This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

Chapter 27: 2.12 ❤ Backdoor Fun

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The tense mood settled, eventually. They couldn’t stew in silence for long. They had plenty to talk about, and Zoey meant that in a practical sense; Rosalie’s interview of Delta had been brief, and their discussions too, because they’d intended on talking strategy on the long trip to the  shard entrance.

“I’m sorry,” Delta said. “Topped off? What do you mean she’ll need to be topped off?”

Rosalie glanced at Zoey. “You didn’t tell her?”

“Didn’t come up.”

Rosalie made a ‘go-ahead’ gesture.

Zoey and Delta met eyes. Delta seemed amused, fox ears twitching even as the edges of her lips curled up.

Zoey couldn’t fully prevent the coloring of her cheeks, even if Delta knew the strangeness of Zoey’s class, by this point. “I don’t use mana,” Zoey said. “I use, uh. Lust. It’s like mana, but doesn’t recharge passively, and is only refilled with intimacy.”

“And is more potent,” Rosalie added.

“It is?” Zoey asked.

“Your one-circle ice spike is unnaturally powerful.”

“Really?” Rosalie hadn’t mentioned any such thing to her.

“About twice as strong as a competent first-advancement caster’s would be,” Rosalie said. “The downside is that you exhaust yourself much faster. Enough you could run out in a single fight.”

“Hence the top-offs,” Delta said, nodding. “Sheesh. So, what. Between every fight? That’s a lot of sex.”

Every fight would be unnecessary,” Rosalie said. Like usual, when she became embarrassed, her voice took a controlled, clipped tone. “But with some frequency, yes. We don’t want her reserving her abilities; she needs to train her runes as much as us.”

“So every few.”

“Five or six, I would guess.”

“Still a lot of sex. We taking turns?”

“It doesn’t need to be sex,” Rosalie said. “Intimacy of any form, with one of her bonded targets.”

“Yeah, but handys’ll get old. What do you usually do? Mouth, or all the way?”

Rosalie started sputtering.

A thought having hit Zoey, and also to save Rosalie, she interjected, “Will having both of you mean a faster recharge?”

Delta and Rosalie looked at her.

Zoey blushed. “Not because—I’m not trying to—”

“Horndog,” Delta grinned. “One isn’t enough? Gotta have us both at the same time?”

“It just seems plausible! Not trying to be weird. Either of you is more than anyone could hope for.”

Delta paused, then blushed. “You can’t say shit like that with such a straight face. What’s wrong with you?”

Rosalie, on her part, had crossed her arms. If Zoey had to guess, it was because Delta had been lumped in under the descriptor of ‘amazing’ along with her.

“I’m just saying, it makes sense,” Zoey said. 

Delta considered it for a second, then laughed. “Eh, guess it does. The Maker knows it could fit four hands, so that won’t be a problem. Or two mouths, for fuck’s sake. Five or six of them, really. Guess it’s worth a shot.”

Zoey tried not to linger on the imagery of five or six mouths working up her shaft. Getting hard while hiking through the rugged terrain of the Fractures would be a bit inconvenient.

“As if I would ever engage in—in such activities—with this woman,” Rosalie said.

“Then one is fine,” Zoey said instantly. “The thought just struck me. Everyone’s comfort matters more.”

“Aw,” Delta said. “That’s sweet, and really gross. Seriously, stop saying shit like that.” She wrinkled her nose at Rosalie. “And what happened to professionalism? As if I’m twitching to jump into bed with you. But she’s got a class, and reality needs to be faced. Weren’t you the one whining about that?”

“If it becomes necessary, then I’ll consider it. Her resources are hardly difficult to come by. One of us is plenty. It’ll simply mean more stops—if that’s even how it works.”

Delta shrugged. “Whatever. Prude.”

The conversation devolved into bickering, as it had a few times before.

How are we only an hour in? Would they even make it to the shard in one piece, before Rosalie and Delta started engaging in honor duels? 

Forecast … not promising.




“Loot distribution,” Delta said. “How’s that working?”

“Discretionary. Dump it and split, if there’s issues.”

Delta bobbed her head, as if the words that had escaped Rosalie’s mouth were more than a collection of nonsensical sounds. “Sure. Even?”

“Is always the goal.” Rosalie shrugged. “You’ll find we’re not picky. It’s low-advancement equipment. Who cares?”

