, Ashiel.”


“I am not weak.”

From the moment she was told that her own life was linked to the existence of this world, Sienna had never been lazy for even an instance.

To protect the world in her own way, she worked tirelessly to become stronger.

Sienna’s eyes had the confidence that only those who didn’t waste an inch of time could have.

In this world, Ashiel Nacht’s heart was no longer a flower that was hopelessly broken.


Ashiel nodded, thinking.

Sienna was right. It was just that the hearts of Nacht, including Ashiel, were weak.

In the blink of an eye, he was afraid he would lose Sienna as helplessly as before without realizing…

It was just that he was weak and crazed with fear deep down in his bones.

While staring at Ashiel, who seemed to agree yet did not agree, Sienna sighed.

“Anyway, okay. I’ll go back to the military academy as scheduled then.”

“Yes, you can go with me.”

When Michael said these words, his intention was, ‘I’ll escort Sienna to the military academy, so don’t worry, Brother.’ But…

Ashiel’s eyes glaring at Michael’s face were far from grateful or relieved.

‘Crazy, don’t tell me.’

At Ashiel’s cold eyes, Michael sighed.

‘My brother, he’s not jealous, is he?’

‘He must know that I don’t think of anything more than a sibling relationship with Sienna, but why?’

‘…Is he just envious and jealous that I’m accompanying Sienna?’

No matter how crazy a person was when in love, no matter how deep the disease, to that extent…?

Michael wanted to deny him as much as he could, so he tried to exchange glances with Ashiel once more. But Ashiel’s eyes were still cold and sharp.


At that point, Michael admitted with all his heart.

‘Brother, you really went crazy.’

From now on, he would just keep thinking that his brother was crazy. Recognizing that, it made him feel at ease.

* * *

“Oh my gosh, my God.”

The Countess of Gildinak laughed at Sienna’s grievance and complaints, that ‘the Nacht family regards me as a weak object of protection that must be sheltered’.

Sienna chuckled.

“Isn’t it fun because it’s someone else’s business?”

“There’s a little bit of that.”

After returning to the military academy, Major Sienna was ordered to wait for a while.

Among the other high-ranking officers, a second lieutenant suddenly became a major, so it would take some time for the school to dispose and adjust as well.

Sienna was dealing with the things she had to do in the meantime. Today was the day to open her garden and meet the Countess of Gildinak.

“Those people allowed Miss Sienna to enter the military academy.”

“The emperor’s direct control of Matenas is within the sphere of influence of the confrontation world.”

Sienna took a sip of her tea as she sighed.

“…And besides, it is also under the control of Her Highness the Crown Princess, the former commander of the entire army.”

“No matter how you say it, it’s amazing. Men go crazy when they start to wrap around.”


“To put it in your arms and suppress your not wanting to take your eyes off it for even a moment? It’s because Miss Sienna wanted to enter the school. I think it’s a bit odd?”

“…Anyway, let’s stop talking about this.”

“Yes, yes.”

Tea time with the Countess of Gildinak was almost a monthly event for Sienna.

At first, after Sienna became the owner of half of the essential mine, the madam began to visit to report on the operation of the mine, but such meetings began when the countess, who knew Sienna wanted to sponsor the orphanage, began to help.

Through these meetings, Sienna was able to learn Countess Gildinak’s management sense, insight, manners, and other ways to deal with various situations that may occur in the social world, both knowingly and unknowingly.

‘I didn’t realize when I was in a rush to finish the work in front of me, but now that I think about it, I am grateful.’

The countess had probably thought this far since she first came during the pretext to report mine operations.

“Now, let’s talk a little bit about the orphanage.”

Sienna received some papers from the Countess of Gildinak.

“After receiving the report, I think it’s time to start the extension as there are more children.”

“Have the children grown?”

Sienna looked up the relevant information. Usually, one or two new people come in a month, but… 

“…This is a bit much.”

“Yes. I thought it was strange, so when I asked about it, it was said that many children were sent from other orphanages this month that were unable to operate due to difficult circumstances.”


It was something that could have gone unnoticed, but something strangely touched Sienna’s nerves.

