Theater Room : Classroom of The Elite Reaction

Chapter 17: Girls Fight

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The night quickly passed into Morning.

The audience started walking towards the theater that has already opened.

Ayanokouji was currently walking with Karuizawa towards the destination of the Theater Room.

Karuizawa who had been silent for a while, broke the silence that had occurred during their journey, "Kiyotaka, is it possible that the theater room will showing about that later?"

Ayanokouji who knew what Karuizawa meant nodded his head, "Most likely it will also be aired, are you worried about your past being revealed?"

"I want to say that I'm not worried, but I know that's just lying to myself." Karuizawa had a gloomy face at the moment.

"You are a very strong person Kei, so you should be able to overcome it slowly. After the incident on the roof top, you have slowly come to terms with your past." Ayanokouji put his hand on Karuizawa head and rubbed it.

Sensing the movement of Ayanokouji hand above her head, Karuizawa lowered her head in shame, "Maybe your reputation will be tarnished a bit if they see your behavior back then."

Ayanokouji knew very well what Karuizawa meant, their first meeting was not as beautiful as a sunflower so he decided to make their relationship known to the public.

Karuizawa probably understood that too.

Theater Room was almost filled with audience, Ayanokouji and Karuizawa took their seats, ignoring the curious stares of some of the students near them.

Several discussions had taken place in the theater room because they were very curious about what would be shown today.


Hearing the familiar sound of applause accompanied by the extinguishing of all the lights that illuminate every corner of the theater room.

The audience cast their gazes on the stage which was still covered by the curtain all this time, and now began to slowly move sideways to reveal the Batler standing on the stage.

"Good morning all." Batler as usual said good morning to all of them.

"Today we will resume show."

"Since all seats are filled, let's start with Episode Fifteenth Theater Room, Girls Fight."

Hearing the title, some people have begun to understand what the instructions are.

It was likely that Ibuki and Horikita had fight.

Judging from their stubborn personalities, it was likely that their meeting at that time would be a battle conflict.

[Amidst the rain which began to fall heavily, I forced my sluggish body to chase after Ibuki. The sky, covered with rain clouds, blocked the sun, and visibility was poor. Even though I couldn't see Ibuki, fortunately there were footprints on the muddy ground. I'm sure that if I follow them, they will lead me to her.]

"So now we're back to Horikita-san perspective, and it's likely that the pursuit by her will become a battle conflict." Ichinose quickly grasped all the clues after seeing the previously given title.

"Kukuku, so now we will see a girls fight." Ryuuen laughed seeing that the fight was about to start.

Many students also started to wonder how they would fight.

Will they scratch each other?

Pulling each other hair?

Or slap each other?

They couldn't wait any longer.

[She walked around a 100 meters from the base camp, going sometimes left and sometimes right, along the way. Then, unexpectedly, her figure stood still, as if she stopped and waited for someone to come and meet her. Inadvertently, I went into hiding, even though this action had no meaning.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Without even turning to look back, I heard Ibuki's calm voice through the sound of the falling rain.

"I am aware that you have been following me. Why don't you come out already?"

"Since when did you notice it?"

"Right from the start."

Her short answer, gave me an ominous feeling that I had not felt from her before. Her quiet and reticent impression didn't seem to change. But, something was different.

"So, what is the reason, you've been following, me?"

"I wonder if you do not know, unless I tell you directly."

"I don't know."

Now she made me look like I was the villain.

"You clearly understand very well why you are being followed, right?"

"I really have no idea. Why? What's the reason?"

Turning back to face me, Ibuki was looking at me straight in the eyes. There was no dejection in her eyes. I almost had the urge to apologize to her. I had no definite proof either. I was just acting based on my own intuition.

"Don't you think that there is no use in lying, anymore?"

I felt my own hesitation for a moment, but I pressed on for an answer.

"At least I want to hear from your own mouth, the reason why have you been following me."

"From the case of a piece of underwear being stolen, to the tumult of the fire. D Class has had a series of misfortunes."]

"So even Horikita suspects that Ibuki is the one who started the fire." Miyake found the hands behind the scenes that was his friend very scary.

