The Zone

Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Breaking the news

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Chapter 51: Breaking the news

"You are saying that the king wants to destroy Yaranhold?" The mayor did not want to believe that. Yaranhold was a loyal vassal of the kingdom. A guard against the sea monsters that came from the North Sea.

"As we speak, an S ranked vampire and his party are fighting their way through the Alchemist's Lair. More of the guild's adventurers are on the way," Thomas said.

"How do you know all that?" The white-haired man was getting suspicious. His suspicions were confirmed, when Thomas took out a crystal from his tunic.

"This is Chem, the dungeon core of the Alchemist's Lair. I am her dungeon master," Thomas spoke, and the guards placed their hands on the hilts of their swords.

The mayor held up a hand, and they relaxed again.

"For eons, we have tried to do what you did. Yet, none of our adventurers have ever come back from this quest," the mayor told them.

"I liked Silver-Tongue's music. Besides, he killed just the snails that guarded the Orestria entrance. I never liked those," Chem piped in.

"Silver-Tongue?" The mayor blinked.

"I...sort of got saddled with the nickname by Chem," Thomas was blushing bright red. Of all the titles that Chem could have given him, why did it have to be something this embarrassing?

"The Orestria swords can't be allowed to pass through the dungeon," one of the advisors of the mayor said. "Dungeon master, stop them!"

"It is my intent to not let them through, but I don't know if I can manage. They friends."

Thomas did not want to kill them. Maybe capture them and have them trialed as war criminals?

"We cannot be loyal to the king. A king who wishes to see us scattered to the four winds," another advisor said. They looked to the mayor.

"Sir Damien, you are the only one this city needs," one of the advisors stood, and placed his sword on top of the table.

"Is this..." Teri had no words. He had heard of rebellions before, but he had never expected to be a part of one.

"Damien the first of his name," one of the other advisors spoke when he placed his sword on the table, and the rest took it up as if it were a chant.

"Friends, we don't know if the guild master is not acting on his own," Damien, the mayor, waved his hands before himself.

"You were always weak willed," a voice came from the door. It was a man, no older than Thomas, with a two-handed sword on his back. "The country needs you, and you refuse to take risks."

"Lord Vermont, hold your tongue!" One of the advisors snapped.

"Why should I? I am the last of the Vermont line. This is my city. Damien just manages it. I am insulted that you invite him, and make me wait and learn the gossip from maids!" The young red-headed man snapped.

"You are notorious for being unruly," Damien remarked. Thomas observed the scene before him carefully. Damien was ready to decline the crown, but could it be just an act?

"A corrupt king like that could easily set his sights on another prosperous city. We can't let the other fall. For once, we can't hide in our shells! It is time to unite with the rest, and..." Lord Vermont was stopped by a fist being brought down on the table.

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"You were given your position as lord by the king! Now you wish to overthrow him?" It was Damien that spoke.

Rina nudged Thomas.

"Tommy, I don't think it is our place to remain in here," she whispered.

"Something smells rotten. Why is the mayor defending the king?" Teri asked. His words were too loud for them to not be heard.

"Are you three working with Lord Vermont to sow discontent? I won't have it. Perhaps you are criminals and the adventurers who are coming are here to get rid of all of you!" The mayor spoke. Thomas's eyes widened.

"Come now, Damien. They braved the Alchemist's Lair, a no man's land, just to come to warn us. They are traitors, yes, but to Orestria and the corrupt king, not to Yaranhold," Lord Vermont snapped. "You are way overdue for a retirement. I am of age now, and can take the reins of the management and defense of this city."

"You are a green boy who reeks of treason!" The mayor snapped. "Guards, seize him!"

"But he is the lord?" One guard tried to argue.

"Seize this sympathizer and these three criminals as well," the other guards did not argue, and the five were marched out of the meeting room at sword point.

"Damien, I will get you back for this," Lord Vermont yelled behind himself, only for the double doors of the meeting room to close shut behind him.

"Ok, boys, remain calm and don't attack," Rina spoke. She watched as Thomas's fingers were itching towards his harp.

"What do you mean? We are captured," Teri was looking at her incredulously.

"We can't prove our innocence by making a run for it. Tommy, let Lucius and his party pass," was her next command.

"Do you know what you are doing? They won't free us," Thomas said. She gave him a brilliant smile and a nod.

"Just Lucius and his party. Make sure the rest of the guild is still in the tunnels," the guards were giving them strange looks. When they neared the dungeons, their weapons were taken. The guards tried to take Chem as well, but the one who tried, fell on the floor, unconscious.

They were left in the cell with the lord.

"Tommy, make Chem show us a screen of Lucius's actions," Rina commanded.

"Chem, you heard the lady," the summoner said, and a screen appeared. Lucius was strolling through the tunnels at a nice pace. Not bothered by the mobs anymore. When he reached the core room, he searched for Chem, but didn't find her.

"Well, Thomas, I have to say I am impressed. What? Do you want me to come to Yaranhold?" They heard Lucius's voice from the screen.

"You can speak to him, master," Chem spoke.

"Lucius Blood Bane, I challenge you to an honor duel. Just the two of us," Thomas spoke. Rina gasped behind him. Teri grinned savagely.

"I will make sure I won't waste a single drop of your blood, Thomas," Lucius was smirking, not seeing the trap. His eyes narrowed when he saw the ruby. He placed an unjamming device on it, and then pressed the ruby. "Just you wait for me."

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