Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – The Michaels family

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chapter 3


Four years laters


Five years have already passed since I was reincarnated.


In an infant’s body, it took time to learn languages ​​and
letters, and it took me two years to be able to learn properly.


Still, it is too early compared to ordinary children


Only things like talking and gesturing were like children.


It is also to maintain a comfortable environment by playing
the children I never enjoyed in my past life… while I'm glad I have a cool
parent tho.


When I became four years old I could do more.i went to the
family study room to find about the new powers I awakened.


"Which power did I awakened you ask"


Well,the power is a blueish green pattern that spreads
throughout my body from my heart

So I came to the study room to find out since no one can
answer me about it since everyone awakened a common ability


"Let try this black book which I think stands out"




[trace] - pseudo-pattern system that spreads itself on
the body,Its convert life force into ions energy which is the energy that
exists in this world, each time it's  activates.
it's  feels a (program) has been written
within his/her heart which connects the patterns to one's soul and sends ions
Energy and commands to the brain and body. The process is called a

The program which connects the circuit patterns to one’s
soul is called
linked program”



"So that what it is huh”




Ions Circuits resides within a person's Soul but if found
on the users body means he/her soul lifeforce  is too strong and can't be compressed within
the body which leads the physical expression of them to stretches itself on the
body in a fashion similar to the nervous system




They are composed of core commands and components which
are the actual Circuits so to say,and bypasses that connect those components to
the heart and brain,ions Circuits do change overtime and can be use to absorb
ions from the surrounding,, commands are necessary for the operation of the Circuits,it
is a common mistake to think it's can be activated with out saying a thing




There are rare occasions in which the Circuits deactivate
after the absorbing too many ions or little to empty ion energy in the user's
body. Like any other organ, the number of ions Circuits that one possesses and
in which length its will grow or change are determined at birth the
user has little to low ions which leads to low quality ions Circuits, but as
the user grows and absorb ions the quality of their Circuits grows more than
enough to activate it's self .





The person who has this power[trace] are called NOBLE
BLOODLINE and at this moment of writing this book noble Bloodline have all gone


A message for any one in the far future who has a Noble
Bloodline please beware of........




“shit why”



The Circuits are ultimately something unnatural and
defers natural laws for the human body and their activity will cause pain and
numbness if overused.


Commands are ions circuit triggers which activated when
the user's body is in danger.they activated automatically to protect its user

"Nice power to have"

Commands are also mental trigger that activate the
Circuits with a chant. For example TRACE – 024(program)

Every program has a each codes which when chanted can be
used as commands.

Regeneration – 027

Self- healing – 037

Self recovery - 047


"I will be using using "TRACE" chant from now


A lesser known function of ions Circuits commands is that
they can be used to record and store desire(program)

For example - desire to heal,desire to regenerate a lost
organs or desire for recovery and many more

Hence,if the known program is not store in the circuit,no
desire will be made and vice versa.

To store program in your circuit, one must concentrate,feel
the circuit[the circuit will light up fo ar brief moment]then go deeper into inner
mind and use your lifeforce to input the program on your heart in between the
pattern so not to overwrite the linked program

Note – the process can only be done one a
day so not to overcomsume your lifeforce,if you don't yield this warning you
will die,undergo this process if your lifeforce is strong enough.

Note – one program can only be stored per day,so
not to break the link shared by written programs,time cools all links


“Cool,I will store healing,- 037 program on my circuit


Miles closing his eyes and free his mind to concentrate,so
to not fail.


Two hours later


Panting and sweating

Each time I try imputing the program I will feel extreme pain
and I bleed from my mouth




But I failed,my Lifeforce is like a burning fire,how will input
a program with a burning flame?”


One hour later


“Again,I almost overwrite my linked program”




Panting and sweating




I failed damn it ,if I failed one last time,am going to die




“havent I died once,death is worst than this”


Miles concertrated and freeing his mind for the third time and
went in his deepest mind in his souless form,he then took his Lifeforce(burning
flame) channels it into his right hand in which he turns into a spike and he went
to his heart, inputting the heal – 037 program in between the pattern,the
program was easy to input but been careful not to damage his heart not overwrite
his linked program was the hardest he had to overcome


One hour later


“I did it”


“Damn ,blood coming out my eyes,nose and ears but it’s was
worth it I think I need to sle.e.e.p”


Miles fainted.


Six hours later


‘Ah,so I fainted?”

You are reading story THE WORLD at


Cleaning off the dried blood on his face and clothes


“My head hurts,feeling dizzy,and am hungry”


“Well, let’s go eat”


“Oops,the book”





Well that Empty,middle pages still bothering me tho ,did
someone tears the pages off?