“…Why wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing…”

“Then say it like it’s nothing. I’ll just listen.”

Madam Gildinak said so as she poured Sienna some more tea. Thanks to her consideration, Sienna wet her lips with tea and confided about the prickly part.

“The orphanage business isn’t something that can afford to go out of business.”

“That’s right. It’s a business with a guaranteed interest.”

“The fact that there is an orphanage that cannot be operated due to difficult circumstances… is not impossible, but…”

Sienna’s head went taut as she spoke. Her thoughts were almost skipping paths and moving at a tremendous rate into the realm of intuition.

Children from orphanages that have closed doors.
(TL/N: in other words, one doesn’t know what’s going on in there.)

Orphanage children like herself.

Sienna, an innocent orphan who did not even know that she had been deprived of her magical powers by Loreina.


…Loreina Minangsi suddenly appeared as the owner of a Named.

Grasping the end of the skein, which she unraveled at a staggering speed, Sienna was stunned.

Countess Gildinak looked at her and asked,

“…Do you have something to point out?”


“Yes, okay. Tea time ends here today.”

The quick-witted madam cleared the tea cups and began to organize the documents.

Sienna rushed to open the garden passageway, reminding her that this was not the purpose of today’s meeting.


Sienna rummaged through the pockets on her chest and pulled out a small pouch.

“This one.”


When Countess Gildinak received it, she saw that it contained a self-defense amulet

Also, there were not one, but two, top-class self-defense amulets which had Sienna’s purification power in the essential jewel and woven knot decorations.

“Oh my, this…”

“I’ve given you something before, but I think this will definitely have an effect. I made it so that Madam can use it inside and outside.”

Countess Gildinak looked at it with renewed emotion, holding the amults up to her eye level. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“…Madam? Why are you like this?”

“No, that’s…”

Wiping away the tears, the countess laughed.

“It’s a new feeling. When we first met, I was caught up in fraud, and caused a lot of trouble and said insulting things… Not only did you forgive me, but you took care of me like this.”

Countess Gildinak was a person who was loyal and reciprocal with actions rather than words, hence, never before had Sienna heard such direct and emotional gratitude as this.

Feeling shy for no reason, Sienna added,

“The knot was made by Miss Isabelle.”

“I know. It’s also an honor for our child, I’m glad. How nice, to be able to decorate Miss Sienna’s self-defense amulet…”

Countess Gildinak wiped away the rest of her tears.

“I will treat it like heirloom and use it with gratitude. Since Miss Sienna is taking such good care of my child, may I ask you a favor?”

“……? Please speak.”

“Miss Sienna is now Count of Ysent. I promise, this will not be Miss Sienna’s end.”

Lady Gildinak’s eyes shone with strong conviction.

“I don’t know.”

“I believe it. But first, the important thing now is that the Count has a special appointment right to choose a knight just for her.”

“A special appointment right?”

“Yes. It’s different from appointing a regular knight. Just as Miss Sienna is a knight of His Majesty, you have the right to select up to three knights just for ‘Sienna Hesaros, Count of Ysent’.”


Sienna, who suddenly became a count, had an unknown privilege.

She began to get a sense of what the request of Countess Gildinak was.

“As a mother, this is the once-in-a-lifetime request. Miss Sienna, please make our Isabelle your knight.”


Sienna frowned slightly.

“Madam, a count’s daughter doesn’t have to be a knight of the same rank.”

On the contrary, such behavior could be seen as foolishness in the social world.

Bad rumors could circulate, asking why Gildinak sold themselves to Sienna despite being a family with no shortage.

The countess smiled at that concern.

“Those who don’t know anything will keep their eyes open and miss their chance.”

The Countess of Gildinak had confidence. She continued jokingly.

“I know best about my daughter’s path to success. Miss Sienna is the most promising prospect in this country, favored by His Majesty the Emperor, so I have to work diligently for her.”

It was not something a person who had been with Sienna for a long time would say.

With a smirk, Sienna also jokingly responded.

“Aren’t you overly greedy? I might lose his favor.”

“Then we shall perish together. With Miss Sienna, it won’t be difficult to stand up again.”

