There’s no Additive in my Cooking! (Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars)

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

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She's not really Erina, she's Nakiri Alice!

Her brother-in-law's intense gaze and assertive attitude that night made her increasingly uneasy. If she doesn't explain things clearly now, she won't be able to do so later. What will she do then?

If her brother-in-law really falls for her, what should she do?

She must take advantage of this opportunity and explain things clearly while there's still time!

"Honesty is the best policy, and it is important to be truthful even when it is difficult."

In the underworld, not far from the Bridge of Forgetfulness, a secret flower field was home to a young, beautiful woman who suddenly opened her eyes and glared at an empty patch in the field that she had raised with all her heart, as if it were a bald spot in the dark underworld.

Granny Meng's eyes widened in shock and she let out a long, anguished cry as her chest heaved violently. "My flower! There's a thief! Someone stole my flower!"

The tragic cry echoed throughout the underworld, causing the ghosts passing by the Bridge of Forgetfulness to tremble and shiver, unsure of who had offended the old aunt.


As Totsuki Gourmet Street grew increasingly crowded with customers eager to enter, Sakuraba Ichiyo was kept busy with a variety of tasks. One moment he was preparing pastries, and the next he was serving afternoon tea. Despite being faced with strange requests, he maintained a cool expression and an ungracious demeanor.

Customers - who could understand them? These big girls and little wives seemed to get more and more insistent the ruder he was to them, laughing happily rather than getting angry. Sakuraba Ichiyo couldn't help but feel frustrated, wishing he could strangle that female journalist for causing all of this.

Just when Sakuraba Ichiyo was so busy he could barely catch his breath, a familiar white head appeared at the door of the shop. His eyes lit up and he excitedly waved at the other person. "Erina!"

Nakiri Alice was surprised to see that her 'fiancee's pastry shop was suddenly bustling with customers, after having no business for the past two days. As she looked around, she heard someone calling out Erina's name and froze in place, looking left and right with a guilty expression as she searched for Erina.

But then she saw her 'fiancee', with a fierce gaze and a hesitant expression. She pointed at herself, Sakuraba Ichiyo quickly nodded and said, "Business is a little busy today, can you help out a little?"

Nakiri Alice's small face turned bitter and she looked as if she was about to cry. "Can I refuse?"

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