“Fill me in?” Zoey asked.

Rosalie glanced her way. “Oh. We’ll use our best discretion, come to an agreement on how items will be split, once the shard is complete. If we can’t—if we refuse to find some terms we all agree on—then we’ll sell everything we’ve collected to a third party and split the coin three ways. Which is less than ideal, but the only fair option when compromise can’t be made.”

Made sense, Zoey guessed. It wasn’t the first time Rosalie and Delta had used lingo Zoey needed to be caught up on. Before, when it’d just been the two of them, Rosalie had been careful in which phrases she used, knowing Zoey had no clue what was going on. Now, having another experienced Wayfarer by her side, the two fell into nearly nonsensical discussions. It was useful for picking up on how things worked, at least. Zoey was getting the barest hang of Wayfarer terminology.

“Speaking of items,” Zoey said. “We using ours, this shard?”

“The … ?”

“New ones, yeah.”

Rosalie’s lips pursed. “With such significant benefits, it would be foolish not to.”

“My turn to be filled in, lovebirds. What new items?”

Rosalie’s nose wrinkled at the ‘lovebirds’ statement, but she answered Delta. They two might dislike each other, but they were professionals; enjoying each other’s company was far from a prerequisite to them working as a team. That included these preliminary discussions on how they’d be tackling the shard.

“Last shard was unusual, as we’ve mentioned to you.”

“And you think this one’ll be too.” Delta nodded her head; Zoey and Rosalie had hardly dragged her along without informing her of that risk. “So, what, pervy items? How so?”

She’d picked up on the subtext, so at least they didn’t have to break the general idea to her. Rosalie deferred to Zoey, glancing her way; like usual, Zoey picked up the slack on the more embarrassing parts of their circumstances.

Might as well hurl off the deep end; no reason to tiptoe. Hadn’t Delta been the one to say exactly that: that she hated tiptoeing? Made things easier. “The important ones are a pair of nipple rings, and a set of buttplugs.”

Delta burst out laughing. “No shit.” The reaction tugged a smile to Zoey’s lips; she’d found the situation hilarious when it had emerged, too. “What do they do?”

“Both empower,” Zoey said. “But only on orgasm.” She’d spare the exact details. Only needed to get the general idea across, for now.

Rosalie was shaking her head and pointedly ignoring the conversation.

“You told me this shard might be perverted,” Delta said, “but you didn’t tell me you’d be shoving shit up my ass.”

“Definitely not a requirement. Again, only do what you’re comfortable with.”

“What kind of buffs we talking?”

“Significant,” Rosalie said. “It’s the only reason I remotely considered it.”

“‘Significant’ to her means something serious, I’m taking it,” Delta said, looking at Zoey.

“The artificer we worked with suggested a forty percent boost to …” Zoey had forgotten.

“Vitality, perception, focus, and strength,” Rosalie said. 

Delta stumbled a step. “No joke?”

“Considering their oddity,” Rosalie said tightly, “it better produce a worthwhile effect.”

“They have to be worn in tandem, too,” Zoey said. “They’re in matching pairs. Same size. Bigger ones mean better effect.”

“You’ve got multiple sizes?”

“A whole set.”

“Shit, bust those bad boys out. Lemme take a look.”

Zoey did so. They continued to walk and she cracked open the case and showed off the bizarre items to Delta.

Delta withdrew the largest of the plugs—one which flared larger than Zoey’s fist, noticeably larger, big enough to be comical—and stared at it in disbelief. “Dude, even if I wanted to, not a fucking shot. The hell you think I’ve been stuffing back there? My fist? Both of them?”

That kind of implied Delta’d been stuffing things ‘back there’ at all, which sent a little thrill through Zoey. “If I had to guess, that’s why it’s so strong. The smaller ones aren’t as good. It’ll take time to work up to the biggest.”

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“You’re trying to work up to this?!” Delta waggled the plug in disbelief.

Zoey blushed. “I mean—um, no, not particularly? But don’t you like, get used to it, over time?”

“Sure, if you’re stretching yourself out daily.” Delta paused. “Do you?”

“I haven’t done much, uh.”

“Backdoor stuff.”

“Backdoor stuff,” Zoey repeated. “But I’m not against it.”

“So you’ll be starting off small.”