"Other than Ibuki back then no one saw the benefit of doing such a thing, obviously she is the most suspicious person." Yukimira would probably be very confident in his theory, were it not for yesterday that they found out that there was a possibility that Ayanokouji was the one controlling the situation.

Several students also agreed with their opinion because from a general point of view, Ibuki was one of the prime suspects.

["So what?"

"Do you realise that some people suspected you?"

"Ah!. Since I am an outsider. It cannot be helped being suspected."

"In other words, that's what I mean."

"That I am the culprit. So where are the evidence?"

"Unfortunately, there is no evidence at all about the underwear theft. Even so, I think it was you."

"This is quite a terrible story. You suspect me, even though there is no proof."

Well, she was so good at it. I could only praise her.

She didn't make her move until the 5th day and she did not try to approach anyone from D class, at all. This stance, conversely, allowed her to spend time with us, without being suspected.

"The reason I suspect you is because of today's actions. You do not need a further explanation, do you?"

Somehow, I wanted to take a testimony out of Ibuki. Trying to make me explain all the reasons why I suspect her. It's like to admit that I am the leader. Even if I am 99 percent certain that she is guilty, if there's a possibility of one percent that she is innocent, then, I should avoid pursuing things straight.

"Let's get straight to the point. Give back what you've stolen from me."

I said that to Ibuki who was standing in front of me, but without looking in her eyes.


Giving a short answer, she began to walk at a quick pace. I also kept chasing her, following her speed.

Ibuki changed her course heading straight into the forest.

"Where are you going?"

"Let's see, where am I going to?"

It was difficult to walk straight into the woods. I realised this in the past several days. Even more so in this weather, which doesn't give us much visibility. However, Ibuki didn't seem to care and stepped further into the woods. I also couldn't pull back, here. I have been following her, in order to find out the truth. Now that I have made a mistake, I must take the responsibility of solving the problem.]

"You really don't need to take responsibility yourself Suzune." Sudou felt a little sad seeing what Horikita did.

"That's right Horikita-san, even if we're going to have a hard time helping you at least we can use our power properly."

Some of the D class students also started to support Horikita, after how they saw that even if she was still sick, Horikita still took her responsibilities properly.

Horikita who saw the support given by her classmates, tried to use all her abilities to keep the face she always had.

Her older brother and Ayanokouji had always told her that friends and allies were the things she needed most in her life right now.

Now she saw what she had been hearing from the two of them.

That friends and allies might not be so bad.

[I must make up for my mistake. I must make up for my mistake.

The same words repeated over and over again in my head.

The trial had just begun. I couldn't fail here... Besides, it is my mistake for being so aggressive towards Karuizawa.

My heart beat became intense. Little by little. I held my breath and cut down the distance to Ibuki. It depended on the situation, but it might be necessary to consider recovering the key card by force.

It's alright. If it's me, I can do it.

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it...

I understand fully well, that I am not calm. But still, I have to do something about it now. I have been doing well on my own so far, and I will continue to do well by myself. There is no one else to turn to.

Being in the forest was somewhat better than being in the open, on the road where the rain and the wind were fierce. But the visibility was even worse, and the footing was much worse than I expected. And as I went right and left along the path, I naturally lost my sense of direction.

But my biggest problem was my physical condition. I have noticed from a little while ago that as time passed, it deteriorated. Up until now, I had signs of a little fever, but maybe because of this rain, my body temperature dropped. My limit line had collapsed and a cold was coming to attack me all of a sudden.]

Hearing what Horikita had said in her mind, many students who had excess mental capacity began to understand what Ayanokouji real purpose was to give Ibuki a chance to escape.

It was clearly a plan carried out by Ayanokouji to make Horikita physical situation even more sick and worse.

Very cruel.

That was what was on the minds of those who understood what Ayanokouji was really doing.

[When Ibuki suddenly stopped, she unexpectedly looked up at the tree. A piece of handkerchief wet with rain was tied in front of her.

"Until when will you chase me? Would you stop it?"

"Until you return what you've stolen from me."