As she said, Countess Gildinak did this not only for the sake of her daughter’s future and the family’s lineage .

As a result of her experience, Sienna was a lord who was not only loyal, but was also worthy of entrusting her daughter to, and… 

‘The child of purification who protects the empire. If I could be a helper for such a person, that alone would be enough.’

In fact, that alone was wonderful and rewarding.

Sienna did not know this thought of the countess. Sienna just smiled and nodded her head.

“Even if I fail later, you can’t blame me.”

“What do you mean ‘blame’? I told you I think it would be fun to start over from the bottom.”

The owner and the helper looked at each other for a moment and exchanged laughter.

“Well, I’m really going to go now.” 

“Yes, go ahead.”

As Sienna moved to the other side of the passage, the garden landscape around Countess Gildinak slowly faded away.

Before long, the countess was sitting alone in the drawing room.

When she saw petals floating in her own teacup, she grinned.

Then she drank the cold tea, gathered her papers, and got up from her seat.

* * *

After talking with the countess, Sienna arrived at a castle.

‘I thought I had been away for a long time…’

It seemed that the years engraved in childhood do not disappear easily.

From the towering spire that she could see outside the window to the cool air of a castle that had been hiding its secrets for a long time. The castle of the Underworld was as it was in her memory.

‘This castle is a Millennium Box…’

Sienna looked around quietly. Fortunately, there wasn’t fraud.

‘Is the purification I did a long time ago still valid, or…’

Ashiel said he was connected to the Millennium Box.

The fact that this castle wasn’t being invaded by fraud could be because Ashiel’s condition was good, as he was connected.

And the fact that Ashiel was in good shape… 


Let’s not think more than that. Sienna taunted herself, who almost remembered that night so easily.

“Oh, Miss Sienna!”

Fortunately, someone called Sienna at that time. It was Madam Deborah.

“What are you doing here? Oh my god, you’ve grown up so much…!”

She never came back after she entered the military academy unless there was something she really had to do.

Seeing Madam Deborah’s eyes filled with emotions as she looked at her, Sienna couldn’t help but be moved as well.

“Why did you come here, how many nights are you going to stay? No, no. Have you eaten?”

“I’m here to see the Grand Duke. And for dinner…”

“Yesterday, Mr. Seth said that he wanted to see you too. He really taught you with all his heart.”

Madam Deborah stabbed Sienna’s weakness relentlessly.

“…The Madam hasn’t really changed.”

“Hoho, when people change, it’s when it’s time to die. Follow me. I’ll guide you to the Grand Duke.”

“Yes, yes.”

“I will prepare a delicious dinner and bring it to you.”

“But of course.”

* * *

As was often the case in this castle, the grand duke was in his office.

When Sienna spared a moment for thought in front of the door, Madam Deborah quickly left, saying that she should go prepare dinner.

Sienna looked quietly at the door to his office. When she was young, she was almost at eye level with the doorknob, but now she was at a higher eye level because she had grown taller than before her death.

Of the three Nachts, Sienna had the most difficulty with the grand duke.

According to Michael, shortly after the grand duke regained his memories, he said he would not have any guardians other than Sienna.

“The only child chosen by Nacht of the Underworld is that child.”

She vividly remembers what the aide, Devon, said on the day she left for the military academy.

“My lady, His Majesty the Grand Duke treats you like family. Please do not forget that fact…”

A lot of time has passed since then.

In the first early spring, the cycle of seasons had rotated several times, now spring had passed and summer was approaching, and Sienna was an adult.

The trees were bearing small fruits and leaves instead of petals.

The sun was starting to sting little by little beyond the warmth, and even the wind wasn’t cool.

Long ago, in the early spring when he found his memory, the grand duke said he had no intention of receiving indulgences.

However, Sienna conceded in her heart that she could give an indulgence, just not yet.

Sienna thought for a moment.

‘…Maybe still?’

Michael Nacht, who couldn’t say anything decisive, was brazenly attached, squeezing out all the courage he had.

For a person who even gave his heart, far from asserting himself, Ashiel prayed that she would live, even if it was disgusting to have to be related to him.

