There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chapter 46: Title drop?

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Only one kilometer away from the settlement, I meet with Nila.

“What are you doing here?” he asks, frowning.

I jump on my sitting camel and point at the second one. “You planned to walk all the way back?” I laugh.

He shrugs and jumps on the other one with a “Thanks.”

The camels stand up and we start riding next to each other in silence until I finally break it with a smile. “Hey, you’re not angry with us that we forced you to watch Gini, right?”

A grin finally appears on his face. “Not really, no… It was fun.”

“Oh, was it?!” Stars appear in my eyes. “So, what did you do? Was Gini nice and cute? Ahhh, I wish I could hold her in my arms again…”

“Again?” Nila raises an eyebrow. “Well, I should warn you that she isn’t nice nor cute at all, she’s a real devil!”

“That’s so cuuuuute~!” I moan. “Ahhh Gini, why are you so far away?!”

“You only met her two days ago!”

“And if anything happened to her, I would kill everybody!!” I laugh.

Nila scratches his hair. “You’re a fast burn…”

“Life is so short, better be quick… But have you seen how cute she is?! I could eat her wholly!”

“As I said—”


But before Nila could finish what he was going to say, we hear the racket of a helicopter.

“What the…” Nila pronounces.

We stop our ride to look around, and notice its figure obscuring the moon. Considering how loud it is and the distance between us, it can’t be anything but an attack helicopter of the British army.

“Rohini…” Nila looks at me with a worried expression. “What if Gini spilled the beans?”

“No, I can’t believe it…” Turning back, I order the camel to run. “Quick, we need to go back to the settlement, something terrible is going to happen!!”

Taking my phone from my pocket, I dial Nala’s number and explain to him the situation.



What should I do? What should I do???

Considering the distance, my brother will be here in less than ten minutes!

Taking a look inside the cabin, I see Anhad and Nimrit peacefully resting, without the slightest idea of what’s coming for them.

I know… I need to tell Ishqam to run away with her children!

But where is she? I have no time to run around aimlessly in the settlement.

If she’s with other people, it will be difficult to speak with her.

And what am I going to explain?

‘I’m sorry but I’m a traitor and the British army is coming to kill all of you and you have to run away now.’

Will she even be willing to run away?

Nonetheless, I have to do something!

What if I try to contact my brother now? How can I convince him to abort the operation?

I put a finger deep in my ear until I hear the familiar disagreeable screeching noise.

“White Snake to Falcon, White Snake to Falcon, over.” I pronounce, short breathed.

After a few seconds, my brother’s voice resonates into my skull. “Falcon to White Snake. What the fuck were you up to? Answer immediately. Over.”

“I infiltrated the terrorist network. I couldn’t catch a moment. Over.” My heart beats full throttle.

“That was not the plan. Your mission is aborted. Sergeant Robin is on the move to bring you back.” His tone is as ruthless as ever.

“No, I—”

“Awaiting your report. Over.”

Without leaving me any room to argue, the communication cuts, and the helicopter makes a racket above our heads.

Many villagers stick their face out of their home and ask what’s going on.

The helicopter circles around the settlement and then hovers above the hill that faces the river, leaving its prey no easy way to escape.

Some people walk out of their home. Those who are already outside, rush in and make sure their family is safe.

In the tumult, I notice Ishqam running towards me with a distressed face: “Gini, are you okay? Where are Nimrit and Anhad?”

“They’re already asleep inside your cabin.” I point towards it.

She sighs from relief. “Good. You stay here, okay? I will see what’s going on.”

I shiver and grab her dupatta. “You can’t.” I whisper. “You’re going to get killed…”

She frowns. “How would you know that?”

“They’re here because of me.” I tear up. “You have to run away with Nimrit and Anhad. You can come back maybe in a few days, but—”

She takes me in her arms. “You are kind, Gini. But I won’t leave you.”

“You don’t understand… I don’t deserve…”

“No, Gini. Nobody deserves anything. That’s only an invention. I had a child before, with immaculate white hair, like you, but she was killed by her father. Do you think she deserved it? Anhad and Nimrit were orphans I adopted. They lost their parents because of the war; do you think they deserved it?”

“What happened to your daughter’s father…?”

“He died a while ago…”

“I think he deserved it.” I pronounce in tears.

She laughs. “That’s not the message I wanted to give.”

‘How can you still laugh?’ I want to ask but can’t.

Wasn’t I laughing too just a few hours ago?

Why is happiness so painful?

Liberating myself from Ishqam’s arms, I look in her eyes.

“Thank you, Auntie, for everything you gave me.”

Her face darkens. “Gini, what do you plan to do?”

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I push her away and starts running towards the hill.

‘Please, don’t come. Please, run away. You have children to take care of.’ I want to scream.

But before I could reach the hill, I notice six long ropes dropping from the helicopter.

Six armed silhouettes slip down from it and rush down the hill at tremendous speed.

Five of them are Privates. One of them, in the middle, is the Sergeant Robin, in her slightly opened jacket, a lollipop in her mouth and a CQB L119A1 rifle in her hands.

I put myself in line of sight and rise my arms high in the air, and they stop their run when they notice me.

“My, my, isn’t that the White Snake? What’s up? Why didn’t you call your daddy before going to bed?” She smirks.

“I already explained it to him, five minutes prior to your arrival.”

