They expect me to be a what??

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – Anger Management

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Chad barely broke stride after exiting the throne room and kept moving deeper into the winding hallways of the castle. Not wanting to be left behind, Dorian, Ash, and I followed. Chad barely seemed to notice our presence as he stomped through the hallways, and eventually thrust open a simple set of wooden doors that led to a large training hall.

Duncan was already waiting for him in a large dirt arena. 

It was then that I noticed Duncan. When we had met him earlier, I had only really taken in the feature that had distinguished him from the other soldiers I had seen in identical armor: that wiry, wild mustache. He had seemed large and imposing of course, as expected of a Captain of the Royal guard. 

But now, I was seeing the man underneath the armor. He was a mountain! He stood in anticipation, wearing only some basic training pants and holding a wooden sword, what little hair remained on his head standing up from his scalp in a dry and shocked appearance. It was like he’d been struck by lightning. 

He was towering in stature, easily closer to seven feet tall than six. I wasn’t sure where his thick neck ended, and his shoulders began. His frame was as wide as a doorway, and he had stayed in very good shape in his advancing years. All the muscles on his arms and chest were huge and defined and looked ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. His physical discipline and dedication were tremendous! He had various scars on his arms and chest, further implicating the tough life he had lived. He cut an imposing figure and had earned his place in this world. 

Chad had already started disrobing once we entered, striping down to just his pants as well, and taking up a training sword off a nearby rack. No one else was present in the room. If there had been, Duncan had likely encouraged them to depart before our impending arrival.

Chad didn’t say a word as he entered the ring, nor did Duncan, and he immediately started to assault the older man. 


Violence filled the training hall.

As I watched, it became clear this wasn’t sparing. This was anger management. 

Chad wasn’t even attempting to show the appearance of a mock fight or training exercise. He was seeing red and was out for blood. As Duncan easily parried each blow, I wondered who Chad was fighting. His father? His younger brother? Me?

Or maybe himself.

Dorian sighed and started to disrobe as well. 

“I knew this was coming. Come on, Ash! You haven’t trained in a couple of days, and we could both use the exercise!”

Ash jumped a bit at the mention of his name and started to object, “Oh, no thank you! I wouldn’t be any kind of use to..” he glanced over at Chad violently advancing on Duncan and gulped, “…that”.

Dorian was already down to his pants, and he started pulling Ash towards some weapon racks. 

“Nah, it will be fine. Just remember when Duncan yells ‘switch’, stay put. He’ll come to you.”

I stood and watched as the four of them sparred, glorious muscles glistening in the light. Dorian had even gotten Ash to shrug out of his robe and he was now shirtless. His muscles weren’t nearly as defined as Dorian or Chad’s, but his skin’s soft, creamy appearance was still appealing. He was getting better with staff fighting, and his strength and endurance had been slowly increasing. But he had a long way to go before he was going to genuinely spar with someone. 

Thus, Dorian was taking great care to make sure Ash never got close to Chad’s wrath. Chad was a fearsome fighter in this uncontrolled state. Had I actually managed to piss him off or there hadn’t been strike rules for victory, there was no way I would have won the tournament. He had already skillfully woven close enough to another rack while sparring with Duncan that he had grabbed another sword. 

Duncan was on a completely different level, however. He continued to fight with one sword with ease, and I had yet to see him take the offensive. Was he scarred of hitting the prince? Or simply not allowed to? 

My question was answered when Chad made his first mistake. 

Chad had gotten overconfident or cocky and had swung both swords in the same powerful direction. Duncan easily blocked both one handed, despite the force Chad threw behind the blow. He then swooped his sword about in a way that caused Chad to lose control of both blades, and they were swept from his grip. 

His opponent now disarmed, Duncan shot out his free hand, grabbed Chad by the throat, and lifted him clear off the ground. Chad furiously clawed at Duncan’s arm, to no avail, and instead started thrashing and kicking wildly in the air. Duncan, undisturbed and unaffected by Chad’s behavior, merely chastised him.

“Your anger continues to get the better of you, boy. Do you not see how allowing it to control you has accomplished nothing?”

He then tossed Chad away from him as if he were a rag doll. 


Dorian obeyed the command and swapped places, allowing Duncan to work with Ash. Chad had already gathered both of his blades again and charged at Dorian. I hoped he was up to the task.

“Entertaining, aren’t they?”

I had been so enthralled by these sweaty, muscular men, that I hadn’t noticed Max had snuck up beside me to also watch the show.

“I’m getting the feeling this is a common occurrence?”

