This Alpha's Pheromones Are Exploding

Chapter 58: 56:

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At the end of November, the temperature of the film and television base was close to zero, with a cold bone. Qiu Jinla drove the door and exhaled towards the studio.

The scene started shooting in the early morning, and it required the actors to prepare a few hours in advance. Qiu Jin's zombie makeup was more complicated than ordinary makeup, and arrived at 4:30.

The makeup artist came with the makeup box: "Brother Jin, can I start?"

This is his last scene, Qiu Jin took a deep breath: "Trouble you."

Ji He was bitten by zombies in the previous escape, and after taking herbal medicine, he entered a long fever period. The situation did not improve at the end of the fever period, the pupils were gray, and the body showed zombie characteristics.

Everyone thought he couldn't persevere. Just when everyone was about to send him to the road, Ji He was dying and sat up in shock, becoming a half-human and half-zombie monster.

At this time, he had a zombie habit, distorted walking posture, lost consciousness and language, was sensitive to sound and smell, and would chase humans unconsciously, but unlike zombies, he seemed to retain human reason and not eat people. It even takes care of small animals.

After returning to the Tobu Kingdom, Ji He was kept in a small courtyard and played with cats and birds every day.

The news of the zombies spread throughout the continent, and Tobu was also panicked inside the country.

Some people in the palace gradually rumored that Jiang Zhe brought back a zombie. Someone wrote to kill Ji He and was rejected by Jiang Zhe. Some people stabbed Ji He and were deprived of the title to join the army.

Unlike humans who are in danger from outsiders, Ji He's life presents a rare serenity in the deep walls of the deep palace.

After more than ten days, he could recognize people and speak simple phrases.

At the same time, the army of zombies began to expand eastward, eating away hundreds of villages and towns of all sizes.

The refugees headed east, and the capital was overcrowded.

Finally, the zombie general led a army of tens of millions of zombies to approach the capital city of Tobu.

The capital city of Tobu is surrounded by mountains and water, and a wide and deep moat surrounds it. This has become a powerful barrier against zombies.

However, no one thought that this barrier was broken so fast.

The zombies wandered outside the moat for two full days, because the moat was unable to move forward. Over time, zombies gradually became manic, and more and more zombies gathered from all directions.

Another night passed, and the soldiers from the city watched the building, and suddenly the whole person was stunned there, as if greatly shocked.

"Is it a man?" Someone laughed at him bitterly. "It's been two days. Why are you so afraid of zombies?"

The soldier didn't respond, but just stood there dumbly, his eyes widened, and he even forgot to blink.

"It's really useless. What could be afraid of this bird?" The soldier on the side squeezed him away and stood up. "Let's see if the deadly zombies are dead today."

Soldier No. 2 looked outside and suddenly made a harsh scream.

"Ahhhhhh!!! What is that!!!"

Zombies who once dared not advance because of the fear of the water are now all surrounded by the moat. Like a machine, jumping into the river one by one seems to fill the moat with □□.

Looking at the scene before him, every soldier's face was filled with deep fear.

Ji Tongguang and Jiang Zhe quickly rushed over, even if they had experienced large and small confrontation with the zombies, seeing this scene in front of them, still could not help but feel nervous.

There are countless corpses floating in the moat, but the zombies don't even realize it, they are still one by one, and no one dares to doubt, and soon, these zombies can fill out a zombie passage...

Ji Tongguang looked up and found that more zombies were coming at the end of Skyrim, gradually enclosing the capital. The zombie general who hunted them down was sitting on the horse, as if he had noticed his sight and accurately met his gaze.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in the sunlight, and at the next moment, arrows flew across the sky towards the city wall.

fast! too fast!

Can't take it!


Ji Tongguang immediately stooped to avoid it, and with a "boom" sound, arrows were heavily inserted into the wall behind him, and a terrible depression appeared on the brick wall.

Looking at this mark, Ji Tongguang's heart was beating violently, and his muscles were tight.

The soldiers who had defended the city had been scared and silly for a long time, and some people even left their helmets and armor and wanted to escape.

"Aren't zombies unconscious? Why can they still shoot arrows?"

"Is it a human or a zombie?"

"What kind of monster are we facing!"


"I know you are afraid," Jiang Zhe's voice came out in a panic.

In the heyday, he may be a frightening owl, but when the zombies besieged, his brutality gave people a calming power, and the eyes of all soldiers gathered on him.

"Actually, I'm afraid, but I know I can't back away."

Jiang Zhe wore a piece of armor and looked like a torch: "Xi Qiguo was the place where the corpse was born. Now there are no survivors. Central Fen, An, and Ning have also fallen. Just three days ago, someone was bitten and boarded the Nandu ferry. Only, the Nanping Kingdom is now full of zombies. The world is so big that only the land of the Tobu Kingdom belongs to humans."