“Well,” Delta said. “You can make a lot of progress using health potions, if you’re willing to be uncomfortable. Want to start? Like, noticeable progress. Enough to matter before we reach the shard.”

“Oh,” Zoey said. Shit, right now? “Um.” She glanced at Rosalie.

“There’s only two,” Rosalie said, “and if I absolutely must be forced into this degeneracy, it’ll be with the rings.”

“Rings?” Delta asked.

“Nipple rings that improve attack speed on orgasm,” Zoey said.

“What the hell?” Delta sounded delighted. “This shit is awesome.”

“Yes, well, they’re mine. You two handle the—” Rosalie waved in disgust toward their even less-savory item.

“Huh,” Zoey said, still coming to terms with the swerve toward perversion. “Okay. But right now?”

“It’s a bit weird walking with one, but it’ll help stretch you out. Maybe you can be at the third smallest, by the time we’re there.”

Fuck me. She was going to hike all the way to the shard with these things shoved up her butt?

Why was her dick getting hard?

“There she is,” Delta laughed. “I wondered when she’d be coming out to play.”

Zoey flushed and adjusted the stiffening length in her pants. “Sorry. Could only hold out so long.”

Delta shrugged. “I’m hardly a prude. And I’ve got the feeling blondie’s well and used to it, by now.”

Rosalie, like usual, ignored her.

“Alright, break time,” Delta said, clapping, as the three of them stalled. “Me n’ your girlfriend are about to get freaky, blondie, so you might want to cover your eyes.”

“Girlfriend!” Rosalie sputtered a second, then stalked away.

“Man,” Delta said. “She’s got it bad. It’s way too easy.”

“I’d rather you didn’t tease,” Zoey said quietly, low enough Rosalie couldn’t hear. “We’re uh. Well. Me, I mean. I’m working on things.”

Delta actually seemed a bit sympathetic to the request; she nodded. “Honestly, some dick’ll do her good. So sure. I’ll try to keep that teasing to a minimum. Not the rest, though. Now get those pants down, Missy.”

Fuck. It’s actually happening. She hadn’t never had something up her ass—that one girlfriend who’d loved receiving had convinced Zoey into some fun of her own—but she was far from experienced.

Zoey pulled out a towel and laid it across the rugged forest floor. She tugged down her pants, then underwear, springing out her now-hard cock. Her clothes rested in a bunch atop her boots. Delta smirked at her, clearly taking amusement at this whole situation. Which, Zoey guessed, was good, all things considered. If Zoey had a perverted class, it was beneficial they’d wandered on a third party-member who wasn’t too fussed by the ordeal.

Less fussed than Rosalie, even, who’d stalked away.

“This might be useful,” Zoey said, pulling out the bottle of cleaning agent and handing it to her.

Delta blinked at the item, presumably Inspecting it. “Man, that simplifies things. Or, not simplifies, but—” she laughed. “Well, you get the idea.” Delta got down between Zoey’s spread-out legs, setting the buttplug box to the right. She shuffled forward. “Alright, time to do the scorpion.”


Zoey squeaked as Delta man-handled her, grabbing Zoey’s legs and toppling her so her back was curved, and Zoey’s lower half was pressed into Delta’s fully-clothed chest. She was bent in a ‘C’, her cock now pointed directly at her face. Zoey saw pre-cum had gathered at its tip—not that it’d be seeing any relief.

She looked ridiculous, without a doubt, curled over like this, upside down and with her pants and underwear at her ankles. Zoey got the feeling Delta had chosen this position for a reason.

Delta didn’t waste any time, or ask permission. Zoey guessed 'implied' was more than enough for her. She squirted the cold liquid onto Zoey’s asshole, the sensation making her shiver, then started rubbing her fingers in circles, which made her gasp.

“You’re not totally new, right?” Delta asked.


“That’s good.”

“Squeeze, uh, the bottle in. So it’s clean.”

Delta did so. It popped into Zoey’s hole, spreading her open in a bizarre—but pleasurable—way. “Fuck,” she panted, even as Delta squeezed, sending a burst of liquid in, which Zoey could actively feel working away on her insides. When Rosalie had said it ‘tingled’, she’d understated things.

Again, without asking, or even giving her forewarning, Delta’s middle finger popped into Zoey’s second entrance. Zoey gasped as a wiggling finger invaded her. She forced herself to relax; to not tense up. There’d be much larger invaders coming, shortly.

