Thief of constitutions

Chapter 1: Do you want to exchange the wealth of your life for immortality?

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A man in black ran like a breeze of wind in the direction of the rainy clouds. The people on the streets could hardly see a faint black silhouette dashing through the rain. As they were completely distracted by the silhouette in black, everyone on the street looked in the direction of the black figure. A few seconds later, they saw cops running and going in the same direction, they figured out what was going on. They understood what was going on. It was a thief running away from the cops. Someone was robbed, and people had only one name in their minds. The citizens on the street realized that the cops will not be able to catch the thief. Suddenly, one from the crowd shouted, "It's Black!". There was a sudden thought and excitement from people around the street as if they knew Black very well. The citizens were stunned, they could not believe that they had seen "The Black'' running in front of them. Each one was filled with a different emotion in their heart. Some were excited and some thanked god for their well-being. Everyone in the country knew about Black. He was the most infamous person in the country. Every little kid knew about him. Every rich was scared of this name as the Black only aimed for the Richie rich.

Well, Black was the most famous thief in the country. He was known for his famous robberies and was also infamous because of the same reason. Black was not just famous for his theft but also for his character. He had robbed the rich whether it was in the center of the country or in the deepest corner of the country. No region was spared from the eyes of Black. But he never ever touched the treasury of the country which made him the pseudo-Robinhood of the country in the minds of the people. There were many in his support. People would say that due to his rising popularity that he would become the next leader of the country. The haters of the capitalist society were his right hand. Some even thought and believed that he would donate all his money to the country and become the ideal robin hood from the pseudo- robin hood. This is what made him shine among the people of the country. The government had long declared him a monster, a threat to humanity. It was because of his inhuman strength and speed. Leave thinking about catching Black, people could not even see his face when he is running. Missionaries and sharpshooters were not his matches at all. The government could only sit and watch him rob the rich.

The cops ran across the streets to catch the Black. They did their best in the drizzling weather. People could not see him and the cops were expected to catch the best thief in the country.  Few of the cops managed to come to the end of the street running behind Black and saw three ways with no clue in front of them. Like always, they turned around and dismissed the case. The cops knew they couldn't catch him then why trouble themselves? the government and the army couldn't catch him and dumped the case of Black... how will they catch him? This was over-smartness!

Ryan smiled as he saw the cops turning back. He was relieved as he knew he could not run anymore. He was out of breath. he sure has gotten old. Ryan quickly changed into a decent-looking civilian, dumping his famous black coat in the trash. It was long decided that it was his last job. He purposely did it as keeping his iconic black coat will inspire him to rob again. He was 38 years old and wanted to retire from his crazy career. He had saved a decent amount in the last few years. It was enough for a basic lifestyle in the country's outskirts. The same person who stole the treasures of the rich and famous was getting retired and this was going to be the last theft. He was happy that it was the last time he was going to meet the mysterious man again, the mysterious man was the reason why he had become such a great thief. As always, he was a little stressed to meet the mysterious man. Ryan had sold every bit of wealth to the mysterious man. Ryan had brought speed and strength in exchange for wealth. The mysterious man was the very reason why he was able to become "BLACK". Ryan was a normal human until he met the mysterious man, his life rotated 360 degrees from that day onwards.

Ryan was standing on top of a building. He made sure that there was no one around him. He took a deep breath and whispered in the dark, "come out, no one is here". This statement itself was a paradox but it ended up being true.

The mysterious man came out of the darkness. Ryan had just checked the surroundings and he was not there a second ago. Ryan threw the gold onto his feet. The man ignored the bag as if it didn't exist in the first place, it had no value in the eyes of the mysterious man. When he met the mysterious man for the first time, Ryan had a million questions about the mysterious guy, but he couldn't get the answers from his mouth. Ryan wasn't interested anymore, rather he wanted to finish off the last deal and never ever see the mysterious man again. Ryan stared at the mysterious guy, as there was no reply from his side.

"How much time are you going to take to give me what is mine?" Ryan inquired.

This was the 3rd time he was making a deal with the mysterious man. Ryan got super strength and inhuman speed in the last two transactions with the guy. The amount of money he spent was 1/1000 compared to this deal. He had spent every penny he earned or robbed for this one trade. The higher the price, the better the thing. no human had bought it with money. The thing which Ryan wanted was out of the hands of humans. No amount of influence or money can buy it.

"Have you made up your mind, young man?"

"Do you want to exchange the wealth of your life for immortality?"


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