Jiang Zhe glanced across a panicked face, saying one by one: "And you are the last hope of mankind."

After a long silence, a soldier stood up.

"Laozi's wife and children are still in the village, and they are all ruined by these...I must kill those zombie zombies!"

"I haven't gotten married yet. If anyone stopped me from marrying my daughter-in-law, I would hit his dog's head." Another soldier set up a bow and arrow, and his eyes were red aiming at the zombie.

More and more people have come forward.

Jiang Zhe issued an order: "Array, archery!"

The airtight arrows woven to the zombies, and countless zombies fell.

Jiang Zhe's move temporarily suppressed the zombie's attack.

"They are all terrified," Wu Mei walked down the wall and sighed. "Maybe it won't last long."

Ji Tongguang nodded: "Although the military mind has been stabilized for the time being, if we can't come up with any countermeasures and no accidents, the moat can be filled tonight."

"You don't need tonight," Jiang Zhe said in a deep voice, and his eyes were filled with fierceness. "There will be measures to meet the enemy within the morning."

In the lobby of the palace, everyone gathered around the table and looked at the map to think about countermeasures.

The navigation technology of the Tobu Kingdom is well-developed, and some people proposed to go to sea and take a boat to Liangang, north of the Great Wall. In order to resist the nomadic people in the north, the Tobu Kingdom built the Great Wall to the north of the border.

"No, even the Great Wall is nothing but a wall of paper in front of the accumulated zombies."

The man asked again: "What about going to the island?"

Jiang Zhe sneered: "Would you like to give up this great river and mountain? Do you live like a shrunken turtle in your next life?"

The person who made the suggestion stopped talking.

Ji Tongguang: "Since we want to defend the city, we must first deal with the leader who can command the zombie."

"But he has been hiding behind the army of zombies. If we act rashly, we will become zombies without being close."

"How about enemy attacks around the back?"

"No, there are too many zombies, we can't run away."

"Shoot him down?"

"His acuity is extremely high. Last time I grabbed the arrow I shot with my bare hands, I am afraid it is not so easy to take it down. "Ji Tongguang disagrees," and this zombie has a very strong revenge, and he returned my sword this morning."

After a long silence, I don’t know who sighed, helplessly said: "Can we only sit and wait?"

Everyone fell into deathly silence, and no one could answer this question.


Suddenly, a soldier ran outside and broke the silence.

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Jiang Zhe: "Say."

"The water of the moat is overflowing and it is expected to break through in the evening."

Jiang Zhe waved his hand in a hoarse voice: "Got it."

This message once again pulled people into despair.

People looked at each other, trying to find a glimmer of hope in each other's eyes, but they all failed. Like being stuck in the neck with an invisible hand, everyone is pressed against the nerve by fear.

Just then, Ji Tongguang suddenly stood up: "I can deal with that zombie."

Everyone's eyes turned to him.

Wu Mei seemed to guess, and immediately pulled his sleeve: "Are you going to die?"

Ji Tongguang didn't look at her, just said to everyone: "I can pretend to be a zombie to approach each other and then kill him. When I was in West Qi State, I disguised a zombie. As long as they mimic their actions and cover up the smell of the body, they won't find out abnormal."

"No, I don't agree," Wu Meili said, "The zombies have evolved a long time ago, and we weren't the same species that we encountered. And even if they are ordinary zombies, how can you guarantee that you have to pass through so many zombies? Do people recognize you? You just die in vain."

Ji Tongguang: "Do you have any other way?"

Wu Mei let go of the hand that pulled his sleeve and murmured: "There is always a way..."

However, this sentence could not even convince herself.

She also knows that there is no other way, but the probability of success is too low...

Jiang Zhe: "I sent a team of elite escorts to you, wherever I go, it is up to you."

Ji Tongguang was about to nod, but unexpectedly Ji He appeared at the door.

The youth's white eyes have become muddy, and his eyes also show a dead gray, but the expression on his face is very gentle, as if undoubtedly ordinary.

He said to everyone: "I'm going."

Ji Tongguang: "Don't make trouble, stay in the palace and take a good rest."

Ji He held Ji Tongguang's sleeves and repeated: "I'm going."

Ji Tongguang stopped and said with a good voice: "You don't feel relieved if you go like this."

Ji He stood there, frowning gradually, as if thinking about something. At the next moment, he suddenly rushed towards Ji Tongguang, making a loud and frightening roar.

Now people were panicking, and when they heard this sound, they thought that the zombies had attacked, and everyone in the room rushed out with their swords.

