They Are Not Human!

Chapter 7: 7

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Suddenly felt the horror of this game

Wen Qing didn’t think much of it. He believed that Ji Yu was too surprised by hearing Yu Xing’s words, and accidentally pressed on his wound.

He endured the pain, whispering, “It’s fine.”

His voice was soft, but it was heard by the people outside.

“Who is it?” Zhou Zhou questioned.

Not waiting for Wen Qing to speak, the door to the bathroom was violently opened, and it slammed against the wall.

Wen Qing subconsciously took a step back, and ran into Ji Yu’s embrace.

“Careful,” Ji Yu uttered, his hand over Wen Qing’s shoulder.

Wen Qing’s eyes were red, and his collar was askew. His shoulders and chest were exposed to several people. His chest was moist, and a little pink. His shoulder was largely blue and purple, as if he had just been bullied by people.

Being stared at by Zhou Zhou and Yu Xing, Wen Qing hastily pulled his shirt collar back up, stammering, “Me, me and teacher weren’t purposely eavesdropping, we were already here early on.”

Yu Xing stared at his chest. Wen Qing wore a white T-shirt today. The part of his chest that was stained with tears became translucent, and pressed tightly against his skin.

He glanced at Ji Yu thoughtfully, curved his lips, and followed up on Wen Qing’s words to ask, “What were you guys doing here?”

Wen Qing opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but Yu Xing didn’t give him a chance to speak before he said, “Yesterday, on the bed, you still said you didn’t want it.”

“So it’s because you don’t want me……”

Yu Xing’s voice was low, but there was a wicked smile in his eyes, deliberately trying to make people think.

He spoke nonsense every time.

Wen Qing was angry and ashamed. He discomfitingly said, “You’re right, if I want someone it’s not going to be you!”

The three of them were stunned for a moment. Yu Xing was the first to react. He lifted his eyelids and lazily said,  “Don’t be like that.”

“You still haven’t tried out my specialty yet.”

Yu Xing licked his lips, and hinted. “Mine is definitely more impressive than yours.”


One word, one pause. A phrase with two meanings.

Specialty, specialty……

Wen Qing’s face flushed red, annoyed at suddenly understanding it. 

What was more angering was why could Yu Xing follow up with a yellow joke[2] on any occasion no matter what he said?!


“You, you……” Wen Qing was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

Zhou Zhou changed the subject: “I discovered something new last night.”

“Last night?”

Yu Xing tilted his head, his slender eyes narrowing slightly. “Oh right, you and little Wen Qing slept together.”

“What sort of new discovery is it? His body——”

Zhou Zhou also couldn’t take it anymore, he interrupted. “It’s a new discovery about the game, very important.”

“Let’s go to the living room first.”

Yu Xing made a meaningless sound from his nose. His eyes weren’t staring at Zhou Zhou, but at Ji Yu instead.

Ji Yu smiled. “Alright.”

Yu Xing curled his lips, also saying, “Okay.”

Ji Yu put the medicinal wine into Wen Qing’s palm, and whispered into his ear, “Remember to apply it twice a day. You can also come to find me at night.”

Wen Qing held the medicinal oil, murmuring a response. In his heart, he wasn’t even thinking of finding Ji Yu to help.

He hadn’t wanted to trouble Ji Yu just now……

Walking out of the bathroom, before he’d reached the living room, Zhou Zhou stopped in front of Wen Qing and blocked him. He looked at his reddened eyes, and quietly asked, “What happened just now?”

“You cried?”

Wen Qing embarrassedly nodded, and whispered, “My shoulder hurt a lot today, so I found some medicinal oil in the kitchen. Then, Teacher Ji saw it and helped me rub the medicinal oil. It was too painful, I, I couldn’t endure it……”

His voice grew quieter and quieter, and he talked until his ears were red by the end of it.

Wen Qing thought, he was timid, scared of pain, and even liked to cry……

Zhou Zhou must definitely be very speechless towards him……

Zhou Zhou’s Adam’s Apple moved slightly, and he told Wen Qing, “Let me help you apply the medicine at night.”

“No need to trouble the teacher.”

Wen Qing nodded. “No worries, I can do it by myself.”

As soon as his voice fell, a few footsteps rang out. The girls had also come downstairs.

Zhou Zhou straightened his expression and said, “Everyone is here, sit down first. I have a new discovery.”

Everyone sat. There were only eight out of the original ten people left, and there were two chairs left empty.

Wen Qing glanced around, memorising everyone’s names in his heart. Zhou Zhou, Yu Xing, Teacher Ji, Si Kong, Gong Yunyun, Li Si Wen……

And there was one who seemed to be called Chen Yiyi?