She shoots 3 bullets that graze my left cheek.

“Who the fuck are you talking to? Where is your salute, shithead?”

The racket made by the helicopter and now also by the bullets shot attract most adults of the settlement, that look at the scene with fear.

Trying my best not to anger Robin, I salute her properly.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Are they speaking English?”

“So, this little girl was a soldier?”

I hear accusative mumblings behind me.

Robin approaches me. Moving the lollipop in her mouth. She puts a hand under my chin and smirks again. “Take it out.”

I lower my hand from the salute and put it on the stick of the lollipop, then slowly pull it out of her mouth.

Once done, she smiles, satisfied and headbutts me on the face.

I fall on my bottom without a sound. Feeling harsh pain on my nose, I cover it with my hand only to notice it was bleeding abundantly.

“Are you happy now, shithead? Because of this mistake you messed up the whole operation. Ready yourself for all the beating!” She pushes my face to the ground with her boot.

She then crouches in front of me and takes the lollipop back from my hand. “Good, it didn’t hit the ground! See! You learn!” She pats my head.

“Hey you! What do you think you’re doing?!” A male voice elevates from the crowd behind me.

Robin puts her lollipop back in her mouth and looks at me, who is still trying to stop my nose’s bleeding. “What did he say?” She asks.

“He asked what you’re doing.” I say nervously.

She grabs me by the hair and pulls me up on my feet with one hand. I feel numb from the pain. “Ask them who said that.” She smiles.

“Wh-who said that?” I painfully articulate in Punjabi.

Two men armed with rifles that I noticed yesterday morning stand out from the crowd. “What do they think they’re doing in our village?!” They yell.

“What did they say?”

“The same thing…” I pronounce. Speaking gets more and more difficult as the blood accumulates on my face.

She drops me on the ground, and I fall on my arms. Biting the dust once again.

Before I have the time to get back on my feet, she designates a Private. “Fire.” And without losing a second, the Private shoots the young men in the head.

Screams accompany the action. Some run back to their home. Others put themselves in front to protect them. In the middle of this mess, Ishqam appears.

“GINI! GINI!” She yells, running towards me.

‘Please don’t come!’ I want to scream, but can’t.

Still running to the danger, a bullet rain stops her from approaching further.

Another Private sent warning shots, while Robin grabs me by the collar and pulls me like a dead weight.

“STOP!” Ishqam screams in perfect English. “Don’t take her!!”

Robin looks back, her interest piqued. “What do we have here? Someone who speaks English? Don’t tell me you’re a terrorist.” She smirks.

“No! She’s not!” I yell.

“Oh, how would you know?” Robin says with a smug.

Ishqam walks past the bullet holes on the ground, her arms in the air. “Please do not shoot, I have no weapon.”

“What do you want?” Robin moves her lollipop in her mouth. “If you move, we’ll take it as an aggression.”

“Are you from the British army?” I hear a deep anger in Ishqam’s voice. A tone I haven’t heard before.

Robin shows her rifle with the British flag imprinted on it. “Can’t you tell, dumbass?”

“Then what you are doing is a violation of our rights. Where is your official authorization to land on this hill, mistreat and kidnap this girl in public, and shoot civilians in the head? What you’re doing are war crimes and you will have to face the law in martial court.”

“Ohhh, I see we have a smartass around here!!” Robin laughs. “I’m sorry I called you dumb!”

She throws me to the ground behind her and slowly walks towards Ishqam, her hands on her rifle.

“AUNTIE, PLEASE RUN AWAY!!” I scream in Punjabi.

“Muzzle her.” Robin says to her Privates without looking back.

I struggle to get back on my feet but two Privates push me down and gag me with a scarf.

I scream and struggle with tears building in my eyes, but they’re too strong.

Robin is now only a few meters from Ishqam. She tilts her head. “You seem to know a bunch of things, and see, that’s a problem. We normally count on the fact these Third World peasants know nothing of international law to have some little fun and walk away, but with someone like you that’s not going to be possible.” She points her rifle towards her. “Also, you don’t seem to know that, but the emergency state has been proclaimed on Indian soil, which means we, the royal army, make the law. If I have any suspicions that you’re a terrorist, then I’m allowed to kill you. These guys we shot? Terrorists. They were armed and menacing, I respected my legitimate defense. Civilians are not allowed to threaten an agent of the law, and you know what? You look like a terrorist to me, and I find your behavior very menacing, so don’t mind me while I defend this country.”

Before leaving Ishqam any room to respond, Robin shots her whole magazine into her chest.

I scream and struggle mindlessly to free myself from the Privates’ grasp, but it’s too late.

Ishqam’s unconscious body falls on the ground, her blood flooding the soil.

The few men and women who are still watching the scene gasp and cry in terror.

Robin walks back without a care for what happened, and asks her two Privates who were pinning me down to carry me to the helicopter.

As for the other three: “Don’t leave any survivor.” She simply orders.

‘Three weren’t enough?!’ I want to scream but can’t articulate.

Without hesitation, the three Privates follow the orders and start aiming towards the villagers, who weep and pray: “May Gods protect us!”

Walking up the hill behind the two Privates who are carrying me, Robin laughs. She crunches the lollipop in her mouth and pronounces in bad Punjabi, with a very thick English accent: “There are no Gods in heaven.”


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