The Yandere Kingdom.

Chapter 6: The most dangerous person on the continent.

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Amaterasu POV.


My name is Amaterasu Wrenways, I was born into a noble family, and since I was a little girl I was strong without needing any training, which made my brothers envious.


At the age of twelve, I was considered a genius of my generation, with strength comparable to that of an A rank adventurer, to celebrate this, my father sent me to the academy.

My kingdom was small, I was only able to get in because I had great grades in magic.


My life at the academy was all about training and researching new magics.


At the age of fifteen, I was called to join the research team, their goal was to manipulate the Mana of the Gods.


In this world, there are several types of Mana, but they are all variations of the Mana used by the gods, and this research group believed that we could manipulate it if we studied it enough.


I don't follow this line, at least not completely, but I needed something to boost my grades, so I accepted.


By the time I was eighteen years old, I was already considered the strongest of my generation, which made me even more envious, but I had dealt with this kind of thing my whole life, so I didn't care.


When I was twelve years old, I graduated from the academy and returned to my kingdom, to my surprise, all that was there were ruins of what had once been the castle where I lived.

I had little regard for the kingdom or my parents since they had sent me away when I was small, but this scene made me angry.


I didn't know how to seek revenge, much less on whom to take it, so I decided to look in the darkest corners of the continent.


After a year, I found out that it was a neighboring kingdom that attacked for economic reasons, the same old bullshit of stupid kings.


Attacking this kingdom was within my capabilities. However, I decided to wait, since if I went looking for revenge, I would have to deal with plenty of people, and I was not angry, this was more of a whim.


I spent a year gathering enough information to attack this kingdom until finally, the day came.


I destroyed the entire kingdom from the inside out, without leaving a single soul alive, which earned me the title of demon queen.

My title made it impossible for me to work honestly, so I decided to do what a demon queen does best, fight and conquer.


I conquered many lands, but something was missing, love, in all these years, I never loved, I mean, I never found anyone worthy of my love.

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I thought for a long time to solve this problem and came to the most obvious conclusion, I would marry the person capable of defeating me.


Many had tried for years and no one could even offer a good fight.


As punishment for boring me, I always punished them with something.


Then we arrived in the last few years, a boy moved to the vicinity of my kingdom, not a kingdom, my house, whatever… Anyway, at first, I thought he would die in a few months, but he proved to be quite resilient and strong.


To test him, I sent a subordinate to attack him and to my surprise, the boy killed him without any effort, finally, I had found my soul mate.


I decided to observe him for a while longer, I had to be sure of his strength.


The more time went by, the more obsessed I became, then came the day that I would finally reveal myself, today.


In the morning, I saw my love heading into the forest rushing, obviously, I followed him until I saw him talking to a group of heroes.


He tried to keep his spirits light. However, a greedy hero attacked him, damn group of heroes, in my years of life, I have defeated many, and they are all the same, greedy and proud.


My love didn't even have to move, his pet dog defended him, not that it was necessary, but she did well, for her kind at least.


A/N (She is not only prejudiced against Stella's people, basically she hates everything that is not the protagonist and her).


The fighting continued until an old man challenged my Adam to a fight, this old jerk, if I wasn't so ashamed, I would kill him right now.


It wasn't clear at the time, but I knew him, he was one of those who challenged me and as punishment, I ripped his arm off.


The fight was settled in second, as I predicted, so everyone went to Adam's house.


After everyone left the house, I decided to reveal myself.


I went straight to my Adam and when I saw that old man, I released my bloodlust, which led to a battle, I don't regret it because for the first time I was defeated by the man I love.


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