The Y-Files [GL]

Chapter 141: Vol. 3: Chapter 139: Interlude: Unexpected guests

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Mari's POV

 Tory had been inconsolable when we got home yesterday evening. She felt guilty about the incident between Anna and the queen. She kept on saying it was all her fault, and that she had no idea how to make it up to Claire. It was only after I showed her the cute video of the two of them making up that she started to feel a little better.

So as it is a girlfriend's duty I spoiled her as much as I could that night, resulting in me waking up this morning with this cute dark-haired oriental beauty still dozing on my belly.

“It's the simple things in life that make you happy,” I said to myself as I watched her breathe. "I must have done something right if I get rewarded with such a beautiful girlfriend."

I gently let my hand follow the flow of her beautiful hair, making sure not to wake her up. That way I could admire her sleep face a little longer. I even took my mobile and made a picture. The perfect new background for my phone. I already knew this would be a memory that I would treasure forever.

A little later Tory gently opened her eyes. When she realized where she was, she decided to nuzzle her face into my belly and then blew as hard as she could, making me yelp because of the ticklish feeling, and her laugh.

“Why you!” I wanted to show her who's boss, so quickly pinned her down, but the kiss she gave me in response quickly turned the scales and before I knew it, I was lying on my back with her kissing me on top of me.

Then she let out a grunt and said “I need to get up and get ready for school, but how am I supposed to get up and go to school with you being so incredibly cute.”

“Then let's take a shower together. Then you can do both at the same time.” I suggested.

“Tempting, but I am running late as it is, and both you and I know this would never end at just a shower. You can make me breakfast while I shower.” She said with a smug smile on her face. Then she lowered her head and whispered “I promise I will make having to leave you now up to you many times over when I get back.” Then she slipped her hand and traced the contour of my inner ties while kissing me. My mind slipped and I could only think of Tory, but after that kiss, she got up, said: “That was something to make you remember why you are working today.”

“I'm not working today. You know that!”

“Weren't you moving in on your days off? I will come and help as soon as my classes are over.”

We did say that. But I had not really put it on my agenda for my next day off. I thought we would still discuss it a little more.

Seeing my face, Tory said, “Don't you want to move in here?”

“Of course I want to! I was just thinking of all the work ahead of me.”

Tory started laughing again and said, “Just think of the reward and it will all become worth it.” She gave me a little wink and disappeared into the bathroom.

Another home run for Tory. Not that I really minded. If this was a foretaste of how life was going to be once I moved in, it could not happen any sooner. I got up and started to make breakfast.

Tory loved a warm breakfast. I was still adapting to that. I was used to eating my honey bubbles or just a few slices of bread with marmalade. But first things first. I put on the percolator to make us some coffee, while I looked through the fridge on what I should make.

In the end, I made us both toast with homemade garlic butter, and cheese au gratin, and when they were done, I topped them with some smoked salmon and dill.

They were finished just as Tory got out of the bathroom and she looked at the toasts with curious eyes.

This was pretty classic, wasn't it? I was surprised she did not know this dish. I really hoped she would like it.

She took one of the toasts and took a curious bite, and said “You spoil me. If I get used to eating like this, you will be the one stuck with a fat girlfriend.” She smiled and then she kissed me on my cheek. Just this moment made it all worth it.

I was relieved she was enjoying eating it. I am not really comfortable cooking Asian stuff, since they always use a lot of ingredients you can't really get here but I decided I had to make time to learn a few Japanese dishes. If anything, I wanted to see more of that smile.

During breakfast, we discussed where I could put the boxes that I moved. We would unpack them together. That way we could redecorate the place together.

After breakfast, Tory gave me a last kiss and left for class.

I went to take a shower so I could start my day that had suddenly become extremely filled too. While I was washing my hair, I remembered Tory's promise and started to feel all fluttery. She knew what to do to make me think of her and nothing but her all day. I realized I was completely head over heels for her and would do anything for her. Just the idea of doing stuff for Tory made me extremely happy.

