The Zone

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: I might just bite

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Chapter 59: I might just bite

Thomas woke up on this Sunday morning with a clear mind. Chem had kept Lucius in chains throughout the night, and him behind a barrier. He felt up his forehead. It was not warm.

The siren chanced a look at the vampire, who was leaning on the wall and seemed to be staring off into space. Thomas still couldn't explain to himself why Lucius had done what he did last night.

It was too cruel of a punishment, if it were one. He had hoped that the vampire would have some fondness still in himself for him, but, apparently, it had evaporated with the deaths of Yima and the rest.

"I can't set a new king on the throne from here," Lucius said, his voice soft. Deceiving, like a snake's warning. "Much less in chains."

"You will never try to do that to me again," Thomas snapped, shaking a little at the memory.

"Was it your first kiss, Tommy?" The command had not taken, and Thomas was beginning to feel sick to his stomach, although for once, not because of the fever.

"What is it to you?" There was no lying to the vampire. Thomas saw that the barrier was receding. He didn't want it to.

"It is funny, really. Of all the people I have ever punished, yours was almost not a punishment. More of a reward. But, when I saw you..." Thomas took a pillow and threw it at Lucius's head, desperate to stop him from talking.

Lucius chuckled when the pillow hit him on the head, and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Defenseless. Sleeping like a newborn lamb, after what you did. My blood simply came to a boil, Tommy," Lucius stood, and strained the chains as far as they could go. They didn't snap, but it was a close thing. "Now, how about you remove these, and I will go rest up myself."

"You are not the kind man that you wanted everyone to perceive you as," Thomas felt himself stand up, the blood in his system forcing him to. The key for the chains was on the bedside table. Chem had manifested it there.

"Oh, and you are?" Lucius spoke, eyebrows risen. "Good Tommy killed off fifty people and let a monster eat their corpses. Don't make me laugh. You don't even feel the guilt you should."

Thomas placed the key in the keyhole, and turned it. After which, a hand wrapped around his neck. He was lifted, and it was hard to breathe.

"Something tells me you will never feel the guilt, and I have to punish you for that," Lucius told him, leaning down. Chem began glowing again, and he was zapped in warning.

"Darn dungeon core," Thomas was let go. He fell on the floor, staring up at the vampire with wide eyes.

"I stand by my decisions," Thomas told the angry man. Lucius placed a hand on top of Thomas's hair, and ran his fingers through.

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"Do you want me to tell you what you are?" Lucius asked. Thomas began to shake his head. "I will anyway."

The smirk that the vampire was giving him was something that Thomas was seeing for the first time on that face. Never, not even once during their past conversations, had he thought the man capable of such coldness and malice.

"You are a fat weakling that got his hands on power for the first time in his life. You abused this power, thinking you are oh so clever. Now, you may have me restrained, but I have you under my control as well, Thomas. You will see why I am the Blood Bane now," Lucius patted him on the head, and added as if in an afterthought. "Grow your hair long. That is an order."

With that, he left. Thomas stared at the door for a while, then he got up. It was Sunday. He needed his routine. Things had to be right in the world again.

He got off his sleeping clothes, until he was down to his underwear, and pulled out his scales. He was positive that he wouldn't like the outcome of this weighting. Yet, he stepped on the scales anyway. Once, to make them work. A second time, to see the real result.

He blinked down. He was now 103 kilograms and 200 grams. He had lost 1,9 kilograms since the last weighting. Almost 2 kilograms. Yet, he couldn't be happy. Because, once he lost all the weight, Lucius might...

He shook his head, and got off the scales. He hadn't lost all the weight, and Lucius had still tried to do that. If it hadn't been for Chem, he would have been in for a very painful night.

There had to be something that could be done, so Lucius would stop hating him. Maybe, there had to be something that could be exposed about Yima and the guild.

"We can always ask Jeremy, when he comes back," Chem said. "Do you need him alive?"

Thomas didn't need her to clarify who he was. Lucius was a respected figure in the Blood Court. The siren couldn't afford to piss them off.

"Can't be helped," Thomas sat down on the bed again. He felt better, he was now an addict, though. He would need Lucius's blood, get sick if he didn't get it.

"You will just need to go back with him," Chem suggested. Thomas nodded. If his name was to be cleared. If Owen's death was to become just an accident. Then he needed to go back to Orestria and face the king.

"The trial won't be easy," the summoner said, more to himself than to the dungeon core.

"The mockingbird will make it so," Chem disagreed. Thomas looked to a bird stand in the corner, where the shrunk boss stood, feathers ruffled.

"Go to the dungeons, and take your pick. Make it look like an accident," Thomas commanded. The bird chirped, and flew off. Turning invisible again. He would keep it close. It was the only thing that could deceive and even kill Lucius, if it came down to it.

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