They Are Not Human!

Chapter 28: 24.1

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(Two in one) You are the most delicious prey.

Wen Qing stood in the white mist, walking forwards aimlessly.

Wisps of white mist lingered around him. It felt a little cool. Not only was he not feeling uncomfortable, Wen Qing even felt much more refreshed.

After walking a few steps, a thread of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wen Qing ran over. He saw the familiar large advertisement made of steel support frames and metal — Otherworld Building.

He had returned to the rooftop at the beginning.

【 The player has successfully cleared the first instance. A personal system will now be issued. 】

【 Binding a system…… 】

【 The binding is successful. System 001 is in your service. 】

Hearing that cold tone suddenly ring out in his mind, Wen Qing was startled. Only after a while did he stammer, “H- hello……”

001:【 En. 】

Wen Qing was stunned. He quietly asked, “Are you my system?”

001:【 En. 】

Wen Qing was dazed. Systems and so on, he had read those in novels before. Because the system did not appear in the instance, he had assumed that this unlimited world had no systems.

001 coldly spoke up:【 The clearance rate of the god-level instance is too low. New players will not have personal systems issued to conserve energy and reduce emissions. 】

Wen Qing was startled. Unexpectedly, they had to conserve energy and reduce emissions?

001:【 En? 】

It was the same monosyllable, but it had a slightly higher tone of indifference, as if it was questioning Wen Qing.

Wen Qing was shocked at the humanisation of the system for two seconds. He dully praised, “It’s really- really an environmentally friendly game…”

【 The Guide instance reward settlement is in progress…… 】

【 Completion of the instance: 100%. 】

【 Comprehensive assessment: SSS. 】

【 Rewards obtained: 10,000 points, god-level buff [ Guide ], residence in the human world x1. 】

Wen Qing was a little stunned, and his mind was filled with questions.

What can points do?

Is it possible to give a house after clearing an instance?

What is the guide’s buff?


Before he could ask, he heard 001 say: 【 Don’t loiter around, go to the human world immediately. 】

001’s voice was inorganic and cool. It sounded almost exactly like the system’s voice in the instance.

Wen Qing subconsciously complied. He took two steps forward, and said in a low voice, “How do I get there?”

001 spat out one word:【 Door. 】

Wen Qing looked at the big white door directly up ahead.

The last time he walked into this door, he had entered an instance.

This time…

Wen Qing was trembling with fear as he asked, “Am I going to a new instance a- again?”

001: 【 It’s not an instance. 】

Wen Qing sighed in relief. He questioned nervously, “Then- then what place is it?”

001 didn’t explain and indifferently said:【 Go to the human world immediately. 】

It didn’t say. Wen Qing didn’t dare to continue asking, and cautiously walked forwards. He had only walked a few steps when the sound of extra footsteps appeared behind him.

“Qing Qing, you’re so clever.”

It was Zhou Zhou’s voice.

Wen Qing’s expression changed. Panic-stricken, he quickly ran forwards.

The footsteps behind him abruptly increased as well.

Wen Qing could even feel the wind brought along by Zhou Zhou running over. As he grabbed the doorknob, the corner of his clothes was caught. 

“Caught you.” Zhou Zhou said with a smile.

【 Go in. 】

Hearing 001’s voice, Wen Qing didn’t care about the actual situation. He pushed the door open and immediately rushed in.


【 Welcome to the human world. 】

Wen Qing was running forward in a panic, and didn’t hear what 001 said at all. He didn’t stop until he couldn’t run anymore, and he was out of breath.

He turned his head to look behind him. The moment he raised his eyes, he froze in place.

This was a bustling commercial street. There were shops with flashing neon signs on both sides of the roads, with snacks, clothes, restaurants, etc. It had everything someone could wish for. People in various costumes bustled in front of the shops.

It was almost exactly like the real world.

Wen Qing slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

There was no sun nor moon in the sky. There was only thick white mist, and there seemed to be a transparent glass cover directly above the commercial street that separated the white mist. There was also a huge light blue figure in midair, like a holographic projection, which was blurry and hard to see.

“W- where is this?”

“Welcome to the human world.” a joyful voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

Wen Qing was startled. He backed away, looking at the strange man who had suddenly appeared in front of his eyes warily.

The man was in his twenties. He looked handsome, and he had a smile on his face. Seeing Wen Qing’s wary look, he smiled and stood in his original position without approaching.

“Are you a newcomer?”

“I’m Bai Tong, I don’t mean any harm,” Bai Tong paused and said with a smile. “Seeing that you’re a newcomer, I wanted to ask you if you want to buy a newcomer guide.”

“I just need one point.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips. “How do you know I’m a newcomer?”

Bai Tong laughed out loud. “You were looking up for a long time, so you’re definitely a newcomer who had just arrived in this world.”

“This place is called the human world. It is a rest area after clearing instances.”

Wen Qing followed up with a question, “Will everyone arrive here after clearing an instance?”

So, would Zhou Zhou be nearby?

Bai Tong stretched out his hand and showed a “one”. “One point.”

Wen Qing slowly said, “I think I’d better ask the system.”

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Bai Tong laughed and said, “The system doesn’t have the authority to tell you many things.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyes. He didn’t doubt Bai Tong’s words.

Earlier, 001 didn’t tell him what sort of place was the human world.

He had 10,000 points now. One point wasn’t much, he just didn’t know how to give it over.

Wen Qing raised his eyes and was about to ask, when Bai Tong said, “Let your system transfer it directly to system 17834.”