Max nodded, “Oh yeah. Almost every time Chadwick is summoned by Father, he needs a place to vent afterwards. Duncan has been training us since we were old enough to pick up a sword, so impromptu sessions to let out all Chadwick’s aggression seemed the most logical solution.”

“Does Duncan ever actually attack back? He’s really only been countering Chad’s mindless slashing.”

Max chuckled a bit, “Oh, you’ll see. If Chadwick doesn’t stop seeing red soon, Duncan will start fighting for real.” He rubbed his hands together with glee, “Then, you’ll see the real face of our dear Captain!”


I waved at the fighters as they again rotated. 

“Going to join in?” I asked.

Max scratched at the side of his face. “Nah. They’ve already got an even number.” He thrust his chin at Ash, “Plus, it looks like he needs the practice more than you or I do.” Ash was back to training with Dorian, who continued to take practice jabs at him. He had gotten better in the last week and slipped up to get popped infrequently now, but the difference in intensity from their session to Duncan and Chad was night and day.

“Then why are you here?” I questioned. “Are you wanting to watch your brother get knocked down some more pegs?”

“I will admit that’s an added bonus,” he grinned and then looked at me with that patented Chaddington gaze, “but I was actually hoping to get to talk to you some more.”

I blushed but attempted to spurn his adorable, and effective, flirtations. 

“Thanks, but I’ve already got men in my life who want to claim me as theirs.” I sputtered. 

He laughed again and lightly clapped to himself, “No, no! Don’t misunderstand my intentions! I am not yet of age for courting anyway.”

He raised an eyebrow at the boys sweating heavily in the arena.

“And I had already noticed there looks to be a line.”

At least he was observant, which was more than I could say for most of the men I was keeping company with. 

“So, how old are you then?”

“17. Only a few months before Father declares me and starts parading me about like a stud for breeding.” He rolled his eyes with great exaggeration. “I can’t wait to see what lass they pair me up with just so Father will fight with that House or council member a little less.” He looked melancholy for the first time since we had met. “That’s the downside of being so far down the line from the throne. Nobody really cares what becomes of you, just what you can do to help them take a step closer to greatness.”


I attempted to change the subject, “You and Chad have other brothers then?” I immediately realized what I had done and wanted to facepalm myself. 

Yes, Amelia. Nothing says “forget your line of succession woes” like asking how many brothers are ahead of you. You’re so ace at this!

Max didn’t seem to mind the question, however. 

“Of course! But he and I are the only brothers to our Queen Mother.” 

He lifted his eyes to the ceiling, counting, “There are eight of us? Ten? I’ve forgotten. We’re rarely in the same place for long. Once one of us becomes 18, we are quickly married off and sent around the country on various errands or diplomatic missions.”

He grimaced a bit as he added, “To answer your next question, yes, Father has many other women who have shared his bed and have born him sons.” He pressed a hand to his chest, “I was actually an accident. Father is so vain in his appearance to his people, that he has desired Mother to look as perfect as the day they were wed many years ago. Once Chadwick was born, he stopped bedding her almost entirely so as not to risk putting her body through the strain of other children.” He then waved at the air haphazardly, “His other women, he cares not. As a result, we have brothers through three other ‘aunts’. Or is it four?”

I held back the taste of bile in my throat. 

“You mentioned Chad might be losing your father’s favor for heir to the throne. Is one of your brothers really a threat to him?”

Max again grimaced, “Probably not. My jests are all in good fun… mostly. That being said, Horrick is a picture-perfect son, as far as Father is concerned. Had he not been born second, I’m sure Father would have been beyond pleased at his position for succession!”


I crinkled my nose, “Really? What kind of name is Horrick? ”

Max enjoyed my joke at his other elder brother’s expense and grinned again, “I know! He’s about as awful as he sounds too. He and Chad get along about as well as you would think, and Father seems to get a cruel rise out of pitting them against each other.” 

He cocked his head to the side thoughtfully, “I haven’t seen him but once since his arranged political marriage, but I think he’s only gotten worse now that he has a wife and duties. Curiously, she hasn’t born him any children. It’s possible that’s where his rumored increased cruelty has spawned from.”

 He turned his gaze back to his brother and Duncan continuing to fight. Chad was slowing down a bit, but I could tell rage was still ebbing off of him. Duncan had also noticed he was not burnt out yet and had started taking advantage of Chad’s sloppy play by striking him. I winced as Chad got smacked, rather loudly, on his thigh.

Now I know where Chad got it from.

Max continued our earlier conversation, “No, I love my brother. If anything, our connection to Mother has us closer to each other than any of our other siblings. I’m not even sure I know all their names! But Chadwick brings alot of it on himself.” He got a solemn look on his face. “He’s got alot of pressure on him, you know? Father’s expectations. His rivalry with Horrick. The expectations of the Kingdom! That’s why Duncan started agreeing to these sessions. It’s one of the few ways Chad can let loose and release some of the pent-up emotions he’s got to keep in check.”

