Theater Room : Classroom of The Elite Reaction

Chapter 6: Money moves the World

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"Alright, then let's move on to the next episode and the last one for today, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask now." Batler announced that today there is only one episode left.

"Can we go back to school from today onwards Batler-san...?"

"Of course not."

"Ehh, why can't we go back school..?"

"Of course you all have to watch until the end of the episode that is airing in this Theater Room."

After hearing the answer given by Batler, many students were worried because they didn't know how to solve the problem, with no solution to the problem here, a commotion started to occur in the theater room.

Seeing that many students were about to start making noise, Tsukishiro smiled and started asking Batler a question, "If we're not allowed to go back school, will the theater room accommodate all of our needs while in the theater room?"

Seeing Tsukishiro witty question, Batler smiled and replied, "Of course, all necessities from food, bedroom, clothing and others will be accommodated for all guests in the theater room."

"So we don't need to go back school?"

"Of course, because all human needs are in this facility."

After hearing the confirmation from Batler, many of the audience who were experiencing the previous worries calmed down slowly, and started their own discussion.

Karuizawa who heard Batter statement started to have certain considerations in mind.

"Does Kiyotaka you want to sleep together?" Karuizawa whispered to Ayanokouji.

"It's all up to you Kei, if you want to sleep in the same room with me, that's fine." Ayanokouji answered in a whisper as well beside Karuizawa ear.

Hearing Ayanokouji answer, Karuizawa started to think indecent thoughts that made her face start to turn red with embarrassment.

"Alright now that all the issues have been resolved let's begin, Episode Fifth Theater Room, Money moves the World."

[When it was lunchtime, I got out of my seat with a goal in mind. Then I headed to the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?"

After having noticed me rush out of the classroom, Kushida followed. Stopping in front of me, she leaned over and looked up to me.]

"So it's still Ayanokouji-kun that is shown on the screen."

"Oh, Kushida-san will also be shown on the screen."

Various students started commenting on what was displayed on the screen.

["Because it's lunch, I thought I would go to the cafeteria."

"FuunIs it fine if I go with you?"

"It's fine, but you have a lot of other people you can ask too, you know."

"Even though I have a lot of friends I can eat with, you have no one. Also, although you would usually talk to Horikita-san first, you didn't say anything today. Didn't you say yesterday that you were worried about something in the staff room? What was that?"]

"Is that perhaps the thing that happened back then with Chabashira-sensei, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita who probably understood what the staff room meant asked Ayanokouji.

Ayanokouji who heard the question asked by Horikita only replied with a nod to confirm that what Horikita meant was correct.

"Sae-chan, is it possible that you have already started a three-way relationship? Really you can't even leave a girl out of your lewd hands." Hoshinomiya-sensei who was curious about what was being said on the screen tried to get an answer by teasing Chabashira-sensei.

Hitting at head Hoshinomiya, Chabashira started to explain what happened to clear up any misunderstandings which might have happened, "Nothing like that happened, maybe in the future it will also be shown on the screen."

[As usual, Kushida was listening to the surroundings; or ratherobserving her surroundingsHonestly, I thought it would be annoying if someone was always, but I think it's fine if it's Kushida. I only got to know her secret by chance. I won't do anything bad.

"I can tell you, but will you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"Keeping secrets is my strong point!"]

"It's really interesting, it hasn't been a month of school yet but the two of them can already share secrets with each other."

Kushida who probably knew what Ayanokouji meant on the screen, started to think about what to do to minimize the impact to her reputation if the conversation on the roof with Ayanoukoji was showed on the screen later.

Some of her classmates started asking what secret she was hiding with Ayanokouji, "Secret...? Is it possible that Kushida started a relationship with Ayanokouji in secret, so they share secrets with each other..?"

Listening to the nonsensical question posed by her classmate, Kushida just smiled and replied, "It's nothing about relationships as you think, while for a secret that Ayanokouji-kun found out by chance it was something that happened when I was having trouble and frustration."

After giving an answer to her friend question while making a troubled and sad face, Kushida started to think again about what to do to minimize the impact that would occur.