Wen Qing looked at the girl beside him. After seeing her face properly, he was dumbfounded.

In fact, the expressions on the faces of everyone who were sitting down weren’t too good, but Chen Yiyi’s situation was very strange. Her face was pale, her double eyelids had swelled to single eyelids, and it seemed like she had cried a lot last night. Her whole body sat in a trance, and the hands on the table were still trembling.

Wen Qing remembered when the three-headed dog from last night left, although this gentle short-haired girl was a little dazed, she wasn’t at the level that she was now.

It had only been a few hours……

Did something happen again last night?

It wasn’t only Wen Qing who noticed. Others also noticed Chen Yiyi’s situation, and asked, “What happened?”

Chen Yiyi didn’t say anything.

Everyone looked towards Gong Yunyun, who shared a room with her.

Gong Yunyun had two dark circles under her eyes, and she angrily said, “It’s probably because she was scared by yesterday’s events. She didn’t sleep well last night, continuing to have nightmares, screaming and crying. She made me not sleep well either.”

When she complained, Chen Yiyi’s face turned whiter, and she began to lose control of her emotions. “You, you can still sleep well?”

“Yesterday, in a few hours, two people died. People will still die today. Tomorrow, tomorrow we will all die here!”

“I, I don’t want to die…… I just finished the college examinations, and I finally got into college……”

Chen Yiyi was the youngest among the several of them. She was just 18 years old. She collapsed onto the table, and burst into tears.

The word death hung heavily over everyone’s hearts. Nobody wanted to die, everybody wanted to live.

Wen Qing’s mood gradually lessened, and his eyes were a little warm.

He also didn’t want to die, he still hadn’t provided for the dean mother yet.

After a while, Zhou Zhou spoke up and addressed everyone. “It’s eight o’clock in the morning right now. There’s still 13 hours left, we still have time.”

“We can find the guide.”

He wanted to encourage everyone, but Chen Yiyi wailed, “We won’t be able to find, we won’t be able to find.”

“This game’s rules are just protecting the guide. We don’t know how to use the god card, don’t know what the clue given to us last night is, we don’t know, we don’t know anything……”

This was the first time Wen Qing had seen a girl cry so terribly before his eyes.

He pursed his lips, and went to the kitchen to get Chen Yiyi a cup of hot water. He put it near her hand, and dryly said, “Drink a bit of hot water.”

“It’s okay, it’ll be okay.”

Chen Yiyi wailed for about ten minutes. She no longer collapsed, just lowered her head and softly cried.

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Zhou Zhou knocked on the table, and slowly spoke, “We need to be a little hopeful.”

“The system’s aim isn’t to let us die. If it wanted us to die, there was no need to give us a way to deal with the three-headed dog last night.”

“I’ll first talk about the important discovery last night.”

He briefly counted last night’s encounter with the door.

Wen Qing had already heard of it, so he absentmindedly stared at the embossed wooden door.

The embossing was very abstract. Dogs didn’t look like dogs, cats didn’t look like cats. All sorts of animals crowded together, and Wen Qing could barely recognise one of the three-headed dogs.

There seemed to be a figure on the right side of the dog?

Wen Qing blinked, staring intently at the image.

A human’s face, a human’s body, two horns on the head……

Maybe it was just a human-looking monster?

Wen Qing withdrew his eyes.

The meaning of the door was an important clue. Although they couldn’t use it now, it was still good news. Everyone slowly relaxed.

“In myths, the three-headed dog had no other meaning other than guarding the big gates,” Gong Yunyun frowned. She looked at the crowd, and tentatively asked, “Could the clue be on the three-headed dog’s body?”

“Does it have something on its body?”

Gong Yunyun first looked at Li Si Wen, who had escaped from the dog’s mouth last night.

Li Si Wen shook her head. “I think I didn’t see anything on its body.”

Gong Yunyun continued to ask, “Then anyone else? Did you see anything?”

Wen Qing also shook his head. “No.”

He only remembered that the three-headed dog’s whole body was as dark as a crow. If there was anything else, it would’ve probably been very conspicuous, and others would have definitely seen it.

Gong Yunyun stared fixedly at him, suspicion all over her face. “Really?”

“You shook hands with it yesterday. You were the only one among us who had close contact with it. Did you really see nothing?”

“No.” Wen Qing frowned. He didn’t like this sort of attitude of Gong Yunyun.

He raised his eyes and saw that Gong Yunyun was looking him up and down, a little dissatisfied, and softly said, “If you don’t believe me, you can abstain, and shake hands with it tonight and carefully check it.”

It was rare to see Wen Qing scold someone. Yu Xing raised his hand and lazily said, “Abstain from voting.”