"Would you calm down and think for a bit? If I had stolen the keycard, it's not like I would have had such a dangerous thing forever. Someone seeing that means immediate disqualification. I won't end up just losing points."

I didn't refer to a keycard even once while telling her to return the stolen item. In other words, it looks like Ibuki confessed in that moment. She showed me her white teeth while faintly smiling as I was trying to pursue that point.

"You thought I had confessed? Sorry, but that's wrong."

"If that's so, then what's the deal..."

"I'm fed up talking with you."

Ibuki crouched down starting to dig the ground using both hands.

"Oh, hah..."

Being strucked by intense dizziness and nausea, I leaned on a large tree beside me without thinking.]

Seeing Horikita condition getting worse many of her classmates became very worried about her situation on screen.

Even under such circumstances, Horikita was still able to fight because she held the responsibilities assigned by her class.

Some of the D-class students lowered their heads in shame, having been a burden so far, while Horikita continued to work hard even when she was sick.

["You look very sick."

Ibuki turned her head once noticing my condition. However, she continued with her operation.

"Ohh... Ohh... Hah..."

Until now I managed to breath normally to the utmost, but I couldn't endure anymore. My jersey soaked with downpouring rain suddenly snatched my body temperature away. I fought against the feeling of wanting to lay down the best I could, but I couldn't properly lift my head. ...When I thought about my resilience, it only really started there.

"Ibuki-san. I'll start investigating you using sheer strength. You won't mind?"

Muttering, Ibuki stopped digging up the earth, stood up and approached.

"——- Sheer strength? Would you be more specific? To wield violence?"

"... This is the last warning. Return it obediently."

I confronted Ibuki with a sharp tone. I wanted to avoid using force, but there was no other way. I can't show this side of self to anyone... ]

"So for the first time a girl fight will be showing on screen." Ishizaki felt quite curious how his friend fight was going.

Ibuki who heard Ishizaki words for some reason felt herself getting very annoyed, could it be because of Horikita?

Ibuki really wanted to punch her rival.

Somehow thinking about that brought back the annoying memories she had before about that little devil girl.

Even after the two of them cooperated they had a very hard time attacking her.

Ibuki clicked her tongue at the memory of the insulting situation.

[There was a problem with Sudou that had occurred before. He was hitting C class students and the case turned out in a trial involving the school. That time, I condemned Sudou who had to deal with a lot of unexpected difficulties. I deserted it then as a well-deserved punishment. To think that I was about to try to solve things with violence like this is seriously hilarious.

"The last warning, huh... I get it, I get it. So what if I do as you please?"

She dropped the bag onto the ground, lightly raised her hands and took a pose of surrender. She got here very obediently. I couldn't watch her resignation, but I couldn't let go of this opportunity.

I stretched out my hands, checking the bag first.

The next moment, Ibuki's small leg aimed for my face. The smallest precaution saved me. I bounced backwards, avoiding the kick. The thief jumped and took a defensive posture clinging to both hands.]

Seeing that the battle had already started, some of the audience had started to focus their eyes on the screen to see the fight that was taking place.

As for some students who don't like physical violence, avert their eyes from the screen because they can't stand to see such a fight happen.

["You'll really do it."

"Violent act means immediate disqualification..."

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"Are you saying someone might see us in this place? You're willing to do it as well."

While I was contemplating whether she smiled suggestively, she grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down in the next moment. Without even managing to react defensively to the unexpected events, I collapsed into the muddy ground.

"Would you like a few moments to rest?"

Her face looking down on me from above seemed blurred to me, who was riddled with wounds. Ibuki made a fist tightly as she grasped my collar and pulled up the upper part of my body. If I received this directly, it would tear my consciousness to pieces. I dusted it off, rolled on the ground, and escaped. I got up from the muddy ground with my hands, desperately trying to raise the upper part of my body. For the first time, I was glad I did martial arts.

"Huh? You can sure move. You practiced something?"

Without losing her head, Ibuki looked at me in evaluation as if impressed. Detecting instantly that I had knowledge of martial arts, she realized I wasn't an average person. How should I respond without telling her that my condition is at its worst?

