They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 12: CH 11

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Su An didn’t immediately take out his mobile phone to call 110 and call the police because of the contract that will give him 10,000 yuan.

A penny can’t buy a hero. After he hired a private investigator and sent the drug for testing, the only thing left with him was a suitcase and two catties of clothes. 

Just touch, just touch. I don’t ask for much, just give me money.

Su An’s face is thick, and he feels completely numb to He Xiran’s touch. He has to pretend to be pure, so his eyes turned flexibly, and he finally settled on the trash can.

There is only a half cigarette that He Xiran had just thrown in. With sharp eyes, Su An caught a glimpse of a picture drawn on the cigarette.

Drawn on the pure white threaded paper was a woman with her head up looking for help. She has no facial features, only a smooth line of profile. Her long hair hangs down to the end of the cigarette, and when the sparks burn to the end, it will swallow the woman along with her hair. 

The metaphor was faint, and Su An’s mind instantly flashed two names.

Cheng Suqing.

He Feiyu.

He was in a trance for a moment, and when He Xiran’s fingertips suddenly slid over the back of Su An’s hand, Su An was startled. His hand suddenly loosened, and his tucked jacket fell back to his waist.

He Xiran raised his eyes, the clothes had covered his hand. Then with one hand, he holds it up high.

“Mr. He,” Cheng Su’an looked at him innocently, and with his small blushing face, he said, “Is it good?”

He Xiran calmly said: “You interrupted my inspection progress.”

“I’m sorry,” Su An deflated and he lifted up his shirt again, “I will tug it properly this time.” 

But he secretly cursed a hundred times shamelessly.

Where are your hands touching…hiss.

He secretly raised his eyes and looked at the man.

He Xiran’s focused appearance is very deceptive. He’s like a god descending on earth, and the indifference on his face easily gives others a mentality of “be grateful for being touched by him”. But Su An felt that he was very dangerous. If it weren’t for finding Chu He, he wouldn’t be close to He Xiran. 

He Xiran, of course, is the best quality, and playing with such a man once in a while is exciting, but he will die if he keeps playing. He Xiran is not an easy-going type, while Su An’s heart is as strong as iron. No matter how handsome his face is, he can’t make waves.

“Ah,” He Xiran suddenly used force, and Su An screamed a bit and hid back, “Mr. He!”

He Xiran retracted his hand and said lightly: “Go to the studio.”

Su An put down his clothes, and his neck flushed, “Good.” 

Shen Zhangxiu’s power is not something a student like Chang Su’an could shake. Su An originally wanted to reach a cooperative relationship with He Xiran, so that He Xiran could temporarily guarantee his safety. But when he finished painting, He Xiran did not give him a definite answer.

When he was taking a break, he put on his clothes and eagerly approached He Xiran’s side, “Mr. He, how are you considering what I just said?”

He did not take off all his clothes, and he was not half naked either, but he just changed into a shirt, without buttoning it, revealing his young body covered with thin muscles. And if you got close, you could still smell the soap on his body. 

He Xiran drew a dark blue brushstroke, “You’re reaching adulthood.”

Su An was puzzled, but he still nodded, “Yes, I’m grown up.”

“Adults talk about benefits when they talk about cooperation,” He Xiran coughed, and the smell of smoke was heavy, “What can you give me.”

Su An said cautiously: “Mr. He, that’s not what I said. We both have a common goal, and that is to find out what Shen Zhangxiu has done to Miss He Feiyu.” He paused, he pressed the tip of his tongue on his palette, then he still said tentatively, “Shen Zhangxiu once took me to Miss He Feiyu’s room. And there are many tranquilizers and inhibitors to suppress mania in her cabinet.” 

Lf Wlgjc oliifv lc jcbatfg mbibg yibmx klatbea jcs tjraf, “Mjxf.”

Ve Cc ijeutfv aklmf, “Zg. Lf, P tbqf sbe mjc mbbqfgjaf klat wf. Ktlr lr ubbv obg ybat bo er.”

Lf rjlv atlr klat j rboa jcv ufcaif nblmf. Ktlr aglmx kbgxr fnfgs alwf, jcv la’r tjgv obg jcsbcf ab gfoerf.

He Xiran’s hand movement finally stopped, “He Feiyu fell off the balcony two months ago. According to Shen Zhangxiu, she fell out because she lost control of her illness.” 

Su An listened attentively.

He Xiran touched the red color paint with his thumb, “Haven’t you been to He Feiyu’s room?”

