There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 63: A barely edible curry

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Trapped, I find myself ensnared within a confining box, a mental cage from which I fear I may never escape. Legends speak of boxes that always open, of barriers that eventually give way. Just a few days ago, a glimmer of hope made me believe that the stories held true for me. But deep down, I should have recognized the familiar pattern—the illusion of freedom before the inevitable return to captivity.

Time and again, I’ve tried to flee, each failed attempt further eroding my spirit. Why does a stubborn, irrational hope persist within me? Why do I delude myself into thinking that by simply shirking my burdens, they’ll disappear?

Now, as the weight of my cage presses down once more, those fleeting moments of freedom seem like a cruel mirage. They might have lasted but an instant, yet in that time, I tasted happiness more profound than I had ever known—or will ever know again. A nostalgic longing grips my heart; a desire to freeze that perfect moment or return to a sanctuary that feels like home.

But the truth is bitter and inescapable. My guardian, a formidable presence, casts a shadow darker than the vast cosmos. My departure from this world will only come after hers. Yet even then, a chilling realization dawns: without her, I’d be lost, adrift. Her departure would be a void so vast that I might just willingly plunge into it after her.



After a moment’s respite, I wipe away the last traces of my tears. The aftermath of my emotional onslaught leaves my eyes stinging, a dull ache pounding behind my temples as if I’ve returned from a draining odyssey.

Abhi’s stern face softens a little. Handing me a tissue, he demands, “What on Earth were you thinking? Going into a burning building is sheer madness! If I hadn’t snuck out to check on things, you’d have been lost in that inferno!”

Sinking into the soft embrace of the couch, I bury my face in my hands. “I was just so scared for you… The thought of anything happening to you was unbearable. Can’t you see how much you mean to me?”

He retorts, “Of course, I do!”

Frustration seeping into my voice, I counter, “Then why didn’t you message me?!”

He defends himself, saying, “I had no time to grab anything! As soon as I slipped out and spotted you, my only concern was checking if our computer systems were intact and contacting you!”

Drawing a deep breath, I admit, “Looks like I’ll need to get you a mobile for future emergencies.”

His smirk is triumphant. “About time you realized that.”

Rising, I rummage through our first aid kit, desperate to find something to ease the throbbing in my head. “God, I need some painkillers. Feels like my head’s about to split.”

His response is immediate, “Drink some coffee.”

I shoot him a wry look. “Nice try, caffeine junkie. I swear I’m going to put you on a detox one of these days.”

Defensively, he retorts, “I’ve practically been detoxing! We ran out of instant coffee days ago!”

I tease, “Oh no! Did the withdrawal make you cry?”

He huffs, “I’m not that addicted. I had tea and cocoa instead.”

Pleased, I grin, popping the painkillers into my mouth. “That’s my boy. By the way, how long was I out?”

“It’s been six days since you returned from the boat mission. Speaking of which, how did that go? Did you finish off that imbecile?”

A jolt of dread courses through me. “Oh my God, DIANA! She’s been kidnapped!”

He rolls his eyes, intoning solemnly, “Rest in peace, moocher. Om mani padme hum.”

“Stop making light of it! What’s the situation outside our hideout?”

His face grows somber, “The apartment’s destroyed. No water. No electricity.”

Cursing under my breath, I say, “Shit. This place was perfect. At least our emergency generator’s still running, but it won’t last forever. We need to relocate. How much food do we have left?”

His answer is swift, “We had a month’s supply, so we’re still good.”

Cautiously, I inspect the food stored in the freezer and shelves. Our stockpile is indeed enough to last a while. Concern creeps in, “Abhi, have you been eating right?”

He shifts uncomfortably, mumbling, “Sort of…”

Pressing on, I ask, “What exactly did you eat while I was unconscious?”

“Um … stuff,” he mutters.

Fixing him with a stern gaze, I push, “Abhi…”

He can’t meet my eyes. “Alright… I made eggs and pasta.”

“That’s it?!” I exclaim, horrified.

His reluctant nod is answer enough.

I practically shout, “That’s nowhere near enough! What about vitamins? Fruits? Veggies? Do you want to end up with scurvy? Seriously, Abhi, you can’t survive on pasta and eggs!”

He wrinkles his nose in distaste, “But canned and frozen food are so gross!”

With a smirk, I retort, “I’ll give you canned, but frozen veggies? They taste nearly identical to fresh ones! How about I whip up some curry for you?”

He grimaces. “With frozen vegetables? Ugh…”

“Stop complaining and eat these canned fruits before I lose my temper!”

Slightly reluctant, he fishes a piece of pineapple from the can I thrust into his hands, his nose crinkling in distaste. “Maybe I should’ve just let you sleep…”

Gazing at him sternly, I declare, “Look, kid, it’s my job to look out for you. If you fall sick, we can’t afford a doctor. So, either adopt a healthier diet willingly or I’ll make sure you do. Your choice.”

His voice drops to a whisper, laden with nostalgia, “I wish Nila was here…”

His remark catches me off guard.

“You know… I actually dreamt about him.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Really? How strange.”

“It’s not that weird. He was my best friend after all.” Taking a deep breath, I continue, “And not just him. I dreamt of your parents too.”

He rolls his eyes, “Now it’s getting downright bizarre.”

I exclaim, “Not in a creepy way! What are you thinking? It actually jogged some memories for me.”

He shoots back, “Did it also remind you how to be an exasperating control freak?”

Before he can react, I grab his face, prying open his mouth, and shove a big piece of pineapple inside, holding it shut so he can’t spit it out. I sigh contentedly, “Ah, peace at last.”

