The Yandere Kingdom.

Chapter 1: Beginning

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My name is Adam, the last name I can't remember, I woke up in a world with no idea what surrounded me, all I possessed was a basic understanding of how to survive in the area where I was.

My first day was a search for food and drink, at first, it took a long time before I found a monster, but as the day went by, more monsters began to emerge.

So far, I had no difficulty in hunting any monsters, all proved easy, all I needed was to throw some stones at them.

At the end of the day, I built something to take shelter, I tried to make this temporary shelter as comfortable as possible.

The shelter consisted of a roof and something to rest on.

My second day started early with some monsters destroying my shelter, which took me hours to build and was being destroyed in mine.

This was the first time I felt genuine anger, so in a single blow, I managed to destroy this monster without even seeing it.

I don't know the strength of this monster and I didn't have time to measure it, but judging by the way it destroyed the shelter, it should be at least dangerous, so I should build a safer shelter next time.

Again, my day consisted of hunting and building a base, with the difference that this time my base was built to withstand monster attacks.

My base was built from a rock I found nearby, it looked pretty sturdy, so I decided to use it.

My third day was quieter, no monster attacked my base, either out of disability or just luck, what matters is that today I had peace for my hunt.

On the fourth day I decided to hunt down a monster that, I thought, was the strongest in the region to use his skull as a warning, everything went well, he was not strong enough to represent any kind of danger.


I was able to catalog monsters in snows of the taste of meat, the bigger the animal, the more delicious the meat.
Some contained poison, not that it was difficult to remove, it was just boring, the more time I spent removing the poison, the less time I would have for important issues of the house.


The poison varied from monster to monster, some had paralyzing poisons and some rare had deadly monsters, which for some reason did not affect me, I think my time spent removing the poison is useless.

My fourth day was spent improving my shelter, I was able to strengthen the defense and make it comfortable.
At the end of the day, my shelter began to look like something presentable and not just a heave of random stones.

My fifth day was the quietest, my shelter was already good, I had to worry only about hunting, but until that didn't take me long.

After a month, I was able to establish a quiet lifestyle in a cozy shelter, woke up in the morning to hunt, and in the afternoon organized my house and prepared food, the night I organize the house.

The only thing I lacked was someone to share this, since a giant part of my day consisted of just boredom.

My life followed this rhythm until one day I heard screams coming from the direction of the forest.

For the first time, I would see a person, and after months, that day finally arrived.


I'll be right there.


Why is she screaming in such a desperate way in this peaceful forest? It doesn't make sense, but I'd better hurry.

When I arrived at the scene, I saw a girl with cat ears, which seemed strange at first glance. However, it was nothing I could not get used to and a small monster, which I managed to get rid of without any difficulty.

“Someone… please help me.”

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“First, why all this yelling?”

“A monster attacked us.”

“That monster I killed?”


“Yes.” she said.

“It didn't seem too strong.”

“He killed everyone in the carriage and I…”

For some reason, she started crying after that.

Well, she's just been attacked, even if it's by a weak monster, it must have affected her a lot.

It took her some time to stop crying and soon after she came to her senses, she started trying to hide her neck.

“I'm sorry…”

“What am I sorry about?”

“You shouldn't have saved me, I'm a runaway slave.”

“What do you mean?”

“That chain.” She said, pointing at her neck. “She makes me a slave and as my owner died while I ran away… Well, now I'm a fugitive.”

“So basically, the problem is this chain around your neck?”

“Yes, it sounds simple, but that was enchanted, so I can't take it off.”

“I think I can.”

I used the same concept I use to break the stones in this chain, so she broke in two, thus releasing the girl's neck.


The girl started crying again.

“Thank you, thank you for getting rid of slavery.”

“No problem, all I did was destroy that current.”

“For you, it was something simple, but for me, it was an important point in my life.”

“Since you say… Well, anyway now you're free, so unless you want to come to my shelter, bye.”

“No, wait, I'll go with you.”


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