They Are Not Human!

Chapter 24: 22.3

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Three in one (part three)

Ji Yu’s eyes went half-lidded. After a while, he turned his head to look at Zhou Zhou, and slowly uttered two words, “Very good.”

Zhou Zhou replied with a smile, “Thank you for the compliment, teacher.”

He turned sideways to look at Ji Yu, and sincerely said, “The main thing is that the teacher taught me well.”

Ji Yu quietly stared at him. He had a gentle smile on his lips, but no warmth in his eyes.

“Clap clap clap——” the sound of applause suddenly rang out.

Yu Xing stood up and clapped vigorously. His tone wasn’t hiding his gloating at all. “Teacher Ji’s car overturned, overturned.”

While he spoke, he couldn’t help but burst out into laughter. His eyes curved into slits. He looked at Ji Yu and looked at Zhou Zhou, and almost roared and encouraged a fight. 

Wen Qing sat on the chair foolishly, watching the scene in a daze.

How did things develop like this?

He turned his head slowly, glancing at Li Si Wen, then at Si Kong. Their expressions didn’t change much, as if they had known about this for a long time already.

It seemed that Wen Qing was the only one who didn’t participate in this, although he did abstain……

Wen Qing stared at Zhou Zhou in a daze, and slowly smoothed out his train of thought.

So during the day, Zhou Zhou deliberately spoke about voting Yu Xing out with Ji Yu? He tricked the teacher’s vote?

Yu Xing’s one vote was from the teacher.

Teacher’s three votes were Zhou Zhou, Li Si Wen and Si Kong.

No wonder Si Kong said that nothing would happen to Yu Xing. It was because he followed Zhou Zhou in voting out the teacher……

But why would Zhou Zhou suddenly vote for the teacher? Didn’t he always dislike Yu Xing?

Wen Qing’s mind became even messier. Once again, he felt that his IQ wasn’t enough.

【 May player Ji Yu open the door. 】

Ji Yu’s eyes were calm. He didn’t move.

Zhou Zhou stared at him with a smile on his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Wen Qing’s confused face, and burst out laughing. “Our Qing Qing still hasn’t figured it out?”

“Teacher,” he paused, and changed his words. “No, it should be Mr Ji. He isn’t a teacher at all, he’s been lying to us from the very start.”

Zhou Zhou concluded, “Name, Ji Yu. Specialty, mischief.”

Hearing those words, Yu Xing laughed more joyously. His ostentatious laughter echoed in the living room.

Zhou Zhou slowly raised his hand and closed his fingers, counting, “The second night, Chen Yiyi said in front of everyone that she saw Gong Yunyun push Qing Qing. You induced her into it.”

“Although Gong Yunyun really did push him, you deliberately let Chen Yiyi speak up, so that she would vote out the wrong person and later fall apart.”

Zhou Zhou continued speaking, “Li Si Wen too, you deliberately induced her into suspecting Chen Yiyi.”

Li Si Wen forcefully nodded in agreement.

“You still tried to make Wen Qing suspect me. Fortunately, we are timid and not deceived by you,” Zhou Zhou paused his hands as he spoke, as if remembering something, he said, “Also, Mr. Ji should  Did Mimi quietly bully us several times?”

“You even tried to make Wen Qing suspect me. Fortunately, our Qing Qing is timid and wasn’t deceived by you.” Zhou Zhou’s hands paused as he spoke. As if he remembered something, he ‘ah’ed, “And, and, Mr. Ji must’ve also quietly bullied our Qing Qing several times?”

“Every time we met, there were always lots of small injuries on Qing Qing’s body.”

Zhou Zhou lightly sighed, and glanced towards Wen Qing. “I just knew you were bullying our Qing Qing stupid.”

“Speaking of, this is all thanks to the book Qing Qing told me about.”

Wen Qing was still in a daze. The book was with Zhou Zhou?

No wonder he couldn’t find it after rummaging through the study.

【 May player Ji Yu open the door. 】the system spoke up once more.

Unlike the previous times, the tone this time was cold and calm, without any hint of urgency.

Ji Yu slowly rose. He glanced around, before his gaze finally fell on Wen Qing’s face. He quietly asked, “Wen Qing, do you believe what he said?”

Wen Qing nervously clenched his palms. After hesitating for a short while, he stammered, “I- I heard it.”

“The conversation you had with Zhou Zhou in the corridor.”

Hearing this, Ji Yu lightly laughed and glanced at Si Kong. “So you were already in Si Kong’s room at that time.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips, not knowing what he should say.

Zhou Zhou took the initiative to speak, “Yeah, yeah, otherwise why would I come to find sir so early in the morning.”

【 May player Ji Yu open the door. 】

Ji Yu indifferently pulled out the chair and walked up to the door.

Zhou Zhou raised his arm and waved his hand. “Bye bye.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyelashes. He didn’t dare to look over.

Subconsciously, he held his breath. His heart beat so fast that only the sound of a beating drum was left in his ears.

After a while, a slight movement sounded in the silent living room.


It was the sound of the door opening.

Wen Qing’s eyelids twitched. He abruptly turned his head, only to see Ji Yu push the door open.

It wasn’t the one with the knocker, but rather the one on the left side that was full of reliefs.

Wen Qing’s eyes widened. Ji Yu stepped out the door calmly.

There was extremely thick, white mist outside the door, and any road couldn’t be seen clearly. Ji Yu walked into the white mist. In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared, and the half-open door slowly closed.

Indistinctly, Wen Qing saw a huge black figure not far away, shaking three heads.

“Roar!” the three-headed dog lowly roared.

Wen Qing’s heart skipped a beat. Why was the three-headed dog always outside the door?

