The Yandere Kingdom.

Chapter 8: Queen.

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Amaterasu POV.

A week has passed since I started living with my future husband, I mean, my current husband, even if he didn't agree, I know it won't take him long to change his mind, after all, we were made for each other.


Oh yes, you must be wondering what happened to the group of heroes, well, they are of no importance anyway, all I know is that they have gone to their kingdom to report whatever it is.


I don't believe they will report everything, at least not the part where they were easily defeated by my husband and his subordinates.


I bet everything, these weak people will put the blame on something external, like me or the cold weather HIHII.


That's it in a nutshell, don't expect more than that from me.


Back to the main part, I managed to get very close to my husband this week.


Today we will hunt just the two of us, it took a while to get those two to stop getting in my way, but I did HIHIHI.

“Something funny Amaterasu?” (Adam)


“No, honey.” (Amaterasu)


I have to restrain myself, I can't let him figure out my scheme.


“Alright, we'll have to hunt a little extra today, there's a lot of people coming here lately, it seems like this land has become into a dump *SIGH*.”


That damn kingdom, if I wasn't busy here, I would destroy it just like I did that other one.


“Can I ask you something, Amaterasu?” (Adam)


He figured it out, damn, I knew I should have split that plan into more steps.


“Y…yes my love.” (Amaterasu)


“What's it like outside here? Outside this forest, I've always wondered that.” (Adam)


How will I answer that question? All I know are the labs and cities I've invaded, think Amaterasu answer right, I'll be able to get closer.


“Very nice.” (Amaterasu)


Really? All I could think of was that dull answer, this way my husband will get bored and pick those two up before the day is over.


“Amaterasu, every time I think about leaving here, something seems to hold me back, it might just be a meaningless intuition…” (Adam)


“This place is also stunning, oddly enough, two years ago, there was nothing here.” (Amaterasu)


“Really?” (Adam)


This is obviously his doing, I don't understand that surprised face.


Adam continued to stare at the nothingness for a while before returning to talk.


“One day, will you take me to see the outside world?” (Adam)


“Yes! *Blush*.” (Amaterasu)


This is the best day of my life, if I pull it a little more I can get out of here straight into something spicier, hihihi.


“Thanks, now let's go hunting before it gets late.” (Adam)


A little more, just a little more and he'll definitely love me, there's no way it won't happen, it's just a matter of time hihihi.




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Damn, this forest does everything to get in my way, just when it was good.


“You take care of the hunt, please, I'll go see what's going on.” (Adam)


“No way, I'll take care of it, and you take care of the hunting.”


I have to show myself to him every chance I get.


I ran as far as I could to find the source of this disturbance, which was about the queen's arrival.

There are two plausible possibilities, either she came after the princess, or somehow to collect cab|taxi from my husband.


“Greetings, Amaterasu, Goddess of the dead” (Queen)


“What do you want here, queen of a failed kingdom.” (Amaterasu)


“Negotiate.” (Queen)


“Why did the grand queen come in this humble forest for such a trivial matter? If you want to negotiate with me, you already know the answer.” (Amaterasu)


“Let's spare us this talk, I already know about the boy” (Queen)


This is the worst possible scenario, that old man told me about my husband.


“My answer is no, he will not get involved in political fights between you and your husband.” (Amaterasu)


You don’t speak for him, of that, I know!” (Queen)


The army started marching toward me.




I braided a line with my sword.


“One more step and I forget our friendship!” (Amaterasu)


“I have tolerated this girl's attitude for too long, long live the Queen!” (Soldier)


One of the soldiers came towards me funnily, even though I gathered courage, it was obvious his fear, I managed to kill him without any effort.


“*SIGH* There goes any chance of negotiation.” (Queen)


For a moment, I exchanged glances with the queen before we drew our swords.


The time the queen wasted on that stupid king secured me an advantage in the fight, her blows were slow and predictable, this way I'll get an easy victory to be praised by my husband *Blush*.


“*SIGH* Why do all our dates end up like this?” (Queen)


“Because you're always wanting to take advantage of me to take down that stupid guy.” (Amaterasu)


“Deposing him is the best thing for everyone.” (Queen)


She's right, but I don't care enough to help.


Our fight continued for a short time, as she was interrupted by a familiar voice.


“Amaterasu, what are you doing with Isabela's mother?” (Adam)


Adam approached the battlefield together with Isabella.


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