Chad messed up again and was struck hard on his back, a long welt forming across it.

Max winced, “Although if you’d just go along with marrying him, maybe he could have more pleasurable ways of release?”

He grinned again and I rolled my eyes. I could tell he was teasing me but still, “Yeah, not happening.”


We both laughed to each other, and Dorian wandered over to the slower moving, limping, Chad. 

“And don’t worry,” Max winked, “I know Chadwick hasn’t bed you yet.”

I was surprised, he really was observant!

“Chadwick wouldn’t know what to do with a naked woman if one bit him on his own perfect ass! Especially one as beautiful as you.” He eyed me sidelong and looked me up and down, “Now if you bit me, on the other hand…”

You are reading story They expect me to be a what?? at

Goddess he was cute. 

I coyly raised an eyebrow, “Thought you weren’t of age yet?”

He raised a hand to his chest in a feigned bewilderment, “I’m still a man who is overflowing with needs and can appreciate a woman with such enchanting looks as yourself! I can appreciate a masterful piece of art!”

I continued to blush and giggle playfully. The kid was smooth, I’d give him that. Such a shame Chad didn’t share his personality.

And views on women.

Then it dawned on me. “Where is the queen? I’m surprised she hasn’t been around to greet Chad’s return!”

Max’s face turned sad, “Mother doesn’t have that kind of freedom to roam about the castle freely. Father keeps her under constant watch and only allows her unescorted access to a few rooms in the castle. He’s afraid if she has any excessive interaction with any man other than him, that she may end up falling out of love with him. Father is a jealous man. He even frequently rotates her guards so she can’t get too casual with them.”

He nodded again at Chad, “But Chadwick loves Mother. I’m sure he will make his own way to her once this outburst is through.”

My eyes started to burn with hot tears at this discovery.

I hated this man, their king. Everything about him. He ruled through power and fear, even his own family. 


We both watched Duncan stalk over to an exhausted Chad. How he was still standing at this point was the result of sheer stubbornness. How hot must his anger burn at his father in times like this?

Dorian had taken advantage of his worn out state and had a bit of fun at his expense. In the last swap, he had started laying into him a little harder than usual, taking to also smacking him around after Chad’s sloppy decisions. 

Chad was now huffing and bent over, leaning on a sword stabbed at the floor to keep himself upright. He only had the energy remaining to wield of them. His other hand was empty and lay limp at his side. His exposed skin was red all over from the various unprotected welts and blows it had taken. 

Despite his sparring opponent’s sorry state, Duncan didn’t hesitate. He walked right over to Chad, who attempted to stand and continue to fight, only to have Duncan punch him full-on in the face. The blow leveled Chad, and he collapsed, wheezing on his back and staring at the ceiling.

Max whistled in surprise, his eyebrows practically jumping off his face. I winced. 

That’s some tough love.

“That’s enough!” Duncan yelled at him. “This has to stop. I know you are frustrated with your father, and yourself. But you need to have better control! If you are never able to master your emotions, the citizens you have sworn to love and protect will suffer for it! Your kingdom will suffer. Your family will suffer.”

Chad continued to breath heavily, his limbs splayed out on the ground, stomach heaving like a pump to get air into his exhausted lungs.

Duncan bowed his head and closed his eyes in sorrow. “You had been making such progress. We hadn’t had to engage in this type of training for the last year. I thought you had finally reached a point where we were past needing these sessions. I stood here waiting, hoping you weren’t going to walk through those doors.”

He turned away from Chad, who was breathing a little easier, but still hadn’t moved from his spot on the ground.

“You realize you brought your father’s admonishment on yourself this time.”

Chad finally spoke for the first time since leaving the throne room.

“I know.”

Duncan stopped. “Then maybe you are learning.”

He then turned to Max and I and gestured to the ring, “Either of you need a turn?”

I had no intention of engaging this massive man who had just leveled an opponent I had squeaked by just a month ago. Max had other ideas, and he hip checked me towards Duncan in a faux admission of my interest.

Duncan gave me a big smile, ignoring that Max had intervened on my behalf, “I was hoping it would be you.”

I started to stammer out, “No I—”

Duncan interrupted me, “Come on, lass, I’ve been around long enough. I can tell a fighter when I see one.” He turned and walked over to a rack. 

A rack where Minerva lay.

“Especially a fighter who is willing to boast that she can wield such a weapon as this!” 

