The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved

Chapter 2: ss - 2

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Side Story 2: No Confidence


Sienna grunted in embarrassment.

“Now… Don’t hate it too much and listen. It’s a marriage you have to do anyway, isn’t it?”

“It’s not because I hate it…”

Sienna let out a long sigh.

As the crown princess of the empire, she was in a position where it was almost an obligation to select a suitable consort and produce an heir.

But more than that, what remained in Sienna’s heart…

“Heh heh, I now have a grandchild, and there may be a day when I will see my great-grandchildren.”

The anticipation that the former emperor spilled to his aides one day.

Sienna thought she would never forget the face the former emperor made when he asked her to ‘call him grandfather from now on’; it was a smile with wrinkled eyes, akin to a full bloom. 


She had never seriously considered the option of marrying before, but having a husband or children of her own was something she didn’t mind either.

‘When I was young, I also wished in my heart that I would one day have a family.’

Besides, if it could fulfill the expectations of the former emperor, whom she terribly cherished, she had no reason to refuse.

Sienna spoke up as Countess Gildinak deftly rubbed her shoulders.

“If you don’t like it, then you’ll have other problems.”

“The Madam is quick to notice.”

“Oh my goodness. Isn’t that why you favored me?”

At her sly words, Sienna smiled a little and looked at the portraits lined up in front of her eyes.

A list of great suitors from as many as two families out of the three major guardians families.

There was no portrait of Ashiel Nacht in it.

Of course, if Sienna Hesaros were to receive marriage proposals, then Ashiel Nacht’s name would be there as well… Sienna felt a bit ashamed of herself for unintentionally thinking so.


She also felt like criticizing Ashiel, who was absent.

To begin with, wasn’t this kind of courtship happening because Ashiel, who was closest to being her partner, didn’t actively step forward?

Did that mean Ashiel Nacht stopped having private contact with Sienna?

…As for this question, it wasn’t either.

Their relationship, entangled in the chains of heart and time, was still ongoing.

Sienna was often busy with work, so she would visit through her garden, but Ashiel responded actively and cooperatively every time.

As she looked back over the past, it was to the point where she even had this thought.

‘Are you kidding me?’

It couldn’t have been, but she couldn’t stop herself from feeling complicated and uncomfortable.

Sensing the momentary twist in Sienna’s expression, Countess Gildinak cautiously intervened.

“There is no way that His Highness the Grand Duke is treating Your Highness the Crown Princess lightly.”

“I think so too.”

“In my eyes, it seems that the Grand Duke is not confident.”

“But when Lou said Ashiel is my lover, I didn’t deny it… Oh, no way…”

Sienna only realized belatedly.

“It can’t be… Does he think he can only occupy the position of unofficial lover or paramour, and not be my official fiancée or spouse?”

“Grand Duke Nacht has a habit of lowering himself when it comes to matters related to Your Highness the Crown Princess.”

“Oh my God.”

Sienna let out a pained sigh and clutched her head. It was to the point where she couldn’t even figure out where to start fixing this faulty accident circuit.

Just then, Countess Gildinak, who had been watching her shocked master, sneaked in a suggestion.

“If Your Highness is not uncomfortable, shall I try a trick?”

“A trick?”

“Isn’t it a problem that His Highness the Grand Duke isn’t very confident?”


“I wondered what it would be like to create an environment where people can’t resist without expressing their unspoken wishes.”

“You’re saying… environment?”

“That’s right, Your Highness.”

Seeing the bewildered master, Countess Gildinak laughed like a clever hawk.

“How about throwing an imperial ball?”


It was a completely unexpected suggestion, so Sienna repeated blankly.

“The installation ceremony of Your Highness the Crown Princess and the coronation ceremony of Her Majesty the Empress were also held in an abbreviated manner, right?”

“It was, however…”

“Since the matter of the former Duke of Euros is almost finished, it’s time for an event to show the imperial family’s health.”


It made sense.

“Just in time, marriage proposals are flying in, so if we hold an imperial ball, everyone will participate.”

A ball attended by Sienna’s suitors.

“I wonder if His Highness the Grand Duke would be able to choose silence on the spot, sticking to being the lover hidden in the shadows like now… Aren’t you curious?”

Sienna did wonder.

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“…Let me review it.”