Walking out the door




Walking woozy and off – balance through the hallway to the


“damn my ears are ringing”


Few minutes later


“Ah”panting and sweating


“Finally,made it to the kitchen”


“oh,speak of the devil,I was just about to go call you,I
have prepared your food”


“Great timing”


“Miles,what happened”


“i just needed food and rest”


“still doing crazy shit,just like two years ago when you
fainted from exhaustion when attempting workout,,,haha)


“Ha,don’t make fun of me”


“Aright,aright, let’s me get you your food,sit”


Diana giving and passing food to miles on the table


Few minutes later


“hey,why are you still in the kitchen”


“well,you are not feeling okay,your hair are messy”(which
you don’t like)


“since you’ve done eating,let me take you to your room to rest”


“ha,my head still hurt,am still dizzy too”


Diana saw how badly miles conditions was, so she lifted and
carried him to his room


Next day,





Ah,I slept well,and I have also recovered my life force since
it’s didn’t burn out last time

“Let me make a cut on the palm of my hand With a blade to
see if it work?”




A blueish green pattern was formed at the point of the cut
and stitched it up


“wow,it’s really worked”


After taking my bath,and dressing up in black short,shirt
and departed for the study room


My Young body got tired easily,just for walking to the study
but since i awakened this power my body has been going recovering at least a
bit faster than average kid my age,the circuit turn off automatically when am
low on energy,but still this is a power that differs common sense

There is a lot of attractive information in the study of
"The Michaels", which leaves a lot of records about
"Adapter" and gathered books from all over this Realm ,Well I took
other books in which i read.




The michaels, the darkness is deeper than I imagined”


The ADAPTERS family called "The michaels" is a
family that lives in vile city in the first realm. In this world aspect there
consist of first realm to nine realm,all are connected through THE TOWER OF
BABEL connected and revolved around the MAIN WORLD no one has been there
before,the unrealistic sky which I saw when I was with mom when we were out
shopping for groceries was a illusionary barrier covering the whole city
from monster and dense energy called "RUNE*


The Michaels family is from my dad's sides,my mom was from
the NINE GREAT FAMILIES residing in the tower of Babel which according to
her,ran away from home due to the successor wars of the heirs for who will become
the head of the family ,they resides on the seventh realm

The tower consists of five thousand floor divided in nine
realm which will give be 55.5 floor each,floor 5.5 on each of them are hidden floors


"Well,I don't blame her though,since she would have ben


She came down the tower to first realm since no great
familes has control over this realm,getting here she worked in a place called
GUILD as a instructor of young regular and later meeting my dad who was an B
rank regular at the time,they both fell in love and blam blam blam blam


The Michaels has the oldest status among the families
residing in vile city as of counting to be fifth places, that does not mean
that we has a very wide territory.


According to my dad,At a time,the name of the adapter family
of the vile city was flying around the country in praises which
leads in obtaining tremendous rewards like excellent technology and selling
treasures from the head of the Michaels family "EREN MICHAELS


And, beside been part of the nine great family,been a mercenary
that moves only at the request of the head of the family or by request made by
a third party


To Remove elements/monsters that will be detrimental to the
city by all means necessary


The main family in the tower was and is an assassination
family but become my dad felt remorse or regret each time he does kill a
human,.he converted himself to be a mercenary


"Ah,so that why my dad has a serious and not so serious



The assassination of the michaels is used only in the tower


Dad once said,the main family goes by two codes. The first

[The Michaels, life and death. being one of the great
familes or not we dominate by killing]


When my dad is serious he has a strong voice and lot of


"This man is rich,so fucking rich"


But still been rich,my mom still takes me out to see the
outpost in which we are residing In since we are the only rich family in here


The second code in which my dad spoke of;

[No matter what happens on a mission ,either we were been
crushed or tortured to dead, we will continue to assassinate, this is the law
of our ancestors]


That means that if the back of the michaels is public, it alone
has the power and secrets to rule and governed the first to the fourth realm
while residing on the fifth realms 


It can be truncated from the realm in order to protect the
secret. A countermeasure is necessary


According to one of the books I read,if one realm were to
rule over another realm,the tower will take action and declare restriction on
the family for hundred years which in the tower is short ,since the tower
basically grants Immortality.


According to my dad no matter which michaels family head you
crushed or tortured to die ,a new one will arise"


When I close the book, I hear a sound knocking on the door.


"Miles,your dad called you"


"Alright mom"


"I wonder what for?'



he Michaels family, education to activate the brain from
infancy, grasping periodic physical abilities and corresponding strength
exercise, exercises to use ions power, and very rational and wide education.


However, at the age of four, full-scale training began and
the hurdle raised at a stretch. Let ‘s steal my dad’ s technique today. There
are many things that my dad has.

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