This Devil Grants Wishes

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Arc 1: Mira in a Doomsday World [1]

"Why?! Why do you have to take everything away from me?" Mira sobbed, two rows of clear tears rolling down her pale and sunken cheeks.

Wei Lin looked at her indifferently.

"My mother struggled to raise me alone and finally died of poor health when I was not even an adult. For a year, I endured being ridiculed by my relatives, forced to live with an aunt who only sees me as a walking moneybag... before finally being recognized by my father—but even then, nobody treated me seriously," Wei Lin paused, her eyes scanning Mira coldly, "Meanwhile, you lived like a princess in a mansion all your life. You had a mother and a father to raise you. Everybody respected and loved you. You went to the best school and had the best things... Your life was perfect. You have no right to hold grudges against me. On the other hand, I have every right to detest you. You are the reason I have no complete family. You are the one who occupied the things that should've belonged to me. Isn't it just right for me to take them back?"

Mira glared at her resentfully, "So you hurt my mom, destroyed my reputation, and crippled me to 'take things back'? The Lu family is yours, what more do you want? I didn't choose to be Lu Ming's daughter!"

Wei Lin raised her brows, "Yes. It's called revenge. And you have a point... None of us chose to be his daughter. Unfortunately, we both are. This path is inevitable. Don't worry, since I have avenged my grievances, I won't be targeting you again. If you manage to survive today, you might still have a shot at getting revenge."

After uttering these words, Wei Lin decisively turned to leave. As she did so, the zombies that were previously scared to approach instantly swarmed toward Mira.

Just like that, she died.


Mira threw the book in anger. In the dark space, the book floated away before disappearing into thin air.

"0/10!!! 0/10!!!" she shouted, "Bad plot! Bad characters! Terrible death!"

Mira huffed, feeling extremely annoyed.

Just now, she had been reading a book. The person eaten by zombies had the same name as her—Mira. The character in the book was a weak and delicate little miss of a rich family. Before she died, she was confronting another character—her sister, Wei Lin. The two were half-sisters. Whereas Lu Mira was considered Lu's legitimate daughter, Wei Lin was born from an affair.

Ironically, Wei Lin was older than Mira. From Wei Lin's point of view, Mira had everything that should belong to her. From Mira's point of view, Wei Lin destroyed everything that belonged to her.

In fact, this was a rebirth apocalypse story. Wei Lin was an illegitimate child who was neglected and uncared for, while her half-sister was loved by everyone and treated as a princess.

When the apocalypse arrived, Mira was immediately protected by her loyal boyfriend. Her father and mother both died on the road back to the mansion due to zombies, but she was still able to maintain her princess-like life because of her capable friends.

Meanwhile, Wei Lin had to fight alone. Because of her cold and prideful temperament, few people wanted to approach her. She became known as a cold beauty, but was finally killed in a zombie tide. Before she died, she saw Mira who was being protected while escaping, and deep resentment filled her.

When Wei Lin awoke again, she was surprised to see that she had been brought to five years back.

She was still alive, and there was still half a year before the apocalypse starts. Moreover, she was also able to gain a heaven-defying golden finger—the legendary space!

She immediately made great preparations. She hoarded all sorts of necessary goods, secretly planned to contact people who were once famous back in the apocalypse, and trained her body's endurance and fighting skills.

While doing all these, she had not forgotten to also make plans to ruin Mira's life.

She had a friend named Sakura, who actually had a crush on Mira's boyfriend, Alex. With her help, the two were able to have a series of encounters and gradually became familiar with each other.

Because Mira knew Sakura as Wei Lin's closest friend, she habitually treated Sakura coldly, causing Alex to be disappointed and dissatisfied. Soon enough, Alex broke up with Mira and got together with Sakura.

Mira already foresaw this ending, so she was mentally prepared, but a few days later, she bumped into Sakura and Wei Lin in a cafe. Little did she know that it was the beginning of her life's destruction.

Sakura accidentally splashed coffee on her. She apologized insincerely, which made Mira annoyed. Mira stated loudly that since she ruined her clothes, she should buy new ones. It was obvious that Mira was wearing high-end clothes—all of which a middle-class student's pocket money couldn't afford.

Sakura felt humiliated and immediately started crying. It was at that moment that Alex appeared. He sided with Sakura and berated Mira as a mean and jealous girl who looked down on the poor, and the matter eventually spread to their school.

Mira, Alex, and Wei Lin were all in the business department, while Sakura was studying fashion design. Both Mira and Alex were popular, and everyone knew that they were a couple. The love triangle became a hot discussion, and Wei Lin, as the closest spectator, was approached by many who wanted to know the inside story. Not only did she gain popularity, but she was also able to spread Mira's relationship matters easily. She also hinted at how they were related, which automatically made her gain sympathy from people.

