The Zone

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: The cat becomes the mouse

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Chapter 53: The cat becomes the mouse

Mayor Damien was thrown in a cell, the mass panic of the city folk demanded for nothing less. The council fell in line behind Lester Vermont, those who did not, went into their own cells. Yet, the lord had one major problem.

He was with the Slime party in a meeting with one vampire, Lucius having left his party at the gate of the castle. The vampire had a serene expression on his face. He was exactly as Thomas remembered him from his time as a receptionist. Which unnerved him even more.

"Thomas, you don't look so good. Do you have a fever? The guild has many healers. I have brought one with myself, just in case," the slightly concerned tone reminded Thomas of that hospital room where Lucius had laid with wounds, after trying to protect the guild.

The summoner shook his head. Teri snorted next to him.

"A healer? So, he can stop Tommy's heart, and you can say it is an accident? You gave him that blasted diet, knowing he will get sick," Teri accused. He disliked Thomas's diets. Found them monotone and too restrictive.

"Normally, people don't get sick because of my diets. Well, unless he skipped more than a couple of meals. In which case, he was not dieting, he was starving himself," Lucius sighed then. As if he were a disappointed father who had to reprimand their child for their antics. "Thomas, you skipped meals during questing, didn't you?"

Thomas had, but didn't want to admit it. Lucius was going to keep on talking, when Lester slammed his fist on the table.

"We are not here to speak about diets! You may be S ranked, but thanks to the brave actions of councilman Xarial, the one you killed brazenly in the streets, the entire population knows what you are up to. The army has been called. Trained soldiers that," Lucius began to laugh at the lord then. It was a lighthearted laugh. Not meant to mock. Yet, maybe that was why it irked Lester to no end.

"Trained soldiers that will drop like flies when Yima comes with the rest. That is, if you won't agree to work with us, rather than against us?" Lucius's eyes shone in mirth. He was the cat; they were the mice. He was sure that this won't change.

"We will fight to our last," Teri snapped. Lester and Rina nodded. Thomas remained motionless.

"Thomas, nothing to add? I guess, seeing as your immortality is all but guaranteed if you run to the island chain and start a new dungeon in one of the desolate islands, that is to be expected?" Lucius looked to the summoner then.

"I have figured something, after councilman Xarial's death," Thomas began. His words meant only for the vampire.

"And, what is that? That life is fleeting? Thomas, you are an up jumped receptionist. Wake up to reality already," Lucius said. He couldn't understand from where the determined, and yet cold, look was coming from.

"You gave me a summoning book. There are more things than slimes inside of it," Lucius blinked at that. Was Thomas sounding...cold now? An amused expression blossomed on the vampire's lips.

"Well, if you will be using it against the guild, then I would like it back. I won't ask so nicely again, Tommy," Lucius spoke the summoner's name letter by letter. Clearly wanting to make him mad.

"I already have what I need of it. Here, and thank you," Thomas handed him the book. Lucius flipped it open. The writings were still there. The magic hadn't been drained from the book.

"You have what you need?" Lucius asked with narrowed eyes.

"Chem has all the runes memorized. The contracts will be with her, the command will be mine," Thomas allowed himself to look up and meet Lucius's red eyes.

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"Tommy, don't provide him information!" Rina spoke. She looked between her friend and the enemy.

"Fair is fair. If it wasn't for Lucius, I would still be a receptionist," Thomas said with a shrug. "You have an hour to go back to the guild master with the following message: The Alchemist's Lair will be your doom."

Lucius blinked at the cold tone, and then looked at the dungeon core that was pulsing with mana.

"I know the way to here," Lucius said. Now not so certain of the outcome of this situation.

"It will close forever once you pass through. You could always destroy the tunnels with dynamite, I suppose. But then, you will have to fight through the Mammoth's graveyard," Thomas looked pointedly at the door.

"You want me to just let him go?" Lester snapped.

"Him and the party he came with. Unharmed, with all their belongings," Thomas told the lord. "Trust me. This won't last too long."

"Tommy, it sure won't. The last time Yima marched, the salt pillars came into existence," Lucius noted.

"The salt pillars of Fren are a thing of the past. This rebel city won't fall. Now leave," Lester snapped.

Lucius stood, nodded to each of them and bowed in respect to Lester, and was escorted out.

"You better have a plan," Lord Vermont told the summoner.

"I do have a plan, but the question is, how many prisoners do you have?" Thomas turned to the lord. "I have a better use for them than bull fodder."

Rina watched Thomas with wide eyes.


"No, Rina. Things have to happen this way. We need to crush the guild in the tunnels. Or else, things will turn ugly. There are civilians in here," Teri told her in a gentle voice.

"I have sent someone with Lucius. Someone who he won't see. Once Yima dies, he will become the next guild master," Thomas told them cryptically.

He closed his eyes, and saw through the eyes of the mockingbird. Lucius was not sensing it in the slightest. It would drag the vampire's name through the muck, but Yima couldn't be defeated by anyone else. And, by the end of it all, Lucius would die as well. 

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