The Young Lady Has Run Away

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: stepping out of my room

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Testing out my mana reserves ate of a good chunk of time. I should clean up here and get back into bed. A maid could call for me at any moment and I can't have them report any odd activity less the organization starts getting suspicious.

 The shelter and copper rod is easy enough as I can just make the shelter flatten back into the ground while burying the rod. Hiding the dagger is a whole different beast. While conjuring the knife blade is simple, I can't conjure a sheath to put it in. Also I'll need to shape some wood later to make a more ergonomic handle, but that's beside the point. I want to keep a weapon on me for obvious reasons but I need to get it past my maids when they come to dress me. I can't be sure none of them are with the organization or that they won't report to "father". Actually . . . It might be worth showing a little odd behavior as long as I can make an excuse.

For now I take one of the dresses in the far back of my closet and use my dagger to cut off some of the sleeves. I then use the cloth to tie the dagger to my  upper thigh. Finally I get myself dressed in a dress suitable for a usual day. Now I'm ready to face the day. 

While looking around my room I find pen and paper along with an already written letter to the prince. Bernadette must have written it before I took over. The letter even serves as an invitation for the prince to visit. I could use this. I quickly pen up a map, which I hide the same way as the knife. Right as I leave my room I bump into the maid who was going to wake me.

"Oh! My lady, you sure are up early. You've even gotten yourself dressed by yourself. You really should leave tasks that are beneath you to your maids though..."

"Hmp, I simply just got up early and couldn't go back to sleep. I got fed up waiting for you lazy peons to get up so I did it myself. Next time you don't respond to my bell I'll have all the servants whipped, you hear?" I say while putting up the facade of a villainess.

"I-i u-understand, my lady" the maid replies while shaking a little.

I'll make them believe I tried to get their help but they didn't hear it due to them sleeping. If they try to question this I'll threaten them with the punishment for insubordination or firing them. I already have a reputation for being fickle and short tempered already, so I'll use it to my advantage.

A while after the maid goes off to complete their other assignments I'm met with two familiar faces from the game. One is Cornelius. To be frank, he's the organization's spy. The story on the surface is that he's my bodyguard, but in reality his job is twofold. The first is obviously to collect information, attend to me to see if I'm planning something as well as see what he can gather from the adults around me. The second is to subtlety manipulate me. The organization is pulling strings to isolate me from others who really care for me so when Cornelius is caring I build an attachment and start to rely/listen to his advice. Of course all the suggestions help the organization in some way, even the idea that commoners are lesser. Fun fact the reason for that last idea is the second familiar face, Bram.

Bram is Bernadette's personal butler and dlc capture target. Who is drum roll please . . . , a commoner, and one not affiliated with the organization. Despite all the strings the organization pulled, Bram ended up as my personal buter. In order to get around this unexpected variable, they decided to try and imprint that commoners are unintelligent brutes so that Bernadette would disregard Bram's opinions. Although this idea came back to bite the organization when it caused Bernadette to have a terrible reputation making their execution all that easier to pull off. Of course right now Bram is gonna play an integral part in my plan, as the one who will smuggle in everything I need. I'll need to shake of Cornelius and his fuck off menacing armor first though. I can't even use my mute magic because said menacing armor disrupts magic.

"How are you this fine morning, Bern?" 

"Good morning, mistress. Please allow us to escort you to Breakfast. "

Cornelius calls Bernadette "bern" in an attempt to make Bernadette feel close. Honestly I think it's a terrible nickname and if I wasn't so good at making a poker face, I'd be frowning. It's also weird to be called a name that is not your own. Bram on the other hand tries to be as distant and emotionless as possible to avoid getting Bernadette into a violent rage.

I follow them to the dinner table to find it filled with lavish food. While the food maybe plentiful the people at the table aren't. In fact I'm pretty much the only one besides the servants standing by the table. The obvious reason for this is the organization trying to isolate me. As for how the food tastes, its lack luster. While its fancy and showy it lacks flavor. Likely do to a lack of available spices on the market. There is an oddity however. The water is bitter. I stealthily cast a detect poison smell but there's no reaction. Is the water just bitter here?

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After I finish eating I say to my two attendants, "I desire to read a book in my room. Alone of course as I don't want your presence to interrupt my reading. Bram go fetch a book from my father's library, any book will do. Also once you enter my room don't leave. I wouldn't want you making off with any of my valuables."

Cornelius responds with, " You know bern, if you're worried Bram may nik your belongings, you could always have me get the book."

A good response, Cornelius, but I have a counter, "while usually I would, I have a much more important task for you, Cornelius. You see I've written a letter for his highness that I want you to ensure makes it to him. I'd much rather Bram rifle through my jewelry box instead of screw up the delivery of that letter."

"Very well. I'll ensure this letter gets to his highness safely." Cornelius says as he finally fucks off. Of course he's gonna look through the letter but that fine. Bernadette was the one to write it after all. With that all said and done I make my way back to my room.

Once Bram enters, I immediately cast an anti-eavesdropping spell and lock the door. Bram seems rather confused seeing me cast an advanced wind spell.

"Milady, didn't you have an affinity for fire and water magic?

"Oh affinities? Yeah those are complete bullshit. People simply learn certain element's words easily while struggle on others. Anybody can use any spell as long as they truly understand the meaning of the spell and practice using it, but that's beside the point. I got secret orders and not a lot of time to tell you them."

Bram is very much both confused, but has the wits to respond with "yes milady" when he hears I've got orders. Good, I like when people listen.

I conjure a golden chain and put a bit of healing magic on it to make the necklace enchanted before saying, "exchange this for money then buy some cheap male clothes in my size. We're about the same size so say they are for yourself if anyone asks. Use some more of the money to buy various fruits and vegetables. One of each and potatoes are a must. Leave them all in your personal room and leave the door unlocked when you go to bed a week from now. Of course make sure the produce is fresh then or at least leave the seeds. The rest of the money is yours so hush hush. Oh and don't go trading that necklace on the open market like a dumbass, get a connection with the theives' guild and sell it there. Say you stole it from our treasury. As I've said before this is top secret so if you spill the beans or refuse I'll personally see to it you die a horrible firey death." 

As I say that last bit I create some fire in my hand with magic to prove my point. Bram gulps, then nods as he hides the necklace in his pocket. 

Good, things are moving along nicely.

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