Could it be because of his vote?

The sound of knocking on the table sounded in his ear. Wen Qing turned his head, only to see Yu Xing’s fingers bent and lazily knocking on the table. He told Zhou Zhou, “We really underestimated you.”

Zhou Zhou slightly smiled. He lightly said, “Right, who would care about an ant.”

He stretched, slowly stood up, and said to everyone, “It’s getting late. See you tomorrow, Mr Yu.”

“Looking, looking, I found a very good friend……” humming a tune, Zhou Zhou went upstairs, immediately followed by Li Si Wen.

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Wen Qing closely leaned against the back of his chair. Chills rose from the soles of his feet, and his back also felt chilly.

The phrase Zhou Zhou had said, “The game was only officially beginning now.”, played repeatedly in his mind.

If Si Kong had to follow the votes, in addition to Zhou Zhou and Li Si Wen, three votes could randomly cast away Ji Yu and Yu Xing……

“Qing Qing, did you hear that? Zhou Zhou, that guy, he just threatened me.”

Yu Xing suddenly turned sideways and moved closer to Wen Qing.

The corners of his lips curved upwards, his face devoid of any fear, while his long and narrow eyes were full of interest. “He voted out Ji Yu today, and he’ll vote me out tomorrow.”

“Zhou Zhou is so bad, and you’ll hate to part with me,” Yu Xing paused, and smilingly asked, “Why don’t… the three of us vote for him tomorrow night?”

Wen Qing’s eyelashes trembled. He didn’t answer his question, only asking, “If you are voted out, will you be like Teacher Ji……”

He changed his words, “Will you be the same as Ji Yu, able to just leave this place?”

Yu Xing nodded. “Yup.”

“But if I leave, Qing Qing won’t be able to see me anymore. I’m afraid Qing Qing will cry. You almost cried earlier.”

That was because I was being angered by you!

Wen Qing gritted his teeth and told him, “Don’t call me like that.”

Yu Xing blinked. “How did I call you? Qing Qing?”

“Zhou Zhou can call, but I can’t?”

“Qing Qing is biased……”

Wen Qing couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t want to continue acknowledging him, so he turned to ask Si Kong, “Tonight, can I sleep in your bedroom?”

Fearing that Si Kong would refuse, he quickly added, “I’ll just make a bed on the floor.”

Si Kong hummed. He agreed.

Wen Qing sighed in relief, and went upstairs with Si Kong.

Yu Xing sat in his original position, casually saying, “Add me too, I also want to make my bed on the floor.”

“Otherwise I’ll be the only one left, Qing Qing, are you willing to leave me……”


After returning to the room, Wen Qing sat on the bed. He had slept for the whole day, and he was especially clear-headed at this moment. His train of thought was clear.

One thing he hadn’t figured out was the connection between the gods and finding the guide.

Except for the fact that there were good and bad gods, there should also be the most critical point.

How were gods used? Then could they search out the guide?

From young, Wen Qing couldn’t be considered smart. He merely had the IQ of an ordinary person.

He went to an ordinary elementary school, junior high school, and high school. In high school, he worked diligently and stayed up late to study. Coupled with the guidance of top student classmates, he barely managed to step on the bottom line of a good university.

He pondered on it, but didn’t have any main threads.

He really couldn’t figure it out. Wen Qing could only ask Si Kong, “Did you know how to find the guide from the very beginning?”

“It’s fine if you can’t say it.”

Si Kong nodded. “I knew.”

Wen Qing was stunned. So for them as ordinary human players, the gods weren’t actually their teammates.

The book in the study was to make them aware of this thing.

Good gods were there to help them, the bad ones were there to hinder them.

This- this was an NPC, right?!

Wen Qing confirmed this idea. If Si Kong didn’t respond openly, it should be because he couldn’t say it, so he (SK) tactfully told him (WQ) that they were different from ordinary players.

Wen Qing was suddenly enlightened. In fact, the real players were only them as a few ordinary human beings.

The guide was an ordinary human being. He, Zhou Zhou and Li Si Wen all knew that they themselves weren’t the guide.

So the priority of the game was on how ordinary humans could become the guide.

This method must be related to the gods……

Si Kong’s expression suddenly changed slightly. He spoke, “Li Si Wen had an accident.”

“Ah?” Wen Qing lifted his eyes, at a loss.

Si Kong frowned. His face sank. “She disappeared.”

Wen Qing reacted for a while. He tentatively questioned, “You can feel everyone’s existence?”

Si Kong nodded.

Wen Qing didn’t have enough time to think carefully on this. He hurriedly questioned, “Disappeared, you mean that she- she……”

Si Kong explained, “Didn’t die. I can’t feel her existence.”

“She suddenly vanished in the study.”

“I’ll go to the study.” After those words fell, he turned and headed to the doorway.

Si Kong opened the door. His footsteps paused, and he told Wen Qing, “Wait for me to return.”

“Don’t open the door for them.”

Wen Qing nodded and thought, he wouldn’t open the door even if he was beaten to death.

The moment Si Kong left, he immediately locked the door.

Wen Qing sat on the corner of the bed. He kept feeling like something wasn’t right about Li Si Wen leaving together with Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou needed Li Si Wen’s vote, and likely wouldn’t do anything to Li Si Wen.


Wen Qing’s heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly jumped off the bed, wanting to go and find Si Kong.

The next second as he held the doorknob, the door was suddenly knocked on twice.

Wen Qing was terrified into taking two steps back. He stammeringly questioned, “Who- who’s outside?”

“Qing Qing, it’s me.”

Zhou Zhou’s smiling voice sounded outside the door.

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