It was Sienna who commanded Ashiel, who begged her not to let him, so that he would let her live.

Maybe, maybe… Could the grand duke be allowed that much?

When her thoughts were sorted up, Sienna knocked on the door.

“…Come in.”

Perhaps the grand duke knew that Sienna was at the door.

Sienna walked in and nodded without a word.

“Long time no see.”

“Sit over there.”

Sienna sat in the guest armchair facing the grand duke who was sitting behind the desk. The grand duke looked at Sienna for a moment.

“…It looks like you came here for a purpose.”


That was true. If it wasn’t for that, she wouldn’t have dared to visit.

The grand duke silently nodded his head.

“Anything. Say anything.”

Grand Duke Roderick Nacht’s time was precious and very expensive, but Sienna was the exception to all those rules.

“Recently, new children have joined the orphanage I sponsor.”


“I was told that they moved because the operation of other orphanages became tight… but it could be…”

“Do you feel anything unusual?”



“Loreina Minangsi knows how to steal magic. If….”

“—It’s not that I didn’t think that she was stealing the magic of the orphans.”

Aside from feeling sorry for Sienna, the grand duke’s judgment in this matter was accurate.

But Sienna did not lose.

“According to national law, all orphanages in this empire belong to His Majesty the Emperor. So, no matter how closed Euros is, even being part of the three great guardians cannot prevent the orphanages from being investigated.”

“It’s not as easy as it sounds. We’ve actually looked into the orphanages. But so far we haven’t caught anything. Besides, with what excuse?”

“The Crown Princess has long lost her successor.”


“And now, His Majesty is sleeping in the room of the confrontation world. Probably, everyone would think it’s an urgent need, and wouldn’t doubt it.”

“…I couldn’t catch any tails then.”

“If you dig into it, it might be different this time around.”

The grand duke was silent for a moment. Sienna waited for a while, hiding her nervousness.

“…Yes, it looks like it’s worth a try. Even if I fail, I might be able to find a clue about the missing imperial grandson this time.”

The moment an exhale passed the grand duke’s lips, Sienna remembered Lou Melanche for some reason.

With his brown hair, she had absolutely no reason to come up with this situation.

But on the first day she met him… 

“My name is Ruslan. And this is a secret.”

After some time passed, when she asked Lou again, Lou did not remember the incident.

Sienna just passed on the idea that Lou was just named after the imperial grandson, like a few other children born in the same year as the imperial grandson.


‘Those blue eyes.’

To be more precise, if she thinks that those blue eyes reminded her of Princess Arandier… Was it a leap?


“Ah, yes.”

Once Sienna captured her thoughts in her mind—

The grand duke had to leave soon to complete the offshore barrier. And he had to report to the crown princess and take care of what Sienna had just handed over.

—In such a situation, she could not utter unfounded thoughts.

For Sienna, it was still something that needed to be organized and certain.

Above all, Lou Melanche was not a Terraformer.

‘From the bloodline of the imperial family, powerful Terraformers are born from generation to generation.’

Looking at it that way, it was as if Lou couldn’t be the imperial grandson in any way. So, from an objective point of view, Sienna’s suspicions were highly likely to end only with heartache.

‘In this matter… Let’s be careful.’

It was a sensitive issue. If she made a mistake, there would be backlash.

The grand duke was staring at Sienna while she was contemplating like that.

“…Your Majesty the Grand Duke?”

“Um, I’m sorry.”

As soon as Sienna showed a slight discomfort, the grand duke turned his gaze away. ‘You don’t have to do that,’ Sienna thought, a little ashamed.

The grand duke spoke carefully.

“You… seemed uncomfortable, so if your business is over, it’s okay to leave.”

Was it because his tone was very similar to Ashiel for some reason?

Sienna said this without realizing.

“Not really. It’s okay. I’m an adult now.”

It didn’t mean that she forgot, or that she forgave.

This was just Sienna’s best right now.

To tell him that it’s okay to look at her and that it’s not uncomfortable to talk like this alone.

She couldn’t give him indulgence right now, but at least, she could indirectly let him know that it was close.

At those words, the grand duke slowly turned his gaze to Sinena. Sienna did not reject, sitting quietly.

