Theater Room : Classroom of The Elite Reaction

Chapter 3: Devil Among Us

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After returning from the break together, Ayanokouji and Karuizawa returned to their seats with Popcorn and coke, to look forward to seeing what would be shown on the screen this time.

"Ayanokouji-kun? Where have you been? Many classmates didn't see you in the theater room and rest area." Horikita approached Ayanokouji after seeing him return to his seat. "And have you and Karuizawa-san been sitting here all this time?"

Seeing the person who was approaching him, Ayanokouji was quite surprised as it was quite rare for Horikita to approach him if she wasn't having a hard time, "Horikita, I was with Kei, just returned from the rest area to get some food and drink." Ayanokouji held up Popcorn in his left hand and Coke in his right.

Although all this time, Horikita, did have certain suspicions about the relationship between Ayanokouji and Karuizawa, she didn't dare to assume, and after seeing this perhaps her suspicions had been true all along about the relationship that her seatmate had, "What do you think will be showing this time... ?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's about a girl who got one of her hands in a water bottle..?" Ayanokouji replied with a disinterested shrug, because after seeing the first showing earlier, he had come to terms with the loss of his peaceful life.

Hearing her seatmate answer, Horikita couldn't help but remain silent while trying to find the weapon she used to carry. Unable to find the weapon she used to carry, Horikita could only comment, "Could it be that you've lost your will to live? After seeing the previous showing that your lecherous thoughts that you hid earlier will soon be exposed?"

"Who knows..?" Although he didn't know if Horikita had learned to tell jokes, Ayanokouji only answered vaguely as usual.


The sound of applause again sounded in the theater room, which indicated that the Theater Room was starting again. After all the lights that illuminate the entire theater room went out again, the curtains that had been drawn back opened to reveal Batler back on stage with his usual smile.

"How are you all? Are you all doing well at the rest?" Batler asked how his audience was doing, most of whom had probably forgotten the threat the old man made with his kind smile. After seeing what the theater room accommodated, probably quite a lot didn't want to leave this theater room.

Most of the audience cheered upon hearing Batler question, and upon seeing that, Batler smile grew softer at the current enthusiastic response of the Theater Room audience, "Alright, now that all the seats are filled, let's begin Episode Two Theater Room, Devil Among Us."

["Ayanokouji-kun, are you ok?"]

After seeing the screen turn back on and hearing the sound again, some students assumed that it was still showing about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

"So at this time the thing that was showing was still Kiyo-pon." Hearing her unique way to call him, many people found Ayanokouji nickname odd, even certain people from the special seats couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

Hearing Ayanokoiji strange call, Narumori Sakayanagi couldn't help but ask the one sitting beside him, who at this moment was still furrowing his brows at the strange calling of his Masterpiece. "Sensei, how interesting your son is, what do you think now Sensei, we will all see your son growth in this school."

Atsuomi Ayanokouji, who had been thinking about how the organization of this Theater Room had led him to such a suspicious place, awoke from his thoughts after hearing Sakayanagi question, he replied, "It is certain that this garbage dump has had a bad influence on him, and even if this place teaches him a valuable lesson, what couldn't be taught to him in the previous place..?"

Hearing his slightly rude Sensei words, instead of being offended Narumori Sakayanagi just smiled and replied back, "Perhaps Sensei is also curious about how Kiyotaka-kun is doing at this school?"

Although the conversation between the two of them was not very loud, their conversation could be heard in every corner of the theater room because as the conversation progressed the theater room turned silent to listen to the conversation between Narumori Sakayanagi and the stranger.

Although many wanted to ask Ayanokouji a question after overhearing the conversation in that special place, the question might have to be postponed as the Screen continued as usual. As for Karuizawa who was looking at Ayanokouji with obvious concern, he could only pat her head to ease her worries.

[It came. It came again. The feared situation.

As I was pretending to sleep, that person came.

It was the appearance of the devil, which forced me (who was taking a nap) to wake up to reality.

In my brain, Shostakovich's 11th symphony was playing. The song perfectly described my current predicament: the feeling of utter hopelessness as people are chased by devils and as the end of the world quickly approached.

Even with my eyes closed, I could tell.

could feel the alarming presence of the devil right next to me as it waited for its slave to wake up...

