The Zone

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Sunday

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Chapter 37: Sunday

Thomas had not weighted himself until today, despite what Lucius had told him. He had wanted to see the results first hand. Now, that the scales showed 105.100, he could dance.

Seeing as he didn't want to be thrown out of the inn for such an early disturbance, he kept his happiness under wraps. One week, and he had lost 3 kilograms. That was something that he could hardly believe. It was magical, beyond his wildest expectation.

He got off the scales, and went to Rina. Shaking her awake, he looked at her like an over-eager puppy.

"Good morning, Tommy. What time is it?" The elf mumbled, trying to get out of the warm embrace of sleep.

"Five in the morning," he said, and she groaned. Pulling the covers over her head, she turned around in bed. "Rina, I have wonderful news."

"You know what sort of better news we would like to hear? The alarm clock going off at nine in the morning," Teri snapped, as he too pulled the covers over his head.

"I will sing you a song if you both stand up. Plus, I promise to perform in the inn until Arnold comes to collect us," Thomas tried to sweeten the deal. Two covers were slung to the side, and he was met with two disgruntled and sleepy adventurers.

"What are the news, Tommy?" Rina asked. Seeing as she was going to be treated to Thomas's voice, she found no issue with getting up early.

"I am now 105 kilograms and 100 grams, 3 kilograms less than last Sunday," Thomas told them proudly. The two shared a look. They knew that Thomas expected a pat on the back, but it was too early for them to do so.

"Great, keep it up. Next time, weight yourself when the devil is not sleeping," Teri went back to bed, and snoring was to be heard moments later.

"Tommy, it is not healthy for you to lose more than one kilogram per week," Rina had a concerned tone. She had seen people who used to be fat, and then gotten anorexia because of a rapid weight loss.

"Lucius wouldn't have given me the diet, if he thought that my health will suffer," the summoner protested. He grinned at the elf, and took out his harp. "Now, how about that song?"

"You will wake the rest of the patrons. Maybe later, when the sun is up," Rina suggested, and she went back to bed. Pulling the covers over her head. She, too, began to sleep soon after, although she did not snore.

"I thought that you both would be happy," Thomas said, eyes downcast. Then, he smiled. "Next time, I will tell you after you wake."

He looked at his bed, that was already made and the pillows fluffed. It didn't call to him, so, he decided to get downstairs to order a coffee.

On his way out the door, he picked his jar with peanut butter, and some money. The barmaid that greeted him looked half-asleep herself. She looked disgruntled to have to serve a customer so early in the morning. Still, she tried to smile.

"One coffee, black. Place half a teaspoon of this peanut butter in it," Thomas handed her the jar, and she went to the back of the kitchen to do just that.

"An early bird, are you?" Came a voice from a dark corner. The summoner turned to see a clocked man sitting by a table and nursing a cup with something.

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"I couldn't sleep. Today was my weighting day," Thomas told him honestly. He had first woken up at 12:34 am, then again at 2:56, then again at 3:23. It had taken all out of him to go back to bed after checking the clock each time.

"How much did you lose?" The man asked, not sounding curious, but wanting to continue the small talk.

"Three kilograms," the dark-haired adventurer said proudly. It was the most he had ever lost in a single week.

"Is that so? Good for you," the man picked up his cup, and went to sit next to Thomas at the bar. "Do you drink?"

"No," Thomas said. Alcohol would simply make him fatter. Plus, he didn't like the smell of it.

"Good for you, me neither," the summoner peered inside the cup and saw that it was actually chocolate milk. "Do you want some?"

The stranger picked up the cup, and nudged it to Thomas.

"No, my diet doesn't allow for me to eat or drink sweets," the siren was not going to drink from someone else's cup. Even if the diet did allow him.

"Suit yourself. This inn makes the best chocolate milk in all of Orestria. You don't happen to be an adventurer, do you?" Thomas nodded. He didn't see any harm in telling the man that he was.

"Good, then I have a quest for you. An escort mission," the man pulled out a scroll and Thomas's brows furrowed.

"Why didn't you go to the guild?" The summoner asked. He did take the scroll and unfurrow it. "Uhm, I think this is beyond my party."

There was a quest to bring a wagon worth of medicine through the Mammoth graveyard. Everyone knew that dragons nested there, eating the weakened mammoths.

"Where is your adventurer's spirit? You are the guy with the slimes, correct?" The man asked.

"I am, but," Thomas did not like this. This man oozed mana. Why couldn't he deliver the medicine himself?

"If you don't take up this quest, people will die. There is an epidemic over at Yaranhold," the man urged, and the summoner looked down at the scroll. Yes, an epidemic was not good. Yaranhold was often attacked by dragons, though.

"Sir, I don't think," Thomas began, only for a bottomless bag to be trusted in his hands.

"You have a month," and the man drank the rest of his hot chocolate and stood up. Thomas stared at the bag, and then asked himself: How was he going to sleep at night, if he didn't take this quest?

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