There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 65: A new shelter

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“You are free.”

I … can’t believe I just spilled all that out, but did it actually work? DIANA is sobbing in my arms, sounding like a heartbroken child, yet I haven’t felt this elated in ages. Her erratic breath tickles my neck, and the gentle scent of flowers from her envelopes me, given our close proximity. If only we weren’t in such a dire setting…

Suddenly, the warmth vanishes. SIRONA yanks DIANA away from me by her hair, eyes burning with an unhinged fury. “You bloody traitor! Betraying *me* of all people?! You think I’ll just stand by and let you run off with this slut?!” Rage bubbles up within me. I attempt to rise swiftly, but before I can, a loud slap reverberates through the dim hallway.

“You… IDIOT!” DIANA’s voice is a mix of anger and determination.

She pushes SIRONA away with enough force that the latter looks genuinely taken aback. “Wha- what did you just say?!”

“DON’T LAY A FINGER ON ME, YOU WRETCHED COWARD!” DIANA retaliates with a fierce kick to SIRONA’s shin, causing her to release her grip.

“You… Are you out of your mind?! Do you even comprehend who you’re defying?!”


Now, SIRONA’s face crumbles, disbelief evident. “You hate me? After everything I’ve done? The clothes, the food, the protection?”


“You can’t be serious…” SIRONA’s voice quivers, her facade breaking.

Did this unhinged woman truly not perceive that DIANA’s feelings weren’t love, but sheer terror? I’m caught off guard by SIRONA’s vulnerability. What on earth should I say now?

However, without warning, SIRONA’s fiery eyes lock onto mine. “It’s your doing! You poisoned my sister against me!!”

I get an eerie feeling of déjà vu…

“I-” I start, but DIANA interjects.


“DIANA, calm down…” I murmur, placing a hand on her trembling shoulder, trying to ground her, even as SIRONA stands there, aghast.

“I’LL FINISH HER!!” With wild eyes, DIANA grabs her knife, poised to strike SIRONA down.

Part of me doesn’t want to intervene. If this is what DIANA desires, then perhaps there’s justice in silencing the monster she’s dreaded for so long. Yet, an abrupt sound halts the moment–the ding of an elevator door echoing ominously. Out step four shadowy figures, their intentions unclear.

In the middle of the group stands an ethereal figure. Honestly, I can’t quite pin down their gender, but something whispers to me that this is a strikingly androgynous young man. His flowing white hair cascades down his back, a stark contrast against his light brown skin. But it’s his eyes, a brilliant shade of blue, that mesmerize even in the golden ambiance of this hall.

His appearance echoes the characteristics of the 'Tiban,' the island’s indigenous people. Strangely, he reminds me of Abhi–had Abhi been aged by some arcane force, this would be his visage. Though guessing this being’s age seems a futile exercise. Adorning him is a light blue shirt with extended sleeves paired with a long, white skirt cinched by an ornate belt. The attire evokes memories of Eastern Asia–reminiscent of kimonos or hanfus, but extravagantly embellished with pearls and gems. A sophisticated high bun secures his hair, crowned by a delicate silver diadem. He’s draped in heavy earrings, bracelets, and a soft blue makeup graces his under-eyes. Silver rings on his fingers catch the light, and the intricate embroidery of silver pearls on his skirt artfully forms the patterns of pine trees. Every step he takes exudes a regal grace, making him seem every bit a prince from an ancient court.

The trio accompanying him are stark in their simplicity–garbed in nondescript black suits that only accentuate the magnificence of the central figure.

They halt, maintaining a distance of just under ten metres from us. Breaking the tense silence, the young man’s voice—clear, yet inherently androgynous—rises in query, “SIRONA, what is transpiring here? Who is this?”

SIRONA’s gaze flits between DIANA and me before she answers with disdain, “It’s my sister and some floozy.”

The young man’s eyebrow arches gracefully. “I was referring to this.” His hand gestures towards the lifeless girl, her blood marring the opulent golden floor.

“Beatrice, from accounting.” SIRONA manages an awkward grin.

With a subtle nod, his earrings tinkle softly, and two of his entourage move to lift the corpse towards the elevator. “Your sister… DIANA, if memory serves. And you … are ARTEMIS.” His gaze pierces mine, as though sifting through the depths of my soul.

“And you are...?” I query, unconcerned about formalities.

SIRONA’s laugh is short, and another in the group looks aghast at my audacity. But the boy simply smiles, lifting his hand in introduction. “I am the Banta.”

I somewhat anticipated this reply…

Yet, 'Banta' isn’t a name, but a title. I yearn to ask if we address him as Banta or another moniker, but an ineffable aura emanating from him renders speech challenging.

