They Are Not Human!

Chapter 31: 26.1

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TANH Chapter 26.1: Seminary 02.1

5TH MAR 2023~SV

Want to clear the instance?

Wen Qing was so frightened that he didn’t dare to move. He stared at the idol dazedly.

After a while, the idol slowly closed its eyes and returned to its original state.

Wen Qing’s hands and feet felt weak. His mind was blank, and he didn’t know how he got off the round platform.

Seeing that he was a little unsteady, Bai Tong stretched out a hand to support him.

Wen Qing approached the heat source instinctively. He grabbed onto Bai Tong’s arm helplessly and his eyes unconsciously reddened. “Just- just now…”

Wasn’t it just his hallucination just now?

Wen Qing’s hands were obviously cold, but inexplicably, Bai Tong felt a little dry. He quickly shifted his gaze and said in a low voice, “This is a god-level instance.”

A god-level instance was obviously related to gods.

Wen Qing closed his eyes. He was an atheist, but now, he was in this world, and he needed to believe that gods existed.

He sighed. “I- I know.”

At present, Teacher Chen had calmed down. His distorted appearance gradually returned to normal.

His voice had risen several times, and he couldn’t hide his excitement. “God is very satisfied with this classmate, so he sent down a miracle.”

He stared firmly at Wen Qing and smiled, “This is your honour.”

Wen Qing didn’t feel honoured at all. Rather, he felt terrified. He lowered his head, thankful that he was wearing a face mask and a hat, so Teacher Chen couldn’t see his panicked expression.

Due to what had happened just now and Teacher Chen’s words, the other players began to size up Wen Qing one after another.

Bai Tong slightly frowned. In an instance, being highly noticed was not a good thing.

Especially for someone like Wen Qing, who was easy to daydream about…

“Classmate, what is your name?” Teacher Chen stared at Wen Qing.

Wen Qing squeezed out two words, his voice like a mosquito, “Wen Qing.”

Teacher Chen nodded with a smile. He turned his head and said, “Continue the test.”

When his words fell, everyone looked towards the last player.

It was a bald man. His face was fierce-looking, and he had deep laugh lines. He was young, but he looked ferocious.

The bald man walked up to the stone tablet in big steps. He grabbed the stone carving knife and began carving his name.

The carving knife scratched the surface of the stone tablet without leaving a trace.

The bald man swore a sentence in a low voice, used force and tightened his grip on the stone carving knife.

One second, two seconds……

Half a minute had gone by, yet he hadn’t written the first stroke. 

The bald man’s face changed.

A whole minute had gone by, but he still couldn’t write anything.

The air fell silent again.

Wen Qing’s eyelids jumped. He looked at the other players beside him.

The players were indifferently watching the bald man, as if seeing some sort of corpse.

The back of the bald man was gradually soaked in sweat. His body was trembling, and he almost couldn’t hold the stone carving knife steadily.

Seeing this, Teacher Chen’s face began to change. “Enough.”

The bald man wiped off the sweat on his forehead. He turned to the teacher and said, “I- I’ll write it out immediately.”

“No need.”

Teacher Chen indifferently said, “The seminary does not accept criminals, please leave the school.”

The bald man’s expression changed drastically. He begged for mercy, “Sir, I- I have never violated the law. I’m a law-abiding citizen.”

“There must be a mistake somewhere…”

Teacher Chen’s face suddenly darkened. “God will not make mistakes.”

The bald man also realised he had said something wrong, and quickly added, “Is there something wrong with this carving knife? Sir, let me try again, I- I can write it out……”

Teacher Chen looked at him in disgust, as if he was looking at some sort of nauseating garbage.

Soon, two big men in black rushed in from the door, picked up the bald man, and walked out.

Wen Qing quietly asked Bai Tong, “Where- where will he go?”

Bai Tong was silent for a moment, and said with a frown, “He’ll be kicked out of the school.”

Wen Qing was a little confused. Would it count as a clearance if he was kicked out? Or would he return to the World to prepare for another instance.

【 Will die. 】001 suddenly said.

Wen Qing’s heart skipped a beat. Only now did he realise the dangers of the god-level instances.

The instance can actually reject the player……

Before he had time to think about it, Teacher Chen suddenly walked up to everyone and said with a gentle smile, “All students, congratulations to everyone for passing the entrance test. You have successfully enrolled.”