“Let’s go for broke,” Delta said. “I’m starting with second smallest.”

There was half a question in Delta’s voice, so she was at least somewhat considerate. Zoey didn’t contradict her.

A cold piece of metal started making circles around her backdoor. The cleaning liquid had left behind a lubricated residue; it slid easily, the temperature of the object making her shiver.

A drop of precum dripped onto Zoey’s shirt, absorbing in a dark stain. Why am I dripping so much? She was more excited than she thought she’d be.

The object pressed in, slowly, under Delta’s steady efforts, and spread Zoey’s rarely-used entrance apart.

She sucked in air; it was nothing like Delta’s fingers. Those had been a surprise—foreign—but far from large. Even the second smallest of the collection spread her many times more. A pained whine slipped from Zoey’s lips. It hurt, the smallest amount—but in a good way.

Delta stilled at the noise. “Too ambitious?”

“Just, uh, slower,” she panted.

Delta pulled the object out, then started playing circles around her entrance. She dipped it in—drawing a gasp—then dipped it out, slowly working Zoey up to taking its full width.

It lasted a few minutes, Delta carefully working it deeper and deeper with every repetition.


Zoey gasped as the pressure disappeared all at once, the flared metal finally sinking into Zoey’s insides, and her tight hole wrapping around the skinny portion just  before the base. Even the thin rod exerted no small amount of pressure, though, seeing how Zoey’s asshole was—well, accustomed to being closed, not spread open more than a finger wide.

“There she is,” Delta laughed. “Man, you’re making a mess. Stop dripping everywhere.” She was referring to Zoey’s excited cock.

“Can’t really help it,” Zoey said, face blazing. The ‘C’ position Delta had curled her into was extremely embarrassing; she wished Delta had the smallest amount more shame. Zoey had liked it better when she’d been the unruffled one in the dynamic.

Delta wiggled the circular base of the toy, stirring it around in Zoey’s insides. Zoey gasped.

“Stop playing!”

“When you make noises like that, how can I help myself?”

Zoey awkwardly shuffled back so that her ass was no longer in the air, and her cock no longer pointed at her face. “Your turn.”

“I don’t need the practice. I can already fit—well, whatever you can.”

Zoey stared at her in disbelief. “You’re going to make me suffer through this alone?” Even just adjusting herself back to a sitting position had jostled the object around, her clenching asshole highly displeased with its invader. 

And her cock not highly displeased. Shit. It really feels great. I kinda wanna go bigger. But even this one had barely fit; better to not. At least, for now. By the sounds of it, she’d be working her way up as they walked. Delta hadn’t mentioned health potions for no reason; Zoey assumed they’d be getting ambitious about things.

“You’re a sweetheart,” Delta said, “But I’m not walking six hours with a plug up my ass if I don’t need to.” She jabbed a finger at Zoey. “Only you need the prep.”

Delta paused.

“But if you want me to take care of you, so you’re not hard the whole way, I can do that.”

Zoey’s cock pulsed in anticipation.

Delta laughed. “That’s a ‘yes’, in my book.” She crawled forward and wrapped a hand around Zoey’s cock. “I’ve heard it’s even better when something’s shoved up there. But I guess you’re not a dude, so it’s hard to say. They’ve got some butt stuff we don’t.”

“You really have a way with words,” Zoey said dryly. She wondered—did she have one of those, with her transformation? Probably not. The insertion of the plug had felt more or less the same as when she’d had her few risque interactions with her old girlfriend. No magical soft-spot up there.

Still. The constant pressure of having that rarely-explored hole spread open by cold steel … it was definitely making Delta’s coaxing hands a more effective extractor.

Zoey laid back and covered her face with an arm, letting herself be milked by two diligent, powerful hands, lower hole clenching against tough metal, flared bulb filling up her insides.

For the tenth or hundredth time, Zoey thought, It’s really not all bad, is it? Stolen away between dimensions, memories carved away—but damn. Two eager, cute teammates, always willing to help.

Her stomach clenched. A burning anticipation built in her cock.

Her hips jerked forward, her back arching as she let go.

“There she is,” Delta laughed delightedly as Zoey sprayed into the air, wrists twisting up and down. “And all over your face. You really don’t care, do you, you naughty girl?”

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