There is An Apocalyptic Man in the Village

Chapter 5: 5

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Chapter 5- Traversing

Old man Zhou was stubborn, Wu Qingyuan didn’t have any speaking power, and elder Wu couldn’t persuade him to listen. Finally, it was decided that Wu Qingyuan would be the only one to leave. 

In fact, what Old Man Zhou said is not unreasonable. The two of them are already very old and have lived a good life in the past few years. Instead of tossing around somewhere else, it is better to stay quietly in this yard to spend their remaining lives.

However, Wu Qingyuan was still worried. The apocalypse was coming in a few months. It was too dangerous for the two old people to live alone. It was just that the two of them did not want to leave, and he had no choice but to leave them here. The only thing he could do was to find a way to make the two old people spend their last few years of life safely.



Therefore, as soon as the matter was decided, taking advantage of the fact that he still had plenty of time before the solar eclipse that Old Man Zhou mentioned had yet to arrive, he did not immediately leave for Province Y but continued to live with the two elderly in their home.

The 800,000 yuan extorted from Wu Sufen and the more than 1 million mortgaged house taken from the hands of loan sharks are yet to be useless. Although the money is not too much, it is enough for renovating the house of the two old people and stocking some living supplies. 

The two’s home is made of big rocks. The appearance is not as popular as modern small buildings, but the degree of solidity and stability is high therefore it does not need much change. The only thing that needs to be done is to make some protective measures, not just zombies, people from the apocalyptic days are also very dangerous.


After thinking about it, Wu Qingyuan immediately went and hired someone to make another wall outside the fence of the outer yards. The walls of the inside and outside were made of anti-theft serrated nails, and he also bought a lot of supplies.

In addition to the most basic grain, oil, rice, noodles, clothes, etc., there are also some solar-powered generators, air conditioners, water purifiers, and other useful gadgets. When the time comes, the two elders will be able to plant some things in the yard, and they will be able to support themselves within a few years without having to leave the safety of the yard. They would be able to become self-sufficient.

But after finishing these, Wu Qingyuan was still not at ease and after thinking about it, he deliberately contacted his old friends to help find two specially trained Tibetan mastiffs by the army and used his spiritual power to set spiritual commands to protect the two old people. He felt a bit more relief.


As the temperature continues to rise at severe rates and various prices are rising alongside it, the villagers in the mountain village can’t help but secretly smack their foreheads when they see Wu Qingyuan buying things for the old house every day.

Most of the rural people are not very rich, and although they are not poor now, few like Wu Qingyuan’s casually throwing hundreds of thousands.

Especially now because of the weather, prices are soaring. A catty of vegetables and an ice cream are sold at a high price of several tens of dollars. Everyone is even more reluctant to spend money. They’re just waiting for the price to come down after this period of time, not everyone knows that the situation is completely different this time.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf akb fivfgr tjnf ilnfv lc atf nliijuf obg wbgf atjc 20 sfjgr, jcv atfs tjnf j iba bo joofmalbc obg atf nliijuf. Qe Hlcusejc lr jirb kbgglfv atja ktfc atf jqbmjisqrf ygfjxr bea, atf ktbif nliijuf klii ags ab gjcrjmx bg tjgw atf akb’r tbwf. Ktlr rlaejalbc kjr ecojnbgjyif rb atfs lcnlafv atf nliijuf tfjv ab atflg tberf ab tjnf j wfji jcv ujnf atf nliijuf tfjv rbwf cfkr ktlif atfs jaf. 

Of course, since the village chief is an outsider, Wu Qingyuan dare not speak too clearly, he only said that after hearing the news in the city, the weather may continue for a while, and prices will rise even more. Let the village chief inform the villagers to save more food.

“Well, well, I will hold a meeting for everyone when I go back. If the prices of goods go up even more, our village will starve to death…”

The two elders are very famous in the village. The village chief has no doubt. He is also a man who has lived for several decades, and he is very worried when he looks at the weather.

“You try your best to persuade everyone in the village, don’t be reluctant to take out money, try to save more food at home, and the doors and windows of the house should also be reinforced, lest thieves come, I have some money here to donate to the village- if you see some villagers having difficulties in the village, use this to help them, but please pay attention to this matter when you are implementing it. If it gets out, the police will have to find me and claim that I am spreading rumors and lock me up.” 

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, Wu Qingyuan took out the last two hundred thousand yuan left in his wallet and donated it to the village. Now the village chief has to believe in him even more. After all, who is brave enough to spend so much money just to lie?

“You can rest assured young man, I know the importance of this matter.”

After earnestly guaranteeing that he would not disclose him, the village head hurriedly left and quickly notified the village of a meeting.

This village is small, with a total of a few dozen households. Those who stay in the village at the moment are the elderly people who are more stubborn in their thinking. They have experienced a period of starvation and have a unique obsession with food. Once the village chief said the situation, they all agreed and went home to take out the money and prepare quickly, knowing that the feeling that there was food in the family kept them at ease. 

There are some people who are reluctant to bring out their savings. In addition, the prices in the county and city are rising every day, and they panic when they see such high prices. In the end, they can’t resist the mentality of the majority and follow the others in stocking food.