“I have been there,” Su An said, “Miss He’s room has been sealed up, but a servant will clean it regularly every week.”

He Xiran said: “Then you should also know that it is on the second floor.” 

Su An blinked slowly.

“On the second floor,” He Xiran laughed sarcastically, “She fell directly to death.”

Logically speaking, falling at the height of the second floor can get you a fracture at most, and people with flexible bodies will only suffer some skin injuries. Su An frowned, he felt puzzled, “This shouldn’t be a fall to death?”

“The back of her head hit a rock. The stone was sharp and went straight through the scalp.” 

This method of death is too coincidental.

Su An thoughtfully said, “What about the investigation results after that?”

Then in the end, is He Feiyu actually sick or not.

He Xiran: “The results of the investigation show that He Feiyu was indeed ill at the time.” 

“Family inherited mental illness,” He Xiran got up and walked to the side, then picked up his cigarette case. A shadow fell in his deep eyes, ” Shen Zhangxiu checked a lot of information. My father is Irish, and his family really does have hereditary mental illness.”

Su An’s eyebrows jumped a little, remembering the old man with white hair, green eyes and a roman nose that he once saw in a photo.

Does He Xiran also have it?

“Shen Zhangxiu thought that He Feiyu had inherited her father’s disease, but it’s a pity,” He Xiran sighed, “He Feiyu is a product of my mother’s derailment.” 

Su An looked at him in surprise, and his scalp was numb for a moment.

So He Feiyu is not his father’s daughter at all?

No wonder He Xiran said that it was Shen Zhangxiu who killed He Feiyu, He Feiyu didn’t have a father who has a family inherited mental illness, so how could she inherit the illness?

Not to mention jumping off the balcony in a fit of her illness. 

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“Then your parents…” Su An licked his dry lips, “know about this?”

“Father doesn’t know,” He Xiran turned his head to look at Su An, his chin is pale, “He thought it was a normal thing for He Feiyu to have this illness, and my mother dare not tell the truth.”

Su An: “…”

He felt hairy all over. I’m sorry, ah, I accidentally learned the secrets of their family. 

According to He Xiran’s words, the drugs placed in He Feiyu’s room was probably just a deliberate means Shen Zhangxiu did to confuse people.

Su An finally felt that he had solved part of the puzzle, but there was still one thing that had not been solved.

“What about you?” he asked.

He Xiran slightly narrowed his eyes, then he slowly walked to Su An. He looked down at him, and he could see Su An’s serious eyes and his neck through the gaps of his shirt. 

The slender cigarette that had been held in between his fingers for a long time finally reached his lips. He bent over and exhaled in Su An’s ear, “I’ve said it twice, and unfortunately, I didn’t inherit any diseases either.”

Su An’s ears reddened sensitively, “Mr. He, don’t misunderstand, I’m just curious.”

He Xiran was still leaning against his ear, and the spark followed from time to time as his hand went close to Su An’s neck, then it was gone. The illusion that he might be burned by the cigarette made Su An immediately change his mouth and acted like a baby, “Uncle He, I was wrong, I really didn’t mean to doubt you.”

He Xiran retracted his eyes from his collar, then he looked at Su An, and said in his heart: Small stuff. 

He straightened up and walked towards the canvas: “Go back and stand still.”

Su An breathed a sigh of relief and continued to stand in his original position with respect and dedication.

After finishing a day’s work, Su An cheekily stayed at He Xiran’s house. 

His days living here in He Xiran were very peaceful. Apart from giving all his free time to work, Su An also tried to contact Cheng Suqing. But without exception, it is not connected.

When Su An was in school, he was worried that Shen Zhangxiu would send someone to stop him. So everyday, he was cautious as a thief. Fortunately, He Xiran still owes the school a painting, so he followed He Xiran to school every day. If he followed He Xiran to school, there would be no accident.

It’s just that Su An has to clean and tidy up his studio every day to cover the rent, which is very tiring.

At night, Su An puts a towel around her neck to wipe his sweat. Even if the room is air-conditioned, he will still sweat every time he cleans it. 

Sweat stained his white vest. Su An wiped his sweat, feeling hot, he changed his clothes. He ran around He Xiran just wearing a loose sleeveless fitting vest and shorts.

His long legs are straight and white. His butt was raised as he mopped the floor. His shorts are pressed against his soft flesh and the white skin of his waist was exposed to the light, “Uncle He, do you still need these boxes?”

He Xiran glanced at him, without moving his eyes for a long time, “What?”

“Used paint bottle,” Su An squatted on the ground and picked up a paint bottle to check, and turned around obediently to show him, “There’s still a little bit in there.” 

