There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 60: The flames of freedom

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“Come, Gini. We have something for you.” The corporal’s deep voice echoes hauntingly in the night.

I tread cautiously, trailing behind him and the other members of 1st Lieutenant Kalakuna’s unit, always ensuring that we remain unseen.

As we approach the laboratory, my footsteps falter upon spotting corpses strewn beneath tanks.

“Don’t worry,” the sergeant reassures, a mysterious tone to his voice, “they’re just taking a nap.”

“What side are you on, exactly?” My voice quivers as I take a hesitant step back.

Though I chide myself internally for the irrational fear, it persists.

“The side of freedom.” Their unified response is chillingly harmonious.

“But come, habibti, we’re not going to hurt you.”

Drawing on a deep breath, I muster the courage to move forward. Their proclamation 'The side of freedom…' echoes in my mind. Perhaps they are traitors, much like myself.

As I step into the laboratory, an oppressive sense of foreboding grips me, amplified by the encompassing darkness.

“Do you prefer if we turn the lights on?” The corporal’s voice cuts through the quiet.

“No, I’m leaving right after this. What did you want?”

“Don’t be so hasty … aren’t there questions you wish to ask?”

His words resonate. Time is not on my side, but my mind brims with inquiries.

Venturing deeper into the room, I discern the corporal’s silhouette behind a benchtop, while the rest are concealed in the shadows.

“Don’t fret, they’re at the back, searching for something,” he murmurs.

“Fine.” I exhale sharply. “But be quick. Who are you guys, and who’s the 1st lieutenant Kalakuna? Why do you call me Gini? What do you know? What did you want to show me? What’s expected of me?”

His chuckle reverberates in the dark. “Hold on, habibti! I can only answer so fast!” He holds up his hands defensively.

“Just answer in sequence,” I retort.

“Alright, alright. To begin, we are a unique blend of a scientific-spying-child soldier rescue unit, operating under 1st Lieutenant Kalakuna’s commands.”

“What did that last bit even mean?”

“Well, it might’ve slipped past you, but we did our utmost to protect you, habibti!”

“Protect me from what?”

His tone grows sarcastic. “Honestly! This isn’t a playground. Surely, after all your experiences, you’ve grasped that much? Or was all that character growth for nothing?”

His flippant words confuse me. Although I’ve never seen myself as a mere child, I concede he might be onto something.

“So, how did you ‘save’ me then?”

“As an answer to your second question, we heard it all.” He chuckles, tapping his ear.

Horror courses through me, turning my face hot with embarrassment.


Their lack of ethics blindsides me.

With anger driving my actions, I storm over to him, clutching his lab coat.

I have half a mind to land a punch on his smug face!

“Hahaha, that’s such a charming reaction, habibti! Haven’t you noticed? A few days ago, you wouldn’t have reacted like this.”

I halt my fist, inches from his face.

He’s right. Why have I changed so much in such a short time?

“The individuals you’ve interacted with far exceeded our expectations. The 1st lieutenant Kalakuna was wise to entrust you with them.”

“Wait, does he know them personally?” I ask, taken aback.

“No, not exactly. They just hail from the same region. He mentioned he trusted his fellow countrymen. So, we steered them your way.”

Suddenly, the desert rescue floods back into my mind. We had specifically chosen a route away from any caravans. Encountering someone had felt like a miracle, but now, I realize it was all orchestrated.

“And I suppose you’re also aware of the raid tonight?”

“Why don’t you try to stop me?”

His eyes gleam in the low light. “I thought I was clear. We’re on the side of freedom.”

“Are you saying you’re traitors too?”

His laughter is soft, more like a chuckle. “I’d argue we never truly chose a side to begin with.”

“Sounds like semantics for ‘traitor’ to me. Is Kalakuna one as well?”

“Show some respect. Address him by his rank. He’s an honourable man. But, to answer your question, he’s the brain behind all this.”

“Why did he place trust in me?”

“For the finer details, you’ll have to confront him. But from where I stand, it seemed a bit like a saviour complex. When we first laid eyes on you, you had the aura of a wounded pup. It’s heartening to see your spirit rekindled now. Ah, speaking of which,” he trails off as the other members of the unit re-emerge, cradling something peculiar in their arms.

In the shadowy confines of the lab, the object is barely discernible, but its silhouette suggests a weapon.

“This,” he begins with a hint of pride, “is the 1st lieutenant Kalakuna’s magnum opus. Of course, it’s a collaborative effort spanning months. Drawing inspiration from Indian mythology, ever heard of Gandiva? It’s the bow wielded by Arjuna in the Mahabharata. Name it as you wish, but ‘Gandiva’ has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it? ‘Consider this a gift, celebrating your newfound freedom.’ That’s the message from the 1st lieutenant. It might seem foreign in your hands at first, but trust me, its use will come naturally to you. Just,” he hesitates, a note of seriousness creeping into his tone, placing his hands over his ears, “make sure to protect them properly.”



A sharp pain jolts through my ears, jarring me awake.

I had underestimated the cacophonous uproar that the peculiar weapon, Gandiva, could unleash. I’d thought my implant would shield me.

Blinking, my surroundings gradually become familiar. The laboratory. Presumably, one of the traitor’s unit must have seen me collapse on the watchtower and brought me here.