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After he manages to swallow the offending fruit, tears streaming from his eyes, he splutters, “You’re evil! How could you?”

I raise an eyebrow, “What, do you think you’re a princess or something?”

He protests, “Not quite, but I’m close! That’s exactly what Nila used to say!”

I shake my head, “He really pampered you too much. No wonder you’re so cheeky.”

With a huff, he throws himself onto the couch, adopting a sulking posture.

Seeing this, I tease, “So, how did you keep yourself entertained without the internet?”

He gestures towards the massive medical tomes stacked on our lower shelves, left behind by Nila.

I let out an impressed whistle. “Weren’t those dreadfully dull?”

His shrug is nonchalant, “They were bearable when there was nothing else around.”

His diligence never ceases to amaze me. Even if I don’t always show it, I truly appreciate him. He’s been my lifeline in more ways than one. Grateful for the sacrifices he made to ensure our safety, I feel a pang of guilt for leaving him to handle things on his own for so long. It’s time for me to step up.

My thoughts return to our immediate concerns. We need to find a more secure hideout for Abhi, and I have to ascertain DIANA’s whereabouts.

With newfound resolve, I announce, “You know what? I have an idea.”

He raises a sceptical eyebrow, “Do tell.”

I shoot him a sly wink and retreat to the mannequin, adorned with my leather gear. “I know where we might find shelter.”

His eyes widen in surprise as I disappear behind a partition to change. The bunker’s basic shower is a welcome sight. I try to power on my phone, but the battery’s dead. As I plug it in, fragments of the previous mission flood back.

As I undress, the sound of scattering stones makes me glance down, recalling the stolen gems concealed in my dress.

Peering out from behind the curtain, I call, “Abhi? Know anyone who’d buy these jewels?”

He sounds genuinely impressed. “You actually managed to nab some? That’s impressive! I bet I can find buyers online.”

I push them out of the shower with my foot and retrieve them once I’m done. I drop the gems on Abhi’s belly, who’s lounging on the couch, as I dry my hair. “Feels good to scrub! My head was throbbing!”

Abhi examines the jewels, eyes twinkling. “It’s too bad we can’t keep these.”

“You have a thing for jewels, Abhi?”

“Of course! They sparkle so beautifully!”

“You truly are a princess…” I giggle, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Shut up! Don’t you appreciate them too?!”

“I do, I do… But I’d rather sell them than starve trying to feed you.”

“I can feed myself!”

“No, you can’t. You turned into a baby over canned pineapple.”

“It was canned, for heaven’s sake!!”

“Just suck it up, seriously… When I was your age, I survived on ration packs.” I smother a laugh when I see his eyes widen in surprise. Still half-dressed and damp, I start washing some rice in the sink, setting it to cook on a tiny camping stove. “Which do you prefer: carrots or potatoes?”


“Alright then.” I fetch a bag of frozen carrots from the freezer and pull out a can of coconut milk from the shelves. “I’m going to get dressed. Keep an eye on the rice. Turn down the heat if it starts to boil too aggressively, or it’ll make a mess.”

“Okay,” he sighs, his voice a blend of reluctance and resignation.

I slip into my functional tunic, dabbing on just enough makeup to mask my pallor. My face is so ghostly I could easily pass for a specter from one of those eerie Japanese stories Abhi obsesses over.

Returning to our makeshift kitchen, I spot the water that has splashed everywhere. Clearly, Abhi hasn’t moved an inch. “Abhi, you’re hopelessly inept. Lucky for you, you’ve got charm.”

“Um, thanks…?”

“That wasn’t meant to be a compliment, but sure.” I cover the almost-cooked rice, and once the water is fully absorbed, I mix in the thawed carrots. This might not be gourmet cooking, but it’s what we have. I finally add coconut milk and a sprinkle of curry powder to give it a flavour fit for a prince—well, more like a picky young man. It smells quite enticing.

“Food’s ready. I don’t want to hear a single complaint, or I swear I’ll lose it. Relish every bite!”

“I’m … not really hungry.”

I level him with a stern gaze, the kind that warns him of impending doom if he doesn’t start eating immediately.

“Is it to your liking?”

“It’s … okay,” he says, pulling a face.

“Better than I anticipated.”

“Don’t feed me stuff you wouldn’t eat!” His eyes moisten slightly.

I clap my hands together, drawing his attention. “Now that you’ve had something, I need to head out for a bit.”

“We won’t be in touch, is that alright?”

“Yes, but only if you promise to stay put.”

“I really don’t have anywhere else to go.” He goes back to eating, somewhat dejectedly.


I grab my charged phone, sling my Gandiva over my shoulder, and head out through the sewers. Emerging from a manhole, I navigate my way to the canals where a motorboat from a past mission awaits.

My next stop? The agency itself.

I’m gearing up to negotiate shelter and scoop up any info on DIANA and her sinister sibling. Though I’ve visited the agency’s office only once, the path is vivid in my memory. Tucked amidst the bustling business district, the building is unremarkable, blending seamlessly with its neighbours. The locked entrance demands an ID and password, masked cleverly as an intercom.

Stepping into the opulent lobby, gilded decor and towering ceilings adorned with glittering chandeliers greet me. Despite the splendour, a pang of anxiety tugs at my gut. The reason becomes crystal clear as my eyes land on SIRONA. She’s deep in conversation with another girl, her lips curled into a flirty smirk. But what truly freezes my blood is the sight a few metres behind them: DIANA, her face an emotionless mask, lost in a world of her own.

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