“From today onwards, I will be your homeroom teacher.”

After his voice fell, a voice rang beside Wen Qing’s ears.

【 Identity cards will now be issued. 】

【 May player Wen Qing protect their own identity card. 】

【 Name: Wen Qing 】

【 Identity: seminary student 】

【 Age: 20 years old 】

【 Hobby: bullying people (passive) 】

Wen Qing was dumbfounded.

What’s up with this hobby?

Why is it bullying people?

It is already good enough if he isn’t bullied by others!

Wen Qing’s eyes widened. He carefully looked at his identity card again, and saw the contents within the brackets.



His hobby wasn’t just bullying people, it was also passive?

What did passive even mean?

“The time is still early, I’ll bring you to your classroom first.” Teacher Chen spoke.

After he finished speaking, he walked to Wen Qing’s side and said with a beaming smile, “Student, let’s go.”

Wen Qing came back to his senses, and he stammeringly answered, “Al- alright.”

Teacher Chen smiled. This time, he didn’t walk at the forefront of the group, but rather walked beside Wen Qing, not intending to leave at all.

Wen Qing was very afraid of Teacher Chen now. Firstly, because of the weird idol. Secondly, because Teacher Chen had taken care of a player without changing his expression.

He just wanted to pass the main mission and had no thoughts about the rewards of the advanced mission at all. He didn’t want to have too much contact with Teacher Chen and others even more.

Wen Qing slowly took a step to the side, wanting to stay away from Teacher Chen, but when he took a step, Teacher Chen followed closely.

Teacher Chen looked at him up and down, as if he was looking at some novel treasure. “Wen Qing, it has been many years since the last miracle.”

Wen Qing softly responded, eyelashes trembling.

Moisture filled his eyes. His clear doe eyes became a little hazy, and then his eyes reddened at a speed visible to the naked eye, looking pitiful.

Bai Tong silently sighed, feeling unreasonably softhearted.

He then took a step forward and stood between Wen Qing and Teacher Chen, separating them.

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The next second, Bai Tong’s sleeve was gently tugged.

He lowered his head and met Wen Qing’s wet eyes which slowly blinked, silently thanking him.

Bai Tong’s throat slightly moved. His fingers flexed. After a while, he mouthed, “You’re welcome.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyes. He thought, Bai Tong really was a good person.

Teacher Chen glanced at Bai Tong. He wasn’t angry because of his behaviour, but rather he was still smiling as he said to Wen Qing, “Why are you constantly wearing a face mask?”

Wen Qing unconsciously tugged Bai Tong’s sleeve tightly. He stumbling said, “I- I have a bit of a cold.”

After speaking, he fake-coughed twice.

Hearing this, the smile on Teacher Chen’s face grew bigger. “Oh, you’re sick.”

He told Wen Qing, “As long as you pray to God, God will heal your sickness.”

Wen Qing was afraid that he would take him back to that weird temple, so he quickly said, “It’s not serious. I’ll be fine in no time.”

Teacher Chen stared at his face. After a long while, he slowly said, “There’s no need to be nervous. God really likes you.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyes and responded vaguely.

After walking out of the temple, the other players consciously walked behind Teacher Chen. Wen Qing and Bai Tong naturally became the front row.

This seminary wasn’t big. Excluding the temple, there were only five buildings. These buildings were not juxtaposed or opposite. Rather, they took the temple as their centre and were split into five surrounding areas.

Teacher Chen walked to one of the buildings and told everyone, “This is the teaching block where everyone will usually take cultural classes. From left to right are the dormitories, library, and cafeteria.”

But there was still another building?

Wen Qing tilted his head and glanced towards the last building.

He didn’t dare to ask, but someone else asked.

“Sir, what sort of place is the last building?”

Teacher Chen glanced at the player. “That is the residence of the high priest. The high priest likes calmness, so don’t rush to disturb.”

Hearing this, Wen Qing took a second look at the building. He thought, he wouldn’t go even if he was killed.

The classroom is next to the hall on the first floor. There was no teacher in the classroom, only a dozen or so students. Some were reading seriously, and there were also some chatting in low voices. It looked like an extremely ordinary class.

This familiar scene made everyone’s strained emotions relax a little.

Wen Qing pursed his lips and also sighed in relief.

Fortunately, this wasn’t some sort of weird class.

Teacher Chen walked into the classroom, stood on the podium and said, “Students, new students have arrived.”

