The Young Lady Has Run Away

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: An unfortunate report

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Now that Cornelius is thoroughly incapacitated, I need to alert Mi'ara to the change of plans. Of course I'd need to find her first. Although she shouldn't be to far off,  as she's dealing with people who were following Cornelius.

I cast a very wide range mana detection spell. This would be costly to keep active for long, so I need to be quick. After a few seconds I locate an enchanted spear with my mana on it. Rushing over, I find Mi'ara next to a pile of people who appear unconscious. Judging by their attire . . . Christ, is that the ghosts?

 The ghosts were a very special unit of the secret organization. They are essentially the organization's top assassins, however they also had a second job. That job being the "cleaning up" of members in the organization. If someone was under suspicion of being a traitor or just generally useless, the organization would send out these guys to watch over them. After confirming if they were a traitor or useless the ghosts would then kill the member discreetly. Of course only top brass really knows about these guys. Wouldn't want your members in constant fear of being killed off if their useless, really kills morale. Why the hell are they sending these guys after Cornelius? Actually thinking about it its probably because of me...

Looking over Mi'ara seems like she hasn't even been scratched. Which is great because the ghosts basically always use poison on their weapons, but also kinda scary because holy shit she fought off three of the organization's finest assassins, alone and without even being touched. 

"Alright Mi'ara, looks like you're fine. We should probably get going. Lets finish off those three and make a run for it."

"But shouldn't we at least interrogate them first? Killing them just like that is a little wasteful."

"I would normally, but we don't really have the time. The main pursuer was Cornelius, the knight with anti-magic armor I told you about before. I couldn't really deal with him without showing my hand. He's still alive, just very distracted after I threw arsenic powder in his face. Lets kill these guys to mess with the organization's information and dip."

"I see. . . In hindsight I probably should have handled Cornelius. That must have been rough on you. . . So let's  handle this quckly! We're still leaving through the left gate right?"

After confirming the plan with Mi'ara we slit the throats of the three ghost members. I'm surprisingly not that opposed to killing people. I was basically already on the verge of killing someone in my old world anyway . . . I'm not a psychopath, shut up. 

Cleaning up the mess was incredibly easy with some clever applications of water magic. Maybe I should try this in combat sometime. We decided to leave the bodies in an alleyway to send a message and then quickly got the fuck out of there. Things might get a little more messy from here on out.


Cornelius PoV

"Ahhhhhh GOD IT HURTS *blerg*"

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Is this god damn POISON? But how? She summoned it with magic. Only monsters can do that. Then it clicked. 

W h a t  I f  t h a t  w a s n ' t  B e r n a d e t t e . . .


Luckily I was soon found by some passersby and brought to a healer. After some healing spells were applied, it was confirmed that the magically made powder was poison. How long had that monster been about? It seemed capable of human speech. It could easily blend into any city or village. Did this new species of monster have anything to do with the anomalies? How long had the Bernadette I knew been replaced for? I needed to report this immediately. There could be impostors anywhere, even among the organization.


"What is so urgent that you must report it now, Cornelius? You're scheduled to be on the expedition that leaves tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, great leader, but it's far to urgent to wait. Allow me to start from the beginning. When I was walking around the capital I thought I encountered Bernadette, the crown prince's fiance that ran away. She seemed to be going into the slums, as such I approached her. She was being mugged in an alleyway so I saved her with hopes I could convince her to come back and we could salvage our initial plans. When I started talking to her she quickly tried to get me to leave with what was an obvious lie. Thus I pressed the issue, to which se responded with casting of three elements of magic, those being fire, water, and earth. One of which being an element Bernadette didn't have. Then she made a poisonous substance with magic which she then proceeded to propel into my eyes using magic, incapacitating me."

"Poison? Are you sure?"

"Yes, when I was brought to a healer, it was a poison heal spell that helped me. Any longer and I may have suffered permanent damage. I believe that what I encountered was not Bernadette, but rather a monster posing as her. This may provide insight as to why she went missing. It also hold terrible implications. There maybe an imposter among us."

"You have given me a lot to think about, Cornelius. You're failure in fighting the creature is forgiven. You may now leave."

"Thank you, oh great leader."

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