There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 334: 334: I didn't kill him

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Remember for a second【】

Chapter 334 I Didn't Kill Him

When Lu Jiao's words fell, Xie Yunjin's face became clear. He looked at Lu Jiao with a calm gaze and said, "Do you know who killed Luo Xinwu?"

Lu Jiao shook her head for no reason at first, then she thought of something, and looked up at Xie Yunjin: "You said that Liu Laidi was the one who killed Luo Xinwu?"

The rabbit is in a hurry and even bites people. Luo Xinwu has been abusing his own lady, and it is normal for Mrs. Liu to kill him.

"I heard Zhao Zhaotou say that when they rushed into Luo's house, Luo Xinwu's wife was still holding the murder weapon in her hand."

Lu Jiao thought of Liu Laidi and didn't know what to say. She was raped by others and fought back in a fit of rage. Although the murder was a pleasure, it cost her her life in the end.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao felt depressed. Thinking that she knew Liu Laidi, she decided to visit Liu Laidi.

"Xie Yunjin, I want to meet Liu Laidi. Anyway, we got to know each other, why should we go and see her."

Xie Yunjin said in embarrassment: "Zhao Zhaotou said that Liu Laidi refuses to plead guilty and cannot see anyone for the time being. We can only see her unless she admits the crime."

After listening to Xie Yunjin's words, Lu Jiao expressed understanding, but after thinking about it, she felt that Liu Laidi's temperament should not kill people. Did Luo Xinwu beat her yesterday, because it was too hard, so she shot and killed Luo Xinwu, otherwise, why would she kill Luo Xinwu?

Although she was domestically abused, she has been domestically abused all the time. She didn't kill anyone, so why did she suddenly kill someone.

Unless something happens that they don't understand.

Lu Jiao suddenly turned around to look at Xie Yunjin: "Xie Yunjin, I always think there is a fraud in this. Think about it, Liu Laidi has been beaten and never resisted. Why did she suddenly kill someone now?"

Xie Yunjin thought for a moment and said, "It's possible that Luo Xinwu beat her again, too hard, so she killed her in anger."

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin with a faint look in her eyes and said, "Let's check it out, we should help her, if she is wronged, and if Luo Xinwu didn't kill Liu Laidi, who did it? The people behind this did it. The fake bureau shows what big secrets Luo Xinwu hides, maybe this is the breakthrough for you to tear up the fake image of Qinghe County."

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, Xie Yunjin was moved, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Let's go quietly to Luo's house to ask their neighbors to see if anything happened to Luo's house last night."


Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao asked Lin Da to send them to the place where Luo Xinwu rented.

Xie Yunjin knew that the Luo family rented a house. Because their family was poor, they rented it on a slum street. The rented place was also very small. It was a room in the west wing of a family, next to other people's houses.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao didn't get out of the car to ask Luo Xinwu's neighbors about the situation, but asked Lin Dong to dress up as Luo Xinwu's relatives and go down to find out the news.

Lin Dong went in for a while and then came out to report: "Young Master, Madam, you don't know that everyone is talking about this, saying that Liu Laidi killed her husband, but many people think it is incredible, because Liu Laidi was beaten by Luo Xinwu, the neighbors all know, no The young people have taught her to resist, but Liu Laidi is a very timid woman and dare not fight back."

After Lin Dong finished speaking, he paused to take a breath and continued: "I asked the neighbors if Luo Xinwu beat Liu Laidi again last night. The neighbor said that Luo Xinwu seemed very happy last night. He bought several dishes outside and came back for dinner. After drinking some wine, I didn't hear him beating Liu Laidi."

In the carriage, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked at each other. They didn't beat Liu Laidi last night, but Liu Laidi actually killed Luo Xinwu, which was not in line with the murderer's stressful attitude towards killing.

Lu Jiaowang whispered to Xie Yunjin: "Find a way to find Zhao Zhao's head and arrange for us to meet Liu Laidi. I want to ask her in person if she killed Luo Xinwu. If not, we must help her once, this woman is too pitiful. , I have been domestically abused by men, and when I am faced with such a case of murder."

Xie Yunjin nodded and agreed immediately: "Okay, I'll arrange this."

The carriage returned to Xie's house the same way, Xie Yunjin planned to ask Zhao Zhaotou to arrange this, and Lu Jiao took Feng Zhi down from the carriage into Xie's house.

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As soon as she entered Xie's house, Lu Gui came in to report.

"Sister, Madam Zhu and Madam Tan came to the house and said they wanted to see you."

When Lu Jiao thought about it, she thought that Madam Zhu and Madam Tan might also know about Liu Laidi's murder.

"Well, I see."

Lu Jiao took Feng Zhi to the main hall. In the main hall, Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya both looked a little frightened. Seeing Lu Jiao coming in, Zhu Baozhu got up and rushed to her side like a rabbit, grabbing her hand. .

"Sister Lu, have you heard about the case of Liu Laidi's murder of her husband? Laidi actually killed Luo Xinwu. We were going to help her. She actually killed her, and now she can't live anymore."

Tan Xiaoya on the side also had red eyes, and said sadly, "She has a hard life. She was beaten by a man and killed a man in a rage, and she will be unlucky."

Lu Jiao did not tell Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya that there might be other secrets in the case of Liu Laidi's murder of her husband.

It's not appropriate for others to know such a thing, so she didn't say anything, just echoed the words of the two people.

"Liu Laidi has a hard life. She actually married such a man who is not a thing. We women must wear eyes when picking a man, otherwise it will be really hard for the rest of your life."

Divorce is not popular in this era. Although it is possible to divorce, most women would rather suffer than choose to divorce.

What's more, if a man wants to save face, many people beat you to death, and it is impossible to get away with you. If you kill you, you can marry again, but never.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Will easily and women and away.

While thinking about it, Lu Jiao was glad that Xie Yunjin was a sensible person, and she didn't think of a way to plot against her just because she proposed reconciliation.

"We met her once, do you want to go see her together?"

Zhu Baozhu suggested that Tan Xiaoya said in embarrassment: "I heard that the prisoner who committed the murder case is not something you can see casually."

Zhu Baozhu turned to look at Lu Jiao and said, "Sister Lu, can you think of a way to let us meet her?"

Lu Jiao shook her head and said, "Farewell, she definitely doesn't want to see anyone now, let alone we can't see each other."

Zhu Baozhu and Tan Xiaoya couldn't help but feel depressed, and neither of them spoke.

Lu Jiao talked with them for a while, and then they each said goodbye and went home. In short, thinking of what happened to Liu Laidi, everyone felt a little sad.

At night, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao saw Liu Laidi, Zhao Zhaotou was guarding outside the cell, and the person on duty tonight happened to have a very good relationship with Zhao Zhaotou, so they had such an opportunity.

In the cell, Liu Laidi huddled in the corner and trembled. Hearing Lu Jiao calling her, she didn't respond.

It was not until Lu Jiao walked into the cell that she raised her head to look at Lu Jiao with a trembling. When she saw that it was Lu Jiao who came to see her, she couldn't help crying anymore. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it firmly. Lu Jiao's hand was as if someone in the dark had seen the only light.

"Miss Lu, it wasn't me, I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him, you save me, I'm scared, I'm so scared here."

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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