The Zone

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Sick days, part 2

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Chapter 42: Sick days, part 2

Thomas felt a hand shake his shoulder, and he opened his eyes. He felt better, somehow. He pressed a hand to his forehead, and found that it was still warm.

"Come on, Tommy. Time to get back inside," he saw Rina and Teri standing by his side, both looking at him with concern.

"I think I feel like some cherries," Thomas murmured. He had this craving for the fruit. One he couldn't explain.

"After you had your dinner," Rina assured him. With the blanket still wrapped around himself, Thomas stood up and went back inside the house. He folded the blanket as soon as the warm air of the farmhouse hit him, and placed it on the little cabinet next to the door.

"Seeing as you feel better, we believe you can have dinner with us," Teri clapped him on the shoulder. Thomas smiled at him.

"That sounds lovely," he said, and they went to sit by the table. There was fresh steaming bread in the middle, and a bowl with stew before each of their seats.

"You eat up — now. Tomorrow, I have a task for the three of you," Owen said, and Rina narrowed her eyes at him.

"Tommy is still sick," she reminded the farmer.

"He won't get any better stuck inside and chugging down potions. He needs the sun, girl. And my crops need his magical harp," Owen snapped at her.

Rina was about to protest, when Thomas just shook his head.

"It is ok, Rina. I do need to get out of the house," the summoner told her. He took his spoon and some bread, and began to eat.

When he was done, he wiped the rest of the stew with some more bread, and he patted his stomach.

"Owen, you sure know how to cook," Thomas commented.

"And you found that out now? Eat your cherries," the farmer pushed a bowl with the fruit to the brown-eyed adventurer, who gratefully accepted.

"I will still continue the diet," Thomas said, as he ate. "Just, not as strictly."

"Good for you. You get sick under my roof one more time, and I will tan your hide. Who came up with your diets, anyway?" Owen snapped.

"Lucius. The vampire that was here, remember?" Thomas told him.

"What do vampires know about getting thin? They lose all the extra weight upon transforming," Owen grumbled. Thomas smiled at that. He knew that, under all this grumbling and anger, Owen cared about him.

"Be that as it may, he helped countless people," Thomas said.

The farmer just shook his head. Rina stared at Thomas for a while, and then sighed.

"Tommy, you may begin the diet again, but remember what we said about breakfast?" She asked him. The elf knew that he was not a little boy, and she should not baby him. Yet, she also felt that he needed someone to show him that they cared for him, even if he was fat.

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"Yes, Tommy, we like you the way you are. You don't need to change," Teri chimed in.

"I do need to change, so I can like myself. Can I join you for training after I am done helping Owen's crops to grow?" Thomas asked, changing the subject.

"Sure, buddy. Just, take it easy, ok?" Teri tried to smile at Thomas, but the attempt was weak.

"I won't die from this," Thomas said, as he finished off the cherries. "It is just a cold."

"Be that as it may, you need rest," Rina said.

"Like how you and Teri need rest, but still train?" Thomas had not forgotten that both of them were wounded.

"We take it easy," Teri tried to defend himself.

"You still train," Thomas retorted. "I feel like my fever is going down. Maybe, if I spend all day in the sun, I will get better."

"Let him do as he pleases," Owen said, as he dipped some bread into his stew. "There is no talking this stubborn mule out of it."

Thomas relaxed in his chair, and let the sound of eating put him at ease. When they were done, they washed up, after which they went to their separate rooms.

On his way out, Thomas stared at the dirty dishes on the table, and then nodded to himself. Before Owen had a chance to protest, as the farmer had gone outside to feed his livestock, Thomas washed the dishes.

His mind felt clearer, somehow. When he was done with that, he took a broom and swept the kitchen. After that, he went back to his room. When he saw the state, the room was in, he cringed inwardly.

The bed covers were not made, the room stank of sickness. Rolling up his sleeves, he went and opened the window. Then, he made the bed. After which, he swept the room, and then used a wet cloth to wipe all surfaces clean.

Now, Thomas was all sweaty after he had done so. Deciding to go down for another shower and a change of clothes, he passed by the kitchen on his way down.

Owen was inside. The farmer waved him over.

"Good job, Tommy," Owen said, a smile on his lips. This was the first time that Thomas had seen Owen smile. The first time that the farmer had called him by his name.

"I will make sure to help more often," Thomas vowed.

"Yes, well, go take a shower. You stink," Thomas grinned at that.

"One day, you will get a better opinion of me," the summoner told the farmer. He could start with small steps. First, he would win over Owen, then, the rest of the world. Without another word, he went in the direction of the bathroom.

"I already do, boy," Owen said, a chuckle escaping him. "But, if it would motivate you to help out more often, it is best if you don't know that."

True, Owen was a harsh task master. His parents had been hard people, although not unkind. He strived to be the same. All his children had left the nest for Orestria. But these three were under his protection, and he would make sure he raised them right.

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