Seeing the people in the village getting busy, Wu Qingyuan was very satisfied, this is so that after the apocalypse broke out, the food stored in his elder’s homes would not be conspicuous.

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There is less than a month before the apocalypse breaks out. The increasingly severe weather has caused many strong laborers who are working outside to return to the village. In addition to escaping the heat, it is also because of the rising prices in the city that people who go out to work cannot bear it and return to their homes.

The time for the tiangou to eat the sun is approaching. In fact, it would be the day when it would start snowing and the virus will break out. There was still a little time left. While Wu Qingyuan used his abilities to help his second grandfather to regulate his body, he ran out every night and gathered some plants around the village and used his abilities to fasten their growth. 

Once the apocalypse comes, these plants that have matured in advance will be transformed by the virus, which will speed up the time of mutation. They are aggressive, but they are only aimed at foreign invasions, and they will protect the territory within their own scope, and they will become a part of the village in the future. Such natural barriers, many bases in the late apocalypse will use these plants to guard against zombies.

Wu Qingyuan was not aware of the fact that his actions would turn this village into a paradise in the future. All he wanted to do was to do his best to build a fortress for the two elders to spend their old age in comfort, so the plants around the two elders’ yards were ripened and forcefully matured.

After all the necessary preparations were made, and after spending a few days quietly with the two elders, Wu Qingyuan finally left the village and headed to Province Y, which was where Old Man Zhou told him to go.

In any case, since he has been reborn then he has to live well. 

Now not only has the weather gone wrong but the magnetic field has also been affected. The plane has does not dare to fly in the sky anymore. And for fear of losing the chance, Wu Qingyuan cannot take the plane and can only drive again.

Driving a whole day and night, he finally rushed to the place mentioned by Old Man Zhou the day before the heavy snowfall. It was just a very ordinary mountain, nothing special about it.

But according to Old Man Zhou, he accidentally crossed here from ancient times on the day of the solar eclipse.

Later, based on some legends and information about the village where the mountain is located, he estimated that every time the Tiangou eclipse day arrived, something like a wormhole magnetic field connecting other worlds might appear here, in other words, this is where he will traverse. 

Therefore, it is precisely because there is no guarantee that he will return to his hometown, and coupled with the poor health of his partner, and the fact that the two are already and only have a few years left so Old Man Zhou is reluctant to leave.

Staying overnight in the cold and tense atmosphere of the mountainous area, Wu Qingyuan finally let go of his heart when the solar eclipse appeared at noon the next day.

He was really afraid that Old Man Zhou’s guess would not be true. If the magnetic field did not appear, he would have to stay here until the end of the apocalypse. After experiencing the apocalypse, he yearned for a peaceful world and life more than anyone else.

Finally, he glanced at the earth that was already snowing, and Wu Qingyuan resolutely entered the magnetic field in front of him. 

Jiangyi county is a very ordinary county in the territory of the Xia Kingdom. It is not too prosperous, but it is also very lively.

Because there is a Shiqiao Town within Jiangyi County, this town is next to two huge docks of the canal. It is a resting place for traders from the north to the south who have to buy food and supplies for the boat, thus driving the flow and development of the surrounding people forward.

Every month or two when the traders settled down, in addition to those long-term workers who make a living by moving goods at the wharf in the town, some vigorous men in the surrounding villages would also go to the wharf to do temporary work for a few days to earn some extra money. Lin Laogen is one of these men.

Lin Laogen is simply named Lin Shugen. He is a country guy who can work and has great strength, but he is lame, so the merchants who call for work at the ship do not like to look for him to move goods. He does not think that he is a waste of money, and he only asks for half the usual salary. 

So Lin Laogen’s daily business is not very good, and he does not earn much, but he still runs to the dock every day during this period. Anyways, he is not busy in the fields during this period and it is always good to earn more extra money. The money of the country folk is accumulated in this way.

“Lin Laogen, have you come to earn for the dowry and tuition for your ger child and son again? It’s not that we look down on you but it is best to put your money on your son, you already know the looks of your ger child. He doesn’t need to count on you for money, and he can already work, you don’t have to work so hard for his dowry.”


A familiar guy greeted him, laughing and teasing.

“Bah! My child Lin Amo is good except that he doesn’t look good. There is no one in the village that can match him. The green flowers in the village next door are even uglier than my child. I heard that they got married a few days ago, and the man still loves his wife very much. My child will definitely be able to marry a good person in the future!” 

As soon as he heard someone belittle his own baby, Lin Laogen was ready to put up his fists, his eyes widened and he defended against the man’s rebuttal.

Everyone laughed and agreed with him. Anyone who knows Lin Laogen knows that this old man is honest and easy to talk to, but if he talks about his two children, he will change his temper and he would fight just to defend them. Even his old mother didn’t wasn’t given face when she spoke words of ridicule.

“Hey, a boat is coming!”

As they were talking and laughing, someone yelled this. Everyone turned around and saw a wooden boat slowly approaching the pier. It was small and didn’t look like a large caravan, but it was packed full of goods. Those who knew how to make a lot of money immediately stopped chatting and hurried over. 

Lin Shugen’s eyes lit up, and he limped towards them while holding his sweat towel.

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