There is An Apocalyptic Man in the Village

Chapter 3: 3

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Chapter 3- Second Grandfather


For Wu Qingyuan’s house in the center of the city- Wu Sufen’s family has been watching and waiting for a long time.




Just as Wu Qingyuan thought, if it wasn’t for him being tough and uneasy to provoke, when his parents died, Wu Sufen’s family would have directly stolen the house.


How much money Wu Qingyuan has earned in recent years, Wu Sufen does not know, but Wu Qingyuan’s daily consumption and the clothes he wears are not for the poor and not to mention that in the eyes of ordinary people like them, it is the rich who travel all over the world, and Wu Qingyuan is one of them.



So according to the family’s idea, since Wu Qingyuan is so rich anyway and his old house in the city center is not big in size and practically worthless for him- it was better to give it to them, everyone are relatives anyways. Wu Qingyuan should just give it- he has to support them.



Originally full of confidence, Wu Sufen didn’t expect Wu Qingyuan to refuse, changing his original appearance of being strong in filial piety to the older generations in the past, and he even asked for her money! He even demanded the she must also give the full amount!


In their thoughts, people can still get a loan to buy a house outside so why can’t they? Wu Qingyuan’s demands is really too much, he is too unfeeling, and too shameless for his relatives!



Angrily, Wu Sufen turned around to discuss with her husband and son, preparing to cut off Wu Qingyuan, making him anxious, so that he wakes up, and then take the initiative to come to the door to admit his mistake to his aunt and give them the house.


The family had grand plans, as they didn’t even think that they should be anxious about this matter, and they ignored Wu Qingyuan as he should be the one anxious.


Of course, Wu Qingyuan is far from anxious about the house, but Wu Sufen’s son can’t wait. This is the time when they are discussing marriage for her son. The woman requires the man to have a suite in the center of N City, otherwise she will not marry.


Her son is not useful. He finally found a girlfriend, who is from N City- she can’t just blow up this marriage. Seeing that because they don’t have a house to discuss the marriage, it was most likely going to fail but Wu Qingyuan still didn’t contact them. When there was still no movement, Wu Sufen’s family could only contact the other on their own initiative.


In fact, Wu’s family is not poor. Wu Sufen’s husband works as a manager in a small company. On the surface, his salary is not high, but there is a lot of below the desk dealings.



Although Wu Sufen is a housewife, she is very frugal and stingy. When she has nothing to do on most days, she will find some work, and work a part-time job to earn extra money.


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Although her son is useless, he is considered to be a modest man. He has no bad habits and has a good family and reputation. In addition, Wu Qingyuan will pack a few rich red envelopes every New Year and other holidays, so it is impossible for the Wu family to have no money.


Cr rbbc jr atf mjii kjr mbccfmafv, Qe Veofc ralii vlvc’a kjca ab ulnf wbcfs ab tlw. Vtf kbgxfv tjgv jcv aglfv ab wbnfv Qe Hlcusejc klat fwbalbc. Dea rbbc Qe Hlcusejc vlv cba ylaf atf yjla jcv lcrafjv, tlr jaalaevf yfmjwf lwqjalfca. Qe Veofc tjafv tlw yea fzqgfrrfv tfg jugffwfca ab olgra ulnf 800,000, jcv atf gfwjlclcu 200,000 ab bkf.


They had already taken the bait, and Wu Qingyuan was waiting to close the net. After Wu Sufen’s nose and tears finished speaking on the phone, Wu Qingyuan smiled, holding the phone and was silent for a while before nodding.


“That’s okay, the remaining 200,000 yuan will be owed first, so auntie, you will transfer the money to me first, I will handle my affairs and then come back to go through the transfer procedures with you…”


“What? Transfer money first?”


She hesitated on the phone.


“Yes, you transfer the money to me first. I need the money urgently. I will transfer the house with you when I finish the work. Aunt, do you not believe me? How about this, what if I give you the house key?”


The play of Wu Sufen’s family is over, now it’s his turn to put up an act, Wu Qingyuan solemnly swore to go against them.


Other people may not easily give in like this- to give money before you get the item, and such a large sum of money too, the deal is really too unstable, but now Wu Sufen’s family is anxious to take his house- in the eyes of the family, he was still Wu Qingyuan who was a good man and bended to their every will- they will definitely agree to this deal.



Soon, after hesitating for a while, Wu Sufen agreed. Wu Qingyuan sneered at them in satisfaction. He knew that his aunt’s family would not let go of such a good opportunity. If they wanted to be greedy for his cheapness, he would do a good job of fooling them.


He gave the house key to Wu Sufen. Wu Sufen and her husband felt reassured and comforted. They had estimated that Wu Qingyuan would not fall back on the account. After a while of crying and pretending to be poor, they gave out 800,000 yuan, and then after ending the call, they hurried to take care of their son’s marriage.


Although Wu Qingyuan’s house is not a new one, in addition to its good location, he would also hire people to clean and take care of it on most days. The interior decoration and furnishings are very good. Many things are new, and even the money for decorating can be saved for the marriage. Wu Sufen is also satisfied with the house.