"Indeed... I'm nothing but failure in this trial."

I have not contributed a thing to D class. In fact, in spite of my poor physical condition, I butted in trying to pull D class' legs that were working so hard. I wish I could have reported from the start.

Since I felt unwell, I could have requested another person to be the leader. Or I could have just refused. But my pride interfered which was unforgivable.

I made a fool out of many, and hated the fact that I, who had cursed at those incompetent, wasn't of any use. Ha ha... I let a dry laugh in my mind. Was it until now that I made excuses for myself like this?]

Seeing that Horikita state of mind had already reached a threshold, many D-class students were experiencing worries.

Sudou was one of those people.

He was very worried seeing his crush fighting.

If Horikita was in good physical condition, maybe he wouldn't be too worried.

But judging from the situation on the screen, Horikita physical condition is very bad.

Ayanokouji bastard.

For some reason he had the urge to smack the apathetic face of that person, who had been manipulating the situation to develop to this level.

["It was you, right...? Who stole the keycard."

Ibuki, who I was trying to chase, stopped. We shortened the distance shortly after. She pretended to do an attack with her right arm, only to do a high, fast kick with her leg. I escaped her attack and stretched my arm trying to distract her counterattack. Ibuki avoided my arm being instantly aware of the danger. She then switched over the next attack, forcing me to do a bewildering defense.

While having bad foothold, I kept the center of the gravity low, without worrying about giving the impression that I had the skills. Besides, in her, I didn't see any hesitation in hurting others.

Ibuki laughed showing her white teeth, like she was enjoying this situation. I never thought I would see her with such a big smile. Because of all the moving around, I was attacked by an intense cold and nausea. It was only a matter of time to stand still until the end.

"You did your best until here so I'll give you a reward and tell you the truth. I'm the one who stole the keycard."

Ibuki put her hands in her pocket and slowly she took out the card. On the surface facing my way, my name was engraved firmly.

"You admitted it pretty quickly after all that."

"It has come to a point where it doesn't matter whether I admit it or not. There's no striking evidence that I hurt you. It's not like the school can make a right judgement. Isn't that right?

Ibuki's reading was right. There was no factor that could make the school perceive this situation as it really was.

Ibuki reached the same conclusion. Even if I got damage unilaterally here, Ibuki could find any excuse as much as she liked. Even if I complained, the two guilty parties of the crimes won't get punished. It was D class that had many points to lose.

But, if I managed to get back the keycard, we could possibly be saved. By seizing reliable evidence, there was no choice but to force C class to admit to their faults.

Fingertips remained on the keycard.

There was a chance that we could claim its legitimacy if stolen. If it functioned to make the truth come to light, the school may thoroughly investigate as well. I couldn't abandon that hope. But I couldn't get back the keycard unless I gained total control of Ibuki's next actions. I couldn't believe she was stupid enough to show this kind of bold behavior.

If she took it away, the card won't ever be discovered or found anywhere else.

If that happened, it'd only become a dispute involving me not stealing what had already been stolen.

From there, I had no more energy to break into a run and draw near to her. To make matters worse, I had no strength in my fist either. But all I had to do was to make use of whatever force I had left.

I wonder if Ibuki had some reasons why she was rushing things, or she was just underestimating me. I advanced through the ground and commenced the attack. Like a hunter who enjoyed a one-sided hunt. She glanced at me for a moment, taking advantage of my weak situation.

She was all fake.

While I focused my attention on the lower half of the body, she turned without wavering and swung her right fist with the smallest movement. She barely grazed my hair and avoided any physical contact or attack at any short distance, then she applied a little force to the back of my body and made use of her momentum. Even if I was incompetent then, I'd still try everything until I defeated her.

I tried to take her arms and she lost her balance but again, she grasped the situation in a moment and slipped through my arm. I was trying to see things through by using my strength and speed but I was also avoiding any physical contact. I mustered my remaining strength and I drove into the pit of her stomach with my left fist.