He picked her up and hefted her in his grip before giving her a few swings. I hadn’t yet had a chance to use her in battle, but I had practiced swinging her around to get used to her weight. Even for my considerable strength, it was good exercise, but I would have to continue working at it to build up muscle if I was going to swing her about in an extended encounter. 

Duncan, on the other hand, made it appear that she was made of paper, as he tossed her about from hand to hand and twirled and swung her playfully. He then activated her trick heads and beheld her two-headed form.

“Quite a beauty, despite the marginally above average craftsmanship.” He looked at me carefully before adding, “I’ve got a friend who owes me a favor that could improve on this design before we head out. Make this mechanism more sturdy and less prone to breaking or sticking.” 

He paused.

“However,” he pulled at Minerva’s haft and unsheathed Hippolyta. 

“I don’t have any idea what he will make of this!” 

He set Minerva back on the rack and inspected the katana. 

“In all my years, across all my battlefields, I have never seen a weapon such as this.” He squinted down the blade, checking how level it was and gave her some test swings as well. He then held it out to me gently.

“What is it?” he asked, breathlessly. 

“It’s called a katana. It’s a sword from my world.” I explained.

“So, you are sticking to the prince’s story, eh?”

I frowned at him, “It’s not a story!” 


He gestured to all in attendance, everyone now focused on the both of us. “Anyone here that can corroborate with your claim? They saw you, with their own eyes, fall from the Heavens and crash land somewhere out in the countryside?”

I hesitated, “Well, no one here, no.” 

Ash came to my defense, “My eldest sister did. She’s the one who found Amelia in the remains of the Goddess’ temple. She emerged from a great hole in the ground as a result of her landing.” He paused and considered how to add the embarrassing last part, but thankfully just said, “She was unscathed.”

Duncan raised an eyebrow in question, “So, the only witness to her claim is another woman?”

I was started to become disappointed. Duncan had the appearance of a man who had a level head on his shoulders. I was then happy to hear him when he stated, “Your story had best get better if you are using a woman as your sole witness. True or not, that’s not going to do you much good here.” He glanced at Ash again, “Especially if that woman is a descendent of the Goddess herself. You’ll be lucky if you aren’t branded a heretic, or worse.”

Again, he held Hippolyta out to me, “Show me.” 

I took her from him, and he walked over to a rack that held real weapons, not a wooden sword or staff among them.

I nervously took up a stance as he walked back over to me, brandishing a real sword.

“Do not be afraid, I will not attack you. I just want to witness what you can do with that foreign blade.” He waved invitingly at me. 


I decided to go along with his request, stepped forward and swung. Duncan shifted his blade to block.

And Hippolyta shattered.

Shards of it flew everywhere. I quickly looked away and lifted my arm to shield myself. Duncan did the same. After a moment, I looked back to see what had happened. 

The katana had cracked and shattered where I had contacted Duncan’s weapon, about halfway up the blade. The experimental craftsmanship of Bronzemead’s blacksmith had not held, and his unfamiliarity with how to create this strange weapon had been it’s undoing. It had failed in a single blow.

“As I thought.” Duncan said, as if he had already known the outcome. “Your blacksmith’s unfamiliarity with your otherworldly weapon proved too costly, and the blade was not true.” 

He twisted at the corner of his mustache in thought. “At least it failed now instead of in a moment of great need.”

I was heartbroken. I knew when I had inspected the blade for the first time that it had not been perfect. I was well aware of the dedication to the technique needed by the craftsmen on Earth to forge this type of blade. They studied under their masters for decades before being able to craft their own. My blacksmith had merely weeks.

Still, it was something that had connected me to home. One of the reasons I had made the effort in the request to craft it was because it gave me a silly way to feel like I could touch my old life again. I had been treating it like a safety blanket. And now, like so many other things, it was gone. 

I blinked away the beginnings of tears as Duncan held out Minera. I took it graciously and slid what was left of Hippolyta back into the axe.

“Have no fear, lass!” Duncan said cheerfully. “Your axe is still a fine weapon and, with a few more tweaks, should fair you well on the harsh road to come. You appear to have the strength to wield it, with proper training.” He clapped gently me on the back. 

“Come boys, let us collect the prince and all get cleaned up. We have preparations to make before the rest of our party arrives tomorrow.”

Dorian slid up to check on me, aware that I was shaken.

“Are you ok? It’s just a sword. We can get you another one!” Then he stopped, “Well, maybe not one like that, but we’ll think of something!”

He shook my shoulder playfully in his grip.

“I know what will cheer you up! After we bathe and get all cleaned up, let’s go have a laugh at the monstrosity sitting at the top of this mountain!”

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