There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 381: 381: A good husband who takes the initiative to hand over the money

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Remember for a second【】

Lu Jiao nodded, she really doesn't take a dean of the Qinghe County School seriously now. She saved King Yan and General Wang. .

On this day, Xie's house was constantly coming and going. The students who had been instructed by Xie Yunjin before came to Xie's house to express their thanks, and at the same time, they also offered the fifty taels of silver that they had agreed to before.

Lu Jiao thought it was too annoying for people to come and go, so she finally left these things to Xie Yunjin and took Feng Zhi and Ruan Zhu to Baohetang.

In the Baohe Hall, Xu Xianwei was recovering from his injuries. A few days ago, Lu Jiao took time to help him with Qi Lei's surgery.

After the operation, Xu Xianwei didn't dare to go back to the Xu residence, for fear that it would be bad for him, so he stayed in Baohetang to recover from his injuries. Today, Lu Jiao went over to check on him, of course, not to check the wound, but to check the recovery of his body.

However, Xu Xianwei recovered well, Lu Jiao reminded him: "Don't look at you as a fat man, but your body is very weak, so you have to lose weight and exercise, otherwise it will be very bad for your body, don't give birth to your own baby when you don't have it. Not anymore."

Xu Xianwei nodded as he heard it. He hadn't given birth to a son to inherit the lineage of the Xu family, so how could he die.

"As soon as I feel better, I'll exercise."

Lu Jiao said angrily: "You can exercise now to lose weight. After the incision is healed, you can walk around and exercise, don't stay in bed all the time, your operation is not a major operation, don't take it too seriously. In-bed exercise is better for your ability to restore fertility.”

Speaking of this, Xu Xianwei did not dare to object, and immediately turned over and prepared to get out of bed.

Mrs. Zhang by the bed quickly helped him get out of bed and walked around the house.

Lu Jiao turned around and walked out, followed by Zhao Lingfeng and Qi Lei who followed her out.

Zhao Lingfeng said happily: "The oil mill has officially started to produce oil. I have contacted several merchants. The oil produced by our oil mill has already been sold to various places in Dazhou."

Speaking of this, Zhao Lingfeng asked with concern: "Didn't you say you would open two stores before? Have you bought the store yet?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "I've been busy these days, and I haven't had time to see the shop."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she asked Zhao Lingfeng about the shop in Qinghe County: "What is the normal price for a shop in Qinghe County?"

Zhao Lingfeng asked Lu Jiao what kind of shop she wanted to buy.

"Good locations are more expensive, and bad locations are cheap, depending on where you buy them?"

As soon as Zhao Lingfeng said it, Lu Jiao frowned and thought for a while, then she said, "Buy a shop in a civilian area. Although I opened a shop to make money, I also want ordinary people to eat oil and buy medicine."

As soon as Lu Jiao said, Zhao Lingfeng said with a smile, "Heping Street and Jinli Street are all ordinary people. You can buy a house on those two streets, and the shops on those two streets are still cheaper."

Lu Jiao immediately said, "Then buy it on those two streets, and I'll ask Li Nantian to inquire about it, see if I can buy it?"

Zhao Lingfeng asked, "How big are you going to buy? I'll keep an eye out for you here. If there is one for you to see?"

Seeing that he was willing to help, Lu Jiao immediately said, "It doesn't need to be too big, an ordinary shop will do. I don't want to be too eye-catching."

Zhao Lingfeng understood, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll keep an eye out for you."

Lu Jiao nodded, if she hadn't promised to give Xie Yunjin a chance before, Lu Jiao might have bought these two stores bigger, but she promised to give Xie Yunjin a chance, so she would have to make other preparations.

For example, the two of them were really suitable in the end and decided to be together. They will stay in the capital in the end, so she will buy property in the capital, so the shop in Qinghe County doesn't need to be too big.

She has to save the money and buy property in Beijing, which is very valuable.

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Lu Jiao said a few words to Zhao Lingfeng while thinking about it: "Although I have opened a shop, I didn't plan to make it that big, because it's no surprise that the things produced by the oil factory and the medicine factory are not enough to divide, so I can sell a part of it. Just fine."

Although the secret recipes of the three major workshops are good, but in this era, everything is made manually, so the output rate is not high. These three things are also very popular, and there will be many people who will take the goods at that time. The shop she opened can be divided into part Goods are good.

Zhao Lingfeng listened to Lu Jiao's words, and his eyes brightened: "In the past few days, you took the time to write down the method of soap. The cosmeceutical will be completed soon and can be produced."

Right now, Zhao Lingfeng is most passionate about making money. He wants to help King Yan make more money. He wants to help King Yan rise to a high position. He is fighting for the merits of the dragon. .


After the two of them finished talking, Lu Jiao took the people out, and Qi Lei followed her. Lu Jiao took the time to say a few medical words to him. Qi Lei nodded again and again. Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Jiao took the Feng Zhi and Ruan Zhu returned to the house.

Xie Yunjin and the four little ones are looking forward to her coming back for dinner.

As soon as Lu Jiao came back, the four little ones ran over and dragged her to sit at the table.

Xie Yunjin took the initiative to hand a large bag of money to Lu Jiao: "Jiaojiao, although I don't make much money, I will work hard to make money in the future."

The candidates who passed the Xiucai exam today gave Xie Yunjin 50 taels of silver. Besides Han Tong and Zhao Hong, six of the students Xie Yunjin taught passed the Xiucai exam, so Xie Yunjin got 300 taels of silver in the afternoon.

He knew that three hundred taels of silver was not a lot of money in front of Lu Jiao, but it was his hard-earned money, so he still wanted to hand it over as soon as possible.

Lu Jiao was not polite to him either. Now she promised to give him a chance, so she accepted his

^0^ One second to remember【】

There's nothing wrong with money.

If they were not together in the end, she would return the money to him.

Lu Jiao looked at Xie Yunjin with a thoughtful smile and said, "Well, I took the initiative to hand over the money to my wife. It's a good husband. Come and reward you with a piece of fish."

Lu Jiao took the initiative to take a piece of fish for Xie Yunjin and praised her.

Xie Yunjin's heart instantly soared. Although he didn't earn much, he was working hard to make money. He was really happy to get a compliment from Lu Jiao.

Lu Jiao did In addition to giving confidence to men, she also showed the four little ones to let them know that in the future, they should earn money for their daughter-in-law.

The example of the parents is the most important.

Si Xiaozhi looked at all this with a smile, and was extremely satisfied. Dabao also took the initiative to praise Xie Yunjin.

"Daddy did a good job, and we will continue to do this in the future."

Erbao nodded vigorously and said, "In this case, my sister may be born soon."

As soon as he said that, Xie Yunjin turned around and looked at Lu Jiao faintly. It would be very good to have a daughter as lovely as Lu Jiao.

The Three Treasures and Four Treasures laughed and laughed, and the whole room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

After the meal, someone started to make further progress.

"Jiaojiao, my wound seems to hurt a little, can you accompany me tonight?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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