I gingerly reach up, fingers brushing against bandages that wrap tightly around my head.

Outside, the distant chaos of the raid is unmistakable.

Damn it. I’ve missed the rendezvous.

Pushing off the table, a jolt of pain sends me collapsing back.

The corporal strides into my field of vision, examining my bandaged head.

Oddly, he remains silent.

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Although I can hear distant noises, human voices seem muted, distorted. Everything feels muffled, disjointed. A shiver of recognition races down my spine.

Suddenly, a thunderous crash in the distance makes me flinch, but the room’s as it was. The corporal firmly grips my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. Cold sweat drips down my brow; something’s very wrong.

From behind him, the sergeant steps forward, extending a cellphone.

Taking it, I tap the blinking notification. It launches a messaging app: “itme! ^^", followed by an emoji of a man in a gas mask and a waving smiley. Both the corporal and the sergeant are wearing gas masks. So who...?

Out of the shadows, the diminutive 1st-class-private steps forth, waving, and then pointing at his phone.

Ah, it’s him.

Another message buzzes in: “zi implant saturatet an browk owo. Ur deaf agen lol,” followed by a crying face and a skull emoji.

A hollow feeling settles in. The world had once again muted its voice to me. The comfort of hearing, which I had grown so accustomed to, was gone.

Yet another notification flashes: “w dnt ave taim to ripar it,” punctuated by a clock and a sweating emoji, and “wi did awr bist t’ranimat u qwickli,” with a surgeon emoji, “bt wi av t’set dlab un” fire and skull emoji.

The corporal, clearly irritated, kicks the 1st-class-private aside and swiftly types.

“Sorry for his shorthand; he’s a zoomer. Apologies, but we need you to leave. There are tasks left for us in this lab, and you can’t be here. Can you move?”

I nod, pushing myself upright.

“You can keep the phone. Gandiva’s by the entrance. Stay safe, habibti.”

Another nod, and I make my way to the exit, scooping up the enigmatic weapon.

Ah, Gandiva, we didn’t quite get off on the right foot, did we?

Securing its strap, I murmur, “We’ll have to get on somehow.”

Exiting the lab, I’m about to dash towards the watchtower when a grip tightens on my arm. Lieutenant Parrot’s eyes are wide, words spilling out rapidly. I can only make out the shapes of her lips, “Snakey, we saw you… Are you okay? … You should stay…” Her gesture towards the tank, where Lieutenant Swallow jovially beckons, is unmistakable.

Frantically, I shake my head, mouthing, “I have to go. If you surrender, they won’t kill you.” She starts replying, but amidst the flurry of her lips, I only catch 'Crowsclaws' before wrenching away, charging ahead.

As I distance myself, there’s a small part of me genuinely praying they make it out alive.



“Alright, boys. She’s gone now.”

“Yep. I will miss her.”

“Me too, but I’ll miss all of you as well.”

“Hey, don’t get all mushy on us! You’ll make me cry!”

“But seriously, Zhongjie, couldn’t you type properly?!”

The 1st-class private Zhongjie, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, removes his gas mask. “Nope! This is much more fun! Did you see the expression she pulled? ‘Try not to laugh 100% impossible challenge! Subscribe for more!’”

“Ridiculous.” The stern-faced sergeant Jonathan, shaking his head in disbelief, removes his gas mask. “I’m certain she didn’t understand half of it.”

“That’s why I clarified it.” I say with a grin, removing my own mask. “But focus up, khouyi. We need to make it appear as though the rebels were responsible. Ensure we leave nothing traceable.”

“Corporal Amir, must we really destroy the ballistic formulas as well? It feels wrong, after the hours we poured into them.” Warrant Officer Joana, her voice tinged with regret, strides over from the back of the dimly lit laboratory, removing her mask.

“Every last bit has to go.”

“My only joy will be destroying our PS5.”

“You only say that because you kept getting defeated!”


“Oops, butterfingers.”

“I’m the living embodiment of the sobbing emoji right now!”

“Warrant Officer Joana, do I have your permission to punch him, just this once?”

“Today, I’ll allow it.”


“Sergeant Jonathan, just a smidge of restraint, please.”

“For what reason? This might be my last chance!”

“Corporal Amir…”

I ponder for a moment, then sigh. “Alright, but only a light one.”


“Corporal Amir,” Joana interrupts with a smirk, “while these two bicker, shall we get things moving?”

“Agreed. Let’s commence.”

After assembling a hefty pile of our electronic paraphernalia, the distinct scent of burning fills the room as flames devour it.

“Scatter it across the lab. We don’t want any hint of this being intentional.”

“Hahaha! Finally, I can kick this infuriatingly laggy computer! I’ve been dreaming of this!”

“OUCH! My nose!”

“The PS5…”

“Alright, boys. It’s been a blast.”


“Certainly has.”

“May your afterlife be splendid!”

“And yours!”

“Pray there are no cellphones for Zhongjie there.”

“Hey! That’s uncalled for! I’ll have you cancelled!”

With a flourish, I press the button on my phone, and my lips curl into a triumphant smile.

A chorus of detonations reverberate, and the laboratory is swallowed by ravenous, dancing flames. With the fiery glow reflecting in our eyes, we embrace the warmth, anticipating our imminent freedom.

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