The Zone

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Dungeon delving, part 2

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Chapter 24: Dungeon delving, part 2

The tunnel was lit by glow caps, and the four had no problem going down. In a line, one after the other. With the tree first, Karl after it, Rena after that, and Thomas at the end of the line.

Finally, they entered a cavern. What they saw made them stop and stare. There was a big wolf-like creature. It was about the same size as Karl and seemed to be sleeping. Green fume went out of its maul.

"I think I see a pattern here," Rina said, as Karl approached the wolf chimera.

"Maybe we could name this dungeon the Wolf Dungeon?" Thomas asked. Then, he got an idea. He played a much calmer tune on the harp. The tree fell on the ground, but the chimera did not stir. Not even when Karl bit off its neck.

"Good thinking," Rina said, and the two watched as Karl stretched to get all the meat inside himself. "No matter how many times I see this, I still find it weird."

"How so?" Thomas asked. Surely, it was natural for a slime to eat. Karl grew with the addition of the new mass, and he barely fit inside the cavern. Then, he did something that surprised them both.

Karl vibrated, and split in two. The new slime looked like the wolf chimera.

"Well, I'll be," Thomas said in amazement. If Karl split and the new slime took the form of a boss mob each time, then he wouldn't need to summon any more slimes. "I think I will name you Pavos."

The slime-wolf blinked at Thomas, then looked at Karl. Karl still looked more formidable than Pavos, so, the new slime bowed his head. Thomas was surprised at that. He had expected to have to ask Karl for help.

"So, the creatures that are born from your summons are loyal from the get go?" Rina asked, and Thomas agreed with her.

"It would seem so. Karl, we need to move further in," when Karl moved towards the end of the cavern, his bulk uncovered a small pile with treasure.

"Well, would you look at that?" Rina ran to the pile and looked at it. There were small piles of golden coins, some silver. No coppers. Also, there was a bow made out of ebony in the pile. "Can I keep this?"

She held the bow high. In the darkness, which was broken only by the glow caps, Thomas had to strain to see it.

"Sure, keep it," he said, and then took out the bottomless bag he had had since forever, and went to get the treasure. "With this, we can buy some better equipment."

"Weren't you banned from Orestria?" She asked, as she began to test the new bow. The elf could sense the enchantments on it. A fire one, plus, a lightning one. A high-class weapon. Something that would have been just in her dreams, normally.

"I am not banned. If we leave Karl and Pavos at Bull's Horns Ranch, then I think that we can go inside the city for a quick shopping trip," after Thomas was done with getting the coins in the bag, he stood, and saw that Karl and Pavos were sitting by a door.

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"How are they going to fit in?" Thomas mused to himself.

"We can't advance without them," Rina told him. It was the truth. Unless the glow caps made for good fighters, which the elf doubted, they couldn't advance without the two slimes.

"Karl, Pavos, become smaller," Thomas called. Karl understood, and bubbled the message to Pavos. The two shrank to the point they were no bigger than wolves. The ground began to sizzle under their paws.

"Their acidity went up," the dark-haired adventurer said in wonder.

"It could be useful, if we end up with another swarm on our hands," Rina said, and the two then went to the summons. Thomas tried the door, but it was locked.

"Karl, touch the door," he commanded, and the slime-dragon touched the door with a paw. There was soon a hole inside the door. Karl, understanding that it needed to open, bashed his body at the door, and it crashed to the ground.

There was a pond waiting for them at the other end of the cavern. With jumping red fish that had wicked fangs inside. Thomas looked to Karl and Pavos.

"Go in, absorb the fish, clean the water," the two slimes grew in size, and went into the pond without a shred of fear. Inside the water, they just expanded, and swallowed all the fish, plus the water, inside themselves.

"Hey, I see a door," Rina pointed at the bottom of the pond.

"It would have been a death trap if we have gone inside," Thomas told her. The fish swam inside the two slimes, trying to get out. Their black eyes were moving frantically, as their bodies were dissolved slowly.

"It is a bit cruel; don't you agree?" Rina had some pity for the fish. No one deserved to swim in acid.

"It is either them or us. Besides, there are missing people, remember? We need to save them," Thomas stared at the door. It shined in the light. Also, it had a golden color. "Do you think it is made from gold?"

"We will be taking the door now?" Rina asked, a smirk on her lips.

"We can't afford to leave gold behind. We don't have a guild contract, remember?" The brown-eyed adventurer told her. He just hoped that the two slimes didn't dissolve the door, before they could check.

The last fish got dissolved, and then the two slimes, bloated from all the water and the new mass, got out of the now empty pond. They shrunk again, and Thomas was disappointed that they didn't split into new slimes.

The hinges of the door were dissolved, but the door itself was just fine. They walked to it, and Thomas observed it. It was yellow, and felt like metal. Without thinking much on it, he began to stash it away in his bottomless bag.

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