"It's okay, let's play around." Ji Tongguang waved his hand.

Ji He also showed his sharp teeth, breathing at him, trying to turn himself into a very cruel zombie.

However, after doing all this, he seemed to be embarrassed. He bowed his head a little shamefully and said again and again, "I'm going to..."

Ji Tongguang was helpless: "Stop making trouble, let me go."

People think that this suggestion is good, saying one after another: "Let him go."

"He's the best choice."

"It's more useful for you to stay on."

Anyway, the success rate of this operation is low, and the loss of Ji He’s failure is not great.

"No, I have my own way." Ji Tongguang is also very determined. In order to save him from being like this, he can never put the other party in danger again.

As if knowing that Qi Jiguang was useless, Ji He turned to Jiang Zhe instead.

The latter looked down at him with a cold tone: "Are you sure you want to go?"

Ji He nodded.

Jiang Zhe looked down at him, and the next moment, the man suddenly lowered his head and kissed fiercely. The kiss came unprepared, and Qiu Jin quickly turned around, so that the kiss fell on his face.

Qiu Jin was puzzled and surprised. What happened to Jiang Ming's sudden coming? This is not an action in the script at all. Moreover, there are special effects makeup for zombies hanging on his face, which should look very scary, how can Jiang Ming get in touch?

However, Yi Congqing did not stop, although Qiu Jin did not know why, but he could only continue the performance following the action just now.

Finally, Ji He decided to complete this task. Ji He was taken away from the side door by a small group of guards disguised as zombies, and quietly mixed into the zombie group.

When they first arrived, few zombies noticed.

A zombie sniffed him, Ji He roared back with his mouth open, and some zombies looked up at him, Ji He didn't panic, and stared back with his pale eyes.

For a time, the scene turned out to have some preferences.

However, as they moved forward, the captain of the **** gradually had a problem. Their direction was reversed. All the zombies were rushing towards the moat, and only they walked outside.

The zombie general also noticed the anomaly and was about to check it out. Suddenly an arrow came straight.

Ji Tongguang's arrows on the city wall attracted the attention of the zombie generals, and the guard escaped.

Even so, when they arrived, only Ji He and two other soldiers remained.

The two looked at each other, and as the zombie sneaked behind the horse, one cut the leg of the horse, and the other stabbed the general zombie.

Unexpectedly, the general responded very quickly. His left hand blocked the sword, and his right hand closed with five fingers to penetrate the soldier's chest.

Another soldier fell to the ground by the zombie beside him.

This created Ji He can take advantage of

At the opportunity, he immediately drew his sword and cut it towards the general’s neck. However, what he did not expect was that the opponent's body suddenly folded into two stacks, avoiding the attack in an impossible posture of normal human beings. , Deeply immersed in the zombie chest.

The latter made a painful howl.

The zombies around seemed to be called and immediately rushed to Ji He.

Countless zombies chewed on his body, but Ji He didn't realize it, just hugged the zombie general and shouted, "Ji Tongguang!"

On the city wall, Ji Tongguang pulled his bow and arrow to aim at the target.

His heart was beating fast, but his hands were surprisingly smooth. Everything around him became trance, only the target in the distance in his eyes. At this moment when countless people fought for him, he was going to kill the leader of the zombie.

With the sound of "Teng", arrows pierced the air and penetrated the head of the zombie general.

The huge body crashed to the ground.

Ji He's gray eyes also lost all brilliance.

Ji Tongguang withdrew his bow and arrow, and his eyes were already red.

The zombies who filled the puddle stopped and looked left and right, revealing a somewhat dazed look, and regained the appearance of no IQ.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but the moat had been filled with a passage by the zombies, who stepped on the bodies of their companions and gathered under the city.

A new round of attack and defense began.

In the early morning of the next day, the war finally came to an end. Ji Tongguang stood on the city wall and gazed at the scorched earth. Although the cost was huge, mankind won the final victory.

A reward banquet was held in the palace, people reached unprecedented unity, and everyone smiled for the rest of the life.

No one thought that Jiang Zhe on the throne took a sip of wine, suddenly changed his face, and suddenly fell off the throne, spitting foam on the spot, and died.

In the corner of the banquet hall, Ji Tong turned away with a smooth expression.

It was raining heavily when they left Tobu. After three days and three nights of heavy rain, the once-dried river channel was flooded again, and countless zombies turned into dead bones.

The final scene of "The Rise and Fall of the World" is Ji Tongguang and Wu Mei standing on the banks of the Yellow River.

The ground was covered with bones, and the river was flooding.

The world rises and falls, and the rivers and mountains remain.

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