Now, as a slave, how do I escape this situation...?]

"How strange Senpai~, to worry about something like, a devil." asked Amasawa, only to tease him.

"It's a basic human instinct, to worry about something like a devil on screen." Ayanokouji answered while ignoring what the little devil might imply.

"Is it like that..?" Amasawa smiled hearing that.

"What do you think Ayanokouji? About the little girl question."

Ayanokouji who heard a certain Dragon-boy question was not interested in providing further information on the matter, "Maybe in the future you will understand this, so don't take the surprise factor out of the way, and don't believe this little devil words."

"As expected Senpai~ even facing a cute little girl like me is merciless, Ahh~...." Amasawa wouldn't be a little devil if she didn't do things that could lead to misunderstandings.

[To avoid danger, use the computer in the brain to instantly come up with the answer.

Conclusion... Pretend not to have heard anything. I am naming it the 'pretend sleep' strategy. My predicament will be solved with this strategy.

If the person talking was kind girl, she would overlook it after saying, 'Well, it can't be helped. I will forgive you because I'm sorry ☆'.

Even a pattern like 'I will kiss if you don't wake up, ok? Chuu~~' is also OK.]

A Certain Nagumo took the chance to corner the only student who got the attention of him senpai, "You are quite delusional in your mind, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Kukuku, although it's strange to hear Ayanokouji inner thoughts like this, at least he's not as sad as you." Even without being named, with his unique laugh everyone would recognize this person.

"You haven't changed at all, Nagumo." Horikita Manabu, who had been silent all this time, commented on the unreasonable behavior of his disobedient underclassman.

Hearing this familiar voice, several people who knew him felt a strange feeling in their hearts like Horikita Suzune wanting to see her brother, While the conflict was going on, a certain blonde narcissist spoke, "Your dear senpai is here Nagumo-boy, don't you want to get his attention..? " After hearing his sarcasm, many wanted to laugh but reminded himself that the person wanted to laugh at was the Student Council President.

["If you don't wake up in 3 seconds, you'll face punishments."

"... The hell do you mean by 'punishments'?"

In less than a second the 'pretend sleep' strategy was foiled and I succumbed to the threat.

Still, I refused to raise my head and continued to resist.

"Look, as I expected you were awake."

"I already know of your scariness if I make you angry."

"That's good. Then, do you have some time?"

"... and if I say I don't?"

"Well... I can't force you, but I will be cranky if you don't."

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She then continued.

"And if I'm cranky, I will be a major obstacle to Ayanokouji-kun's normal school life. Hmm, for example, countless thumbtacks on your chair, spraying water on your head whenever you enter the bathroom, and sometimes stabbing you with a compass needle. That kind of behavior, yup."

"That's just plain harassment! Also, that last one seems strangely real, as if I remember already being stabbed!"

reluctantly woke up and sat up in my seat.

A girl with long black hair and sharp, beautiful eyes looked down on me from the side.

Her name is Horikita Suzune. High school class 1-D, my classmate.]

"So that Devil is Horikita-san, what a surprise." Kushida didn't miss the chance to give the strange nickname Devil to the person she despised.

"I thought that they had a relationship before but it turned out to be a slave-master relationship, Horikita-san is really bad." Several girls in the second-year class D had the same opinion as Matsushita, Sato, and Mori.

["Don't be so scared. That was just a joke. I won't pour water on you from above when you're in the toilet."

"The thumbtacks and the compass needle are more important! Look at this, this! You can still see where I was stabbed! How will you take responsibility if it becomes a lifetime scar?"

roll up my sleeve of my right arm and show my upper arm to Horikita.

"Where's the evidence?"


"Where's the evidence? Are you saying that I am the culprit without any proof?"

Of course, there is no evidence. Even though the only person who was close enough to stab me was Horikita, and even though she was holding a compass needle in her hand, it's hard to say it definitively...

had something important to confirm, though.

"Do I really have to help out? I thought about it again, but after all..."

"Hey Ayanokouji-kun. Regretting your decision while you're desperate, or while you're suffering... Which one do you like more? Because you pulled me from my responsibilities, you should be held accountableIs that right?"

Horikita offered only two ridiculousextreme options. Apparently, it seems that she will not allow a compromise. It was a mistake to make a contract with the devil. I decided to give up and obey.