The grand duke looked at the child who had grown up suddenly without saying a word for a long time.

A delicate and sensitive plant-like child had grown up so well.

And for growing up like this, there was nothing he could be flattered with. Sienna did it herself.

A child who did nothing to trouble him.

He made this child that way.

“…Yes, you really are.”

The child became an adult.

‘Why is it so sad to see that?’

The grand duke thought, ‘Why are you an adult?’

Even after going back in time, Sienna had not become a full child and he was still a fool.

Why was there no way to truly bring back her childhood days?

Why was there no way to atone?

It hurt.

These were words that he could never say in front of the child he had hurt, so he only harbored them in his heart, as painful as swallowing a lump of thorns.

The moment when silence was about to come between the two of them.

Tak, tak.

Someone knocked on the grand duke’s office. It was Madam Deborah.

“Your Majesty, and Lady Sienna. The meal is ready.”

“The meal…”

As the grand duke was about to refuse, fearing that Sienna would be uncomfortable, Sienna said,

“I said I’d eat before I go.”

The grand duke looked very surprised, but he did not dissuade Sienna.


Madam Deborah happily guided the grand duke, who barely got up from his seat, and Sienna, who followed after.

“It would have been nice if the chef paid special attention to today’s meal, but the lady came without a message…”

Noticing Madam Deborah’s intentions, Sienna smiled a little. She wanted to get past this. She was also sorry that she hadn’t been able to show her face.

“I’ll pay attention next time.”

Madam Deborah, who received the words ‘I will come again next time’ as she wished, was thrilled.

“You promised! You must, my lady! The chef must not be disappointed.”

“Yes, yes.”

With the grand duke who seemed to be creaking strangely, Sienna went down to the banquet hall.

When she first ate here after returning to the past, everything was unbearable, but now it’s nothing.

It looked like a completely different space with the glow of the sunset in the golden dining room.

Sienna enjoyed the meal that the chef worked hard on in a short time. The amount of food she ate was more than that of the awkward grand duke.

As a result, there was no conversation between the two of them until the meal was over and it was time for dessert.

It wasn’t particularly uncomfortable, but she felt like she had to say something rather than just waiting for dessert like this.

Sienna thought.

‘Come to think of it…’

She had one question.

“Uh, Grand Duke.”


“I have one last question for you today.”


The grand duke granted permission, and around that time the dessert arrived.

Deftly putting down the fruit-decorated pudding, the servants retreated from the banquet hall again. Sienna hesitated a little and asked,

“Why is the Grand Duke’s title ‘adversary’?”


Sienna explained while eating dessert little by little. About the ranking of the titles that she learned from Arandier.

The grand duke nodded his head.

“People say that I nearly killed Loraxar alone. That’s true.”

As the grand duke spoke, he began to recall old memories.

Most Epics took the form of a dragon.

“Some are closer to snakes like Elbara’s water serpent, but Loraxar was more like a walking lizard than a snake. Of course, its size was nothing compared to that…”

It was an expression that would make people who were unfamiliar with such situations laugh, but Sienna, who heard and learned how dire the situation was, and even experienced it indirectly through Elbara, only nodded her head heavily.

“It is meaningless to challenge an Epic alone as a human being. At that time, Euros was not in a situation to bring an army with them as it was shortly after they lost their successor, and Loraxar was inland, so I led the Hell Army and imperial troops to subjugate it.”

The grand duke explained that they fought for three days.

“It was only after many had died that I managed to trap Loraxar alone. And as soon as I killed the beast, I lost consciousness.”

As time passed, when people managed to form a search party to find the grand duke, there was a shallow, large pool of Loraxar’s blood, and the grand duke was found fainted and covered in blood at the shore.

However, Loraxar’s body was nowhere to be found.

A heart jewel doesn’t unconditionally come out after killing the magical beast, so it wouldn’t be strange if it wasn’t found, but it was inconceivable that the corpse had disappeared.

“His Majesty still recognized my merits, but it was also difficult to get the title of Annihilator instead of the Adversary.”


Still, it was clear from the circumstances that the grand duke killed Loraxar, but there were difficulties?

