The Zone

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Monster hunt, part 2

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Chapter 44: Monster hunt, part 2

"Well, nothing is left in this cave," this was the third cave they had cleared of Aero bears. Teri's shield was now level five, and they had kept the crystals of the matriarch aero bear, as it seemed that Rina's bow wouldn't accept more.

"I say we go back to the ranch. Check up on Tommy," Rina hopped on Pavos, and urged him forward.

"Would have liked to grind my shield some more," Teri muttered. Level five was not the level cap. Still, he had all the intentions of coming back to the caves with Rina tomorrow, to bag more of the bears. His shield had not accepted the mama bear's crystals either. So, he had let Rina keep them.

"Teri, why did you have to say that?" Rina's voice was full of fear. Before them was a horde of Aero bears. They were on the trees; they were on the ground. Some were even flying. All of them looked at them with murder in their eyes.

"Great," Teri's mood lifted, and he got his shield and sword out.

"Great? Teri, we are surrounded," Rina whined. She got off Pavos, so the slime could fight, and began letting loose the arrow barrages.

Teri rushed to the nearest bear cub, and began to bash it with his shield. Three cubs swarmed him from all sides, two of them latching on his leg.

The fighting grew desperate in less than ten minutes. Rina shot a signal arrow that went off like a firework in the sky. She wanted for Jar and Karl to come over. They were outside, so, surely, they would see it?

Another ten minutes later, and the two slimes came, with Thomas on top of Karl.

"What in the world?" He gasped. All bears turned to him.

Rina lay face first on the ground, and Teri was trying to keep the small bears off her.

"Ask questions later. Fight now," Teri commanded. Thomas nodded, and began to play the mournful tune.

The bears took one look at the black miasma that was coming out of the harp, and turned and ran. Only to be blocked by Karl, who made sure that Thomas was now blocking the bear's way of escape.

One by one, the bears were either touched by the miasma balls, or burned in dragon fire. Jar went to the two other party members, and covered them with his bulk. Making sure to guard them from the heat, but he did not close completely around them, least he digested them.

Pavos and Yar reformed from their nearly tattered appearance, and began to devour the fallen bears. The more they ate, the bigger they became. Yet, their acid remained as potent as ever.

When the fighting was done, Teri rushed to the nearest cub, and claimed it for his shield. Now that he had to compete for the mobs with the two slimes, he was quicker about absorbing the material than before.

Thomas rushed to Rina, and checked her pulse. She had a nasty bump on her head, and she didn't wake when he shook her.

"Yar, Pavos, let him have the bears," Thomas commanded the two slimes. "Karl, help me get Rina to Owen."

Thomas picked up the girl with much trouble, and then got her on top of the dragon. Only Karl made his way to Bull's Horns Ranch, with the other three slimes being left to guard Teri.

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When Teri came back, he was worried about Rina. When that single bear cub had fallen on her head, and she hadn't gotten up, he had thought the worst. Still, he had left her when Thomas came and cleaned their mess. He felt bad about that.

Rina was sitting on the rocking chair, a blanket wrapped around her.

"Hey," Teri greeted. The elf beckoned him closer. He stepped within reach, and she swatted him on the nose.

"Next time you decide to stay behind for the loot instead of checking up on a party member, I will ask Tommy to confiscate said loot," Rina promised him.

"Sorry," Teri said with a bowed head.

"How are you, Teri?" The tank was surprised at the question. He was fine and looked fine.

"I am ok. You?" Rina smiled at that, and patted the bump on her head, wincing all the while.

"Could be better. But there are perks. Tommy is making me apple pie," she said with a grin.

"Does he know how?" Teri had his doubts that Thomas knew how to cook, considering the most he had seen the muse eat was grilled meat.

"He said he can, I won't doubt him. Apart from that, he is making me chicken salad, cream caramel, baked apples, and, you won't believe it, one of those Aero bears. It seems like Jar picked up a couple to eat later, and Tommy made him share," Teri's eyes nearly bulged from his sockets. Thomas was not making any stops.

The window opened, and a pie was laid on the out to cool. Teri sniffed the air, and got a dreamy look.

"This smells just like my mother's pies," he said, and went to check up on the pie. It had a lovely crust; the apple jam was to be seen through the holes. It smelt strongly of ginger, and it made Teri's mouth water.

"I am not sharing the pie. You can have a single baked apple and some salad," Rina told him smugly. Teri returned to her. He fell on one knee, and looked at her pleadingly.

"Lady elf, I know that I have wronged you. Forgive this poor human for his lack of manners and share some of that mouth-watering pie, please," Teri pleaded. Not a single note of shame in his voice.

"Do you promise to never ditch me after a fight again?" Rina asked in a sing-song voice.

"I hereby swear that I will never put loot before you. For the pie! I mean, for the party," Teri chuckled at his own misstep.

"I am sure that is what you meant. Now, go help Tommy. He is still sick, remember? We can't let him do all the work," Rina pointed at the front door and Teri went in.

If this worked, and she milked Teri's guilt for all it was worth, she could make him into as good of a cook as Tommy. Then, she would never have to cook during a quest again. With that thought, Rina sighed in content, and closed her eyes. Letting the murmurs of the forest and the scent of the pie to lull her into a light slumber.

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