Ibuki, who couldn't breathe anymore, kneeled on the spot like she was suffering. But at the same time my strength also reached the limit and my field of vision was distorted. There was no way I was going to chase her if she escaped, so I kept her under control.

"That's the worst...Already reached my limit."

Because I moved my body intensely and overdid things, my condition, which was already bad enough before, became hopeless. But I couldn't let myself collapse. My blow was superficial and it wouldn't defeat her.]

Seeing that Horikita determination was so great, many students felt a certain respect for Horikita.

Even if the current situation is ill badly. Horikira kept fighting for her class. Wasn't this the leader they wanted to have all along?

Some of the D Class students also felt this way.

Even if Ayanokouji had been controlling the class situation from behind the scenes, Horikita would still be their class leader.

It can't be changed forever.

Ayanokouji who had been watching with Karuizawa all this time, turned his gaze to all of his classmates who currently had respect in their eyes for Horikita.

Even if the Theater Room situation was quite a shock to his plans.

The plan to make Horikita the true leader of Class D will continue.

["I don't know...I was sure you were involved in it."

Ibuki stood up wiping her muddy face.

"Involved? In what........?"

Ibuki showed a moment of hesitation but eventually, standing alone, she revealed.

"I didn't burn the manual."

"Do you have the intention of just repeating a lie again?"

"What would my profit be in doing such a thing like the arson? It's inevitable that people would want to search for the criminal again with the uproar of the fire. And I also would strongly suspect myself. But there's only great damage and not even one advantage in this."


Certainly I agreed with what she was saying. She was stealing the keycard before the fire broke out. There was no time for her to bother burning the manual and fan the flames.

Then, who? Did it even make sense to burn the manual?

"The reason I talked to you in such a roundabout way was to confirm that. You seem to be much different. But in that case, it's better to say that it was hard to understand. Do you think he's in the D class? I'd say a guy who seemed to be aware of my crime even before you."]

Hearing the discussion while the two of them were on the screen, many students who were previously unaware of the actual situation, began to understand the truth.

If it wasn't the two of them who burned the manual back then there were only a few possibilities.

Of these several possibilities.

Ayanokouji was the most suspicious one so far because he was in control of the whole situation in their class.

So it's possible that Ayanokouji gave Ibuki a chance to escape only to let Horikita chase after her and make her physical condition worse.

It was terrifying, in order to secure his peaceful and quiet life which was threatened by Chabashira, Ayanokouji did everything necessary to secure his wish.

Even if it manipulated his own friend.

[Ibuki sighed as if she couldn't understand.

"You mean...."

Immediately, after the appearance of said person in my mind, I noticed that Ibuki was gone. The next moment, a blow shocked me and hit me hard when she attacked my head with a blunt weapon. I fell, hard.

"Our conversation is over."

I unconsciously started to feel that I had to get up, but the hand which had lightly been bruised by Ibuki's right foot made me fall again. Then, Ibuki gripped my bangs firmly and pulled me up.

"Ah, let me go....."

"Sorry. I've got a busy schedule ahead of me."

Suddenly, she aimed at my face and slapped me with her right hand. My thoughts and my body were at their limit and it was impossible for me not to suffer damage. I shook off the hand that was gripping my bangs. Then, I tried to get upright and draw distance with clumsy movements.

But my legs tangled and crumbled again to the ground like they used all their strength.

"Did you think that such a coercive method will be excused?"

"Come on now. I don't feel like answering."

When I narrowed the distance, she raised her feet high and kicked me in the face knocking me out.

How many times I repeated this to myself.

I.....made a great mistake.

In an attempt to repair that mistake by myself, I transformed it into an irreparable situation.


Seeing Horikita dire situation many students started to feel bad because they could only watch the situation.

Some students who have very tender hearts even cried seeing Horikita situation.

Although some students like to see there are fights, because for them fighting is something interesting and very rarely seen in a strict school like this.

"Ibuki-san, you became the antagonist in Horikita-san heroic story." Hiyori felt sad too after seeing Horikita situation.

Hearing Hiyori words, many students couldn't help but laugh because Ibuki role was very suitable as an antagonist as seen on the screen.

