The Y-Files [GL]

Chapter 143: Vol. 3: Chapter 141: Yuri will save the planet!

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With both Kath and Polly in the room, you could feel the tension in the air. I knew we all were on fairly good terms with all of them, but Polly and Kath were long-time adversaries.

Aunt Bernie started her speech rather dramatically: “The reason I called all of you so urgently is because of Cath's new invention, that will affect everything we once knew and where the world will take us.”

“I am sorry to interrupt. But if this concerns an invention, why is she here.” Kath interrupted Aunt Bernie.

Aunt Bernie sighed “I invited her, because she is the political backbone of this organization, and will take it soon to the European level.”
“I asked you to keep that quiet,” Polly said a bit ticked off.

“Oh, I see, they are “promoting” you,” Kath said with a venomous undertone to Polly.

“Polly is using it as an opportunity to grow!” Vera retorted.

“Sure, sure. Whatever you want to call it.” Kath said. Ignoring the argument.

I was tired of this “Stop acting like children.” I said. “You are both politicians, yesterday's enemy is tomorrow's friend.”


Polly tried to interject.

“Whatever happened between the two of you is making you act like that? I could almost swear this is more than just politics.” I then said frustrated.

Both Kath's and Polly's cheeks turned red. It was like I just caught them doing something naughty.

“Listen we were young, and that was a mistake,” Kath said. “Hmph! I looked up to you. You just used me! You don't know how glad I was when you finally said yes. Only to get dumped after you had your ways with me.” Polly replied angrily.

W-What was this. Where was this coming from?

Vera was scratching her head and said “Could you not bring their teenage past up again? If it gets out of hand, it becomes embarrassing for those who have to listen too...”

I looked at Anna, but she looked just as baffled as me.

I noticed Ms. Odes stopped writing in her notebook. She was listening very intensely to what was being said.

“Come on, please don't say our national politics were being dictated by a teenage spat...”

Polly looked at me with eyes that clearly said “Sorry to burst your bubble.”

Kath looked around the room and said “Let's call a truce. It was so long ago after all.”

“Fine, but that does not mean I forgive you,” Polly answered.

“Anyway, with that out of the way...” After letting out a sigh, Aunt Bernie continued explaining Ms. Odes' invention and plans to use yuridium as a power source. Kath's, Polly's and Vera's eyes turned really big.

“This really is massive,” Kath replied. “Now I understand why you were so adamant about me coming here immediately.”
Polly and Vera nodded at that statement. “We need to adapt our plans to this new information.”

“Not so fast. There is the matter of the patent on yuridium and the use of it on this scale.” Aunt Bernie then interjected.

“You are right that our contract is quite limited in that regard. But I hope you aren't planning to go to someone else. The patent of that invention is ours too.” Kath said immediately on the defensive.

“I did not mean it like that. I just think we should hear what everyone has to say.” aunt Bernie re-plied.

Ms. Odes immediately said “I am all for. This would solve almost all the problems the world is facing at this moment and the Lyst group is big enough to make it actually happen.”

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“I will vote for whatever Claire wants to do.” Aunt Bernie said.

Anna looked at me and said, “As long as the Lyst group gets the first chance to get the contract, I vote for whatever Claire has to say.”

Everyone was looking at me. A room full of adults was putting the fate of the world on the shoulders of the one 16-year-old in the room. My hands trembled at the pressure of the situation.

“N-No weapons,” I said. “We already specified that in the contract, Claire. We can't make weapons with the yuridium.”

“No, I mean, I want the Lyst group to stop making weapons if they want this contract.”

“That is quite the demand to make,” Kath answered. “Let us compromise. We will do so, the moment this project brings in more money than our weapons. I also need time to arrange the takeover. Thousands of jobs are at stake here, and I don't think anyone wants to see a social blood bath.”

I could hear a gulp coming from Anna. She whispered to me “Mom is being extremely generous now. That factory has been the Lyst's pride for more than a century.”

I guess, I better listen to Anna. I did not want a repeat of the last time I made demands of the Lysts. So I offered her my hand and said “Deal!” Kath shook my hand and said “I can see the potential in you girl. You will make an excellent Lyst one day.”
“Mom!” Anna said a bit angry.

“I'm only expressing my approval and hopes for the future dear. Nothing more. Don't get your horses up!”
Nevertheless, I was feeling really embarrassed.

“I said it from the start. Claire has a real talent for politics. I expect great things from her.” Polly then said, after that compliment she went on:

“We are willing to be the political backbone on the European level, but I do not think it will be long before an invention of this magnitude will conquer the world. Yuri-awareness will spread like never before. We will need to build a very strong foundation.”

After that, the discussion became really technical. It was all rather complicated, but I realized the future of this continent was being shaped in this very room.

Anna and I tried to excuse ourselves since we weren't of much use in these talks, but aunt Bernie said “Anna, you will stay here. This will fall into your lap soon enough. Better to get some experience right off the bat.”

At that point, the fact that Anna would be taking over as the director of CYA came to light, and Kath and Polly both seemed to be conflicted about it.

“This whole project was Anna's brainchild. Nothing of any of the changes that happened would have happened without her. Have some fate in the things she did.” I said to support her. I took her hand and gave it a little squeeze.

“You are right. I just get weary when I hear the surname Lyst.” Polly then said.

I could completely get that statement. I had my own fair share of trouble with that family.

“Are you sure you are ready for this, dear?” Kath then asked. “Running a restaurant chain is one thing, and you didn't even start doing that. This will be of a completely different magnitude.”

“With Claire next to me, I can handle anything,” Anna said full of confidence. I appreciated the sentiment and I felt more confident with Anna next to me but the feeling that you can take on the world and actually take on the world are two different things.

“Make Claire her direct assistant. I want someone strong next to her.” Kath then said to aunt Bernie.

“I agree with Kath, I will feel more at ease with Claire there too. She is also the main patent holder, so that will make the decision-making process go smoother.” Polly concurred.

Aunt Bernie nodded.

“I'm not stopping my kitchen job for this!” I said defensively. Now that I finally had that on paper, I was not about to give my precious time in the kitchen away.

“Rest assured. We won't change anything to that part of your contract. It's just your CYA responsibilities that will change in nature.” Aunt Bernie said.

Because of that, I lost my excuse to leave and we lost the whole morning that we were supposed to be practicing for tomorrow to these boring talks. I just knew that Elsa was going to be furious because we missed practice once again.

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