Wen Qing hummed and hesitated, taking care to not bother the cold 001.

The next second, 001 indifferently said:【 Transferred. 】

Wen Qing quietly said, “Thank- thank you.”

Bai Tong smiled and began to explain, “After clearing the instance, you’ll be sent into the human world at random.”

“Looking at you just now, are you hiding from your teammates in the last instance?”

Wen Qing nodded.

Bai Tong continued speaking, “Don’t worry, the players who cleared the same instance will be sent to different places.”

Wen Qing sighed in strained relief. He anxiously asked, “Then, would we meet again in the future?”

Bai Tong: “It depends on luck. If the other party wants to find you, it is possible to do so in the human world.”

“As for the instances, in any case, I haven’t met any acquaintances after several instances.”

Wen Qing silently prayed internally that he wouldn’t meet Zhou Zhou in the future.

After a while, he blinked and asked, “Where’s the guide for newcomers?”

Bai Tong raised his hand and pointed to his own nose. “Isn’t there a living one standing in front of you.”

Wen Qing: “……”

Bai Tong said with a smile, “If you want to ask anything, just ask. As long as I know, I’ll say everything I know.”

Wen Qing thought about it. He asked, “How can I leave this place?”

Bai Tong clapped. “Good question, next.”

Wen Qing: “……”

Bai Tong laughed heartily. “To be honest, I don’t know either.”

“However, there are rumours that players can complete a certain number of instances and gather enough points to fulfil a wish. At that time, if you still want to, you could make a wish to leave this place.”

Wen Qing quickly questioned, “How many points and instances do you need?”

Bai Tong shook his head. “That, I don’t know.”

“Okay.” Wen Qing lowered his head to ponder for a while. Then, he continued to ask, “What are points for?”

Bai Tong pointed to the shop beside him. “In the human world, for eating, drinking, having fun, they all require points.”

Wen Qing understood. Points were the currency here.

He pursed his lips and softly asked, “The people who die in these instances, do they really die, or do they leave this game world…”

Hearing this, Bai Tong gazed at Wen Qing deeply. “You are the first one to ask me this question.”

“All I know is that once they die in the instance, there is no way to come back. If you don’t want to accept their death, you can think of it as them being kicked out of the game.”

Wen Qing opened his mouth and wanted to speak, when he heard 001’s cold voice ring out in his mind.

【 Dead. 】

The blood drained from Wen Qing’s face. He stammeringly thanked, “Thank- thank you.” 

Bai Tong thought he was thanking him, and said with a smile, “You’re pretty polite.”

“We hand over the money with one hand and the information with the other. You don’t have to keep thanking me.”

Wen Qing’s eyes lowered. He stared at the floor tiles and slowly asked, “That…… do you have information about the instances?”

Bai Tong replied, “There are three levels of instances. From high to low difficulty, god-level, strange monsters, human-level.”

Seeing Wen Qing’s pale face, trembling eyelashes, and his pitiful look, he added one more sentence, “The instances are all random, and there’s a high probability that newcomers will enter simpler human-level instances. You don’t have to worry.”

“Only a few unlucky ghosts enter the god-level instance from the very beginning. Luck is also a form of strength.”

Wen Qing’s mouth couldn’t help but sink. He thought, he was that unlucky ghost.

There isn’t any such thing like luck in my life, and even if he has another life he still won’t be lucky.

So his first instance would be the most difficult type.

Bai Tong: “Even if you enter the strange monsters and god-level instances, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These instances have a high chance of dropping props and buffs, which are convenient for instance clearance in the future.”

Wen Qing quietly replied. He thought, if he entered another god-level instance, he might not have a future anymore.

Bai Tong: “If you really enter those instances, you only need to remember one thing.”

Wen Qing raised his eyes and quietly asked, “What is it?”

Facing his crystal clear eyes, Bai Tong was a little taken aback. He hastily looked away and cleared his throat. “The level of the instance represents the highest level of the boss.”

Wen Qing was stunned. “What do you mean?”

Bai Tong chuckled. “If it’s a god-level instance, you might encounter gods and monsters. In a strange monsters instance, at most you will encounter monsters, and you should be careful of humans in a human-level instance.”

Wen Qing couldn’t believe it. “Gods?”

Bai Tong rubbed his nose and asked back, “Are you an atheist?”

Wen Qing nodded. “I applied to join the party.”

He earnestly said, “If I hadn’t arrived at this place, I could’ve been an active member of the party by now.”

Bai Tong: “……”

After a moment of silence, he said, “If you want to treat this world as a game, then treat gods and ghosts as a type of character.”

“If you treat this place as another reality…… then, gods do exist.”

Wen Qing didn’t worry about whether this was a game world or not. He organised his words for a moment, and slowly asked, “Is it possible that there won’t be any gods in the god-level instance?”

Bai Tong shrugged. “I heard that that god-level instance must be related to gods. Depending on the instance, gods may or may not appear.”

It was related to gods?

Wen Qing lowered his eyes. The instance related to gods…… there was only the god card.

He suddenly recalled Yu Xing’s ambiguous words. Literal meaning, pray to gods……

And the book about gods……

If Yu Xing and Ji Yu really were gods……

The world was going to end.

SV: squints at Bai Tong… he seems like a scammer tbh. 

also,,, i couldn’t find anything on what “生平就没有运气这种东西,非到连再来一瓶都中不了。” exactly meant (esp the last part), but i translated it as how i understood it. if anyone could give me a better translation, i’d be very grateful! same goes for “异怪“; the other levels are called god-level and human-level respectively, so why did this one have to be different……

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