[We made our way to the cafeteria. Before long, we entered the confusion of the cafeteria and got to the meal ticket machine. After buying a ticket for two portions, I moved away from the ticket vending machine and didn't line up at the counter. From there, I looked at the fingertips of the students who were buying their food.

"What is it?"

Kushida looked at me in curiosity.

"There is a possibility that this will lead to an answer to what I was concerned about."

looked at all the students who were buying lunch. After about 20 students, I found my target student. The student bought the meal and walked over to the counter with heavy steps.

"Alright, let's go."

"What? Ok."

Quickly exchanging our tickets for meals, I walked over to the student and sat down.

"Umexcuse me. You're... a senpai, right?"]

"Kukuku, is it time to see what the Ayanokouji behind the scenes will do...?"

Even though Horikita had already begun to know what things her seatmate was doing behind her back, she couldn't help but ask the question, "What were you doing at that time Ayanokouji-kun...?"

"The answer to your question will be lengthy, so it's better to just watch what's on the screen."

Hearing the answer given by Ayanokouji, many students started to think about what Ayanokouji would do.

["...Huh? Who are you?"

Quietly looking up, he looked at me, uninterested.

"Are you a second-year? Third-year?"

"Third year. You're a first-year, huh."

"I am Ayanakouji-kun of class D. Senpai, you're also in class D, right?"

"...What does that have to do with you?"

Kushida looked at me in surprise, asking "How did you know?"

"Because he was restricted to the free meal. It's not very tasty, is it?"

Senpai was eating the free vegetable meal.

"What the hell, making me feel annoyed."

He tried to get up with his try, but I stopped him.

"I have something to ask you. If you listened to me, I would show my gratitude."


My small voice was lost in the confusion of the cafeteria.

The nearby students were also engrossed in their conversations with friends.

"Do you still have the problems on the midterm from your first semester? Or if you know someone that has all the previous test problemscan you let us know who he is?"

"Hey, do you even understand what you're saying?"

"It's not anything surprising. I don't think it's against school policy to use old test problems to study."

"Why are you asking me?"

"That's easy. I thought it would be easier to cut a deal with someone without points. Honestly, the free vegetable meal isn't that tasty. Of course, things are different if you actually like eating that meal. What do you say?"

"...How much?"

"10,000 points. That's as far as I can go."

"I don't have any of the problems, but... I know someone who does. If you want to ask him to help, you need at least 30,000 points."

"30,000 is way too much. I don't have that kind of money."

"How much do you have, then?"

"...20,000 points."

"Then 20,000 points... No, 15,000 points will do. Nothing less."

"15,000 points, huh..."

"If you would go as far as to ask a complete stranger about past problems, you must be really desperate. After all, the school expels everyone who failsI've already lost a lot of my friends."

"I see. ...Ok. I will pay 15,000 points."

"Then the deal is good. Of course, you'll have to pay in advance."

"I don't mind, but if you go back on your word, I won't forgive you. I'll make sure you get expelled."

"...Fine. I don't want any bad recordsIf rumors pop up that I ripped off a kouhai, I probably won't be forgiven."

"Now then, senpai, since I will pay you 15,000 points, can you give me a freebie? I want to see the answers to the mock test."

"Alright, I'll include that. Well, I think that whatever you're trying to do is useless, but sure."

It looks like senpai understood what I was thinking.

"Thank you."

The senpai quickly left his seat. I guess he didn't want to be noticed.]

"What an interesting thing to showing on the screen." Ryuuen laughed at what was on the screen.

"Ayanokouji-kun you have a really good talent for things like this don't you?" Sakayanagi saw what her childhood friend was doing just smiled in amusement.

Some students who had more blessings for mental capacity, could easily understand what Ayanokouji was doing on the screen. Such psychological manipulation even if the person being manipulated by it is a person who lacks brain cells, it is still an amazing thing to witness something like this.

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While most of the students who were in the same class with Ayanokouji began to realize that, if their assumptions were correct, then the things Ayanokouji did behind the scenes were very beneficial for their class.

"So at that time, you were already in his hands, Kikyo?"

Kushida could only remain silent after listening to Ryueen words, because after thinking back on what Ryuuen said, her mind started to become restless.

