There is An Apocalyptic Man in the Village

Chapter 10: 11

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Chapter 11- The Age is Wrong!

After having a pleasant dinner with the Lin family, Lin Amo prepared the empty room at home for Wu Qingyuan to live in at Lin Laogen’s order, and even went to find a relatively new mattress and quilt for him to lay on. 


    After finishing the work, these teenagers ran to the kitchen to boil some hot water for him and greeted him with a smile. Then they quickly ran back to their room with another basin of water to take care of the comatose and sleeping brother Zhou. The small figure was running around like a spinning top.




    When Wu Qingyuan finished washing and while he lay on the mattress, he could still see the opposite room. Under the light of the oil lamp, the shadow of the boy sewing clothes with needles and threads was reflected in the window. 



    “Lin Amo…”


    Staring at the reflection in the window, he remembered the two brothers of the Lin family fooling Lin Laogen, the young man sticking out his tongue slyly, he smiled and whispered something before closing his eyes and falling asleep.






    Wu Qingyuan has always been a light sleeper. As soon as the sun was shining, there was a faint sound of footsteps opening the door and getting up from the yard. He woke up, packed up his sleeping mattress, put on his clothes, and got up. 


    Outside the door, except for the room of the old lady of the Lin family, there are three other families. All the people in the second and third families of the Lin family have already gotten up and started to work. Those who cook, those who fetch water, and even children, help the family with chores. 


    This situation is not uncommon in Liushu Village. The children of poor families are taught to be in charge of their chores early, and they are already half adults at the age of ten. Both men and women have to help with work. 


    “Brother Wu, did you sleep well last night? What are you planning on doing when you wake up so early? Go back and sleep for a while. I’ll call you when breakfast is ready…”


    Seeing Wu Qingyuan walking out of the room, Lin Laogen shouted while fetching water, his words were all the mindset of a simple countryman. 


    The second family’s wife stood next to him also nodded and smiled at him, very honestly.



    “Sleep well- Uncle Lin, let me fetch water for you…” 


    Wu Qingyuan liked this strong and simple atmosphere very much. He said hello to the Lin family in a good mood, and walked forward. While helping Lin Laogen fetch water, he talked about going to town.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


    Ciatbeut tf tjv lcdelgfv jybea j iba bo lcobgwjalbc tfgf ja Yiv Zjc Itbe’r qijmf jcv ktlif tf kjr bc atf ybja, la kbeiv yf yfaafg lo tf kjr wbgf ojwliljg klat atf qijmf. Ktf lcobgwjalbc lc atf nliijuf kjr abb yibmxfv jcv atf mbecas rfja kjr abb ojg jkjs, rb bcis atf abkc kjr atf wbra relajyif. 


    However, the main purpose of his going to the town was to exchange for some bits and pieces of silver. Now he only has a dozen copper coins on him. Whether it is to find someone to inquire about Zhou Fuxi’s news or to settle down in this place, they all need money.


    “Going to the town? Okay, then you can go with my Lin-ger later. Amo is going to the town to get medicine for Brother Zhou. I was worried that he would not be safe by himself, so you can go together. , I will go to the next village to ask you first, I remember that there is an old man in his 70s in the next village, and the information is similar to what you said.” 


    Lin Laogen nodded cheerfully, he had an impression of Wu Qingyuan. He was reassured since he knew from dinner last night that Wu Qingyuan could cure his brother Lin’s face, his view of Wu Qingyuan was that he was even more pleasing to the eye and kinder, as long as he thought that his son could become better-looking, he could even laugh in his dreams.


    The two agreed in the yard to go to the town. After Wu Qingyuan washed up, he was invited to the table by the enthusiastic Lin Laogen to have breakfast together before he and Amo went out together. 


    In fact, according to the rules here, it is not suitable for a man and a ger to be left alone together, and they would be the talk of the village if they were seen by others.


    But this rule doesn’t exist for Lin Amo. Things like sex scandals don’t happen to an ugly guy. 


At the entrance of the village, they met other villagers who went to the town together and saw the two of them walking side by side.    



“Amo is also going to town today. Come and help Auntie pick up a basket. Hey, this guy is… Amo, is he a relative?” 


Several aunts also came along, saying hello while keeping their intention of knowing about Wu Qinyuan to their selves.


Qingyuan’s thoughts were confirmed. 


    Their small village is not as prosperous as the town. Except for the villagers in the village and the relatives of the ones who married in, there are no strangers who come here. Occasionally a stranger who has never been seen before comes and is quite rare, of course, they pay attention to it.

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    The people of the Xia Kingdom are generally broad and tall. Many men in the village are taller and stronger than him, but there are not many who are also as handsome at the same time. 


    Especially, the temperament of Wu Qingyuan is different from the countryman in the village, looks like he came from a rich family, and so the aunts are very curious.