As I got ready and took the keys to my car, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, there was a sight I did not expect.

My parents stood there together with Tory's mom.

“Wh-What are you all doing here?”

“Can we come in dear? We need to talk.” My mom said.

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“Tory isn't here right now and I have a lot of stuff to do. Couldn't you have called first?”

“We know, we saw her leave.” Tory's mother answered. I did not like this situation one bit. I wanted to just close the door again, but my father opened the door forcefully and let everyone in. “Don't act childish. We are still family.” He said.

They all sat down in the living room. I was waiting for them to speak. I did not really understand what they wanted from me. But I knew one thing. My parents being this forcefully could not be good.

“Mari, we want to talk to you about your relationship with this woman's daughter.”

There we had it. I was about to explode. “Just a second, hear us out for just a second, please. Ms. Yaki here said that her daughter would explode if she even broached the subject with her, so I thought we would come to you. I was sure you would be willing to listen.”

Well. Listening would not hurt me, but Tory's mom said some things I was not ready to forgive like they were nothing.

Then dad took over. I could see he was looking for words to dance around the elephant in the middle of the room as much as possible.

“You see, your girlfriend is from a different culture, and the fact that the two of you are well... girls is not as well-received there. We hope you are at least willing to accept that point of view of Ms. Yaki.”

What the hell was he saying. I should break up for cultural differences?

“You can't blame me for that. Be happy that she lives here now then. I do not see what you want from me. If you are trying to convince me to break up, I won't, and this will be the last time we speak if you ever mention that again!”

“No, we agree with you on that honey.” My mother said to my surprise. “We had a long talk with Ms. Yaki here, and we agreed to talk to you. We want the both of you to make a compromise.”

“What the hell does that mean?” You are either with someone or not. I could not see a way to make a compromise.

Suddenly Tory's mom reacted with big eyes to my outburst and said: “Grandchildren. I want grandchildren.”

I felt my cheeks turn red completely. I was dating Tory for a couple of weeks. We were already rushing things by me having to move in, and here was her mother at our doorstep asking me to give her grandchildren.

“Your parents explained to me that many gay couples find ways to have children. That being gay did not have to mean there would be no grandchildren.”

I had heard that Japanese families put more importance on the family tree, but this was just selfish. I remembered everything she said to Tory during our first meeting and bad Tory had felt afterward and said

“If our relationship ever gets to that point, I do not see why not.”

Ms. Yaki seemed to be satisfied with that answer, seeing the smile form on her face. “Of course. Marriage comes first.”

Another shiver went through me. Tory and I getting married. I wouldn't mind, but our relationship was not even close to progressing to that stage, but I wasn't about to leave all the demands in her camp.

“But if you ever want to see those grandchildren you will apologize to Tory,” I said.

“Mari, what are you doing?” Mom said shocked.

“She said some really nasty stuff to Tory, mom. Stuff that I cannot just look past without a decent apology. You should have seen how hurt Tory was by it.”

Ms. Yaki looked at me a bit surprised. “You will make an excellent wife if you protect her like that. Tell me when you want me to come, and I will come and apologize.”

“Tomorrow, after her concert at Femme Fatale,” I replied. I wanted at least to be able to tell her everything that happened and not just spring it on her.

“Then I will see you tomorrow.”

My mom walked up to me and said “Dad and I knew you would do the right thing. We also look forward to those grandchildren. To be honest, we had almost given up on them.”


There I stood blushing heavily. This was so embarrassing! Mom smiled at me and said. “Just know we will be there on Friday too. We want to meet that girlfriend of yours. You are moving in with her and we haven't even met. That is not the right way to do things.” Dad then said.

It seems like tomorrow evening was going to be stressful. I hoped Tory would not be too mad that I had meddled in her affairs, but at this point, I considered those affairs had evolved into my affairs too.

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