"...So, what am I supposed to do?"

asked while trembling in fear.

won't be surprised when I hear what she's asking from me.

I don't know how things turned out like this, but I remember when all this started.

I met this girl exactly two months ago.

Was it on the day of the entrance ceremony...?]

[Episode Two Theater Room, Devil Among Us. End]

"This... isn't this too much Horikita-san...?" Ichinose, who couldn't accept her crush being tortured, protested against a Class D Devil, and many students agreed with Ichinose opinion, although there were some people who felt aroused to see being tortured by a Class D Devil.

Horikita who heard the many complaints of students in the theater could only lower her head, and Kiyotaka who saw her like that intervened, "It's okay, that was the past, and at that time you know how Horikita was..? Now Horikita has changed into a better person isn't she..?" Kiyotaka doing this is also a form of investment in things that might be showing in the future, at least he should bring allies into his grasp as much as possible.

"I'm sorry, at that time Ayanokouji-kun, at least now I've tried to improve myself for the better." Horikita answered while bowing her head to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokouji, who heard the answer given just nodded his head as if accepting that Horikita had become a better person now, even though there was someone he didn't expect to ask to ask him a question in front of this many people.

"Has this school influenced you so much that it becomes a joke like this in your life Kiyotaka?"

Listening to such an outrageous question, many in the audience turned their gazes to the person who asked, which was a man who was probably the same age as Narumori Sakayanagi, who was sitting right beside him with an intimidating stature, and with eyes that deem everything unimportant in this world, many students feel intimidated just by looking at it.

Kiyotaka who heard the question from the person who could be considered his biological father looked at his father fearlessly and replied, "Is it possible that you want to bring the problems in the family to the public like this...?"

"Your behavior is already too ridiculous here, even if the situation on screen is as I thought, is this how you're going to destroy my ideals..?

Hearing his father claim, Kiyotaka replied, "Do you think it is possible to destroy your ideals, even if the situation on the screen is as you think...?"

"Seeing your current situation, at least your brain is still functioning to think properly." Atsuomi Ayanokouji who listened to his son answer, felt that his son still had hope in his eyes, and turned his gaze back to the screen.

Sakayanagi, who had been listening to the conversation between parent and child, decided to intervene in this situation, "Ayanokouji-sensei, nice to meet you again." After hearing Sakayanagi greeting, Atsuomi turned his gaze towards him, and just nodded his head, indicating that he had his attention, seeing the attention return to her, Sakayanagi said quite an interesting thing which caused many students to look to Ayanokouji, "There is no denying that Ayanokouji-kun behavior is a bit silly, but even with that kind of behavior he still holds the overall situation well, even though I don't want to accept it, Fufufu."

After finishing saying the words that attracted the interest of many students in the theater room like that, Sakayanagi turned his gaze back to the front of the screen.

After the conversation that could be considered a family conversation was over, many students started discussing in their own groups about the issue.

"Ayanokouji-kun, is that your father..?" Some students from various classes also started asking almost similar questions like that.

"That, is that his father..? Quite scary." Ike who couldn't properly assess the situation said such a thing out loud.

"Stupid. It was obvious that it was his father, judging by their conversation." Shinohara who just wanted to shut Ike mouth for talking nonsense like that.

Hirata who saw that the situation was about to escalate, got up from his seat and showed his class leadership here, "Alright guys please calm down and at least don't interfere in Kiyotaka-kun family matters. What if your family is in a similar situation? Do you want other people to interfere in your family matters too...?"

Ayanokouji was quite surprised to see how Hirata, controlling the current situation of the class by speaking sincerely on the surface, but filled with veiled threats, Hirata might have progressed to a level where he could lead the class with a bit of manipulation that he might unknowingly do.

"Kukuku... At least with this I know how the Monster got such eyes and views." A certain Dragon-boy feels like a waifu who is attracted to the mysteriousness of the man he has a crush on, and looking at the information he has now it's possible that he can see more and more what kind of person a Monster is.


Batler clapped his hands again to get the attention of the entire audience in the theater, and after getting all attention focused on him, Batler began to speak, "Alright, Since there won't be any more trouble, let's continue showing with the Episode Third Theater Room, Without Bus scene is not Perfect."

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