The Zone

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Dungeon delving, part 4

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Chapter 26: Dungeon delving, part 4

They found a floor with many pressure plates in the fifth level. So, Thomas made a glow cap to test it for traps. Twelve glow caps later, and there was only one combination left for the first step.

"This is taking too long," Rina said, as she went to feel up the walls.

"Well, I don't have any other ideas," Thomas told her. The glow cap was bathed in fire, and his shoulders slumped. The first step was taken, but there were at least ten possible combinations for the second one. And, about twenty more for the third. And so on...

"You keep trying to find a way with the glow caps, I will try to find a disarming mechanism," the elf kept on feeling up the walls, as the sound of dying glow caps filled the air.

The wall was one giant mosaic, with elephants grazing in the savanna. Rina had never been to a country that had a savanna before, but it looked quite strange. The grass was yellow, therefore dry. And these animals were behemoths. How were they staying well-fed and this fat on a diet that consisted of dry grass?

She touched a tusk and then an eye. Nothing. Not even a trap going out. Still, she kept on going around and touching what she felt was not in its proper place. She passed by a gem; a diamond as big as her fist. Her eyes shone with greed.

Then, she shook her head. If she took this gem, then a trap would surely be triggered. So, she passed the gem by. One of the elephants looked to be smaller than the rest. Sicklier looking, too. Rina began to press at the mosaic's every odd part.

The tusks, the tail, the eyes, finally, she hit the forehead with her fist, and they heard a click. The pressure plates on the floor cracked, and glowed green before the glow disappeared.

The glow cap that was making its way through the minefield skipped the rest of the way and then did a victory dance at the entrance of the sixth level.

"Good job, Rina," Thomas commented, and he did an uncertain step forward. Rina followed him, and they were before a circular door. There was something like a keyhole on it that looked suspiciously like the shape of the diamond she had seen. 

"Wait here," Rina said, and she jogged back to the diamond. Taking out a dagger, she began to get it out of the mosaic. Only for them to hear something like a roar. The elephants glowed, and lights came out of them.

Rina backed away, as the lights turned into a single elephant, that was bigger than all the rest. She took her bow, and aimed for the being's eyes.

Only for Karl and Pavos to rush pass her, and to slam into the elephant. The two slimes didn't give it any time to fight back, as they both extended and got it in their liquid bodies. Half in Karl, half in Pavos.

With a sickening feeling, the elf girl watched as the elephant, which was trashing and whining, ended up with its ribs exposed. That was when the light in its eyes disappeared, and the two slimes finally cut through the meat, to separate the animal in half.

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"This is too cruel," she said to herself, as she began to work on getting the diamond out again.

"Be that as it may, that thing would have flattened you as a pancake, if the slimes hadn't acted," Thomas said from his spot at the entrance. Rina took the diamond and jogged back to the door. Placing it inside the keyhole, she waited. Only for nothing to happen, even though the diamond fit inside the hole.

"Maybe we need to try to turn these circles?" Thomas pointed at circles that were around the keyhole. He touched one, only to be zapped with electricity.

"Look, there is another hole," she pointed at a bigger one. Then, she got an idea. Going to Karl, who had the upper part of the elephant, she stood before the slime.

"Karl, spit out the tusks," she commanded, only for Karl to huff.

"Karl, do it," Thomas urged. He could see that the tusks were smaller than they had been, when the elephant was created from the light.

Karl huffed again, but spat out the two tusks. Rina put on gloves, knowing full well that the slime on the tusks could burn through her skin, and then carried them over to the door.

She placed one of the tusks in the hole she had seen, and looked for the other big hole. She found it after moments of searching. Placing the second tusk inside, she backed away, as the circles on the door began to move, and the door opened.

"Karl, Pavos, walk up front," Thomas commanded the two slimes. The adventurers backed away, so the slimes could take point. The sixth level was bathed in light and looked to be some sort of aquarium. There were glass walls that showed water and fish swimming through.

A shadow passed over one wall, and the two adventurers saw a giant monster swimming in the water. Its green eyes locked on them.

"As soon as we go in, the dungeon is going to release the walls of the aquarium, and we will be in the water with that thing," Rina did not like being the one who said such words, but they needed to be said.

"Yes. I have a plan," Thomas began to play the mournful tune, and then wisps made of the black miasma began to appear. He sent them inside, then he nodded towards the handle that had been exposed with the opening of the door.

"Pull it. We are staying in here until the thing is dead," he said, and the elf girl did just that. Not a moment too soon, the aquarium's glass walls began to rise. The last the two adventurers saw of the monster was its glowing eyes, as it frantically swam around the edges of the walls. Searching for a big enough opening to get at the miasma wisps as the sixth level filled up with water.

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