["H-hey, Ayanokouji-kun... Was that... was that really ok?"

"There's no problem at all. The transfer of points is allowed by school rules, so there aren't any violations."

"That's fine, but isn't it dishonest to get past year's questions?"

"Dishonest? I don't think so. If the school didn't allow it, there would've been something in the rules. Also, I confirmed another thing when I was just talking to the third-year senpai. It looks like these kind of transactions aren't that strange."


"He wasn't particularly surprised, and he quickly agreed to listen to my proposal. It probably isn't his first time negotiatingHe has not only the answers to the midterms, but even the mock testThere's no mistake."

Her eyes were spinning in astonishment.

"Ayanokouji-kun, you were really different. I was surprised."]

"It was quite surprising at the time, seeing something different about Ayanokouji-kun." Kushida smiled at the screen display.

"So, is it possible that back then, the thing Kushida-san gave was all Ayanokouji-kun idea...?" Shinohara asked her friend.

"That's right, everything was Ayanokouji-kun idea."

After listening to Kushida answer, many of her classmates began to feel something odd, namely why he didn't receive credit for the good things he did.

"But why...?"

"The screen will answer all your questions, so minimize creating questions that will be very clearly answered by the screen display." Ayanokouji who was starting to sense the questions his classmates were about to throw stopped them.

["It's just insurance to make sure that Sudou and the others don't get expelled."]

"Thank you Ayanokouji."

Many D-class students who heard Ayanokouji words on the screen, began to thank him for helping them.

They really didn't expect that the thing Kushida gave, was actually Ayanokouji idea.

["But this might turn out to be useless. Past questions are past questions, right? This year's test may be completely unrelated."

"The problems may not be exactly the same, but there will definitely be some similarities. The last mock exam gave me that hint."


"You noticed that there were really hard problems along with easy ones, right?"

"Well, yea. Those were the last problems of each section. I didn't understand those questions at all."

"When I looked into it after, those were problems that second-years and third-years were learning. In other words, they don't expect first-years to be able to solve those problemsIsn't it useless to throw in those kind of unsolvable problems? They're probably there for a reason other than to actually test usIf the problems on the mock exam were the exact same as previous mock exams, what would happen?"

"...If I saw those problems, I would be able to ace the test."

The same thing is applicable to the midterm.

Soon after, I got a message from the third-year senpai with an attachment. It was the old tests.

First, I checked the mock test. The key question is, are the last three problems the same?

Kushida also tried to look at my phone.

"Are they? Are they the same?"

"It's completely identical. The problemssentences, and all the words are the same."]

"As expected of the King, not only is his lower weapon big, even his mind is big too." A certain Snake-kun is trying to gain the favor of his King.

"You remind us of that, that even a self-proclaimed perfect beings cannot defeat a King, in the T-rex category."

"Lose the battle, but win the war. A perfect beings like me still wins, because my T-rex eats more prey than the T-rex that Ayanokouji-boy has." Kouenji replied while looking at his perfect reflection in the mirror.

Hearing Kouenji words, many students were silent because they couldn't reply to what he said.

["That's amazing! If we showed this to everyone, it would be an easy success! Don't show it to only Sudou-kun, but everyone else too!"

"No, we won't show it to Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi yet."

"W-why? You went as far as to use so many points."

"If they hear that these are the test questions, they'll lose all motivation and focus. Above all, overconfidence is the biggest problem. The midterm may not be the same as the mock test; there's a possibility the problems are different on the midterm."

It's essential to keep in mind that these old tests are insurance.

"Then what are you going to use them for?"

"Release these problems the day before the test. Then we tell everyone that these problems are roughly the same as this year's test. What would everyone do then?"

"That night, everyone would try to memorize the problems!"

"That's how it is."

The students who are don't understand the basics probably can't memorize all the problems in a single day. But, it's not difficult to understand the problems beforehand. We're not trying to get the highest score possible on this next test. We're trying to avoid failing. If we ask for too much, the plan might fail.

But with this, we can probably get everyone to pass in class D.

"Hey... When did you think to get these old tests?"