    “Brother Wu is not my relative. He came here to look for his relatives. He is staying at my house for the time being…” 


    They are all fellow villagers and have nothing to hide. Lin Amo explained patiently and said a few words and his words explained Wu Qingyuan’s origin clearly.


    Compared with Wu Qingyuan, his explanation as a native of the village is naturally more convincing. The aunties did not doubt his identity at all, were quite interested in him and his travels from outside, and kept asking him questions. “I heard that it is very bustling and bustling outside”, “what kind of lives do they lead?”, “Are all the people out there like them?”, ”I heard from the caravan passing by that the people outside are not the same as they are here, is it true?” 


    It’s not that the aunties are too gossipy, but they are curious. Most of the men in the village have never been too far away places, let alone the women and gers in the village. Someone from outside was there, and when they heard that he has far away from the sea, they couldn’t help asking, as they too, were yearning for the outside world.



    Wu Qingyuan doesn’t know much about other places here, but he has a lot of knowledge from modern times, and he can fool these aunts who don’t know anything by making up a little bit, but most of the lies are based on his travels as the background, he didn’t even mention the outside world. 


    He is cautious, but in fact, the group of aunties would not doubt it, and they were all attracted by what he said about the outside world. Even Lin Amo looked at him with admiration, thinking that he had been to so many places and knew so much. That stuff is awesome!


    Wu Qingyuan was also thick-skinned and continued to make up stories without any guilt. From time to time, he looked at Lin Amo’s adoring eyes, and he couldn’t help showing a smile on his handsome face. 


    The curiosity and gossip ability of the aunts in the village are very strong. It takes two hours to walk from Liushu Village to the town. During this time, they can ask countless questions without even taking a sip of water.


    Even if Wu Qingyuan could fool again, he would be afraid of being questioned by these aunts, especially knowing that he was not married yet, and he was going to settle down in the village chief near Shiqiao Town, the eyes of the aunts lit up and immediately began to work together. Persuade him to be rooted in their Liushu village, and then the aunt’s and their relative’s daughter and ger who have not married yet, big brother, do you want to think about it and prepare to arrange a marriage? 


  No one can blame them for being too anxious. It’s because Wu Qingyuan’s condition looks very good, even if he came from far, far away- and he might be poor, but that doesn’t matter. Based on the conversation just now, with their keen eyes, this is a good man who will love his wife. It doesn’t matter if he is a little poor; no one in the village is poor, and the husband and wife will work together for a few years and have everything!


    “Thank you, aunties- I would want to settle down in Liushu Village, but I want to find my relatives and then consider other things…” 


    He really can’t let them go on any further, Wu Qingyuan can only refuse clearly, these aunts’ fighting ability is too great.


    After hearing this, the aunts finally became sensible and ended the topic with some regret, but before they got to town, the aunts continued on another subject in good spirits, curious about the relatives he was looking for, and who they could be. 


    Although Wu Qingyuan was a little helpless, he still answered patiently. This is different from the gossip just now. Although these aunts don’t know much, they are very well informed about the surrounding villages, and maybe they can talk about some useful information.



    “Big brother, did you remember wrong? We have a lot of people here who fled the famine and migrated here, but that was 12 years ago. The floods and famines caused many people to starve to death. Our village had good luck here, no disaster, but many refugees came here at that time, we all remember it clearly, and there was no such disaster from decades ago.” After chatting, one of the aunts frowned and muttered. 


    “Yes, Brother Wu, we have escaped from the famine once in 12 years. The Zhou-ger you saw yesterday was the one who came to our village at that time. I remember it all. Look, did you remember something wrong? “


    Lin Amo also nodded. He didn’t think about it carefully yesterday, but now the aunt in front of him brought it up and he was puzzled. 


    Yes, he just heard Wu Qingyuan say that people were surprised at the age of 70. He didn’t pay attention to the information about fleeing from the famine. They had a major event of fleeing from the famine 12 years ago. Indeed, something is wrong.


    “Yes, yes, that Zhou-ger was the one who escaped from the famine- you should go and ask that Zhou-ger.” 


    An aunt suggested kindly.


    But as soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped with a joke by the person next to him, “What would he inquire about? Are you confused? Zhou-ger was only five years old at the time, what does he remember? I do know that several people escaped to Jianghe Village- you can ask…” 


    “Bah! Pah, why can’t he remember, I remember things clearly from when I was five years old!”


    Several aunts suddenly changed the subject and argued. 


    Wu Qingyuan didn’t pay attention to the aunt’s quarrel, and his heart also became suspicious. If he followed the words of the few aunties and Lin Amo, he might have made a mistake. The time of the disaster was different, and Zhou Fuxi’s age would also be different!





A huge thanks to all those who read the story and point out mistakes and mistranslations, thank you all for your help and a special thanks to lilian_cho, thank you very much for all the help you’ve given. Another huge thanks to all those who’ve given me ko-fi, as I’ve said mentioned, it isn’t necessary but it does make me very happy. muah ♡♡♡

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