The Zone

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The bored receptionist and the S ranked vampire

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Chapter 1: The bored receptionist and the S ranked vampire

"Hey, Thomas, how goes your diet?" Anna asked, as Thomas looked down at his hands. Thomas was the receptionist at the Orestria's adventurer's guild. He handed quests and payments, so, he knew all about the adventurers that passed through.

"Well, I lost two kilograms, but can't seem to lose much more. But, you know, at least I don't feel that hungry all the time," Thomas told her. The carnivore diet had been promising, in the start.

Still, Thomas could barely keep to it. Sweets and fruit, even bread, were forbidden during that diet. More than once, Thomas found himself waking up and going to the fridge to get something that had even a hint of sweetness in it. Most times, that was a cucumber.

"Well, you can't lose weight all the time. Still, I don't think you will lose much by eating this much meat. You know, Lucius is offering couching now that he is taking a break from adventuring. You can find him in the training hall," Thomas handed Anna her payment for the C ranked quest, and she handed him the filled-out form.

"I'll go check it out," Thomas told her, and she stepped back to let the next adventurer get before the front desk.

"Oh, Thomas. On another diet?" Harold, one of the few healers that were in the employee of the guild, asked him. His party was with him, and they all sported grins on their faces. The decomposing head of a giant held between them.

"Well, I try, but," Thomas looked down at his hands again. He didn't like to speak about his weight loss, but people always asked him. Then, once he gave up the diet, they liked to bug him until he began a new one.

"Don't tell me you are giving up again! How long were you on this one?" Harold asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Two months, and I lost just two kilograms," Thomas wanted to speak about something else. He handed Harold the form, and looked at the party behind him.

"Well, what do you expect when you don't exercise. Food alone won't make you lose weight, even if you starve yourself," Andrew, the tank of Harold's party, said. A concerned look on his face.

"Thomas, you can't quit this time. Haven't you heard that people gain weight more and more until they are bedridden and have to be teleported for a prolonged stay at the hospice?" Beth, the party's rogue asked.

Thomas shuddered at that. Well, he had heard. The weight pandemic seemed to be hitting almost everyone, but the adventurers. More and more people ended up in a hospice. Some, even died of heart attacks.

"All the sugar they place in the food to make up for the fact that they took out the fat is to blame," Jack, an archer that was waiting behind Harold's party said.

"Overeating is the problem. All those lazy asses that don't move their behinds from chairs all day have it coming," Thomas's eyes snapped at the person who spoke. It was Alaine. A tank that stared him down more often than most.

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She could snap him in half like a twig, so, Thomas decided not to try and defend himself. She was right, even though her words were devout of any empathy. He did not exercise. The most he did was to walk everywhere, instead of taking a wagon from the guild hall to his home.

"Alaine, seriously. Show some compassion," Harold called out to her, and she huffed.

"You show him compassion every month when he starts another half-baked diet. You encourage him to try the laziest way possible of losing weight. Can't you see that he gets fatter each time?" Thomas's eyes were downcast. The words ringing true. "If you had any sense, you would have marched him to Lucius's seminar. He only asks for blood as payment."

"That is a good idea. You should go to Lucius, Thomas," Jack said as he stared at Thomas.

Harold then handed Thomas the filled-out form. The receptionist handed him the payment, and the next party came forward. Thomas did his work mechanically. He didn't want to give up, honestly. But when the scale showed him that there was no result, he simply grew discouraged.

Blood as payment? Well, Lucius was a vampire. There were walls against vampires using their skills to get mana from humans. However, if there was a contract, they could easily get blood.

At the end of his shift, Thomas walked towards the training hall. He didn't expect to be met by anyone there. Sure, that Lucius had left by now. Yet, when he entered, he saw Lucius lifting weights.

The vampire was drenched in sweat, yet, he kept on going. Thomas approached him, and coughed nervously. Lucius turned to stare at him, as he placed the weight in the stand.

"Hey, Thomas. How goes the diet?" Lucius asked. He, just like everyone else, knew that Thomas was trying to lose weight.

"About that, I heard you were giving weight loss seminars in exchange for blood," Thomas said, as he shifted his body.

"I do. Have you heard about the zone?" Lucius asked him. Thomas shook his head.

"The theory behind it is simple. You take in equal and balanced portions of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, do some light exercise each day, and you lose weight," it sounded too good to be true to Thomas. He had been lied to about such diets before.

"I can eat sweets, and lose weight?" Thomas was looking at the vampire incredulously.

"You can eat fruits, and lose weight. Thomas, no diet that lets you eat sweets will ever work. Sorry to have to be the one to say it, buddy, but you will have to continue the zone for the rest of your life, if you want to keep the weight off yourself," Thomas nodded. Lucius now sounding far more believable. Hopefully, this time, Thomas would lose the weight and keep it off of himself.

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