"Since we learned that the test was different. However, I had an inkling that the old tests might be similar ever since the midterm was mentioned."

"Eh!? T-that early!?"

"When Chiyabashira-sensei first mentioned the midterm, she was speaking in an unusual manner. Even though she knew Sudou and the other's grades and attitudes, she spoke with absolute confidence. In other words, she confirmed that there was a surefire way to save them."]

What a frightening observational ability, many audience began to realize that Ayanokouji true ability that had been hidden for so long was slowly being revealed in this screen.

"Sae-chan, you cheated for having a student like Ayanokouji-kun."

"There's no such thing as a cheating name, so keep your nonsensical mouth shut." Chabashira who listened to her friend words replied with a heart-piercing answer.

["Is that... the old tests?"

The reason why Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi were all admitted to this school, despite their academic ability, must be connected to this somehow. If they can't get good grades by studying hard, this is a sort of escape route for them. In other words, it's possible for everyone get near perfect scores by getting the old tests. That's how I understood it, at least.]

"This..? Is this kouhai really a student who has only started school for a month...?" The various third-year students began to feel astonished at how quickly Ayanoukouji understood the school situation.

"Even the students of previous years, no one found an answer to this problem earlier before quickly, and it hasn't even been a month since Ayanokouji-kun attended school." Many Teachers who were in a special place shook their heads because Students like that were in D-class, they were curious as to what kind of thing would cause such a person to be admitted to D-class.

["...Ayanokouji-kun, you're really observant, aren't you?"

"I'm just being cunning. I didn't think that I could pass the midterm without any help anyway. I was looking for a way to reliably pass."


As if she had something on her mind, Kushida had a mischievous smile.

"I have a favor to ask. Could you say that you got the old questions? Say that you got the old tests from a third-year senpai that you get along with."

"I'm fine with it, but... are you really ok with that?"

"I like to avoid trouble, after all. I don't want to stand out. Also, our classmates trust you. It'd be a lot better for you to tell everyone else."

"...Ok. If you say so."

"Thanks. I don't to stand out unnecessarily."

"Well then, let's keep this a secret between us."

"Yea, that sounds good."

"Don't you feel like there's some kind of trust between us when we share this kind of secret?"

"Well, dunno. I hope so."


Kushida curtly replied. I don't know what her thanks was exactly for, though.]

[Episode Fifth Theater Room, Money moves the World. End]

"Don't like trouble..? Is that your reason for not taking credit for the good things you did for class Kiyotaka-kun..?" Hirata who saw what his friend was doing couldn't help but smile, and as a friend he might as well support the decision made by his friend.

"It's unreasonable. Just because he doesn't like trouble, he doesn't receive the praise he deserves...?"

Horikita and Chabashira who often listened to the same excuse now being listened to by everyone had also experienced times like this too, because in the past they also thought Ayanokouji actions were unreasonable.

Some of his classmates started commenting on his unreasonable actions.

Ayanokouji who was now preparing to leave the theater room with Karuizawa ignored everything his classmates said.

"Okay, since the event is over for today. I'm Batler, permission to withdrew and see you later." Just like before, the curtains began to cover the stage and music accompanies the theater room signaling the end for today.

Seeing that the group of students had started to leave the theater room. Ayanokouji held Karuizawa hand and asked if her wanted to leave the room now, "Do you want to leave this room now to rest..?"

Hearing Ayanokouji question, Kei nodded her head, "Okay, I'm getting hungry."

Ignoring the glances given to him by the students and possibly some of his classmates. Ayanokouji took Karuizawa hand and starting to walk towards the large door that had begun to open to accommodate the exit from the theater room as before.

"Is it okay to indirectly announce our relationship like this, Kiyotaka?"

"Don't worry, announcing early is also a good step for our future."

"Alright, if Kiyotaka wants something like this. I'll accept it."

"What do you want to eat tonight...? Since you agreed to my request, do you have any food you would like to eat tonight?"

Listening to such a question, Karuizawa and Ayanokouji started walking to the rest area while whispering what kind of food she wanted to eat tonight.

Episode Fifth closes with Ayanokouji and Karuizawa walking together back to the rest area.

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