In their thoughts, they were able to buy a house in the city center after spending only 800,000 yuan. The remaining 200,000 yuan owed to Wu Qingyuan and the decorating fee saved were earned by her family. So much money was saved at once. Wu Sufen and her husband were so happy, they were in very good moods.

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The family happily prepared for the marriage, and even moved in directly. In the end, after living in it for less than a week, the loan shark came to collect the house- Wu Sufen and her husband were dumbfounded.


Wu Sufen couldn’t get in touch with Wu Qingyuan, but Wu Qingyuan took the time to screen and find the one with the worst reputation and the most ruthless office of loan sharks, which the ordinary people can’t afford to provoke.


What’s more, the people who came to usurp the house still have the real estate certificate mortgage on their hands. It is fair to say that they can’t sue them even if they wanted too. Their only choice is to go to the police station to report that their money has been scammed, and the police station also opens a case, as for the money- the police can’t guarantee that they will be able to take it back.


By this time, no matter how stupid the couple was, they knew that Wu Qingyuan was playing tricks on them deliberately, and couldn’t help crying and swearing.


Wu Qingyuan out the house out of his mind- since he did this, all the advantages that they have taken from Wu Qingyuan over the years have been vomited back with profit. The house, money, and their son’s marriage is gone. If they managed to find Wu Qingyuan, Wu Sufen really wanted hacked his heart to death.


No matter how miserable Wu Sufen’s family is, Wu Qingyuan doesn’t care anymore. The former aunt’s family had ruthlessly abandons him. This time, in the end of the world, let the aunt’s family survive by themselves. He has no time to waste with these people.



After leaving N City, he drove to K County overnight.


In his previous life, although his second grandfather made an urgent mention on the phone regarding the crossing to another world- the actual situation was not clear to him. Later on, the communication was abruptly interrupted and he had no chance to ask so at this moment, he needs to come to find out in person.


Because he had never been to his Er-ye's house, he only knew the approximate location, and only knew that his Er-ye lived in a small village in K County, so when he reached the entrance of the village, he could only ask people.


“Are you a relative of the Wu’s?”


The shopkeeper at the entrance of the village was a little surprised when she heard what he said, and she couldn’t help but scrutinize the person in front of her as the other villagers also came to watch.


In fact, no one can blame anyone for this kind of reaction, because since the two old men from the Wu family came to settle in their village, they have not seen any of the Wu family’s relatives, and old man Wu never mentioned his relatives, so everyone naturally assumed that the two old men of the Wu family no longer have families.


Now when Wu Qingyuan said that he was a relative of Old Man Wu, everyone was a little surprised. It was even more curious since they could see that he was well-dressed and drove a valuable off-road vehicle. The two old men of the Wu family still have well-off relatives in the city.


However, most of these villagers who have little contact with outsiders are simple and honest. After being curious, the shopkeeper said enthusiastically that she could lead him.


Wu Qingyuan hurriedly thanked him and bought some supplements from the woman’s shop. The shopkeeper smiled and became more enthusiastic, and immediately urged her man to take him to park the car and go to the Wu’s house.


This village is very small and has a small population. Following the shopkeeper’s man, he left the village entrance and turned left and right. After walking for about ten minutes, Wu Qingyuan saw a building that was different from modern concrete buildings and was built with huge rock bricks. A quaint house in modest architectural style.



“That house, the kind made of big stone, is easy to recognize, because in our village, only your second grandfather’s family still lives in that kind of house. After moving, your second master’s family refused to move and guarded this old house. It was just right for you to come this time. Persuade your Er-ye and his man. You should know that the two old men are so old and there are no young people to take care of them. In this remote area, in case something happens, no one would know…”


The shopkeeper’s man walked over with him while explaining.


Although the old man of the Wu family was a bit arrogant, the two old men were actually very good. When they first settled in their village, they also paid to help their village build a primary school.


They heard that Old Man Wu was a college student before and lived abroad. He was very knowledgeable. He is a free teacher at the school so that the children in the village don’t have to go to the city school to learn to read.


Wu Qingyuan nodded in response, walked to the door with the man and knocked on the door.


“Who is it? Why did you come to this old man’s house at noon? Have you come again to invite this old man’s Wu to teach class, didn’t you have a new teacher there? I already said that he has been uncomfortable for the past two days, so he won’t be able to go…”


Soon there was an old but sonorous voice from the yard, and then an old man with gray hair but a tall stature and a brutal expression came out to open the door.


“Old Zhou, sorry to bother you. It’s like this. This young man said he was a relative of Mr. Wu in your family. I saw that he and Mr. Wu were a bit like each other, so I brought him over so you can have a look.”


The man seemed to be no stranger to the old man’s temperament, and he smiled and pointed at Wu Qingyuan.


“Hello, Uncle Zhou, my name is Wu Qingyuan, and Wu Wenping is my second grandfather.”



Wu Qingyuan followed suit and nodded to introduce himself.

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