“SIRONA, we discourage such disturbances in these quarters. Why did your sister dispatch that girl? As Koteloppolo, you shoulder the blame.”

Hearing SIRONA’s position made explicit gives it weight…

“I’m not with her team,” DIANA retorts.

“She isn’t?” The Banta’s tone suggests he finds this amusing.

SIRONA clicks her tongue in annoyance. “No, she isn’t. But I ordered the hit, so the blame rests on my shoulders nonetheless.”

I really don’t understand how her mind ticks. If she’s such a protective person, why does she treat her sister so poorly?

“I-” DIANA starts, but SIRONA cuts her off. “She didn’t act of her own free will.”

The boy turns back to me, his eyes narrowing playfully. “And what is your take on this?”

Seizing the opportunity to defend DIANA, I state, “I can vouch for her. She was coerced into doing it.” I nod with emphasis.

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Without another word, the boy pivots and heads back to the elevator. “SIRONA, join me in my office.”

SIRONA throws one last inscrutable glance at DIANA before following him.

Grabbing DIANA gently by the arm, I whisper, “I’ll be right back.” Breaking into a brisk pace, I chase after the Banta. “Wait!”

He tilts his head, causing the melodious jingle of his earrings.

“You recognize me, so introductions aren’t necessary. A fire destroyed my home a week ago. I need help finding a new place.”

He graces me with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry to hear that. Perhaps the social welfare offices can assist.”

“You don’t get it. I’m looking after a Tiban.”

His piercing eyes widen a fraction, signaling his surprise. “I have a half-Tiban boy in my care. His parents are gone, but he’s entrusted to me. I know you have the resources to help, especially when a Tiban’s life hangs in the balance.”

“Who gave you that impression?” he queries, eyes narrowing.

“I’ve been researching this island and the Tibans for some time. The boy is bright and endearing, you should know.”

He slowly shakes his head, the subtle movement setting off the chime of his earrings, and continues his trek to the elevator. I watch him, puzzled by his reticence until he adds, “Your mission isn’t over. The Triads will provide shelter. I’ll get in touch to discuss this further. Bring the boy.”

Ignoring SIRONA’s venomous glare, I head back to the entrance where DIANA remains rooted. Offering her my hand, I suggest, “Shall we?”

She nods, and we make our way to the canals. Before I realize it, the velvety curtain of night surrounds us.

We step onto the motorboat, and DIANA’s voice breaks the enveloping silence. “I didn’t know you could pilot boats,” she giggles.

“There’s a lot we don’t know about each other. We’ve only been acquainted for a few months, after all.”

“You’re right. But… I don’t feel like sharing right now.”

“That’s okay. Curiosity aside, it doesn’t really matter. You can leave your past behind and start anew, if that’s your wish.”

She contemplates the water’s reflective surface, then asks, “What was that name you called me earlier?”

I blush. “A god?”

“No, not that.” Her laughter sounds like wind chimes. “There was another term. Your speech was wild, but what on earth does it mean?”

Growing even redder, I stammer, “It’s a phrase that once gave me hope. Please, don’t ridicule it. Those words were my lifeline.”

“They were mine tonight, too.”

“And the term… It was ‘Boginya.’"

“What does it mean?”

Hesitatingly, I murmur, “… Not telling.”

“But it sounds so endearing!”

“Would it be okay … if I started calling you that?”

She beams. “I like it.”

My heart flutters. “Boginya…” I breathe.

Reaching our destination, we slip into a manhole, accessing the bunker via the sewers. Abhi slumbers soundly on the couch. Motioning for Boginya to remain silent, I’m startled when she chuckles, whispering, “You said it was just the two of us that mattered. But what about Abhi?”

I groan, covering my face. “I didn’t mean to exclude him! He’s precious to me!”

“I’m teasing!” Her laughter is infectious.

We chat for hours, nestled on an operation table, bridging the days we spent apart. The time flies, and I’m jolted back to reality by an anonymous text: “We’re here. Come out.”

With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I beckon for Boginya to accompany me outside. Bathed in the city’s ambient glow, two male silhouettes stand in the road’s middle.

The shorter of the two approaches—an Asian boy with a gap in his grin greets us cheerfully, “You’re with the agency?”

Not recognizing him, I retort, “Who are you?”

The taller figure steps forward, his identity becoming clear. Though he’s swapped his red hanfu for a white one and donned a dramatic, veiled pointy hat, I recognize him.

“Gather your things,” TIAN HUO says sombrely. “The Triads have offered shelter.”

His downcast look reminds me of a mourning widow.

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