* * *

After reviewing the matter, Sienna dutifully wrote a document about holding an imperial ball hosted by the crown princess palace and posted it to Arandier.

Arandier, who received the documents… 

“Pfft, hehehe. A ball!”

She let out a cool laugh.

“Your Majesty?”

Instead of answering, Arandier extinguished the cigarette in an ashtray and signed it with a flourish that expressed there was nothing more to look at.

Then she grinned and gave Sienna the papers back.

“I can’t believe you’re going to call in the suitors to make the final decision.”


There was no such intention, but Arandier interpreted Sienna’s action that way.

“I knew roughly, but you’re very bold. You’re indeed my daughter.”

“Your Majesty.”

Whenever Arandier came out like this recently, Sienna felt quite some incongruity.

In most cases, Arandier was just ‘Her Majesty the Empress’, but there were times when she treated Sienna like a daughter she gave birth to and raised herself.

And it wasn’t Arandier to not know that Sienna was unfamiliar with it.

“Why, are you troubled?”

“It’s not…”

“There is nothing to think about. It’s just that there seems to be some kind of heredity in the Feyenoord family and Kainosia’s lineage that will definitely endear you.”

Placing a new cigarette at the corner of her lips, Arandier released it like a sigh.

“Not only the former emperor, but also Roderick. The blood of this imperial family flowed to him.”
(TL/N: pretty sure ‘him’ refers to Ashiel.)


“You know that, my daughter, so do as you please. Don’t forget that this mother will support you in any case.”

Sienna thought.

If there was a gene running through Kanosia that made them absolutely love her, she would say that she herself had a habit of being helpless before those affections.

Still, she couldn’t bear to be that frank, so she silently nodded.

“…Yes. thank you.”

“Well, that’s good. Now, go away.”

* * *

The news of Sienna’s hosting of the imperial ball quickly hit the imperial society like a fire spreading through the grass.

Most of them interpreted Sienna’s intentions as Arandier did.

“This ball will be a ball to choose a groom for Her Highness the Crown Princess.”

“She seemed to have a prudent personality, but she also had this kind of bold determination and execution.”

“That’s right.”

Sienna had little to do other than sign the invitations, as Countess Gildinak, who was more experienced than Sienna, was in charge of all aspects of hosting the ball.

However, there was something Sienna had to do.

“Your Highness, it’s been a while since you’ve looked for me, so I’m just grateful.”

Rebecca, the exclusive tailor for the imperial family, greeted Sienna politely.

Previously, she had tailored Sienna’s clothes with the emperor’s special permission, but now Sienna was a proud member of the imperial family.

“First, let me show you the fabric.”

First of all, Rebecca brought out the bright and airy fabrics that a lady making her debut would usually choose.

Perhaps it was a choice considering that Sienna has lived a life of no connection with social events such as a ‘debut’, but…

“It’s wing silk weaved in Astrea.”


Sienna, who had only worn a military or the crown princess’ uniform recently, was taken aback when the light-colored fabric fluttered across her chin.

Noticing Sienna’s expression, Rebecca changed her words as she quickly removed the flowing fabric.

“However, for Her Highness’ noble taste, this one might be a little better.”

With breathtaking flattery, what was pushed this time was densely woven dark green silk.

The fabric, which looked deeper in color due to its low gloss, strongly supported and harmonized with Sienna’s dull hair color.

It looked good even in Sienna’s eyes, which had no time to develop such perception.

She nodded her head as if there was nothing more to see, and Rebecca agreed with her.

“Excellent choice, Your Highness.”

With that, it was up to Countess Gildinak, the head maid, to discuss the design of the other dresses.

Nodding once more, Sienna came down from the podium.

There was a heavy load of work to do before the ball. It was enough to spend this much time on her clothes.

‘Ashiel Nacht…’

This ball was something she started impulsively because she wanted to know the thoughts of the man who seemed to be transparent but couldn’t be understood. Yet, it was hard to erase the thought that the work was getting bigger and bigger.

It was awkward to face him calmly while creating something like this, however, it bothered her that she hadn’t visited him at all.

‘I hope it’s not futile trouble.’

Sienna sighed briefly. In any case, it was something that could not be undone now.

Ame: I’ve been sick the entire week and did this in a hurry, so let me know in the comments if there’s any mistakes. Anyway, I can’t wait for chaos in the imperial ball, hope Michael, Isabelle and Lou all attend!

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