On the other hand, Mira's reputation plummeted. Although she was always surrounded by people, Mira had few close friends. Thankfully, those close friends knew her well and didn't despise her even after hearing those rumors.

It was only unfortunate that when the apocalypse started, Mira's closest friends died one by one. In the end, she was the only one left. If not for her grandfather's high position in the capital, she wouldn't have been able to survive. It was also her luck that she was able to arrive at the capital safely.

But, of course, Wei Lin won't let her off that easily.

Wei Lin was able to assemble powerful people together, and among them was Xu, the son of the person who caused the apocalypse.

Because Wei Lin's group had Xu, who might be the key to ending the apocalypse, they were highly regarded by many. It became easy for Wei Lin to lure out Mira, trap her in an abandoned building, and let her be besieged by zombies.

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Afterward... well, Mira had no idea what happened afterward. The story ends there.

To tell the truth, this was no book.

This was the life story of a girl named Lu Mira, who was currently trading her soul to a devil also named 'Mira'.

Mira's cheeks were puffed, and Mira (the soul) was standing by her side, not daring to move or speak.

Mira looked at the wary girl beside her. She squinted her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mira asked.

Mira the soul looked up, regret and hatred flashing through her eyes.

"Yes," she replied unhesitatingly.

The corner of Mira's lips rose. She stood up and yawned, starting to stretch her limbs.

Mira the soul watched her silently.

Although their names were the same, their appearance were completely different. The soul named Mira looked like a classic white flower—white skin, dark hair, and dark eyes that exuded weakness, softness, and vulnerability. Meanwhile, the devil named Mira had a beauty that was different from mortals—stunning and ethereal. She had an aura of a goddess, with crystal-like green eyes, raven hair, as well as innocent and angelic features.

The smile on her lips, however, was filled with evil charm.

"Well," Mira sighed, "You're aware that making a deal with a devil may cut off your path for reincarnation, right?"

Mira the soul nodded, "I know..."

"Okay, since you know, sign the contract."

With a snap of her fingers, a jade stone appeared in front of Mira the soul. There was a word engraved on it, but the letters were not at all familiar to a mortal soul like Mira.

Mira the soul's mouth opened, and it took a while before she was able to speak, "...What should I do with this?"

Mira blinked, then waved her hand, "Just touch it. Then, determine whether you are really willing to trade your soul for revenge. If you are, the jade will automatically take a part of you that is deemed to be a fair equivalent for the request you're making. This is the last warning. You're making a deal with a devil. Your request is to be able to take revenge on Wei Lin... This request is not much, so your soul won't be directly dissipated, but it might require more than half of your soul. That means you would be degraded into a lower being, and it may take several thousands of lives before you are able to reincarnate as a higher mortal. Again, are you willing?"

Mira the soul pursed her lips. It was only after her death that she realized that Wei Lin had been reborn. She regained the memories of both lives, but she was already dead. Even if she knew, what could she do? But now... she was finally given a chance to get revenge.

Thinking of her beloved friends dying in front of her one by one, she clenched her fists.

"I'm sure. I'm willing."

Mira smiled. She watched the soul place her hand on the jade stone, and in just a few seconds, the soul became more and more transparent, until she could barely be seen. The jade glowed dimly. Mira took it back with a playful expression.

"Alright, it's done. I'll travel to your world and fulfill your wishes. Don't worry, even if you won't be able to witness everything, part of your soul is within this jade. Your own satisfaction will determine the completion of the deal. Once I fulfill my end of the agreement, this part of your soul will no longer be yours either. If I don't manage to do so... this will go back to you, and although you will be a bit weaker, you will no longer have to wait for thousands of years to regain your previous state. Is this clear?"

The soul nodded weakly, feeling half-relieved and half-worried. She traded a huge part of herself, but she had no idea whether the devil in front of her would really grant her wishes. It was a gamble that had already been made, and even if it cost her a lot, she did not regret it one bit.

She couldn't avenge herself, she couldn't protect her most important people... If the devil could help her, she was willing to take the chance.

Mira waved her hand, "Okay, you can go back now. By the way, after leaving, you will forget about this encounter. Only the part of your soul that I take with me will remember... well, I just wanted you to know. Go on your way now."

Just like that, the soul faded into the darkness, and only the enchanting devil was left standing in place.

The book appeared in front of Mira again. Her white hand made a great contrast against the black cover. She flipped through the book once more, huffed, and out of annoyance, tore all the pages.

A bright red lollipop appeared from out of nowhere. Her irritated expression disappeared, and she happily took it. In a moment, she too disappeared.

Only endless darkness and torn pages remained in the original space.


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