The Young Lady Has Run Away

Chương 71: Magical Love Seas of Lost Star House 2: Revengeagon part 6

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Tonight we hunt. My sword whispers it's secrets to me and when I repeat those secrets out loud, death comes tumbling out of my mouth. With the sword's killing words, I glide across the plains with ease. I vaguely sense my prey, their warmth, their bodily fluids. My sword guides my hand. Every hunt. Every kill. Every new stretch of silence. We are intoxicated on the sweetest of nectars. Power. Its slow, but I can see the growth, feel it. I let myself be melted down and reforged by life's crucible. The fights start to blurr together. Monsters I once thought tricky now have obvious flaws. 

Corrupted kolanbs just need a little healing magic pushed through a wound to keel over. Centaklack's have blind spots on their back. Falongasaurs can have their crest smashed open, igniting them in their own fluids. You can bait a certain attack of hyenacinths' so you can cut all their vines in a single strike. Hommoa's can be dealt with easily from afar with magic.

It is amongst the combat that the simple truths of life are revealed. What it is that I desire... peace. Not a peace surrounded by blades like Alford's peace, but true peace. My life was thrown into turmoil after my parents death. The simple reason for revenge is so that I can settle that turmoil. My peace can only come after I slaughter those who have wronged me. However, my thinking was far too shallow. My mind too narrow. Lavalivarus has cleared my head. Killing my parent's killers wouldn't bring me true peace, no no because more turmoil will sprout after my revenge is finished. The peace would only be temporary. The silence i create after clearing an area however, now that's true peace. Life is chaos. Life is turmoil. In death there is peace. If I desire peace their must be no life but us. Yes counterintuitivily, violence doesn't bring more turmoil, it ends it. I will be a peace bringer, death bringer.

I cloak myself in both cold and darkness. Both secrets revealed by Lavalivarus. The bugs and shrews in the tall grass don't know what hit them when they die. The power they give is small, but power nonetheless. Peace cannot be obtained if they are left alive. With them cleared the area falls still once more. As the adrenaline cuts off I get a headache and my vision blurrs for a moment. Not good.

[Hmm, this is to be expected. You've been going at it for four days straight without rest.]

 Seems that even with my new partner, fatigue can become an issue. Vacation ends soon too, do I have to put an end to the hunt for now?

[Chin up host, being able to go this long from the start is an incredible feat. It usually takes a few weeks for my host to pull off this kind of marathon.]

So with more kills I can go for longer?

[Just another one of my perks. Shall we stop by a town and spend the night?]

Hmm the nearest town is Vissta. It was once a small fishing village, but the beaches attracted nobles who decided to buy up most of the land and built villas. It mostly serves as a resort now, although the top resort is located on an island just off the coast near Vissta. Apparently they have natural hotsprings there.

[Oooooh that sounds like exactly what we need! Lets go lets go!]

Lavalivarus takes control of my body and seems to blast off at speeds I didn't think possible. Heh, seems I still have room to grow.


Lavalivarus PoV

"Geez, it looks like you've been through hell!"

"More like heaven, but to each their own."

"Man these academy students keep getting weirder each year... Anyway just show me you student ID and we can skip most of the verification process."

[Hey host? Where did you keep your ID?]

Silence. Yeah she's definitely out cold... fine. I look through my host's memory for the spot they keep their ID. Alright front right pocket! I look down and find only a large gash in the uniform where once stood a pocket. Well fuck. Plan B then...



The spell attracted some attention from the guards on top of the wall so I gotta act fast. I rip off the decapitated guards armor and throw on his clothes.

[Flame Javelin]

One spell and all the evidence is incinerated. With the remaining time I create some illusory foot prints in the other direction and dash through the gate. I quickly weave through some buildings and find myself alone in an alleyway. To finish off my very well thought out infiltration, I cast an illusion to alter my host's hair color. Thank god for my host's excellent aptitude for light magic. Shall I find an inn now?


I wake up in a warm bed. I presume we made it to town with little issue?

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[Pretty much. I did kill a guard to get in because we lost your Id during the hunt, but if you keep up the illusion spell you should be fine. Only the guard I killed was able to get a good look at your face.]

Got it. We head out of the inn and explore the town. However around the corner two girls were schemeing, unbeknownst to us.

"Did you see that girl over there, Naomee?"

"The one with the black hair?"

"Yeah she dyed her hair, but she's definitely that harlot trying to steal Bernadette's man."

"What's a flithy street wretch like her doing in Vissta! I will NOT have her ruining our vacation."

"I have a plan to deal with her fufufu. We'll confront her when she returns to the inn. Let's make Bernadette proud!"

"Ohohoho I can't wait! you always have the best plans December!"


Name: Sky + Lavalivarus 

Level: 30

Job: Seeker of Peace and Relaxation 

Unique skill: The logic provides (I)


HP: 617

MP: 713

Phs. Attack: 191 + (110)

Phs. Defense: 102 + (10)

Mag. Attack: 132 +(50)

Mag. Defense: 114 + (10)

Mag. Support: 0

Speed: 584


R: Lavalivarus 
L: Lavalivarus 
Head: Empty 
Body: guards clothes
Accessory 1: monster chunks
Accessory 2: empty
Costume: default 

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