Sparse applause sounded from below.

Teacher Chen turned to the players and said, “God has arranged seats for you.”

Wen Qing froze for a moment, then turned to look at Bai Tong.

Bai Tong’s eyes squinted. His jaw slightly raised, motioning for Wen Qing to look at the desks in the classroom.

The tables were single-person tables. And as in most schools, two tables were joined together.

Wen Qing looked carefully for a while, and found that names were engraved on the upper right corner of the table.

【 Chen Fei 】

【 Li Jingjing 】

【 Zhang 】

【 Bai Tong 】


There was a name on every table. Under Teacher Chen’s urge, everyone walked into the classroom and began searching for their own seat.

Wen Qing walked to the last row of the classroom before finding his seat.

In the last row, there was a throne by the window in the corner for studying scumbags.

Bai Tong’s seat was in the front row, far away from him.

Wen Qing pursed his lips and looked down at his deskmate.

Sleeping, doesn’t look threatening.

He slowly pulled out the chair to sit down. There were two sets of school uniforms, a book and a pen in the desk drawer, and his name was also marked on the chest of the school uniform.

Teacher Chen knocked on the podium. Loudly, he said, “Welcome everyone who chose our seminary.”

There was another sparse round of applause in the classroom.

“Firstly, everyone must keep the school rules in mind.”

Hearing the two words ‘school rules’, everyone’s expressions became serious.

The main system had reminded them to pay attention to the school rules.

Wen Qing straightened his back and quickly picked up the pen to take notes.

Teacher Chen tapped the blackboard with a pointer. The next second, there was an even sound of recitement in the classroom.

“Rule number one: Pray to God every day.”

“Rule number two: Do not coerce others.”

“Rule number three: It is forbidden to leave the dormitory after the curfew.”

After reciting the three school rules, the students became quiet again.

The tip of Wen Qing’s pen stopped moving. He let out a breath.

Luckily, there were only three school rules.

Too many and he definitely wouldn’t be able to remember.

Teacher Chen nodded, picked up the textbook on the podium, and told everyone, “This is a prayer class.”

“The new students are probably unfamiliar with prayers, so we will review them first.”

Wen Qing turned to the page that Teacher Chen said. What he flipped to was a very shocking coloured picture.

A man with a naked upper body was lazily sitting on a throne, a white cloth covering the key parts of his lower body. His eyes were half-lidded as he stared at the men and women under the throne with a smile that didn’t seem like a smile.

Those people were all naked, without a stitch of clothing. They all had shining white bodies. Men and men, men and women, women and women, two or three people tightly entangled together, this was a carnival of X.

Wen Qing’s eyes widened in disbelief. The picture was exceptionally clear. He could even clearly see the negative distance of contact between several people.

His face turned red. He hurriedly withdrew his gaze and said in his heart, this is art, so it’s not pixelated, this is art……

“Wen Qing.”

Hearing his own name, Wen Qing raised his head, only to see Teacher Chen smiling at him. “You will pray today.”

Teacher Chen repeated his previous words, “Pray to God, God will heal your sickness.”

“Your cold will be cured soon.”

Wen Qing wanted to cry, but he had no tears. Was this the consequence of his lie?

He had no religious beliefs. He didn’t know what to pray for or what to say.

Seeing that he was at a loss, Teacher Chen patiently said, “For your first time praying, you only need to recite the prayer.”

Wen Qing looked down at the book on the table. At the beginning of the next page, there were three words of prayer written down.

He stammeringly read, “Dear- dear God, You are the embodiment of love and desire. You saved us from the abyss of boredom.”

“I pray to You, please bestow crazy love upon me, joyous and lustful. Please use Your precious f-fluid……”

【 Please use Your precious fluid to kiss my body. Wash me, heal me, I will dedicate my body and soul to You. 】

Wen Qing held the book tightly. His voice grew lower and lower, his cheeks became hotter and hotter, and his whole body seemed to be steaming.

What- what kind of lewd god is this!

SV: “He thought, he wouldn’t go even if he was killed.” foreshadowing! our mc will definitely be going into that building one way or another lol

also i still feel like the god is the god is Yu Xing. i mean, all that XXX? and just another little word: the character used for “you” in the prayers featured is different than the normal “you”; this one is 您, with an added 心 below the 你. it’s used when you really respect someone.

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