‘Even though the rank of the title was lowered.’

As a soldier, it was an unacceptable peddling of argument.

“Who in the world protested like that?”

“This country has been peaceful for a long time. There are more than enough people who are not happy with the alliance between the three major guardians and the imperial family and do not want the soldiers who have made the contribution to be in the same position as them.”


“I don’t think you know about them…”

It was true. Sienna didn’t know.

…It wasn’t that she was unaware.

Sienna was the epitome of a commoner orphan who, terribly hated by the old nobles, entered the ranks of a military duke and attained her own rank.

On top of that, wearing the favor of the emperor, she was like a symbol of a new warlord noble.

In the old nobility group, she would have been nothing more than a thorn in their eyes.

‘The behavior of His Majesty the Emperor, who continues to build up new nobles, would also be dissatisfying.’

On that day, the voices of the people shouting to bring down Sienna, who was holding the emperor who had drunk the poison, was a collective madness from that context.

Sienna nodded her head, and the grand duke finished, “Yes.”

So quietly, the meal ended.

But instead of wiping her mouth with a napkin, Sienna slowly got up from her seat and walked towards the side where the grand duke was sitting.

“I, this…”

Sienna pulled out something shiny from the pocket of her uniform.

The grand duke recognized the shape quickly. A jewel that embraced shimmering light with knot decorations.

But he didn’t immediately figure out what it was.


“That… It’s a self-defense amulet.”

It was a self-defense amulet that contained Sienna’s power in the essential jewel, which was also given to the Countess of Gildinak.

However, Sienna, not Isabelle, tied this particular one, so the knot was not completely straight and there was a crooked part.

But it wasn’t her own lack of skill that made her feel dizzy when she held it out.

The grand duke, speechless, looked at the small object that had been in his palm for a while.

The fact that the palm of his hand lies an object that he never dreamed he would receive in his lifetime…

He couldn’t believe it, he was bewildered, and he felt like his heart was full of strange things that he couldn’t explain.

“I heard that you are setting up an offshore barrier. I was wondering if it would be of any help…”

“…Thank you.”

Sadly, that was all that barely came out.

Sienna probably hadn’t forgiven him yet. The grand duke was well aware of that fact.

She really hoped that this would help the establishment of the offshore barrier, so that the emperor could wake up as soon as possible and leave the room of the confrontation world… 

It could have been such a gift.

No, it certainly was.

But, that alone?

The grand duke carefully, without giving strength to his hand, held the precious object quietly.

Sienna said,

“Um… well then, I’ll get going.”

“…Yes. Be careful on your way back.”

Although knowing that Sienna would use her garden to return home, the grand duke did not hide a word of concern.

Just like any other normal father.

Sienna didn’t answer. But she nodded her head faintly.

That was it for now.

‘However… soon.’

Sienna thought as she opened the garden and left in front of the grand duke.

It seemed that it would not be long before she would be able to invite the last Nacht to this garden.

…She thought so.

What should we write here? Where do we even begin…?

Ame: *stares at the last sentence* :whelps: :looks_away: ANYWAYS, i’m done tling this entire novel!! Packing on stress to Z and Tassie hahahaha

Z sure has a lot of theories… Well, I, a very “sweet and pure” translator, shall not spoil anything x) even to my pr & qc :teehee:

ZZZZ: I’m feeling mixed about this chapter. I don’t know what to say. Should I say, “And so the story goes on?” 

A while later, 

Oh, I got it! Holy Smokes, if Lou is the lost imperial grandson, then does he have a garden? Or does he hide it and that’s why no one knows of it? Does he know he’s the lost imperial grandson or has he been brainwashed? Also, perhaps, did Loraxar not die and instead, infected, frauded, I don’t know what it’s called, gone into the Duke of Euros?!?!?! Because, he’s dead isn’t he? Or at the very least completely filled with fraud. Or wait, maybe he’s been possessed by a being from the ‘other side’?? What do you all think?

Tassie: *Eats popcorn extremely furiously* Ya’ll are smart with all your theories BUT HOLY SHIT THEY DID ITTTTTT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!!!!

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