But they were curious as to what role Ayanokouji, who controlled the entire situation on screen, had?

Is it possible that the final boss Horikita must defeat in order to achieve her dream of rising to class A?

It was the perfect role if Ayanokouji had taken it.

[I let out a deep breath overlooking Horikita who had lost her consciousness completely. It's been a while since I had such a stubborn opponent. Maybe if her physical condition had been good, it wouldn't have been a ridiculous situation regardless of the winner. She was that strong.]

Seeing the perspective shift that was so rare, many students were surprised.

"Now we will look at the situation from Ibuki-san point of view."

Some people also feel intrigued after seeing how the perspective has changed

[I continued what I was doing shortly afterwards and dug up the flashlight and transceiver wrapped in vinyl. Although I would have rather gotten by without using those if I could.


Right after I took out the two items buried in the ground, I was caught by a mysterious sensation. I didn't know the cause of it. It's just that for some reason I had a feeling they were different compared to the last time I had buried them.]

After seeing the thing on the screen, most of the students started to feel that maybe that was what Ayanokouji was doing back then.

They wouldn't be surprised if this was all part of Ayanokouji plan.

After seeing how Ayanokouji had been all this time, they always felt anticipation for the moves made by him.

["Could it be... due to rain?"

Concluding it must have been only my overthinking, I got my hands on the transceiver. Then I reported my current location to him who was waiting to be contacted from somewhere and sat down to rest.

30 minutes must have passed since then. A flashlight flashed its light in front of me. Two times. Three times. It was well-regulated like the Morse code. I did the same and sent a signal using the flashlight near my feet. In order to resonate with each other, his guiding light went stronger. With his irritating face I didn't want to see, Ryuuen showed up.

"Oi. Thank you for your hard work, Ibuki, it was a good performance."

"... That was justified, right?"

"Justified? You knew you had to do it without making a mess or you wouldn't have taken a risk coming here"

"There was no other way, right. I didn't think the digital camera would break."

That's right. If only the digital camera hadn't wrecked, I would have taken a photo of the keycard and everything would have ended there. I'd have a certain proof in my hands. I wouldn't even have called Ryuuen using the transceiver. But as a result, I went into a big risk carrying the card that led to Horikita finding out my true colors.

"So, where's the card?"

"It's here."

I took the card from my pocket and handed it over to Ryuuen. Ryuuen illuminated the card with the flashlight, confirming the name carved on it was that of Horikita Suzune.

"You, come here to confirm it as well. You demanded it from the start. Be at ease. No one is supposed to be here in this weather and darkness. It's good to take precautions but don't waste your time."

A class' Katsuragi appeared from his hiding place. He was the calm and steady type of guy. Completely opposite of our leader. I pretended to be calm, but my mind couldn't help but be once again aware of Ryuuen's awfulness. Right after this trial started, Ryuuen said he'll coax A class against me and he really did carry that out. But how the hell...

Taking Horikita's card from Ryuuen, Katsuragi observed it with his own eyes. It couldn't have been forged in this uninhabited island.

"Looks like the real thing."]

[Episode Fifteenth Teater Room, Girls Fight. End.]

Seeing that the screen had slowly darkened, many students started discussions with their respective groups.

"So it's true as Ayanokouji predicted that Ryuuen and Katsuragi have already established a cooperative relation."

Some students felt a shock after learning that during the exam Katsuragi as the leader of class A had a cooperative relationship with Ryuuen.

If that was true, then Ayanokouji deductive ability might also be very good with how he could predict that they had a cooperative relation.

In contrast to the students who were having discussions, Ryuuen was very happy to finally see how the plan he was carrying out at that time could fail.

"Kukuku, even if I knew you were so cruel, I didn't expect that you could be this cruel Ayanokouji." Ryuuen laughed while shaking his head at the cruelty that Ayanokouji could commit.

Gradually he could see that Ayanokouji true nature would be exposed in this theater room, and he was looking forward to seeing Ayanokouji true nature.

Episode Fifteenth concludes with Ryuuen looking forward to seeing Ayanokouji true nature.

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