Yesterday’s abstention was the three-headed dog. If they abstained tonight, nobody dared to ensure that it was still the three-headed dog……

Gong Yunyun’s lips twitched. “If you didn’t see anything, forget it.”

“There’s one more thing. I want to ask something to the handsome brother who has the god card.”

Gong Yunyun stared straight at Si Kong and asked, “We were discussing in the study last night and talked about important clues, why didn’t you come?”

Si Kong coldly spit out two words, “Was busy.”

Gong Yunyun seemed to have caught onto something, and questioned, “What’s more important than finding the guide?”

“Starting from yesterday, you were always not social. What could you have been doing in such an awful place?”

“You don’t look like you have social anxiety, so then…… do you not care whether or not we’ll find the guide?” 

She was aggressive and overbearing.

Wen Qing’s frown tightened. Without any facts, Gong Yunyun put the identity of the guide on Si Kong’s head.

He didn’t think that Si Kong was the guide. He thought that the three people with god cards could be the first ones excluded.

Si Kong had also helped him several times yesterday……

Wen Qing exhaled, summoned up his courage, and asked Gong Yunyun, “Then, then why did you close the door last night and not let me in?”

The others were stunned. No one knew that Wen Qing had been locked out by Gong Yunyun.

Zhou Zhou frowned, his expression slightly cold.

Yu Xing smiled, cheerily watching the act.

Gong Yunyun was also stunned, and immediately said, “I was very rushed at that time. I didn’t pay attention to you at all, and didn’t know that you didn’t enter the room. It wasn’t on purpose.”

Feeling that everyone was looking at him, Wen Qing anxiously scratched his palms, and asked, “Then last night, was it you who pushed me?”

Gong Yunyun was startled, and immediately said, “Who pushed you? I didn’t push you, why would I want to push you?”

Immediately after, she raised her voice and questioned, “Wen Qing, are you suspecting me of being the guide right now?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips. “I only wanted to know who pushed me, it wasn’t on purpose.”

Gong Yunyun coldly laughed, “If it’s like this, why did you have to ask me in front of everyone?”

“Are you trying to let everyone suspect me?”

Wen Qing was a little frustrated. “But you asked Si Kong in front of everyone just now.”

You could treat others like this, why couldn’t others treat you like this?

Gong Yunyun’s face changed. She never thought that Wen Qing, who looked timid and useless, could have a bit of a brain at this moment.

She couldn’t confess now, but she couldn’t not confess either. She merely shut her mouth, saying nothing else.

After a while, Zhou Zhou glanced at everyone and asked, “Did anyone see who pushed Wen Qing?”

“This person is really suspicious. If it was on purpose, they are most likely the guide. If it wasn’t on purpose, they should come forward to apologise to Wen Qing.”

Nobody said anything.

Zhou Zhou exhaled, and asked Wen Qing, “Do you have any impression of the person?”

“Such as smell? Voice?”

Wen Qing thought about it. At that time, he could only hear the three-headed dog’s voice, and could only smell the scent of blood. He had no impression of that person at all.

He could only remember that the other party touched him, and he was ruthlessly sent crashing into the wall.

Hesitating for a while, Wen Qing said, “They should be very strong.”

Gong Yunyun couldn’t wait before saying, “If they’re very strong, then they should be male.”

Wen Qing looked at her strangely. “But you’re also very strong.”

She could quickly pull him from the door of the bedroom to the study.

Gong Yunyun’s face changed, and her voice became sharp. “Wen Qing, are you targeting me?”

“I’m only telling the truth,” Wen Qing frowned. He wondered if Gong Yunyun’s reaction was because of a guilty conscience, or because she didn’t like him.

Suddenly, a sneer sounded from the front.

Wen Qing raised his head and saw Yu Xing leaning his cheek on his hand, looking at Gong Yunyun with a smile. “You are Gong Yunyun, right?”

“Why are you so anxious?”

“Are you guilty?”

“Are you the guide?”

Once the seeds of suspicion are planted, distrust can soar.

Wen Qing felt a chill down his spine, and suddenly felt the horror of this game.

Let players distrust the people around them, and kill each other.

What if there was no guide at all?


[1] – the characters for specialty is 特长. When split up, they can mean ‘long’ and ‘length’ respectively. Either that, or ‘very’ and ‘long’. Either way, I’m sure I don’t need to explain past this point lol

[2] – sex joke

SV: WQ,,,,, please say your thoughts i beg of you,,,, but I’m glad you’re gaining your confidence!! go bby!!

but with his new discovery, i think maybe ZZ’s idea of the right door being the ‘right’ one is wrong? maybe that one leads to hell instead, and the doors are tricking them? considering stories like these, it’s pretty likely. then again, i’m only a simple reader :shrug:

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