“Throw it away.” He saw something he shouldn’t, so He Xiran withdrew his eyes after appreciating it

Su An organized things briefly, then he hummed, and brought other tools to focus on cleaning up the lead dust and dry paint. The studio is the most difficult to clean in the entire villa, and Su An spends an hour or two in front of He Xiran in sweat every night.

He Xiran really behaves as if he is sexually indifferent, except for painting, he didn’t look much at Su An like the rest. He did touch Su An a few times, but he will give as much money according to the contract. After a long time, Su An seemed to be really convinced that He Xiran was not dangerous to him. No matter how comfortable his clothes are, how carefree he is; with his large expense of his arms and legs occasionally exposed, he never cared about He Xiran’s reaction.

After an hour and a half passed, the whole studio was renewed again. Su An held a text in paragraph and washed it five or six times until the water in the bucket gradually became clear. He exhaled and wiped his sweat, “Uncle He, is today’s hygiene okay?”

He Xiran shook off the ash. He rubbed the soles of his feet against the shiny floor, where a little new dust fell. He coughed twice, his smoky voice was heavy, “Come here.”

Su An looked back and complained: “Uncle, I just cleaned that place. When you smoke, can you properly respect the fruits of my labor, the ashes should fall in the ashtray.” 

He Xiran looked at Su An. Under his gaze, he tapped his middle finger two times on the body of the cigarette, and the rustling ash fell again.

Su An: “…” Mom.妈的。 – /Mā de/

Cheng Su’an moved over slowly, then he squatted on the ground to wipe off the ashes. There’s an ash that fell in the middle of He Xiran’s leather shoes, and the young man also got there. He Xiran lowered his head, and watched his head moved from side to side. He took a puff of his cigarette, with an unknown expression on his face.

Cheng Su’an is considered tall among boys of his age and has a long stature. Because of the inconvenience of wiping the floor, he kneeled on top of the floor, his waist collapsed, and his back dented and rose again, forming a wonderful arc. 

He Xiran’s adam’s apple rolled, and his cold fingertips stretched out, and he held the black hair on the back of Su An’s head.

“Hiss,” Su An frowned slightly, then looking up with his watery eyes, “Uncle He, it hurts.”

This beautiful child’s lips have been steamed red by the heat.

He Xiran’s hand pushed Su An’s head upward, then he said with dumb voice, “Open you mouth.” 

Su An suspected that he had heard him wrong, “What.”

He Xiran’s other hand touched his lips, and rubbed them hard twice. The delicate lips immediately showed a deeper layer of color. The feeling isn’t enough. He Xiran’s thumb rubbed his lips again, “Show me your teeth.”

His actions are nasty, but his expression is still very cold, and his tone is even colder, as if he has no lusts at all.

Su An was rubbed by the calluses on his hands and his lips hurt, and his heart was tickled. He glanced at He Xiran timidly. While kneeling on the ground, he put his hands on He Xiran’s thighs. 

He Xiran separated his five fingers, and inserted through his hair, then slowly rubbed Su An’s scalp, commanding: “Open your mouth.”

Cheng Su’an hesitated very much, and his cheeks were hot. His porcelain-white delicate face was soft, and his eyes blinked faster and faster. Eventually he trembled and he opened his lips towards He Xiran.

His lips opened a little bit, and his white teeth are not even visible.

He Xiran already exhausted his patience. He stretched out his hand directly, pushing his lips apart with his two fingers, and he came across his white teeth and his a soft, sticky tongue. 

“Hmm!” Su An’s eyes widened sharply. He looked at He Xiran with shame and anger. He slapped He Xiran’s hand hard, and turned around and ran outside the studio, “Pervert!”

He accidentally tripped over the water bucket at He Xiran’s feet. A large amount of water splashed He Xiran’s pant legs and shoes, and a few drops splashed on his face, sliding down his pale jaw.

The great painter who was still aloft just now became extremely embarrassed, and the lovely sound of footsteps faded away. After a long time, He Xiran raised his head and slowly wiped the dirty water on his face.


Su An ran back to his house in one breath. he took a change of clothes and ran into the bathroom.

The hot water spilled on his white back, covering the laughter of gleeful misfortune. D*mn it, He Xiran. Let him cheat high school student, let him take advantage of high school student. Suffocate yourself, and then think about eating tender grass.

And look at his teeth, look at this fart. Just when he was about to believe him, what did he want to do?

The old hooligan is still f*cking cold, did he just want to try it out?

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