The Zone

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Karl the slime

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Chapter 9: Karl the slime

The slime toddled on its unsteady legs after its summoner. It looked like its summoner, down to the round shape of its stomach. Something that the summoner was not happy about.

The one who had created it had wanted for it to be some sort of monster. The slime was humanoid, albeit blue, and liked that. Thank you very much.

It also liked the fact that the summoner was not getting rid of it, despite his displeasure at the slime's evolutions. Still, the slime was annoyed at the constant attempts of the summoner to get it to eat things.

Just a minute ago, it had been placed on the big corpse of some sort of animal. The summoner had done something funny. Chomped his teeth together and pretended to eat from the thing. The slime was not amused.

Still, it got the message. Not wanting to be kicked again, it expanded and began to use its acid to get the biomass of the corpse under it. Only to stop soon after. Something was wrong with the meat. The slime didn't like it. It was salty, the fat was dripping from it. And, the blood felt wrong.

The slime hopped off the bull, and slugged until it was on top of Thomas's foot. Its favorite perch.

"Come on, Karl. Eat," Thomas urged again. The slime was amused every time it was referred to as such. Yet, it refused to take the name. Something told it that it was binding to take names. Binding and dangerous.

The slime stared up with its blue eyes at the summoner, and got back to its humanoid shape.

"Would you like some vegetables instead? I have half a cucumber," Thomas offered next. He had been so stuffed after the snack that he hadn't been able to eat his cucumber. Yet, there had been place for the cherries.

Thomas took out the cucumber from his bag, and placed it on the floor. The slime became a blob again, and slugged towards the vegetable.

Thomas watched in amazement as the slime began to wrap itself around it. He wondered if the slime could evolve from a cucumber. Or, would it just grow in size?

The receptionist watched as the cucumber dissolved inside the slime, and the slime became just a tab bit bigger. He smiled, and pulled out his coin pouch.

Leaving three golden coins on the counter, a third of his monthly paycheck, he began to empty the vegetable and fruit cabinets and feed them to the slime.

By the time he was done, the slime was the size of a small dog. It became humanoid again, and patted its stomach.

"Good job, Karl. You are the best," the clock chimed seven times, and Thomas looked to the table where he had left his food. "Come now, it is my turn to eat."

They walked, with Thomas up front and Karl toddling after him. Thomas helped the slime to get on a chair, and began to eat. This time, he finished his entire meal and left nothing behind.

After he cleaned after himself, he got Karl off the chair, and offered his hand to him. The slime took it, and the two went out of the cafeteria.

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Some of the cleaning staff gave them weird looks. Thomas waved at them, and Karl did the same. Thomas blinked. Could Karl become like a person, one day?

The dark-haired man imagined Karl as a tank, or, as a rogue, and grinned. Sure, he would be a glass cannon until Thomas got it something tougher to digest, but an archer was not something that would have to be excluded.

When Thomas and Karl got home, the summoner pointed at the couch.

"Make yourself comfortable, Karl. I am going to sleep," Thomas then let go of the slime's hand, and went to his room. The slime looked at the human dwelling in wonder.

It heard a dripping sound. Then, another. Curious, it went to investigate. It found something like a pipe from which water dripped freely. Suddenly, the slime felt thirsty.

It went to the pipe, and angled its mouth so that it could get all the water. A drop fell down, in two seconds, another fell. That was too slow for the slime.

With a frustrated huff, the slime hit the pipe on the circular thing that was sitting on top of it. More water began to drip from it, faster too.

The slime hit the circular disk again, and again. The water was flowing freely now. Happy, the slime began to drink. The more it drank, the bigger it became.

Thomas heard the noise of running water just as he was about to put on his pajamas. Cursing at the fact that the landlord must have not fixed the leak again, and worried that the pipe must have burst all the way through, he went to see the damage.

What he saw was a replica of himself. Down to the rows of fat. He blinked and saw that Karl would hit the pump every so often, to get more water.

"Stop that," Thomas chastised, and Karl turned to stare at him. The slime bared its teeth at him. The receptionist knew that it was braver now because it was his size. He also knew that, after all that water, its acidity must be almost zero.

Thomas marched to Karl, and took him by the scruff of his neck. Or, tried to. His fingers sunk in the blob. He felt something like a slight irritation at that, but not the burning he had felt before.

"Karl, the more water you drink, the weaker you become. Now, go to sleep," Thomas lamented on the fact that his water bill was going to be astronomical this month, judging by the size of the slime. He placed the safety on the pump and locked it.

Karl glared at him, but, seeing as he couldn't burn him, gave up. It made its liquid body to eject Thomas's fingers and went to the couch. It sunk on it, and spread all over it.

"You eat that, and it will be a spanking," the man promised. The slime rolled its eyes at him, and began to shrink as the water began to evaporate from it. The evil glint in its eyes told Thomas that it was rising its acidity and shrinking.

The receptionist gulped, and took a cucumber from the fridge. He carried it to the couch, and placed it in the shrinking Karl. Hopeful that his peace offering was going to be accepted.

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